Yahoo Sports NFL: Zero Blitz


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  • stead7
    Fitz and Schwab are šŸ‘
    Fitzy and Schwab carry this pod on their backs. Jori is incredibly knowledgeable and does a great job as wellā€¦ actually all these guys and gals are great. So knowledgeable.
  • Markbeede1
    Itā€™s Getting Better
    I must admit I was not a fan of Fitz at all. Heā€™s grown on my considerably. Heā€™s toned it down quite a bit. I love the Friday pod with Fitz, Charles and Frank. Itā€™s good football talk and very entertaining. One a my favorite listens every week Nate Tice has been a great addition. Love him and Matt Harmon together.
  • Cd7956
    Really Gone Downhill
    Iā€™ve tried to give this a fair shake but itā€™s just an impossible listen. Fitz & Schwab are knuckleheads that contradict their own arguments week to week. Just not much insight and analysis on this pod anymore, just hot takes from those two.
  • Skol_Don
    Great podcast
    Iā€™m willing to bet that people will say something about working out in moderation is because when people start getting into it they tend to go overboard posting about it ( why else would people know). They donā€™t tend to post about drinking a bottle a day.
  • GWBiscuit
    ā€œNeighbor Georgeā€ here
    Big fan of the show! This is my must-listen NFL podcast every week. So much insight and entertainment, feels like weā€™re listening in on a great conversation for an hour. I was a fan of the show back in the days of Charles, Charles, and Jori. I was initially skeptical of the format change but quickly came to love it. Jason is a tremendous host who knows when to interject and when to let everyone else speak. Frank, Jori, and C-Rob are the best in the business when it comes to covering the league. If youā€™re not listening, youā€™re missing out!
  • Perpetual Snooze
    Here for Mr. Verts, Charles McDonald
    Rip The Exempt List
  • Qpsyebd
    well-informed views, entertainingly delivered
    Very thoughtful & funny discussions, at every level of the game.
  • appuser651
    Going Downhill
    Brutal listen without Charles Robinson. Fitz & Schwab are obnoxious, Joriā€™s mic needs to be adjusted so her voice doesnā€™t hurt.
  • whatswiththiz
    Rip exempt list
    Yā€™all canceled my favor sports podcast now thereā€™s no reason for me to listen to yahoo at all
  • Super_senior94
    exempt list is the highlight of the weekly feed. I will be very very sad to see it go - a spotify listener who came to Apple Podcasts so i could comment
  • John ofMalta
    Stats and Info. Iā€™m all in
  • SFPJay
    This show used to be amazing, Terez passed (RIP) but Charles Robinson held it together. The change to zero blitz and change of host Has really diminished the quality. Making this a tough listen most days. Went from 5 starts to 2.
  • samik5086
    New Fan
    I started to listen to the pod when they brought in Jason Fritz. I was a fan of his self deprecating humor and playful attitude from ESPN. Iā€™ve grown to like all the parties involved. From the Sunday Blitz and all the programming to the week I think the entire lineup does a great job.
  • @_chancey_
    All Juice Podcast Team
    Updated: below is my original rating. I have listened to this show since the beginning, but Frank and Fitz are just not it. I may still listen to the mid week ones with Charles and Cmac. The analysis and insight the show used to have is gone. Its nothing more than a shock jock game review show that honestly isnā€™t entertaining. Iā€™ve followed Terez for several years as a KC fan. He is absolutely one of the best. I will note that Charles was a pleasant surprise. He is plugged in with great insight and it makes a top notch partnership.
  • gravy193
    I love Fitz!
    This is the only football podcast I listen to now! I recently found this podcast, so I donā€™t know who Charles is like some of the other listeners, but I love this podcast! I can listen to Fitz talk football all day and itā€™s nice that heā€™s a raiders fan so you know he isnā€™t going to ride the Chiefs like some other analysts. I feel like Fitz does a great job talking about each team/matchup for a decent amount of time. There are occasionally a few instances where I feel like a segment is pointless (like the ranking of the best horror movie traps during halloween), but itā€™s still better than a lot of the other fluff other podcasts cover. This podcast has the perfect amount of humor, wit, and charisma that Iā€™ve been looking for in a football podcast. Pretty clean language peppered with some swearing which makes it hilarious and real (swears are bleeped out for those that are wondering). Absolutely fantastic show!
