Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World


Beyond the world we can see is a mysterious world.

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Recent Reviews
  • steve-chn
    Phenomenal podcast! Really good job!
  • Sanchem1203
    Interesting Weird Things
    A weekly examination of weird events from the perspective of religion and reason. There’s a lot of mysterious happenings going on!
  • s boio
    Episode suggestions for this podcasts
    I really like this pod, but I find myself scrolling past the newer episodes about aliens and UFOs to the more historic episodes like the beltway sniper shootings or the Cuban mussel crisis. I would really like to see some more podcasts about historic events. Thank you so much for what you do.
  • Bonnie M. S.
    Love Jimmy Akin and the Mysterious World!
    I started listening to Mysterious World about one month ago and absolutely love it! There are so many interesting episodes and I have learned much. I didn’t know anything about the lost scriptures, or other fascinating topics. I look forward to listening to each new episode and have listened to many of the older ones. Keep going Jimmy! It fills a void that I couldn’t find in any other podcasts. I also love your perspective at the end of each episode!
  • lomicwo
    Used to love listening, but the recent linguistic affectation of droppin’ the letter “g” is so distracting that I can’t listen anymore. Please just stop it. It calls your credibility into question.
  • edelweiss rosaries
    Unique blend of faith and reason
    Listening to Jimmy & Dom is always a treat! The shows are always well done and thought provoking.
  • OuttaMyGourd
    I love this show! As a Catholic, I continuously learn new and interesting information. But… what happened to Jimmy Akin’s speech? Why now does he leave off the -ING at the end of his words? Being the Speech police in the family, I cringe every time he does this. For example, instead of “runnIng”? He says, “runnin’”. “Sleeping” becomes “sleepin’”“Cringing” is now replaced with “cringin’”. The “G” is dropped on everythin’ and it is annoyin’, destractin’ and frustratin’! (See?)
  • (B-roller)
    A refreshing podcast
    The best episode structure of any pod on mysterious topics. Good pace and not the same old topics tirelessly covered by others.
  • Tjay F
    This podcast is so Awesome
    First off , Dom and Jimmy I really like this Mysterious world show Dom is very thorough and inquiring, Jimmy is very informative and intelligent You guys are a great combination I also enjoy when you all have the dialogue from your family and also other guest To me this show is very relaxing to listen to and please continue to look deep into this mysterious world we all live in Thank you
  • The Nameless Twin
    Love the conversational tone…
    … of this podcast! The subject matter brought me in, the engaging presentation keeps me coming back.
  • ^=^ ;)
    nice, but please stop the AI art!!
    basically what the title says. its a good podcast, very interesting. however, using ai art for this type of thing is sort of unethical- if you cant get a human to make art or take a photo, or heck, even use a stock photo, then dont use a picture at all. its fine to not have pictures, but ai art should not be encouraged. nonetheless, great podcast and very entertaining!
  • Lgrceburg2
    Please stop using the AI voice
    Love your work! Please stop with the ai voice
  • C Roy Moon
    Dear Faithful. While Akin is the senior most apologist, please keep in mind that he believes in silly things like spoon bending with your mind and believes he might have actually bent a spoon with his own mind. He has faith for this magic but not for spiritually sound, tested and church approved apparitions. Something as serious as a communication from heaven is treated with far more skepticism. Maybe in truth, in the past, Akin has said not to look for Medjugorje’s approval, and he simply can’t be wrong now. He loves to debate and maybe this is ego. Either way, keep the faith!
  • keikokomikokoi
    Well organized and takes itself seriously
    I love how well organized and high quality this show is. The different hosts play different roles to make the show easy to follow. And every little reference mentioned is followed by the number of the episode where you could find it. Then the hosts prepare a list of resources of go through them one by one to help listeners who want to take a deep dive. God bless and continue please. Please consider making a series on the history of the church. I know it’s daunting task but so many Christians are unaware of it and it will give us give an answer to the hope in which we have because more or less all the criticisms that our secular world present to us now has been raised and answered in antiquity.
  • antitechbutlovethisapp
    So educational and Fun!
    Always a fascinating and thought provoking show. I especially love your shows on lost scriptures. Thank you for all of your hard work that is evident in every show.
