Y'all Ever


Y'all Ever is a big dumb show that believes you are not alone. Your life is relatable and your pain is relatable and comedian Hampton Yount wants you to know that. Every week he reads your embarrassing stories, your stories of struggle, your stories of mental illness and more, to let you know that you are not the only person going through it. There is also a lot of laughing, and stupidity, and Rage Against the Machine jokes, because Hampton is going through it too, and can only cope with it by talking about the year 1999. Come wit it now. Y'all Ever is the only relatable podcast.

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Recent Reviews
  • Naomi094
    Intro too long
    Why does it take so many podcasters so long to get to what the actual topic of the episode. 😭😭😭😭36 mins in and we still haven’t gotten to the point……
  • miranetsolutions
    Chaotic & all over the place.
    Wasn’t my cup of tea. Sounds very similar to the typical shock jock radio shows. They seem to be trying too hard to be funny and the conversations go off topic too much.
  • Cleopatraj
    Chaotic and not in good or funny way.
    Save your time.
  • kristablevins
    Y’all ever NOT talk over each other?
    This podcast is men pretending being loud = funny.
  • Jack Minneapolis
    Hampton Rocks
    Super unique comedic perspective. Different from any other comedian. Great personality. Feels like a friend you’ve known forever. Nothing else makes a person feel as good.
  • Bull Looking for a Rider
  • miggleg
    if suicide buddies isn’t coming back
    can my friend and I steal the idea please
  • raymondgriffin
    Highly recommend
    Very friendly employees! Helpful! Great meats and produce. Recommend Artisan Breads. Convenient having ACE Hardware right there too.
  • Yawcub Boffman
    Thank you
    Y’all ever (Suicide buddies) helped me get the strength to be more open about my mental health with friends and family. I love any format of this show because Hampton and Dave are honest about themselves and their thoughts. I love all aspects of the show but I think it would be great to add a more serious attempt at Hampton’s helpful hints perhaps a continuous prompt for the emails or a segment where the talk is focused on coping strategies or ways that people have pulled themselves out of a rough patch. Anyhow, love the show and all three of you guys (can’t forget about Aristotle).
  • cbs zigs
    cbs zigs
    Love it. My husband calls Hampton and Dave my “podcast friends”. They are getting me through, man.
  • texasrockstar
    Post switch update
    Hampton and Dave are a good time. Dave a little more if you’re a goat. I do miss the dstld jean ads tho
  • rubeneatszombies
    Dave Ross and Hampton Yount are my parents
  • @patrickchuerta
    Love the new format.
    Was of fan of Suicide Buddies, loving the new format. Best of luck on everything
  • Hughsie9
    The first podcast I’ve listened to in a long time that has made me cry with laughter
  • Dickie ziggen
    I’ll give the 5th star for a waffle cone, or a handy J.
    Dear penthouse forum...
  • Deadly_Fern
    Y’all ever write a review for a good podcast?
    I started with the new format and listened to a couple of episodes of the old format. These guys are hilarious. I’m glad there’s a group of people that feel comfortable making jokes about mental health issues. Definitely makes me feel not as bad about my own struggles with anxiety and depression.
  • joe_rogan
    Better than my podcast
    Unsubscribe from me and listen to Hampton and Dave exclusively
  • sixtynine420911
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since the first episode of suicide buddies and just wanted to say it’s so great
  • robotvseobots
    My name is Karen
    Okay so my name is Karen okay Also this podcast is great
  • Bee123!!
    Loved the old podcast, like the new. Great laughs. A lot of help during quarantine
  • random6666666666666661
    A good review, as a treat.
    Great comedians, silly banter and dumb conversations to help get through these dark times. Anyone that leaves a bad review of this podcast is a class traitor, a bootlicker and an enemy of the state.
  • Hanburns
    I’m cryin’ (in a good way)
    Y’all Ever: Still gets me belly laughing with their banter. I look forward to this podcast. I’m also in the Facebook group and the members there share some of the best memes. Love you guys! Suicide Buddies: I’ve been listening since the pod first came out and realized I haven’t given it a review it deserves. As a person with depression and a suicidal past I’m happy there’s something that can shine a light on it and make me genuinely laugh. Hampton and Dave’s bantering really kill me in the best way possible. By far the most I’ve laughed out loud was the Mental Health awareness day. I was chopping onions while listening which made me cry but then the laughter tears soothed my lil eye balls. Keep up the good work you crazy fools
  • Alorx
    People are dumb!!
    Anyone giving this podcast one star belong in with the COVID protesters. Love the show!
  • bro island
    Change is good
    I like this podcast and appreciate the change. The old podcast was great and helped me a lot but the transition to something different is fine. You can’t please everybody!
  • Mr. Fletcherr
    I miss Suicide Buddies
    The old format was better. Disappointed that they stopped.