  • Archer999999
    New host is terrible
    Iā€™m out. Fitz as the new host with Charles only on once a week is the tipping point. My IQ goes Dow every time I listen to Fitz. Why is he screaming at the audience? I hope he costs 30 percent of Charles because your audience is going to shrink. The old show brought insight and a different perspective, including business and social angles that were atypical of other shows, now itā€™s just another low brow recap show. The rotation with CMac is cool, but Fitz and Frank are the worst. Unlistenable. I will no longer have to hear Fitzā€™ ā€œIn a world where (in movie voice), ā€œproducer extraordinaireā€, or about his workouts at orange theory. Or Franks analysis of ā€œhe is that dudeā€. 4 stars only for the legacy of the show. New listeners donā€™t bother.
  • hillpeaks
    I am having trouble understanding why Yahoo felt the need to reformat an already excellent show by adding Jason Fitz. Charles and Jodi are just fine together. Adding Jason Fitz has made the show unlistenable at times with his bad jokes, takes and commentary. I stopped listening to ESPN shows when he made guest spots. I only rated the show four stars because Charles and Jori are still good despite Jason. But the show is not a high priority for me with Jason on it.
  • Katherine10022
    Favorite Sports Podcast
    I have listened to a lot of football podcasts and this is by far my favorite. Charles and Terez have awesome analysis and commentary. I look forward to listening every week. Thank you so much for the great content! Updatedā€¦ I just canā€™t listen to this anymore. I hung in there after Terez because I just loved this show so much and the Sunday Night Freestyle was occasionally still fun. Now itā€™s been rebooted and I donā€™t know what has happened to Charles Robinson. He sounds so unhappy all the time. Frank just doesnā€™t want to be there and he rushes through every game. ā€œI donā€™t want to talk about it and we are moving on.ā€ And who was the genius over at Yahoo who was like, yes, we need more Jori? We really donā€™t. All of the hosts (except for Fitz I guess) just come off as arrogant and ā€œIā€™m too good for this podcast and you listeners.ā€ Such a bummer for a very long time fan of the show, but itā€™s finally time to move on.
  • Id@ho
    Nose dive
    This used to be an engaging podcast with the 2 Charles & Jori. It had depth & great analysis/reporting while simultaneously being fun & casual. Now itā€™s garbage. Jason Fitz is just awful. His brand of shockjock-ism is cheap & tired. A poor manā€™s Cowherd/Bayless is not something Yahoo needed to bring aboard.
  • Adamzme
    Fitz failing upward
    Not sure what prompted the change here but hit Ctrl + Z and go back to what worked. Fitz is annoying and this show is over to me as it stands
  • alterbridgelive
    Great job to all
    The new format is fantastic! Putting a Raidaā€™s fan and ā€œthe other guyā€ together is pure joy for me as a chiefs fan. Love you guys!
  • tpfanclub
    Donā€™t fix what ainā€™t broken
    Legacy 5 stars but yahoo killed this podcast by forcing an annoying radio shock jock on us. Please give us c-rob c-mac Jori and frank and lose this fool
  • Estone2112
    Frank is great and offers informed insight (heā€™s the o my reason I listen). Fritz is sort of a typical low-brow sports talk guy. Personally I liked the old format better because it was more insightful and thoughtful. With Fritz its more lame and obvious humor and crass sports/gambling talk that you can easily find anywhere.
  • ThreveIsA#
    This Fitz is not magic
    Jason Fitz is cring-worthy. I originally had this pod rated as a 5-star but this latest iteration is the antithesis of what Terez and Charles started. I fell in love with the original because it wasnā€™t like all the other noise out there. It was smart and well-informed. The addition of Jason Fitz has just about killed it. Only giving it a couple stars because CRob, CMac and Jori are still involved. If Fitz keeps up that laugh and stupid voices I may stop listening altogether.
