Plz Advise


Writer and co-founder Molly McAleer and her diverse roster of guests tear into listener voicemails, giving advice and exploring the underlying issues while laughing all the way. If you would like Molls to answer your question, call (323) 450-7408 and leave a message.

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Recent Reviews
  • dominobrewer
    The show you never want to end
    I started binging the plz advise backlog in January.. I’m finishing now in April and loved every minute. Love you plz advise
  • maaaarg
    I miss it
    But that’s ok :)
  • JazDroz
    Fun, sassy, entertaining
    This podcast is legit the best. With a lot of podcasts it seems I have to be in a particular mood to listen but with this one I’m always up for it - such a rarity . What a freaking gem! Molls, Kristina, and their guests are fabulous and I thoroughly enjoy the episodes where everyone is interpreting a call/letter differently and giving their own take on a situation - it can be very eye opening. Love, love, love!
  • Sk8ergurl4lyfe__
    5 stars
    Love this podcast! But i do think it’s strange how they go weeks/ months without producing any new content and then jump back in without reasoning, still love the pod and can’t wait for the next ep
  • nan_erz
    Love the show
    Thank y’all for everything ❤️
  • D&&&&&
    Love this pod
    Woohoo! Best pod ever
  • JR Bones
    Painfully unintelligent
    They just don’t even seem to have command of language and it’s like nails on a chalkboard.
  • bolsitabeatriz
    I love this podcast so much. Molls & Kristina are brutally honest, but kind, & they never fail to see the humor in everything. Their guests are always a great fit for the pod’s vibe & it always feel like a good, easy conversation among friends. Can’t get enough. Thank you so much for creating this. PS- Hi Wags
  • Singh awk jam
    You should’ve spent much more time talking about the affirmative action aspect of the whole “paying for college admission” scandal. Kristina brought it up and you completely disregarded it. People swear up and down that their kids didn’t get into college because of affirmative action, when really it’s been rich idiots stealing their spots the entire time. Disappointed.
  • 1253647383
    Best podcast ever.
    Obsessed with Molly, she would be one of my best gal pals IRL I’m sure
  • hc000123
    My favorite
    10/10 my go-to pod.. I’ve been a regular listener for over a year now and I’m running out of old episodes to listen to while waiting for the new ones.
  • hanyekrosita
    Love this podcast
    I love Molls and all of her podcasts, but this is my fav. The show is hilarious and part of my everyday routine at this point. Keep it up!
  • juliehanster
    Love the podcast
    I love Molls and this podcast. She’s hilarious and entertaining. She also keeps it real with her advice. Her guests are great. I just found the podcast so I’m catching up on so many funny episodes!
  • Marlenie(:
    One of the best
    Love the pod. Molly and Kristina are awesome and give great advice!! 💖💖💖
  • patrickO'Cool
    Listen for the banter stay for the advice
    Lighthearted and good natured, Molls is what we need in 2018. Her voice puts me at ease and she just makes me so happy! Love you so much girl you’re talented, smart, witty, and brilliant.
  • Glad I didn't subscribe!
    Great pod
    When r u guys coming back?
  • scullymulder16
    This pod consistently makes me laugh out loud. Molls, Kristina, and guests give great/hilariously honest advice. Feels like hanging out with friends whenever I listen.
  • lamblvr
    Luv u molls
    The format of this pod is perfect. I love how honest Kristina and Molls are - even when their opinions differ. The guests are always surprising and cool plus they’ve gotten me into podcasts that I never would’ve found otherwise. I have called in and molls spent a good amount of time giving me advise that really did help. Sometimes it’s really nice to hear your worth from someone that’s not your BFF or mom.
  • claire_bean
    This is my first review for anything ever - I love this podcast!
  • Sorrycharlies
    Molly is a bully
    Molly is a mean bully ! She roasts her guest in between her slurred words. Only call if you want to be abused.
  • Elizabeth Brozek
    Really mean to people who call in under the guise of “tough love.” White feminism runs rampant on this pod.
  • REM1001
    5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Molls is funny, sharp and says exactly what I’m thinking. This pod is my favorite one out there. They make my week so much brighter and LOLZ.
  • emmahelene
    Molls is my queen
    I listen to SO MANY podcasts, and this one has an extremely special place in my heart and work week. Molly & Kristina have gotten me through a really hard time in my life, their dynamic and advice and sense of humor is indescribably tight. Thank you and thank you and thank you. Plz Advise Nation forevs
  • Ajh_3773
    If you catch the host on a good day, the advice is awesome. If not, it can be condescending, snarky, and downright rude. Nobody is expecting Molls to be nice 24/7, but kindness goes a long way. Would love Kristina to have a bigger voice- her advice is usually amazing!
