Marketplace Weekend


Marketplace Weekend® has concluded production as of July 2018. The show was hosted by Lizzie O’Leary and told powerful stories from economies both large and personal.
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Recent Reviews
  • umlaut
    Politics - boo
    The Trump Derangement Syndrome that Kai can’t help himself showing is a distraction. I had been a listener for years. Can’t we just talk markets and business, please?
  • cheeesebacon!
    Very good!
    It is a good podcast to listen to if you are having a lazy Sunday or if you just don’t have anything to do!!!!!!!
  • KFI Fan
    Too Political
    It became too political for me.
  • dinirich
    Sad it’s over
    It was such a nice experience to listen to Weekend Marketplace. I’d come to expect the stories that were more in-depth than might have otherwise been on its multiple weekday shows. I understand that APM needed to make changes but it’s still unfortunate.
  • Tankoluv
    I’m so sad Marketplace is a wonderful way to get in depth coverage of current event without all the drama of TV talking heads! Lizzie/you will be missed😔
  • xgxax
    Sad to hear that this show is going away. It’s been a reliable staple of my listening for years.
  • RPompetti
    Solid reporting.
    Lizzie is excellent host in giving a week's round up and focus pieces.
  • tebriel
    Great, Consistent Content
    Always professional and well produced. Information is relevant and interesting. Definitely worth subscribing.
  • semipenguin
    I learn a lot from listening
    Marketplace weekend is awesome. It’s a great show about business and other things. It’s very entertaining and informative. I used to listen on satellite radio, but now I listen via podcast
  • Jenn199
    Thank you Lizzie.
    I started listening to your show two years ago when I was still studying for my undergraduate degree in Economics. Your show made all the theory and situations I was learning so vibrantly alive! I've been hooked ever since. Thank you for a wonderful show :)
  • walter_burns
    Thank You MP Weekend!
    First of all, how about cleaning up this review section?? Marketplace Weekend is NOT Marketplace Money and that doesn't make it better or worse just DIFFERENT! So how about removing 10-year-old reviews of SOME OTHER SHOW. What this IS is a great extension of the Marketplace brand. It's a show that can dive deeper and report more thoroughly than a 5 minute hourly show or a 30min daily show. It very intelligently completes the overall MP programming and, on top of that, it's just a great show. Interviews are well selected and executed. There's a good mix of heavy and light. And despite the complaints from some MP Money fans, we DO need good news reporting and analysis of the economy. This show, its reporters, producers and its host are doing a brilliant job of that. MP should do a better job of cross-promoting Weekend on the other two shows. People who appreciate them will certainly enjoy Weekend and appreciate it for what it is, not just moan about the fact that it isn't Money. But just not enough loyal MP listeners even know about this terrific show. It's such a needed balm these days to find good economic reporting that strives to be accurate and politically neutral. This show should be heard. MP needs to do more to let people know about it (and let people know that it is NOT a personal finance show.)
  • Bluehorseshoe96
    Love it!
    The diversity of topics and depth of coverage are excellent! Look forward to it weekly!
  • Nictoria.B
    Love getting a weekend episode!
    I always look forward to the special reports shared on the weekend edition of Marketplace! Keep up the amazing work!
  • Green+White2000
    Please Bring This Show Back to Life
    During the Tess Vigeland Era this show was a crown jewel in the NPR podcasting crown. Now it's an information-free whine fest. Most of the personal finance-realted stories are people nattering on about their college debt, sad lives and how The Man is keeping them down. NPR needs a good personal finance show. Someone needs to do CPR on this rapidly fading corpose of a show.
  • JazzedM
    Love it!
    I look forward to this podcast every weekend. Great show; and Lizzy is an amazing host!
  • TigercubMom
    New Listener
    I've heard this pod cast a few times on the radio while driving and found it entertaining enough to give it a try within my list...
  • ShadowtheDog05
    No longer a personal finance show
    And it is so good. There was no need for another personal finance show with the same repetitive info week after week. This show is more like a financial news magazine. The host Lizzie O'Leary is great (you should also follow her on Twitter; she's really funny) and asks good questions. Also please do another podcast with Lizzie and Kai Rysdal reading their mean tweets of the week at each other.
  • KevinEG
    Excellent it.
  • Moose13568
    Very boring show. Why did you make the change from marketplace money. That show was interesting and informative.