  • Mallory in KC
    (Updated) Hands down my favorite sports podcast
    9/23: man, pains me to say this but this is not the same pod I loved and looked forward to every week. Terez and Charles built something special and 1-of-1. Itā€™s just not anymore. Cannot vibe with the new cohost/rotating commentatorsā€¦ itā€™s just another sports podcast now. ///// Iā€™ve loved football since my dad taught me to be a die hard Chiefs fan in the ā€˜90s. Terez and Charles share a rapport and level of insight that is second to none. I appreciate you guys for being one of my ā€œescapesā€ during COVID. Keep up the awesome work.
  • UberGrant
    The chemistry is gone
    Still giving 5 stars cause of the great shows in the past but the new formula is just bad. Fitz is very cringy and has a super annoying laugh. Wish it was still just CMac and CRob talking football.
  • PhiltheEnforcer
    Jason Fitz
    Please make him go away. Charles Robinson is a gem and should be the host. The only reason I can see why he isnā€™t is due to outside constraints. Charles McDonald holds it down like always and I am excited to see what the revived pod looks like!
  • @gistizgreat
    Just another football podcast
    I knew the podcast would change and never be the same after the tragic passing of Terez Paylor but what comes out now is disrespectful to his memory. Having someone with little football knowledge on the show like Jori and listening to her fumble her way through shows is hard to listen to. The shows seem rushed and the lack of deep football knowledge is evident. I hope this show can turn it around and yahoo aligns Charles with a professional with a comparable resume.
  • adhater44
    ā€œWorking class people are idiotsā€
    Unsubscribe. The point of having a podcast is explaining/talking things through not just saying ā€œif you donā€™t get this youā€™re an idiot and I wonā€™t talk to youā€, ā€œyouā€™re iq is lowā€. If youā€™re so smart explain it tell us why. This pipe fitter is taking listening elsewhere.
  • raymond in kc
    Love this pod
    I love this pod started listening when Terez was still with us. I was wondering would it be possible to work in a ā€œyes sir yes sirā€ into intro to honor our the great terez paylor.
  • Harmoney80
    peter skoronski is a packers fan
    i enjoy the pod and will upgrade my rating to 5 stars when the charlesā€™s acknowledge peter skoronski is NOT a fit for the bears based off local ties, heā€™s a disgusting packers fan and i would be very annoyed if we took him over a morally tolerable tackle with decent armlenghth like PJJ or broderick jones. if you need a chicago OL connection look at john michael schmitz instead
  • Fernando Infanzon
    Consistently great
    This is one of the few nfl shows I listen to every time a new episode drops. Jori has been a great addition to the show. Keep up the great work.
  • PerkinsKCTX
    Great Content
    Really like the show. Brings different perspectives and experiences to provide great insight to the league. We appreciate all that the team does. Keep up the good work.
  • tmosier
    Used to beā€¦. Best NFL Podcast
    Had to edit my previous 5 star review. Terez is missed in so many ways. This podcast being one of them. This used to be such a great podcast with insight you couldnā€™t get anywhere else. From both Charles and Terez. Long story short, Sunday Freestyle keeps me coming back, the rest I have to skip. 3 stars seems fair. Hope the pod can improve.
  • Onefahq
    Obviously thereā€™s no replacing Terez Paylor so I gave this podcast the entire 2022-23 season and itā€™s Tuesday after KC 38-35 SB 57 and canā€™t do it. Frank Schwab is the guy from the infomercials except he knows less about football. Seriously why would you replace Perez with a common fan? Iā€™m dumb and know way more about football, all he says is a player is either ā€œthat dudeā€ or not. Charles is ok besides being kinda whiny. Perez did use to keep it even like the other comment said but now itā€™s a pass for me. Thereā€™s so many other football shows you can learn something from
  • Rob_Chiefs_Fan_in_Nashville
    Worst SB coverage ever!
