Horror Queers

TV & Film #227Film Reviews #21

Each week, queer hosts Joe Lipsett and Trace Thurman discuss a horror film with LGBTQ+ themes, a high camp quotient or both.

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  • ddfilm
    Do Better.
    “I think she looks more like Björk the more she gets beat up in this movie, which is a really weird thing to say.” Too weird, actually. The Deadgirl episode is so mishandled and embarrassing, I cannot fathom it exists. How are you going to leave a content warning for sensitive topics and make such an insensitive joke that's not even funny, Trace (also Dax)? Joe, you're just as pathetic for staying silent and not calling them out, or apologizing on behalf of them, too, when for other insignificant things Trace says you're so quick to do so. It's funny how you both are so sensitive, defensive, and articulate when supporting trash and the queer readings you guys do, but are not when cracking the dumbest jokes, which could alone, ironically trigger someone. After hearing the Deadgirl episode, I feel so disgusted and I want nothing to do with this podcast. Either way, the basic production info. and plot readings, along with the surface level queer readings are not cutting it, and never have. Like a former review mentioned, you both have pigeonholed queer people more to the giggles. Take both of your jobs more seriously, because what's not a joke are the listeners who often pay you with their hard earned money for you both to do this. From a queer woman to you queer men, respect women. Help women truly feel included and welcome because the amount of times I forgot Mary Beth was even in the episode and all I was hearing was a bunch of men talking were countless. Do better.
  • Calfin90
    Always making me laugh!
    Joe and Trace are hilarious! Exactly the brand of humor to entertain my hour long commute. They are both well versed in the horror genre and are always recommending films, both good and bad, that I always end up enjoying. Thanks for the many hours of entertainment!
  • BobbyNewport$$$
    Really enjoy this pod. The hosts have great discussions about the films and I really enjoy their banter.
  • Akooldude25
    The best horror podcast out there
    I’ve been listening to this show for a long time and figured it was time I write something about it as I don’t think I ever have. As a straight guy, I wasn’t sure if I’d be into this because I from how the show was described to me I didn’t think I’d get anything out of it but I couldn’t have been more wrong. This podcast has done exactly what I want a movie podcast to do for me which is challenge the way I look at films I’ve seen before and ask me to see them in a different light. I don’t always agree with the hosts opinions but I can always see where they’re coming from and respect that they always the research to back their argument up. This podcast has also introduced me to horror movies I’ve never heard of and has also made me watch films that have been on the “list” for years but never got around to watching. I’ve been exposed to all kinds of different films and filmmakers and even if I don’t always love the film I watched I’m glad I at least saw it. The hosts are great and always have me laughing. They’re both hilarious but also really well educated in the genre. I look forward to their show every week and they’re also the only Patreon I subscribe to. Keep up the good work broskis! And if you ever want an average Joe citizen to guest star on your show I’d love to throw my hat in the ring!
  • simondeldesierto
    Wish this was better
    Is this a podcast by first year film students? They’re basically reading the Wikipedia pages on the movies, with no real valuable insight or commentary provided. And they don’t even have all their facts together either. What a shame to have a mashup of other people’s opinion, misinformation and discredited rumors, posing as serious film commentary.
  • Scipietre
    As a gay man….
    As a gay man they really stereotyped us for the laughs and giggles. Made me rather sad and disappointed. Though, I tried really hard to like this but the consistent jokes about being gay and going off topic so many times it just got pathetic. If you’re reading this hosts, please be more kind to being gay instead of just cracking jokes or low blows so you could hear yourself giggle.
  • Billwillie60
    Wickedly funny and intelligent
  • garashir
    Don’t listen to The Brood episode
    The commentary vis-a-vis child abuse and abusive mothers is heinous.
  • Joshing you 62
    One of my favorites!
    It’s a great podcast. The hosts have great personalities and keep the whole show interesting. They give you plenty of context and background about the movie so you can have a greater appreciation for it. I love learning more about the movie and the behind the scenes info. They discuss a lot of different types of horror movies so there’s great variety. They often bring in guests who add to the quality of the show, adding new perspectives to theirs. I love hearing them discuss their ideas and opinions of the movie, and learning more about favorite movies and new ones. They take you through the movie and discuss it piece by piece, pointing out the queer elements, the interesting plot points, and the effect of a scene. Give it a listen!