  • BoogieFries
    Love the long format
    Great variety, always interesting
  • rrrcccbbb
    Eliminate the quiz
    I love Marketplace so I subscribes to the Weekend podcast and gagged when I got to the quiz. You do know your audience does not have patience for questions that can be found in a teen magazine, right? Do we really want to kniw what some athlete most regrets of his lifetime's purchases? Really?
  • Jared010101010
    Used to be better
    I've been giving the podcast a shot for a long time, and used to like it a lot when it was marketplace money. I don't have anything specific to point to, but it feels like it turned from a fact-based and information filled podcast to a human interest tabloid. I just unsubscribed because the podcast has stopped including actual information that I enjoyed learning. I gave it a shot for the better part of a year, but struggle to listen through the newer episodes in their entirety.
  • RSSusan
    I've been listening to you for a long time and enjoy the podcast. This last one on 10/9/15 was horrible. DO NOT keep playing all that time wasting music! It is so annoying to wait it out or skip it to hear the rest of the podcast. If I wanted music I would play my own. Please tell me this is not the new trend for your weekly show!
  • Vuel
    I miss the Money questions.
    The q and a was the best part of marketplace money/weekend. Most weekends it was a little long but now I feel like I am listening to Marketplace Saturday. It seems to be less interesting on the whole. I mean I still listen to it. I feel like the Marketplace Tech integration is good, I just wish it was not a rehash of earlyer in the week's Marketplace Tech. I am glad to see the brunch segment gone, but I mostly that is due to the sound artifacts. I liked the American Dream around the world segment you did with the BBC and hope more collaberations are in the work. Maybe you could do more looking at how the economy is doing around the country. Marketplace proper has always seemed to be a little CA/NYC centric, which makes since due to the location of shooting and the major markets.
  • Generalized Linear Model
    weekend but not money
    This show used to be Marketplace Money, but it underwent a name change and a complete makeover. The previous version, with the wonderful Tess Vigeland, was extremely useful as a personal finance show. The present one chooses a different theme every week, and then tries to shoehorn stories into that theme, often with little success (in spite of incredible vagueness of the themes). Many of the stories have little to do with finances and seem focused on people’s feelings. Maybe in another context that would work. But I’m left wondering, “How am I supposed to keep up with personal finance?” You would think the Marketplace people would be the perfect ones to put out a great podcast on that topic. In fact, they HAD a great podcast on that topic, but now I don’t know what this one is about, and I canceled my subscription to it. To be clear, it’s not just that I don’t like change, but this show doesn’t have a clear identity and reason for existing.
  • Madprofmatt
    Falling short
    I've been listening for a few years now, but finally felt compelled to write a review. Sadly for them, had I reviewed about a year ago it would have been 5 stars, but the changes over the last year left the show boring and relatively useless. I'd agree with the other reviewers, if you already listen to Marketplace (as likely most of us do), then you're just going to hear drawn out segments of what you already heard during the week. They used to take more listener calls and emails about personal finance- which I always found interesting. Now they try and have a theme each week, but most of the segments are a really big stretch between that theme and random areas they discuss. I used to enjoy listening to it every Saturday morning on my run, I'll likely stop subscribing in the next month or two if it continues this way- too bad. I'd rather they go back to listener interaction or talk about more industry research (why are people investing passively, should we be worried about 529 changes, when should you think about life insurance, etc).
  • Nwmountainman
    Can’t listen anymore
    After 5 years listening faithfully to this podcast I’m done. I haven’t been able to finish a podcast in months because the stories are so boring and playing on emotions. I’ll check back every few months to see if it goes back to it’s old personal finance format - until then - unsubscribed.
  • davekaplan
    Tess was the best.
    I’ve been a listener and fan of Marketplace for a few years, but this latest version of the Weekend version has hit the wall. Tess Vigeland was great, the show was great and then Carmen Wong Ulrich came in and that didn’t work. Now Lizzie O’Leary has kind of an annoying delivery. I think it’s mostly adults listen, talk to us like adults. It’s not that I dislike Lizzie, but there’s something about the tone that bugs me.
  • Harrisburg17104
    Where is the Personal Finance?
    The format of Marketplace Weekend is, unfortunately, useless to me. I have listened to Marketplace Money for years, and before that Sound Money, because of the personal finance call-ins and emails -- questions of real people with experts answering questions! The current format is just stories about money and business, rarely personal finance. Also, I think that the current 4-star rating is based upon years of good reviews on "Marketplace Money". If one looks at the "Most Recent" reviews, one will see low-star reviews. I wish Apple would separate the two podcast ratings.