  • boots__
    Supremely unfunny
    This podcast sounds like the asinine conversations your ex used to have with his idiot friends while you died on the inside
  • good space jam
    Big love
    Big love for suicide buddies, big love for y’all ever thanks for the pod
  • Vesloc
    F**k No
    This is what out sounds like when two 12 year olds start a podcast
  • over69000
    Whatever the opposite of terrible is... awesome?
    Love this podcast Dave and Hampton stupid funny
  • master.rawr20
    This podcast is
  • Ilovewater2
    Hampton’s review
    Hampton’s review is the reason I love these two people.
  • Lars0000000017
    Get mentally swole
    I used to be a mental weakling. A serene, neurotypical person once kicked sand at me on the beach. Now I can crush objects with my emotional well being. I owe it all to these two.
  • Hampton Yount
    Actually this is the greatest podcast in the entire world??
  • adogshope
    Don’t make a podcast then completely change it.
    This used to be my favorite podcast until it changed from Suicide Buddies to Ya’ll Ever. Make a completely NEW podcast if you want to change it. I can’t even listen to this crap anymore. And I thought I had found something to help me get through the suicidal thoughts. But there is NOTHING. Why is true crime allowed to hit nerves and throw the deaths of people in other people’s faces to get the murder solved?. I am so sick of true crime. We obviously don’t want to solve the reason people kill themselves. We just want to sweep it under the rug. I was going to sign up for the Patreon but I am soooooooooo glad I didn’t.
  • googe it dog
    U guys are great tho
    im just a 8 year girl who is very disapointed in this stupid useless game!!!! it copies other popilar games like helix jump and more just to make misreball kids like me making my dad get this junk game I hate this game if you are the DUMB developer of this GAME I want to say I’m proud of u because u tried but I will give this game a 0 rateing if I could i f u forgot my name is Brianna Flores. Plz make this game better ur probley lazy to make it better so pleas trie
  • Walaf Shan
    Tragically beautiful
    Dave and Hampton make dumb jokes for half an hour, then make dumb jokes about a historical suicide for another half hour ... and I laugh myself sick at every episode. It’s perfect if you can be open about depression, nihilism, and yes, suicide. If those are rough subjects for you, try out one of the Christmas episodes and see if you like it.
  • suzetteicidal
    I like this podcast.
  • ukuleile_^_^
    Aristotle (not a cat)
    Y’all ever.. love a podcast so much that waiting for the next episode seems like it takes years but it’s only been a week?
  • The Weasel King
    Favorite podcast to recommend before people stop talking to me
    This podcast is so funny and so genuine and I wouldn’t say it’s ever single-handedly saved my life, but it’s an ongoing contributor to my continued existence. Thank you to Dave, Hampton, and Aristotle (not a cat).
  • @poleslaw
    You guys are really funny
    Like REALLY funny.
  • Nate,the Plate, from Michigan
    Love it
    Don’t kill yourself, that’s lame.
  • Literallyjustlikestop
    Grower not a show-er.
    Title says it all.
  • Notbravesfan
    I look up avicii and this comes up. Distasteful
  • prussiavevo
    My favorite podcast—ever
    These guys mean the world to me! Been there for me in times where they didn’t even realize it. Only beef is Dave is never touring in the dc area. Show up my man!! Seeing Hampton was fantastic i can’t wait to tell you how amazing you are to your face
  • Manolis223
    Love these guys!!!
    They are so unbelievably genuine in their intentions and they KILL IT with their execution (poor phrasing). You two are incredible, and I'm glad you're both alive.
  • Luckycow1914
    Dave and Hampton are hilarious
    Listening to two comedians take the isolating dark thoughts, I didn’t know others had, and turn it into the butt of a joke is kind of comforting. Thanks for making me less alone in my thoughts!
  • Daulttrio
    The only other podcast I listen to
    And I love it! Thanks to Never Seen It Podcast I came across this one (I may even like it a lite bit more, maybe not, I don’t know, they are both great!) Like many other listeners, I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety for years and I never thought two buddies talking about such a taboo subject would bring me so much joy! Seriously, most people in my life are so touchy about mental health and avoid the topic with me that it’s suffocating. These guys are like a breath of fresh air! Some of the history and stories are insane! As long as the keep making episodes I’ll keep listening!
  • The bodj
    Extremely Suicide and Incredibly Buddies
    Been a fan for a while now but for the last week I’ve been binging the back catalog in attempt to get out of a major depressive episode... and hey, it’s working!
  • tybeerious615
    I’m happy they both of them are with us
    Dave and Hampton are hilarious and this is a hilarious podcast with a good message underlying all the humor. Come with it now!
  • FoxyTestarosa
    Some serious sexual tension between them, pretty good jokes too.
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