  • LondonKev1982
    Part of my week
    I was kinda slow to podcasts - and so many factors contributed to my resistance - tone, content, POV, personalities, subject. But HQ is the only one that delivers the whole shebang for me. And I can’t get enough. Most the time, I don’t even watch the movies - their assessment and analysis is enough for me. Trace and Joe get on so well despite being very different. Trace offsets Joe’s occasional yet lovable snootiness, and Joe holds Trace accountable when he gets too “it’s fine” (lovable) Americanly privileged. The podcast is faultless to me - except for the occasional 1946 random choice that I kinda love at the same time.
  • iruvruraggy
    No, but really…
    How many times can you quote a line from a movie and then — misquote it?
  • Ghostface91!
    PC, Stuck Up Snobs
    Early on these two used to be great to listen to, but as they became more known they have become such big snobs. They always think their opinions and viewpoints are the only ones that matter and just think they’re gods gift to horror podcasts. On top this, they have become way too snobby when it comes to pushing some kind of PC agenda. They’ll bash and diminish a movie just because it doesn’t fit into their box of modern decency because it said inappropriate words or jokes. I’ve heard episodes where they go on a whole tangents. No one wants to listen to an after school special on what offends you. We wanna hear horror talk. It’s fine to say that a film’s jokes or words wouldn’t pass today, but that’s it. Move on. No need to go on a tirade. There are plenty of better horror podcasts out there who aren’t full of themselves like these two and go on pathetic tangents on being politically correct and dragging films that don’t meet those standards.
  • Spooky_M
    Drew let’s be friends!
    I never leave reviews so this is my first because the Mothman Prophecies episode was just awesome! Ari Drew hit the nail on the head, and his take reminds me of why I fell in love with this movie and continue to be fascinated with those eerie topics.
  • peanutkitty2017
    Fun and Engaging!
    I wanted to start this by saying, I hardly ever listen to podcasts, but ever since I first watched Boys In The Trees, I haven’t been able to get the film out of my head. From the characters to the aesthetic and everything in between, the film really resonated with me. But, it also left me with an array of unanswered questions, with no in-depth YouTube video or place to vent about it (since virtually no one has seen it) that is…until now! Your guys in-depth analysis of Boys In The Trees followed by personal experiences was exactly what I needed after watching Nicholas Verso’s “The Boys Trilogy” (The Last Time I Saw Richard, Boys In The Trees and Crazy Fun Park) Overall, this podcast was fun, comedic, informative and engaging! Would recommend!
  • Jmf1988
    A great conversation with your two gay horror friends
    A fantastic examination of horror films through a queer lens mixed with humor and insight of longtime genre fans and critics. The show benefits from their willingness to voice their true feelings and insights instead of relying on what they think their audience would want to hear. It’s hard to maintain steam on any project for years at a time, but Joe and Trace have done it admirably. Start anywhere, but be sure to grab the episodes on lesser known films which is where things often shine.
  • swordferncity
    One of my favorites!
    I look forward to every episode. Even if I haven’t seen the movie, I get a lot of out the episode, and the hosts are delightful.
  • Grabbishark
    The mishandling of the dead girl episode was so egregious that I’m forced to stop listening.
  • beehouse20
    Erotic thriller month rules
    Long time listener, first time commenter here to say THANK YOU for covering two of my top five favorite films ever: Bound and A Simple Favor!!! Having seen both of these at least a dozen times each, I thought there was nothing new to think or learn about them, and was delighted to be proven wrong by the enthusiastic boys and their excellent guests. What a treat this month has been.
  • shawn_x12
    favorite podcast!
    this is my favorite podcast! i’ve listened to every episode, i’ve even started relistening to episodes multiples times!