  • LookListenHooray
    So disappointed
    I'm so disappointed in the format change of the show. The q&a / advice style that was Marketplace Money was one of my favorite podcasts. Now that it's just a wrap up of stories that didn't make the cut during the week, I barely listen any more. Please bring back the "helping normal people" format, I beg you.
  • Jrevard
    Tired of Gentrification
    I put up with it for a while but I have got tired of the Gentrification story everyday. I deleted you from my podcast today. You used to be so good but I guess good things always come to an end.
  • rafiia
    Not interesting or entertaining
    … and not informative either. I used to listen regularly to Marketplace Money … but now I am unsubscribing. I miss the old program and the former host(s).
  • Disappointed MW Listener
    Give Us Back Marketplace Money
    As a long-time listener, I can only express disappointment at how lame the new Marketplace Weekend is. I'm just about on the point of unsubscribing to the podcast. I'm sure Lizzie O'Leary is a very nice person but this is a terrible format. I can see why Tess decided to pack it in. Lizzie has stopped saying this in her interviews, but in the first episodes she said the premise of the show was to allow the best reporters to come back on the show to tell us the rest of the story they didn't get to tell on Marketplace during the week. So in another words: re-hash the story and include all the boring bits that the week day editors cut out because they were boring. Journalists interviewing journalists is probably one of the most boring features in media but it is endlessly fascinating to journalists since they get to be the story, rather than cover the story. They get to bloviate and pontificate. Hence, the inane and uninformative "Weekend Brunch". If you want to hear financial journalists engage in smart discussion, I'd recommend Slate's Money podcast hosted by Felix Salmon. Most disappointing of all is the lack of personal finance help. You can tell that Lizzie and her editors really resent having to even make a nod at it so they do such a poor job and bring David Lazarus on for one question or one of the other old stand-bys. And then they give them the bum rush: "Okay, thanks, David. Bye." You can tell quite clearly that the editors, producers, and reporters for this format are really hoping to get a call to go work on This American Life or The Moth. All the stupid personal essays that the editors, producers, and reporters do are a pale imitation of TAL. Lizzie is always saying "This show is about you..." Then why is everything about her and having brunch with other journalists who talk about themselves? So disappointing to lose an old friend.
  • dodo_grrrrrl
    Lizzy took an axe to Marketplace
    After years of subscribing to Marketplace Weekend I just cannot listen to this anymore. What have they done to such a good show? If you listen to Marketplace and Planet Money you have everything that will be heard on here except for the clanking of silverware as we eavesdrop on brunch w/ Lizzy and friends. What a waste of time and APM resources. 1 star is too high of rating.
  • Concerned listener 101
    The show is failing recently. There is no actionable financial information on offer. I don't tune in for women's fashion advise. Short shorts? Really??!! Sound Money or Marketplace Money format and stories please. Cancel Lizzy and her ilk.
  • Stan I Am
    This is NOT Marketplace Money, it's better.
    Any time there is change people have opinions. This is not the old Marketplace Money podcast. I actually prefer this one instead. Money I felt was kind of preachy. This is more feature reporting. Still deals with current events, but not beholden to them like the weekday show is. They can be more freeform. I do enjoy the new host Lizzy O'Leary and her style of delivery. This was a good change by AMP. Give it a few weeks.
  • littlepipkin
    This is NOT Marketplace Money!!!
    Disregard all reviews that are earlier than summer 2014 because those reviews are of an entirely different program. They have changed the format and it is NOT a personal finance show anymore, which is why I listened. Had to stop listening/sub scribing. I stuck with it after Tess Vigland left, didn't really like Carmen Wong Ulrich but was hopeful after she disappeared, as the most recent hosts had promise. Then the format changed. Yuck.
  • BusterDuck88
    This can't be Marketplace
    Very disappointed with the new format. I'm afraid that it's the "New Coke" of NPR radio. Please, someone, bring back the original show!
  • Chris the Chef
    Ugh. I’m so sad Marketplace Money isn’t around anymore.
    I love Marketplace and I used to love Marketplace Money, the show that used to occupy this slot. Now we have Marketplace Weekend, which consistently strings together regurgitated bits from Marketplace and various short filler puff pieces into a relatively unprofessional, unhelpful mess. Lizzie O’Leary, the current host, replaced Tess Vigeland. What a downgrade. No offense Lizzie, but your voice is annoying. Apparently you just can’t drop the fake radio voice and have a normal conversation with your guests. **Sigh**. Well, enough pot shots. I just don’t like the show anymore and, while I still listen to Marketplace every weekday, I can’t help but be a little bit scared of what happens when Kai Ryssdal leaves… hopefully someone like Lizzie won’t replace him too!
