The Michelle Collins Show with Michelle Collins


Comedian and one of the OG "pop culture experts" Michelle Collins of The View, Bravo, Random Aftershow and SiriusXM "fame" brings you the content you desire: Funny, fearless, off the cuff takes few are brave enough to admit. With a roster of comedians, celebrities and friends joining her to co-host, every episode unfolds with a certain excitement as you truly can never guess where it's headed next. You'll walk away with the news and pop culture information you need to know, as well as personal stories about our host and guest no one asked for but we promise you will cherish. For daily episodes, video content, and so much more, head over to and sign up for a free trial.

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Recent Reviews
  • k8fir
    Love this podcast!
    Michelle is hilarious! I promised myself that I would treat myself with her podcast when I exercise. As motivation. I was laughing so hard, I nearly fell off the elliptical and look like a crazy person laughing with my headphones in. Michelle, your honesty, your humor and your take on topics is the best. I’m a huge fan, and love this podcast!
  • samtha3133
    Shopping stories = BORING
    , The nonstop shopping stories are boring, and she’s constantly telling everyone you look young for you age (??), how everyone loves you, and how much you work (oh brother). *** you’ve had a year to make a few Evergreen Episodes, but didn’t (lazy). Don’t bother signing up for her show until after June when her ‘tour’ is over. Otherwise you’ll have lots of no episode days Unprofessional, I can see why Sirius sacked you
  • tdotnyc
    Love this pod
    Michelle and Dan are so funny together. I wish there was an option to pay like $5 month for the once a week episode with Dan.
  • Alya O
    Utterly disappointed
    I struggled to write this review because it comes with a mixture of sadness, anger, and disappointment. After 3 years of being a fan first on SiriusXM then on Patreon, I had to accept the realization that this person I so admired was in fact not who I thought she was. I was charmed by her liberal, outspoken, and witty personality and loved her quips and stories about her upbringing. Until she completely baffled us by trying to justify this senseless war against poor oppressed people and literally had the gall to say that Netenyahu is better for Palestinians than their current government. Not to mention spewing debunked fake news and reposting idiocy by Tishby! Consider me floored! As soon as they launched earth shattering bombs, she quickly weaponized her ethnicity and fears of safety while enjoying the “luxury” of traveling around Europe. Meanwhile buildings were burying families alive. For a white, self-proclaimed atheist from Miami, whose grandparents were literally relocated from Hungary to a newly founded Israel and New York, (and who has the privilege to move to Europe whenever she wants) to say that is mind blowing! It’s funny how these so-called liberals love to get loud for selective rights, but stay silent when some human rights encroach on their comfort and privilege. I hope that the thousands of civilian deaths were worth your peace of mind to continue podcasting from various hotels in Europe.
  • jasonpaulradford
    Please, Michelle, tell us more about how miserable you are on your seemingly endless European vacation that your listeners paid for!!!! And how a waiter was rude to you. And how you were on the View for 90 seconds. And how you went shopping and found nothing. And how no one is into you because you’re 6’4”. And how we should all be Zionists. And how you’ll allow your “cohost” tell their story, you promise, (but never actually do). And how you didn’t prepare anything so skimming headlines will suffice. And how you got the worst haircut of your life!!! Please we are begging you for more info on shopping for Shein gowns that you’ll wear to events in various cities where you upgraded yourself to business class and your legs still didn’t fit and the stewardess was a c-word to you!!!
  • Mother Undercover
    Mich Head For Life
    I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to discover the unparalleled humor and quickness of @michcoll. The good news is that I now have many years worth of episodes to listen to. Truly the best!
  • Emmy_F20
    Breathtakingly funny
    Nobody makes me howl at the moon with laughter like Michelle. A true, singular talent and she should win every award—all of them!—just for being hilarious. Smarter, faster, quicker more clever than all the rest. My only question, and this isn’t a read just genuinely….wondering: is Dan funny?