  • theurgy48
    Hosts Joe and Trace take us on Horror themed rides that I never want to end. Being non-straight can be a real buzz kill, but this podcast takes that potential ennui and bakes it into a Delicious Moribund Fruit Cake. I appreciate the different perspectives offered; very frequently point-counterpoint, especially when a guest is invited. Also love that opinions are not parsed into a binary, but are instead frequently served up as a multiplicity of intersecting
  • Mas-ed
    CIS straight male
    You guys are amazing… conversation about horror is the best, but these guys find wonderful readings of some of my favorite films that I would NEVER find on my own. Now I get my favorites paired with inspired and researched perspectives? Thank you guys; Trace we have lived so many of the same places at the same times I cannot believe we never crossed paths. Joe, you are a treasure. Thank you for standing up for all terminology and pronouns and equality. Couple of gems here. Any horror fan should check this out.
  • patfrancart
    A Treasure
    Probably the best horror film podcast I've heard. The breadth of movies is huge, and the hosts' deep appreciation of the genre is infectious.
  • Jon08C
    Love the hosts, their perspectives, and personalities! Such a fun listen for those that love horror.
  • Suzannekmoses
    Quickly becoming a favorite on my horror lists.
  • delarme
    Charming, informative, and thoughtful
    Always a delightful listen, and now “going to the gun range” has a whole new meaning.
  • b_rad1816
    Idk i like when u guys do the older horror movies like 80s n b4. The new ones r horrible and lack originality, and it seems like u guys just do newer movies n its pretty disappointing buttt i do enjoy your podcast.
  • some kind of wonderful
    Frightfully fun & informative
    This is my comfort podcast, in part because horror movies are a comfort genre for me and in part because the hosts are so pleasant and are clear lovers of and knowledgeable about the genre too. I really love when they cover a film I haven’t seen yet— like Tremors or The Lighthouse— and persuade me to give that movie a chance. It’s also great when Trace and Joe reaffirm my taste in kickass movies like The Descent or The Ruins 😃
  • fluppet
    Great Pod
    I’m a newcomer here but am absolutely loving this pod, and digging through past eps. I love that they can tackle serious issues with poise but also make me laugh like crazy. Recommended!
  • Gwarrrr307
    Just need their hot injection
    I need a constant stream to get through work.
  • Welcome2primetime
    Terrible! Boring!
    Terrible podcast. No research. Boring. And they hate redheads. Stop using slurs against people. You’d think gay people would be kinder towards everyone. They are not. It’s not okay to say red headed stepchild. I would never say gay stepchild. Screw these hate filled ignorant people. Don’t support this crap
  • dsxter2222
    These guys are awesome .love their personality's . I just wish they were a little older sometimes to understand what was happening with society and some of the older movies they critique l happen to be in my mid 50s and I just don’t think they understand what was happening before there generation so they seem to be a little hard on some of the older movies for what they do not do or they’re pacing
  • joevece
    One of my Faves
    I love Joe and Trace! They’ve introduced me to some great films that I know I would’ve never checked out on my own. The conversations are smart , fun and they usually have great guests.
  • SteffonKentavian
    Absolutely love it.
    The best gay horror podcast around. Period. I would like more recent films on the main feed tho. No shade 😭❤️
  • Leonerd_725
    Happy 200th episode!!
    Holy smokes! Congratulations guys on 200 episodes!!!! I love listening to the podcast and learning new things about some of my favorite films. I absolutely love the backlog, the guests, the banter, and everything QUEER and HORROR. Here is to 200 more episodes and beyond. Thank you for taking time out of y’all’s busy schedules to give us fans something to look forward to.
  • VieraVel
    Had to stop listening
    This one was a real struggle for me. Trace is funny and charming but Joe makes it hard for me to listen anymore. He’s got the shrill voic and thinks everything is problematic to the point of being a killjoy. I get the vibe that he hates himself for being cis and white and projects it onto all his critiques. It’s pretty insufferable. If trace ever ends up in a project with someone else I’d love to listen!
  • WSM1992
    Funny, informative, and entertaining
    I’m not much of a horror person (though I LOVE Sleepaway Camp and Hello Mary Lou Prom Night 2) so when I listen to this pod, it’s usually stuff like Drop Dead Gorgeous, Roger Rabbit, Female Trouble, etc Each episode engages in interesting discourse and gives me newfound appreciation for the movies they cover
  • iheargood
    Listen today!