  • sadiernew
    Everything taken personally
    I like how direct Molly is, but most of the time trying to understand where she's coming from or what she's reading into the questions gives me a headache.
  • ladybaelish
    So fun
    Molls and her guests are always so funny and Kristina has excellent points. I love this show, the chemistry between everyone is so entertaining!
  • lamartin91
    There are just no downsides to Molls’ podcasts - as a longtime twitter follower who pretty much doesn’t use twitter anymore, pls advise in particular has filled my void of dark humor and coping with the traumatic parts of life with others who understand that and have the ability to cope with humor. Just as on point as Blair Waldorf’s headbands once were, may they rest in peace .
  • Lo8755
    The perfect pod
    Molls and Kristina are a force and podcast is perfect.
  • Kertwomey
    Candid, funny, relatable
    I love listening to Molls, Kristina, and guest(s) give their responses to topics the callers ask for advice on, share from their backgrounds/experiences, and interact with Wags. The repeat guests that know Molls personally are my favorite - Ed Hansen, Stacy Jones, Ronnie Karan, Jason Shapiro, etc - because their chemistry is so natural. I also appreciate how everyone is so open about what they are struggling with in their own lives, too, especially since the last presidential election. Plz Advise is super relatable listening, and has actually helped me in my own life in addition to being entertaining.
  • Anijess3
    I ‘preciate this pod.
    My in-depth review got eaten by the net, but I’ll say in the years listening, Molls and Kristina have helped me grow personally with their valuable and different perspectives. I love that I can grow accustomed to new ideas with a solid dose of humor. I look forward to every Wednesday because of this pod, and there really aren’t too many good things about Wednesdays, so you can at least count that as a success. Hope for more advice to come! Best wishes for the new year.
  • secretrunway
    Molly & Kristina have been like my invisible friends for years... love this podcast.
  • amarisrr
    Molls and Kristina are so great together, I could listen to them all day long, well actually I already do. Love y’all!!! ❤️
  • kim in cle
    So amazing!
    Love Molls, Kristina and Polar Seltzer!
  • AlisonMarieJay
    The tough love we all need
    Listening to this podcast changed my life. Not even being hyperbolic. Molls, Kristina, and guest are constantly making me see/think about things in a different way. I've called in before and got some great advice.
  • Aliebabwa
    Molls is a modern day dr Laura
  • Ral Doll
    Favorite podcast!
    Molls kills the game with the advice. I've wanted to call in before but I've listened to the show so much that I can hear her telling me to dump my boyfriend before I even finish thinking of what I would ask!
  • Rdm728
    Doing my part to get to 500
    Better late than neva!
  • sylthepill
    Wednesday is the best day
    Molls doesn’t support rose gold engagement/wedding rings and has excellent reasoning as to why. SHE IS V WISE. Listen!
  • Natalialyce
    One of the best podcasts !!
  • travsontravs
    Love Molls, love the pod.
    {see title, thx}
  • alexx665
    Love love love
    Always hilarious, my favorite ❤️
  • stephaniebridg
    Cut the Fat
    Listened every week since the beginning and ashamed I’m just reviewing. Molls is my queen, and I owe her for teaching me to ditch toxicity and know thyself.
  • Lexiraemeow
    good as gold
    I’ve been following Molls since her YouTube nail polish video days. This podcast is the tough love best friend most of us are missing, I’d be lost without her.
  • Shopgal4
    Great podcast
    This is a great podcast! Full of wit and snarky insight, I really enjoy listening. This was the first of Molls' podcasts that I listened to and really enjoy all of them.
  • scwinter88
    Like Hanging out With Friends
    A friend turned me on to this podcast a couple of years ago and I've been a devout convert ever since. Molls and Kristina are frank but fair and v. lolz along the way. Listening to them every week makes me feel less lonely on my soul-sucking NYC subway commute. Thanks ladies!
  • messyaries
    yes girl
    Idk what we would do without this pod
  • Caliblair
    Advice and humor
    Molls and her guest give great advice, don’t believe in best friends and know your bf is cheating on you before you do. Love it.
  • nadinenichole
    I trust Molls with my life
    She is...the mother I never had. She is...the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves. I don't know a better person.
  • marcosparks
    There has never been a podcast better than this one...
    ...and will there ever? Maybe. But it'll probably be hosted by Molls as well.
  • Hilbark
    I know Molly and I aren’t actually friends but sometimes I forget that. Listening to her podcast for hours a day got me through some tough times.
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