    I havenā€™t listened to this podcast since Terez unfortunate death and Iā€™m simply amazed on how bad the podcast has turned into. Just listened to this midweek podcast of the SB and if I was Yahoo, I would insist on reporters to pay back their expenses. Over 60min cast, they spent most of the time on speculation and gossip on the topics that has nothing to do with the game.
    Great pod but Joriā€™s fry voice is a beating
    Been listening since the start with Terez. Still enjoy the insight Charles brings. But Joriā€™s voice is BRUTAL when sheā€™s on. She has Fry Voice times 10. She sounds like a low energy chain smoking lazy semi-valley girl who just woke up and has a sore throat and doesnā€™t wanna talk to anyone until sheā€™s had her coffee. UGHā€¦.WAKE UP & TALK!! Sheā€™s knowledgeable but itā€™s a hard listen & I canā€™t focus on what sheā€™s saying and I end up fast forwarding when she talks because I get annoyed & frustrated!! Bad thing is Iā€™m a Cowboys fan & I know she covers the team and I hear her during press conferences but at least itā€™s muffled. Great pod otherwise & miss the jokes & laughing between Charles & Terez like ā€œThe quarantine QBā€ banter LOL
  • Ryan13131313
    Race Baiters: They talk way too much about race
    I like the guys general comments about football but any time there is an opportunity to pull out the ā€œblack head coachā€ card, they play itā€¦.for example, theyā€™re dismayed Lovie Smith was fired because heā€™s another black head coach. Lovie was a bad head coach in Tampa, at Illinois, and for the Texans. It has nothing to do with raceā€¦.but they always talk about race, race raceā€¦.I am unsubscribing.
  • Albert Wilkinson
    Best NFL Pod Out There
    This pod provides legitimate informed insights into some of the best behind the scenes stories, great NFL Sunday instant reactions and overall great perspective. I miss Terez but still love the pod. Keep up the great work!
  • @b@yb@y
    A great listen every week
    Astute and informed of all sundays games on the freestyle plus really plugged in insights and stories during the mid week pod. Love this podcast.
  • I miss Terez
    Too much whining
    Charles wastes too much time whining about how things are and the pod turns into a depressing pity party. Terez would set him straight and not let the pod go off the rails. Now Charles surrounded himself with yes men and they canā€™t help themselves putting politics into the show. I skip about half the episodes because you can only listen to Charles bash/apologize for being white so many times. I canā€™t believe Charles still works at Yahoo, too many white people at that company. He should resign and give his position to a person of color or else heā€™s part of the problem.
  • nickanderhoey
    Great show!
  • DeeKay31
    Great news about the NFL
    Charles is a knowledgeable person in his own right, then he brings in guests who also have their fingers on the pulse of the NFL. But it isnā€™t just ā€œinside newsā€, itā€™s discussion of what the implications might be, all in ā€œregular Joeā€ terms. He and his guests arenā€™t afraid to share a laugh or two either. If you follow the NFL, you need to follow this!
  • Elchapo5518
    Miss you
    Pumped for the frequency of pods to ramp back up. Ready to hear your ā€œI told you soā€ moment on the phins and Brady tampering!
  • Ehdhhdhfnjjmf
    Fantastic Pod
    No one has more logical and in-depth analysis of the league
  • Tooproud
    Yooo amazing pod been loving the league wide perspective for sometime!! Can u stop hating on my lions though!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚āœŠšŸ¾āœŠšŸ¾āœŠšŸ¾
  • mnbsyft
    Pod Review
    Love the podcast. There is nothing that I enjoy more during my workouts. The chemistry between Charles and both Dan and Frank is unmatched. Keep up the great work!
  • Jlhsdb
    Good stuff. At the end of the day there is no one I rather listen to talk about football, food, and bad movies then this duo. I like 1 guy better than the other. I will let them figure it out.šŸ˜œ
  • rrhki
    Bear of All
    Best NFL podcast ever!! The subject matter and insight into football, sports and life is far beyond other sports podcasts. Great!!!
  • jucebrown
    Awesome stuff
    Start of latest caught me off guard, but awesome, insightful. Great listen. Thanks.
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