  • Lord Lythronax
    Could you do a few episodes on cryptids? I’m thinking megalodon, anthropomorphic creatures, undead, and alleged dinosaur survivors.
  • Naaman M
    My favorite podcast
    But I agree with the poster who finds the Arkansas accent peculiar, self conscious, and off-putting. If his former accent wasn’t native, it had definitely become the appealing voice everyone knows — and perhaps more his own than the present attempt to re-home his persona.
  • Refercode=SG0065
    Cringe Dialect
    Prior, could hardly wait to listen! Since he moved to hometown… CRINGE & IRRITATING DIALECT! Seems now he can NOT correctly pronounce ANY ENGLISH WORD ENDING IN A “g”!! 😲😖 Look’in’, won’drin’, notice-in’, readin’, reportin’, solve’in’, somethin’, accordin’. You get my point.
  • Jim_D.
    Thank you, Jimmy and Dom
    My mom and I enjoy listening to and discussing the episodes. I can tell a lot of work goes into them, so I can feel good about listening. I have been listening to podcasts for years, and this one amazes me with its longevity, consistency, and mix of entertainment, history, science, paranormal stuff, and Catholicism.
  • JujuOnThatBeat!
    Great show
    Jimmy’s the man!
  • christiant1317
    Love this podcast and Jimmy
    Thank you for this podcast. Helps me logically think about the universe. Also I wasn’t catechized well growing up and he has helped me understand Catholicism more than I ever have. Thank you sir & wish you the most success with your media channels
  • andhiggins
    Something has changed
    Jimmy has become grouchy and curmudgeonly, and the very sudden southern twang seems obviously forced. It calls his credibility into question, which until a few months ago, seemed unimpeachable.
  • KongKarls
    Scripture narrator tone is grating (imo). Don’t blame you for being irritated by repeat questions but the venting is immature… the audience is not a collective mind. If becoming a curmudgeon, maybe time to hang it up.
  • garrettwhaynes
    Amazing podcast!
    One of my top podcasts that I follow. When I have time or on longer car rides I check out older episodes and they are all fun, interesting, and informative. Jimmy's scientific approach is really well done. Topics are well researched and reported and take in multiple angles. He has definitely broadened and enlightens my views on many subjects and helped me to take a more considered approach to a subject before jumping to conclusions. Highly recommend for history, mystery, and theology buffs.
  • Carmel1980
    So good
    I’m new to the podcast and I really enjoy it. I work nights and it really helps me enjoy my shift. I’m catching up on the older episodes and I’m conflicted about what to make of the Father Nathan Castle episodes. I want to believe him because he seems genuine and nice but I just can’t get over how any human on earth could be of any help to a person on the other side in any way other than praying for them. Especially when Father says that sometimes they come to him with their angels. Angels are superior to humans in every way and it is meant for us to seek help from them not the other way around. I would think that anyone who dies, no matter how tragically, and has clear access to their angels and all of the healing treatments that God gives, would in no way need or seek counseling from a mere human on earth. I can’t make sense of it. All the rest of the episodes have been a lot of fun and I’ve learned a lot. God Bless you Jimmy and Dom and thank you!
  • Yumafern
    Episodes are insightful, well written and researched. Plus you have to love anyone who can occasionally place a BSG or B5 reference into a serious conversation .
  • Meg jmj
    Usually Love the Episodes
    I normally love listening to Jimmy Akins. Unfortunately, episode 325 made me realize that Jimmy wants to take his personal issues out on the listeners. He is obviously annoyed that people ask about Guardian Angels, when the Christian response would be to rejoice in people wanting to learn more. He also took the opportunity to slam his long time employer, Catholic Answers. After listening to the latest issue, my opinion of Jimmy as a benign educator has changed. And what is with this new twang in his voice during the last several episodes? I get that he moved back to Arkansas, but come on, adding a twang when that hasn’t existed for years is simply odd. I am beginning to think that he may need to find a good therapist to help him work through his issues. He went from a level headed educator to an arrogant and condescending bumpkin.
  • mt1761
    Great show!!
    Love it!
