Daves of Thunder


Dave Dameshek and his pal David Feeney ARE BACK to bring their brand of hooey & applesauce to the world. Where Murtaugh and Riggs left off, Dameshek and Feeney begin. When these two get together, NO subject is off-limits (except for some subjects)!

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Recent Reviews
  • Nickfront
    Bring it Back
    The Monkeys and BTL’s need more if you please
  • IceIceBergy
    Bring it back
    Even as a hobbie
  • Trolololo looo
    As a Crime Scene Detective
    And a big fan, let it be known if you don’t give us at least one more episode there will be repercussions. If the Daves ever come to the second largest city in OK and run afoul of some heinous crime, I will REFUSE to do a thorough investigation! Okie-Dokie?
  • Imarush
    Only in January of 2020 can flu jokes work. Of course, in 2011, you ruined my marriage by ending your broadcast. So glad you two came back together…..
  • casey.b.a
    We need More
    Mores pages
  • Bohnzo
    Looking for Feeny
    This is my favorite pod ever, give us one more.
  • stokton12
    I miss my Daves
    I hope they come back
  • jay12v
    More please!
    No DOT not okie dokie with me.
  • Suave Dubs
    Sick in my balls
    Please come back Daves. You are Pioneers of the medium. Titans of comedy. This is the greatest show ever. For the love of all that is holy please come back and let it continue until the end of time.
  • daveshusbandsboyfriend
    When Dave’s
    Do it for me and come back. I can’t live without you. Well the good Dave that is. Semper fi Mike franklin
  • HarrySeeward
    More Episodes
    Help us, Daves. We need you now more than ever...
  • Frank The Great White Buffalo
    Missing Daves
    We need a “RETURN OF THE DAV-i’s”where art thou Dave’s of Thunder My heart aches
  • Mackmoney3000
    Fun times with your drunk uncles
    This show is like spending time with your favorite drunken uncles... two aging dudes who brag about their careers and women but are still a hoot to spend time with. And like your favorite drunks, they are unreliable. Coming and going as they please... don’t expect a regular episode schedule
  • DaveIsNotHere
    Football .... what about some new episodes... get in your cups and give the people what they want
  • Hnirobert
    DOT is a thin slice of heaven
    Where’s the gauge?
  • Most Discerning Reviewer
    One of the highlights of my week Truly I love this show I have never missed an episode old or new
  • kfisher776
    More jacuzzi thoughts
    This show is a thin slice of heaven. I’m swooning.
  • sCoobeEPOK
    Very Funny
    Love Feeney’s emails the most. DameSHECK is more than the straight man.
  • dpottz
    Feenster’s Union
    Big fan
  • LonnieBeale
    The Daves must make it episode 66!
    Great to have the Daves back for even one episode (“Big fan...”) but shame the devil if Shek doesn’t get to honor the magnificent (and truly great) one in an episode 66 (>99). I came into listening the podcast as a member of the Shek Republic but have now shifted allegiance to the Feenster’s Union. I hate the guy’s Boston sports fandom but he is a comedic genius!
  • Djnacho101
    Big Fan!
    It doesn’t get much funnier than these two!
  • so j gd day j gd
    MORE DAVES OF THUNDER worked!! Hot Chinese mustard. Mmmmmmmmmmmm
  • LosAnglesRams4life
    Feeney and Dave are great!! Awesome Podcast
  • Idahopadre
    What’s a Podcast?
  • Ironlung666
    Yeah. It is so good but I don’t know why I love listening to other’s conversations?
    Love Daves. It is cool to let Feeney work blue. Are any kids or prudes listening to this?
  • AndrewHJ84
    From the BTLs
    Spin already! Waiting makes my balls ache!
  • MeredithJo
    Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave Dave 🎼
    The greatest American heroes!
  • segreaw
    Big fan
    Shek republic
  • Kevosabi27
    Big Fan
    Dave Sr. Is the best Dave
  • Boston guy living in NYC
    Big fan
    You’re welcome
  • kamilli133
    How am I just discovering this show. This is brilliant
  • Pete211
    Good grief
    If this is the maturity level on 50+ men in La La Land, we are all doomed. Adult up Davids. Otherwise enjoyable.
  • Slish*
    At least I’ve mowed a lawn
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place chicken in a roasting pan, and season generously inside and out with salt and pepper. Sprinkle inside and out with onion powder. Place 3 tablespoons margarine in the chicken cavity. Arrange dollops of the remaining margarine around the chicken's exterior. Cut the celery into 3 or 4 pieces, and place in the chicken cavity. Bake uncovered 1 hour and 15 minutes in the preheated oven, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F (82 degrees C). Remove from heat, and baste with melted margarine and drippings. Cover with aluminum foil, and allow to rest about 30 minutes before serving.
  • FebrezeMeUp
    The best a podcast can get!
    Listened to the Dave’s blast creeps back in 2010 and now to hear they’re back makes me giddy with joy. The banter between these two boys always makes my mouth water for more. Keep feeding me with sweet noise nectar.
  • Steve Farris
    Back with more hooey and applesauce
    The Daves are back with a new testament and it’s better than ever! LOVE this show.
  • we goochy 26
    The father of all podcasts
    It’s pretty alright
  • gardjus
    Okie dokie
    Okie dokie
  • Brandnubian
    Just Gary
    Pretty Alright
  • RichWardjr
    I love this show so much it hurts sometimes
    See above.
  • TB12 VT
    Feeny Stinks
    Love Dameshek- wish he would do a solo lifestyle type podcast or may add a female too Feeny is not remotely funny, has a face made for a prison shiv, and a voice made for a sock and some duct tape Let’s go Dameshek!
  • Ol' Combat Medic
    Welcome back
    Bout time you guys came back. Thank you!!
  • jonnykansaf
    Football pillow
    I’ve got a drumstick in my pants!
  • Oboe One Kenobi
    Where’s the work ethic?
    Just cancel this podcast and put it out of its misery,
  • JP_16
    My favorite quarterly podcast
    I’m not sure why, but I love to hear these two and their self-important mishegas.
  • coolj29
    Best show
    Feeney’s bits Lol classic
  • rvandahm
    No Feeney, no Dave’s.
    Unsubscribed, until Feeney returns.
  • Clydog
    The funniest podcast that ever was!!!
    If you like comedy, the Daves know how to bring the funny. Every episode is spectacularly hilarious!
  • Dalton_Swayze
    Funniest Podcast Ever
    This podcast is the most re-listenable podcast of all time. Dameshek and Feeney are to podcasts what Riggs and Murtaugh are to buddy cop movies. I just want to listen to them hang out. I’ve listened and re-listened to their podcasts so many times. What I particularly appreciate about their podcast is that they are not dependent on the news of the day for their podcast to work. It’s their friendship and their history with each other that is the show’s backbone. There’s no podcast I look forward to more than Daves of Thunder. And I’m never disappointed with what each week provides. Their latest episode, where they take on their first of the Daves of Thunder Detective Agency is by far the best thing they’ve ever done. Amazing that after 100 episodes, they’re still giving us their best work. Keep it up fellas!
  • Oside79
    Seriously the funniest episode ever. Keep it up DD Detective Agency!!!
  • idandfei
    If this show hadn’t taken a hiatus it would be the number podcast on iTunes. Incidentally it is the best podcast on iTunes.
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