  • KCOinBrooklyn
    Manicured hands down the funniest in the game
    Michelle Collins is a delight to spend time with. A great friend in your head and her chemistry with Dan Acton is heaven.
  • Belly Shennett
    So F’n funny!
    I’ve listened to all the episodes at least twice. Michelle is so quick witted and an absolute delight. I subscribe to over 30 podcasts and this one is definitely my favorite! Now, if you’ll excuse me… I have to throw away all my V-neck t-shirts.
  • SunshineDem99
    She is horrible at this… Zero preparation or professionalism and all she does is talk about buying & returning things and COMPLAINING incessantly. She is clearly in a life/career spiral. She bullies Dan and Abby into laughing and saying she’s nice but you can hear the arm twisting through the air waves. A real mean girl…save your time and money
  • Mhgolden
    Gone downhill - don’t bother
    The incessant cackling and narcissism is beyond annoying and makes it near impossible to listen to. There’s a reason all the good reviews are old… it used to be somewhat bearable but no longer. Not worth the time and definitely not worth paying for. Don’t bother, unsubscribe!
    Bryan Feed of Midnight Snack a Requirement
    Patreon, first time long time on the Review board; but I had to. Please add a Bryan Feed to the Mom Feed option and take all the money. 😂🤣😂 Added bonus to the pod today - I’m coming to Amsterdam in a month and now have a martini bar to try!
  • MidnightSnackFan
    A must-listen pod!
    Michelle and Dan have an unbelievable chemistry that is heartwarming and hysterical. Such a fun podcast that has me laughing uncontrollably. The only thing that’s missing is a Midnight Snack tour! One can only hope.
  • working on my night cheese
    Mich-head from the old country
    This is my comfort show! Truly feels like catching up with a brilliant hilarious friend every day. In fact my parasocial relationship with Michelle has me feeling defensive of her reading some of these reviews. Who takes the time to write a negative review for a podcast?? Embarrassing 😂
  • Ad summers
    Honestly, Collins is just a narcissistic bore. I’ve never heard anyone talk so much about themselves. No one else can get a word in without her constantly interrupting to talk about herself. It’s no wonder she can’t hold a job in entertainment.
  • Nyorker45
    It’s ok but
    She has lots of stories to tell and does so in a interesting way but she does seem to have an inflated ego and always needs her co host to laugh at everything she says. Dan’s laugh always seems forced and sort of fake just to make her happy. She was the same way on radio Andy with her other co host who force a laugh also and Abby’s laugh is so fake, sometimes she laughs out of habit even when Michelle says something serious.. She is so afraid of being cancelled by the woke liberal left that she toes the line and never can say anything that may upset them, even if it is justified. An example is when she almost justifies the smash and grab robberies by saying they are doing this because they have not got what they deserved in life. Really , they deserve 25,000 dollar Rolex watch? And she says it is ok because Nordstrom can afford it, but she is so in her bubble that she doesn’t realize the trickle down effect it will have with higher prices for paying customers and a slash of jobs for employees who actually work to buy stuff they need. She can’t intellectually be honest or have rational Conversation when she is so afraid of the far left cancelling her. The advice column part is sooo boring. Why are we paying to hear her read Dear Abby and the response. It’s just a way to fill the time she needs to make it an hour show. And what is up with the top secret location of where she is seeing Beyoncé ? Is her ego that high where she feels a fan is going to spend thousands of dollars for a flight and hundreds of dollars for a concert ticket just to meet her at a concert? She told the listeners she was seeing ABBA concert on a Friday night and was seeing Guys and Dolls in London on Saturday but yet can’t say where she is seeing Beyoncé? Odd. And when she called her listeners Vultures for wondering why a show was not on one day, was the last straw for many people to cancel her Patreon. I feel lots of people have left the paid part because she keeps offering all these free trials!! And her merch must not be selling because she never mentions it anymore. She claims to be a great intellect but her life consist of Zara returns and insisting people know she is “a nice person”, and endless dates and Airbnb problems.