    One of the best to ever do it! Joe
  • TinyTim68!
    It’s a lot
    I have listened to many episodes but I cannot do it anymore. This is a queer horror podcast that only reflects white, gay views and it’s pretty taxing. It rarely includes race or gender considerations from a insightful viewpoint and the host’s interrupt each other and all their guests!! It’s infuriating. If a woman or trans person or guest of color shows up- the hosts are constantly talking over them. It’s tough because they are both so shallow and one of them has the worst laugh and they are always judging people. It’s a reflection of some of the most shallow, ignorant and honestly harmful parts of the queer community. On their anniversary show- the hosts discussed how they make the show to help the queer community. I don’t think they understand the harm they are doing. Also they are both professional film reviewers?? Ironic. It’s not worth it.
  • Matthew Robert
    “F*** me, wow!”
    Love the pod. So much fun, even if I’m not familiar with the film being discussed.
  • Adam Newstead
    Hip, fun and scary
    Trace and Joe have great chemistry together and their love of horror movies really shows. The two hosts really feed off each other and it makes for a very entertaining podcast. Check it out.
  • fitzmelikeglove
    Those Accents Are…Everything!
    None of my friends ever want to talk endlessly about Horror movies which is why I love these two. Trace & Joe cover all the movies I adore and even introduced me to some I haven’t seen. If your a fan of John Waters you have to hear the episode about the movie “Female Trouble”. That’s my favorite episode! 🤣
  • Ocpotter
    Came for the Drop Dead Gorgeous commentary, stayed for everything else
    I discovered this podcast on, of all places, Instagram. I was searching for a DDG clip I could use on my story when I saw their post of the dance scene. DDG is my favorite 4th of July movie as well as one of my favorite movies in general (not sure what that says about me…) so of course I had to check out the episode. Loved it and listened to a few more since I love horror movies. Less than a week later and this pod has been added into the daily rotation during work. As soon as I’m done writing this review, I’m going to join the Final Girl level of the Patreon. Love, love this podcast and the hosts!
  • Hunt980
    Love the podcast and these guys so much and am a patreon member. I just wish Joe was as hard on other races as he is on white people though.
  • Johnny Utah 909
    Oh, Trace.....
    Boy, I was willing to let your love for the Texas Chainsaw Remake pass without comment. To each their own, I guessed. But now you’re going to bash Dickens’s Great Expectations? Oh, for God’s sake, how can I ever take any of your recommendations seriously again?! I still dig most of your recommendations, though, and I dig your pod. Thank you!
  • deevo1191
    So entertaining!
    Trace and Joe are so fun to listen to!! I heard about you guys from the Halloweenies podcast and so glad I did because I was hooked right away! I’ve only been listening for about 2 months, but I’m making my way through their episodes, laughing alllll the way 😂 really makes work a lot better. Thanks for doing this podcast 🙂
  • drexul
    My friends! I found them!!
    New subscriber, after listening to the Batman Returns episode. You guys are so good at this. I can’t wait to dive into your library and listen to what I had been missing. Listening, I feel like I’m hanging out with friends who are drawn to the same things I am. Glad I found you.
  • Billyrid
    Really Great Podcast!
    I really appreciate the analyses Trace and Joe provide to not only modern horror but also classic horror/suspense and its queer ties. I’ve learned a lot listening to these guys and their guests. It also doesn’t hurt that the hosts have good on-air chemistry. Sometimes Trace has to make some mental leaps which we listen to in real-time, and other times Trace helps Joe loosen up and have some fun. They really work well together to produce great entertaining and thought-provoking content.
  • frazzlead420
    Joe is a lil racist
    Joe just has the worst takes but i don’t know what i expected from a white man
  • zeviaho
    My horror movie dads
    I’ve discovered so many fun horror movies and podcasts through these two goofs.
  • Smellybernal
    Amazing pod
    This is an amazing pod!!!
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