  • The_Bullfrog
    Love it
    I love this show so much it’s fun and thought provoking my only gripe is Akin’s new accent but I don’t think he can help that 😃
  • JohnPaul II
    Great show!
    Jimmy Akin uses logic to explain mysteries clearly and humbly admits when the evidence doesn’t show a clear answer He is honest and open to any reasonable explanation Keep it up Jimmy
  • Em721
    My all time favorite podcast.
    This podcast is great. It’s just FUN. So much in this world is just toxic or has negative impacts on the soul. This podcast is none of that and all of the good things. It is fun, makes you think, it’s educational, and Jimmy is so great at looking at all sides of the mystery. I recommend this podcast to everyone I know and in fact I am teaching a class for our homeschool coop based around this podcast where students will walk through the mysteries with Jimmy and learn to critically think through them. My kids love this podcast too! We look forward to the new episodes every Friday.
  • Dsellonys45
    Thank you
    This show is the highlight of my day. I drive trucks for a living and the podcast keeps me thinking. I love how you come up with the most random things and go into extreme detail. God made an amazing world and seeing it through your eyes makes it better. Thank you for the blessings to think outside the box as a Catholic.
  • Knight Says NYT
    Listenin’ Carefully
    Mysterious World is as interesting as ever. However, I think Jimmy’s acumen is at its best when applied to familiar topics that are seldom rigorously-analyzed. I liked it better when it had more of a vibe of Art Bell or “In Search Of”, on popular topics like ufos, Easter Island, Stonehenge, prophecies, conspiracies, etc. Hearing about research on lesser known topics doesn’t provide as much of a frame of reference to make it as interesting, even though it’s well done. On another topic, J.A.’s accent evolution is interesting. He seems to be phasing into more southernness, but in phonic phases, such as dropping “n” from “ing”, but oddly, seems to have kept his northern sounding vowels, without much dipthongation or “twang” on the vowels. It’s a little unsettling as it reminds me of a an Arkansanian expat who scrubbed out all the twang but then could occasionally be heard trying to adopt different accents for different audiences. One could misjudge this as affecting credibility, of which J.A.’s is impeccable.
  • G Aaron V
    This is the most underrated podcast in the history of the multiverse
  • Fishcrowfish
    Can’t listen anymore
    Used to be fun, but recently Akin (mysteriously) has dropped his G’s and is affecting a “down-home, aww, shucks” accent. Because it is so insincere, it has become unlistenable. Good bye.
  • wolf do
    Death bed
    I loved your death bed podcast I think I have a story if you want to contact me
  • Cassius Clay Rae
    The Content is Thorough and Engaging
    Episodes are well scripted and cover a variety of topics that are intriguing and a good resource for research. Jimmy’s wealth of knowledge and knack for teaching helps listeners think critically and understand that there’s more to a story than ‘what meets the eye.’ I better appreciate life and our world because of these mysteries. Recent criticism state that the US-Southern accent is difficult to listen to. As for myself, I do not find this bothersome, and I don’t recall having difficulty understanding what was said. Mr. Akin has returned back to Arkansas, so I understand why the accent is becoming more predominant.
  • Malfnctn
    Overall scholarly, but also biased and dismissive
    I am a newer listener to the podcast. I am not Catholic but I share in his Christian faith. For the large majority of episodes, I enjoy the quality and depth of Jimmy Akins research and presentation. I am astounded by the mysteries and love the counterbalanced faith/reason perspectives. However, some episodes frustrate me in the lack of equal and thorough study. Case in point: he spends three episodes with the initial intent of discussing young earth theory. Instead, all three episodes present minimal young earth supposition and proceed to explain “science” that theorizes old earth. The only real young earth evidence he projects is the Mt. St. Helen’s scenario, but then he cautions listeners to not generalize. The majority of the episodes is on radio-carbon dating and starlight age, which both are controversial and questionable in accuracy. Where are the other young earth scientists or their findings that challenge old earth thought, beyond just “here’s a link to more”? To only show mostly one side is lazy and biased. He believes, as I do, that Christ died and rose, which goes against mainstream science principles, but, to Akins, Genesis 1 is symbolic poetry and not a science book. I am curious what I’ll find in episodes on the Flood or the plagues of Egypt. Science or miracle? I will continue to listen and catch up on old episodes, but I question the episodes on Scripture that may go against his view of science or need pure faith. Caution is needed for listeners and don’t believe just on what this podcast presents.