  • unacunac
    Love Michelle Collins
    Literally the funniest and most fun podcast. Highly recommend.
  • FormerBestie
    Fall from favor
    America’s best friend for me has fallen from favor. I believe Ego is a thing and when it’s allowed to prevail over professionalism, work ethic, and standards, you can’t stay on top. I truly fell in love with Michelle s show when it replaced the Taylor Sprecker show but that didn’t last long after making the jump to Radio Andy and then the plummet off the cliff with her Patreon show. I don’t know what it’s like walking her path but when it comes down to it she s an entertainer providing, well, entertainment, or at least she used to. What I see now between social media platforms, patrons being blocked for being honest, Michelle trolling her own Reddit page where people voice opinions freely without their comments being deleted or being blocked from a service they pay for, is a thin skinned entertainer who should remove herself from the public to focus on her mental health. This is the last place people can post freely without having their honest reviews censored. I used to listen religiously on Sirius, followed her to Patreon and tried to hang on. I recently cancelled my subscription and hope the free episodes that are released show a glimmer of the entertainer she used to be.
  • Ellabee2
    Former fan
    She’s so incredibly rude to her guests that this is impossible to listen to. She alway cuts them off, yells at them, and gets upset when they don’t agree with her. She also just uses it as a way to hawk her patreon. Not even worth a listen anymore.
  • Marifotp
    Seek treatment
    Michelle is in a deep financial and career spiral and cannot take any criticism without blocking or cancelling a paying customer’s subscription. She is very unprofessional, never prepared and complains she works so hard, yet she puts out low effort work (maybe 5 hours tops a week.) Hopefully she will stop yelling at her mom for beating her as a child (black eye) and will seek trauma therapy because she speaks and treats every single guest the same way she claims her mom treats her. You need to a mental health professional more than Zara you can’t bother to return or fit into rather than leaving in hotels for people to throw it out. INSUFFERABLE EGOMANIAC
  • Z Dickerson
    Why pay for this
    Listen to a free Patreon episode and can’t believe anyone pays for this middle age person with a huge inflated ego. Her Mom was on and she is delightful but Michelle treats her so bad. Hope the parents are not still having to financially support Michelle.
  • loveit2234
    In the most recent episode…not sure if it was supposed to be sarcastic but the way she snapped at her mom made me really uncomfortable. She invited the conversation….no need to do that.
  • Dork Queen
    Funniest episode ever
    I revisit this episode because the pig milk discussion is hilarious🤣
  • Annie57932
    Repetitive and basic.
    I just don’t know how many times I can listen to someone talk about getting her haircut, going shopping, or going out to eat. I really wanted to like it, but it’s getting incredibly repetitive, especially when combined with her Patreon show that also leaves a lot to be desired. It’s a lot of the same jokes over and over again…similar stories too. Dan seems nice, but I just don’t get the overall appeal. It seems like there’s no real concept for this show, other than just letting Michelle talk without any preplanning whatsoever, and with so many podcasts to choose from, it feels really lazy and basic. She doesn’t seem to care about her shows anymore, so why should I.
  • jen rose red
    Repetitive drivel
    All she talks about is what a good person she is, how charming she is, what a great tipper she is, and how young she looks. She says all of this so much that I assume none of it is true.
  • tyqienbdgtd
    Like talking with my girlfriend🤗
    I love listening to your daily rituals and adventures. I miss you though - hope you’re coming back with some new episodes soon!
  • dedeferre
    We gasped and clutched our pearls 😳😂
    Against Patty Lupone ?! Iam sure secretly everyone is! Ppl don’t just speak freely about it. 😁😁 she’s a legend after all! I love you let it all out! Love ya Michelle💙💙
  • supercoolpersonthingstuff
    Macro Dose of MCDA
    So glad I signed up for the Patreon. They always get me to actually laugh out loud every time!
  • BellaAppleSong
    Missed you
    Maybe you should invite guests on this podcast. I won’t pay for more on Patreon,sorry! I think on Sirius you reached a larger audience, but I wish you well.