  • r4nce
    This show has been ruined
    I tried to stay with the show after the changeover to Marketplace Weekend, but I've finally given up. The show is clearly being aimed at someone's idea of what the post-collegiate twentysomething crowd wants to hear. The show alternates between juvenile banter between people the listener feels no connection with (the embarrassing brunch segments), pandering to the target demographic (how many stories can you run about the finances of unsigned bands?), and heavy-handed propaganda pieces. It was a shame when Carmen Wong Ulrich left or was pushed out; I loved her take on the show, and her courteous and respectful approach. At first I was relieved that the irritating David Lazarus, with his insulting condescension to women callers, wasn't chosen as permanent host. But Lizzie O'Leary's presentation is so snarky and goofball. There's just no depth to this mess, and very little of interest. APM, please have the courage to admit this revamp was a mistake, and relaunch the old personal finance show with a new host and new talent behind the scenes. You've thrown away a gem.
  • Xxifhdj
    How did this show lose its way?
    This show seems to have completely lost its way since Tess left. I wonder if it is the fault of the new producer (Paddy something?) who came in not long ago? First they installed Carmen Wong Ulrich, who took the show far too much in a weird touchy-feely direction, letting boring people drone on far too long, besides giving just plain wrong advice at times, and letting guests give wrong information without correcting them. Now it is, as others have said, a random conglomeration of information that just isn't very interesting. News flash from a recent show: New York real estate is expensive, and homes in a good school district are more expensive than the same homes in a lousy school district. Have they turned the show over to a group of 20 somethings to whom that is actually a new insight? The whole show was at that level of interest. APM, please, please, do something! I used to look forward to this show every week!
  • Newsless and Clueless
    Why the change?
    Chalk up another disappointed former listener…I used to look forward to the show because of the real life financial advice it offered. Now there’s just a hodgepodge of stories thrown together without any clear format, plan or intention. Sad to see Marketplace Money gone!
  • pdurgin
    Sadly, I agree with all the recent reveiws
    I used to LOVE Marketplace Money. I found myself repeating the adivce to friends and family, and re-listening to some of the good segments about retirement, debt, investing. Even after Tess left, some of the guest hosts were good and the show format was still interesting and useful. This re-boot vacillates between boring and downright annoying. Very few real nuggets of useful knowledge. *sigh*
  • WhitneyNC
    New format needs refining
    New format has ditched best part of marketplace money - In-depth q&a with real people. It made show relevant and lively. Now less emphasis on personal finance but more repetitive w/ other marketplace shows. My suggestion: less pundits (eg, Brunch), more people! Will keep listening if show returns to personal finance roots. And glad What's in Your Pocket is gone. Good start!
  • DulceBee
    New format stinks
    I don't understand what is the purpose of Marketplace Weekend!?! The stories are random headlines that were played out over the previous week, pointless segments like Brunch!, and interviews that have nothing to do with finance. Occasionally, a personal finance bone will be thrown to us poor listeners. Marketplace Money was a great show until Tess left. Carmen brought it back to life for like 5 mins before getting the boot/leaving. This new show can't compare and is NOT an improvement. I'm over it!
  • Ig in Iowa
    Bring Back Marketplace
    I am so disappointed with the new format. There is so much focus on New York and international finance. I can access international news via other forums and those of us not living in New York are not generally concerned about the NY real estate market. And the brunch discussion - please stop! The "old" format was interesting and the advice sections were applicable to the average person; the other show was more original than this new format.
  • _KS
    Thumbs Down
    Bring back Marketplace Money!! The old show used to be personally relevant and now it is just like every other marketplace news reporting podcast.
  • FreediveHI
    Changed the show and it's bleh
    This show used to be awesome about personal finance. Now it's just a crummy rehash off all of the other marketplace shows. Not worth listening to
  • Anon,,
    Bring back Marketplace Money!
    Ever since they changed it from Marketplace Money to Marketplace Weekend, this podcast has become a boring rehash of old stories. Bring back the focus on personal money issues. I don't need yet another news program. I liked the personal stories and money tips and tricks from the old podcast. Bring back Money!!!
  • smokster22
    marketplace money
    what happened to marketplace money....i really enjoyed and was quite disappointed with the change....bring it back because i am sure i will be unsubscribing to marketplace weekend
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