

Jack, Hani, Marco and Schulz bring a bro'd-out breakdown of your favorite TV Series and Films brought to you by the only guys on the internet that actually got laid in high school... kinda...

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Recent Reviews
  • Sphinx07
    I Missed Out
    I hate that I found this podcast so late in the game. Andrew, PLEASE bring this podcast back with your crew.
  • Crowdemout
    Y’all are dope. Do more reviews of movies. This ain’t the podcast that knows all the info but they’re just entertaining AF. More content.
  • Anonymousss416
    If you’re going to do a podcast on a show with so much back story and so many theories, the least you can do is do your research. If you want to listen to people make a joke about every single aspect of the show, this may be for you. But they literally know absolutely nothing about the content or character development.
  • Walter-Hartwell-White
    Andrew ruins this podcast by bullying people with his hit takes. Without him this show would be amazing
  • Hmmhmmgood
    GoT S8E4
    All I want to say is how is it that the made it all the way to King’s Landing in matter of a episode ish... once upon of time it would take a half a season to make it there all the way from the North
  • bostonWS07
    Only 2 people know what is going on
    A typical Andrew show, where he is the main star and everyone else has to work around him. Always talks over everyone and is the least educated on whatever show or movie the group is speaking on.
  • AnonymousFoodCritic
    It’s like they don’t even watch the show..
    They get so many things wrong about the show, it’s dumb. Can’t even get character names right and they miss major scenes. Do better.
  • TrinaNinaMarie
    Are we watching the same show?
    Are y’all watching the same GOT that the rest of the world is? Andrew ranting and raving at the top on the episode was a lot. The whole world got the okie doke pulled on them but he’s the only one having a tantrum about it. The only good take was when someone said the show is called “Game Of Thrones” not “Game Of The Night King”. Hani is the only one who seems to actually watch the show. The rest seem to just skim the episode and then give this “I only read the cliff notes” review.
  • GOTRTE23
    This was a great episode. You wouldn’t see the battle during that time of day in anyplace during the winter, episode 2 said before the daybreak they would attack.
  • JakeyJ69
    Y’all dumb
    Dumbest bro content on the internet
  • YRequireANickname
    Great Enjoyable Content
    Thank you guys for putting this together, it's awesome. I look forward to it each time.
  • YNWA Jonny boy
  • Jiov4nie
  • notHolly
    Keep it up!
    I love the flow of the conversation. Thank you for making my work day easier.
  • Luisaweez86
    Black Panther
    Didn’t Blank Panther create his suite before the sister show him the new one?? Or am I tripping??
  • Jose Epstein
    These guys spend 45 minutes talking about how nice the movie theater is and about 15 min on the actual movie. "it was good bro". Thanks for the insight lol.
  • Veezus Christ
    Great departure from your typical “nerd media” podcast. 👍👍
  • Mean jean 😡
    Great, funny podcast about tv and film!
  • Juancarlosrama
    Just listened to the black mirror episode and this panel killed it! A mixture of comedy and in depth talk. Andrew is putting in work and I support my dude. Plus the more you support the more money Andrew gets to upgrade his Payless sneaker rotation
  • Bear997
    Permanent numba 1
    Future #1 podcast one step closer after this!
  • MHBennett
    Insight into the minds of non-nerds
    This is a very fun podcast, I like hearing what not insightful, non-nerds think about Syfy and nerdish entertainment. Mostly here for the jokes and the incorrect theories and takes on content.
  • CheesyBurrito901
    Fire Hani
    Everyone is funny and contributes except Hani. He is a waste on the podcast. Someone write him a script. Andrew is highkey the funniest and holds this podcast together!
  • nooooooose
    Big D schultzy
  • Dog balls420
    Great group of people. With real people outlooks on this stuff. Young hezzy turns everything he touches to gold. Lol keep killing it.
  • Jcherry23
    Bros being bros lol
  • VideoHero
  • $$A.J.$$
    Keep em comin!!!!
  • DjRickyRoc
    The hottest hot takes
  • Juiceee08
    My guy SHULZY !!
  • Ms. YoUKnOWwHo
    Ugh! They’re all over the place
    I wanted to like this but it was too chaotic. They couldn’t keep the characters names down so how can we keep up with the convo?? I didn’t find most of the “jokes” funny either.
  • tsp10000
    Great dynamic between the group and good convo
  • ci26ty
    One of the funniest podcasts I subscribe to. If you like the brilliant idiots you gotta listen to this show
  • tommywins1
    Love it
    Gotta listen!
  • legalizethewax
    Amazing podcast
    Great chemistry between friends. I’ve listened to the only 2 available episodes at least 5 times each ! You guys should review more things so the wait isn’t so long. You guys said you don’t wanna do old episodes but you guys should do a West world season 1 review and just put the whole season into 1 episode.
  • Cam Cam the Juice Can
    Episode 1 is HILARIOUS
    Very rarely do I go back and re-listen to a podcast episode. Episode 1 of Westerbros is hysterical. Definitely worth a listen. Can't wait for more episodes.
  • Macho2997
    Love it
    Love the show very comical
  • Kkay05
    Not here for this podcast. It's all over the place!! Maybe as it grows, they will find some structure, but right now there's no flow. I gave it an extra star because it's officially out of my Brilliant Idiots feed!
  • aaphotos
    my guys
    tv show talk with shulz!
  • Meech1234
    Good podcast. Been a fan of Andrew for awhile and I like how each person brings their own individual perspective.
  • Murd410
    I love how funny these dudes and it seems to flow through the whole podcast. It’s like if you’re having a conversation with your friends.
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