  • Geoff_with_a_J
    Thank goodness for Michelle
    I don’t want to imagine a world without these silly lil podcasts in my ears each week! Giving only the best!!
  • nsarichny
    Keep up the good work Mich. We Michheads from the old country love listening to you. As for the people complaining about Patreon, go scratch.
  • LucyLiberal
    We need more Mich!
    I love Michelle and really enjoy this podcast. There seems to be lack of consistency and she doesn't always post every week. Also the Patreon levels are very expensive
  • bcough
    Love Michelle Collins! She needs her own TV show somewhere. Her and Dan have the best energy together & the wine episodes of recent have been HYSTERICAL ❤️👍
  • ashburger1981
    Miss you
    Miss listening to you on xm so as much as you talked about midnight snack I never made it over to listen but was having some withdrawals from your daily events from shopping to dinners.
  • Vthrill
    New Format 🙄
    I used to enjoy this podcast. The only way to hear a full episode now is to subscribe to the show’s Patreon. I’ll pass.
  • pixiefairy29
    Please just keep doing the two of you
    I know you keep saying this is temporary and you’ll soon have guests again but I LOOOOOVE this new version where it’s just Mich and Dan. You two have the best friendship and shared sense of humor. I love how the two of you make each other laugh. It makes ME laugh. I look forward to this all week. Cheers!
  • MLI926
    Patreon peddling
    I get that you need to pay the bills but please stop interrupting a conversation to say you are moving it to patreon. It’s manipulative and childish.
  • Klo910
    Cant wait till they get back!
    I Love Michelle and Dan. Michelle is the best ever, but I also really like Dan with her. He is funny and a perfect compliment to her. I listen to their banter over and over again. I don’t know what people are talking about with his laugh. I think it is the best.
  • MAYBE2023
    I listen to this podcast when I need to laugh and hear some honest, genuine, fun gabbing. Michelle feels like a friend in my ear who just gets it.
  • LouSmith434
    Stop laughing Dan
    It’s embarrassing
  • Lizama95
    I’m Happy Again
    I used to PAY to a radio subscription just so I can listen to Michelle Collins shenanigans! Absolutely love her and her sense of humor. So glad I found your podcast!
  • @pausedface
    Don’t go to bed hungry.
    I devour about 37 hours of Michelle per week on her daily SiriusXM morning show, but always leave a little room for a midnight snack with this podcast. If you enjoy pop culture, actual culture, and a comedian who “gets” “it,” have a little bite of chit chat and great interviews with the hilarious Michelle Collins (and her great sidekick, Dan Acton!).
  • shaglow
    Get ready to laugh
    Michelle makes me actually audibly laugh most days. So smart, vulnerable, quick and also just very genuine in her interview style. And also I love when she makes Dan laugh 🤣
  • EMBlandin
    You’ll never find a funnier podcast
    Guaranteed to actually laugh out loud several times an episode, I have no idea why this is the #1 podcast in the charts- or why Michelle doesn’t have her own talk show. WE WANT MORE MICHELLE!! :)
  • sideofpickles
    5/5 Chuckles
    This pod keeps me laughing! Love it
  • Carshe
    I love Mich but why aren’t there consistent updates?
  • leigh899
    Can’t not lol
    I always get a chuckle out of this pod! Michelle and Dan are a golden duo with the best banter.
  • Rscrilla
    Hilarious and entertaining!
    Michelle and Dan make you feel like you’re in the room with two old friends!
  • carrietharris
    Easy Breezy Covergirl
    This chick is all the things. I could seriously listen to her banter all day long. Funny, insightful, self-deprecating. And her beauty is wasted on this audio medium. Even though I’m outside of what I assume is a youthful demographic (I’m 63), I love her.
  • DRxUGS
    Love Michelle
    So happy Michelle moved to radio Andy! I’ve been a fan of hers for years. Thanks Michelle for getting me through many work shifts! Also the view succs girl
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