  • Review2714
    The new accent is too distracting
    I am used to and have no problem with thick, southern accents. However, this sudden new accent that Jimmy is putting on is a huge distraction and makes the podcast unlistenable. The accent sounds fake and insulting, not authentic, though perhaps it is a dialect I am unfamiliar with. I think the choice to switch accents needs to be seriously reconsidered. Previously would have given 5 stars.
  • Hansel58
    Accent change has thrown me off
    I have loved this podcast for a long time. Content has been interesting, thought provoking, and very rational, yet the sudden change of accent has taken me off guard and honestly turned me off to the show. As a long time listener is feels insincere.
  • Jellis95
    It you are into Jesuit smokescreens
    Then you are gunna LOVE this podcast
  • Maarrkc
    Trying to grow your podcast?
    The shift to the Hill country dialect of the south and Jimmy’s reasoning are the first indicators that the change to the Yokel accent have affected his reasoning. I have previously told everyone who I know that Jimmy Akins is a genius and a scholar, a skilled logician who can make deductive arguments with logical conclusions. Jimmy knows that this requires premises that are true and when you make an argument that the G on the end of a word like something is not pronounced or articulated you are building an argument without a factual premises. There is no way that I could tell people that someone who previously spoke in a western mountain accent has (suddenly, and as a supposed reason made the conscious decision to switch )to deep south pronunciations, which, in the eyes of many indicate a lack of thorough education. My prediction for the growth of your podcast is that it will do fantastic in Oklahoma and Mississippi not to mention Alabama. These are the people apparently you are speaking to, not the rest of the country. It’s your decision, but I can no longer recommend the show and I am for some reason deeply disturbed to hear this is a reasoned change.
  • kimers91
    1 word
    FANTASTIC!!!!!! Jimmy and Dom are the best!
  • realtorstinks
    This show is AWESOME!!
    Love the show! Catching up on back episodes now. Will definitely look for opportunity to support this podcast! Keep up the great work!
  • GWP3
    Jimmy Akin is a phenomenal storyteller
    I am a longtime-yet-occasional listener of Jimmy Akin from Catholic Answers on EWTN’s Sirius channel over the years. An interview of Jimmy and Matt Fradd popped-up on the Hallow app, and after listening to the whole interview, I looked for his Mysterious World podcast and have been listening to it instead of music. Oftentimes enjoying them with my own tobacco pipe, as I imagine he does when weaving his tales, takes and divinely-inspired insights. Jimmy and Dom have a wonderful product on their hands. I am listening to as many episodes as I can, which is easy given his storytelling technique. I am hooked! Is there anything Jimmy can’t explain?!? :-) Furthermore, I am a longtime fan of SQPN—having tuned in to Fr Roderick and his many podcasts when he was getting started nearly 20 years ago. May God continue to bless all the Catholic content providers!
  • jd djskf
    Best podcast out there
    This is my favorite podcast. I’ve been aware of it for a few years now from Catholic Answers but I didn’t think it would be interesting and only started listening recently. I’ve been quickly getting caught up and every single episode has been worth my time, even the ones that didn’t sound like they would be. Not a single dud. Well done Jimmy and Dom.
  • Lawrence Barker
    Probably one of the best podcasts ever made
    The platinum standard of paranormal, true crime, and mystery podcasts. Rigorous, engaging, thoughtful, neither credulous nor incredulous. Outstanding.
  • treetopbird
    #312 Terminal Lucidity
    Bravo! Well done! I learned so much about this phenomenon. Thank you! I keep Jimmy, Dom and everyone involved in this consistently top notch podcast in my prayers.
  • TracyAnn1008
    Deep Dives and Faith
    I thought this would be mostly nerdy conspiracy theories, but I have really been enjoying Jimmy’s deep dives in logic and faith. Thank you for your awesome work!
  • Gardon Romsey
    More music
    I love the topics in this podcast but I would like it if you added more background music it would add to the atmosphere and all in all make it more interesting
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