American Gods


Converting Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" from novel to TV show is no easy feat. With complex symbolism and a massive cast including Ian McShane and Crispin Glover, things will get hairy. That's why the American Gods podcast is here! Following on the heels of their hit "Westworld" podcast, the Shat on TV team works with the audience to explain old gods and new through interactive episodes and well-researched insights.

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Recent Reviews
  • BiancaAlicea
    Great pod, funny and helpful.
    Thank you guys for keeping the pod going. American gods has had its ups and downs but your pod has always been great. Helpful tips, great comments and a conversation that sounds real verses just blowing smoke. Thanks again!
  • paramaster
    These guys know how to poison a show
    I enjoyed American Gods but these guys none stop negativity started something festering until I couldn’t watch it anymore. No need to listen to the podcast then.
  • Taickin
    Fun-both thoughtful and irreverent
    These guys have been getting hit lately for being too down on this show. I like the tv show (love the book), but am happy to hear them both praise and “shat” on it. Worth a listen.
  • Kevonski
    Oh ya boy
  • Richie T 1167
    Love these guys
    I love this show. Season 2 isnt as strong but I still really enjoy it. I wish King B didnt bash it so hard. You can give criticism through out the podcast without bashing it all episode long. It is hard to listen to constant negativity. I understand you arent going to like a show that has regressed in quality but you need to be more than one note. Gene you are the man! Try to get a 3rd person on the podcast if you can to give a little more diversity like you guys used to. Thanks!
  • RavenofNewt
    E-mail trouble
    Hi I love your podcasts! Tried to send e-mail few times but doesn’t go through Is SHAT @OnTV .com the correct address
  • Annoyed former listener
    Decent podcast but could do better.
    I must say, while I enjoy the format of this podcast I really hate how every episode they ask for a ‘5 star review’ along with the fact there is a lack of understanding of basic mythology which can skew their understanding of the TV show and how it’s run. Finally, does Gene only ever complain about the visuals for this show? Christ! It’s pathetic!
  • JMH85JMH
    Thoughtful & Entertaining
    Love to listen to these guys review shows, crack jokes, just be good friends sharing laughs and opinions! Wish they would review Twin Peaks from the start!
  • xxenda
    Not enough detail for me
    I dont' happen to like that they do the general themes for each episdoe and not scene by scene. I feel too many nusiances are missed this way and that the listener misses out on things that are liked to be talked about.
  • Bud Light knight
    Addicting podcasts.
    That this trio is insightful as well as very entertaining. Initially I might not agree with one of their opinions but by the end I'm always convinced, their explanations are well thought out and researched. They are really easy to listen to, their voices have a sense of joy. You can tell they love what they're doing. I recommend all of their podcast.
  • Dumpstermunk
    Great Cast with great chemistry.
    You gotta love podcasters that all click together and don't run over each other when talking and don't constantly laugh at their own jokes. Well that's these guys. They sound professional and do a great job of discussing the episode . I only have one issue and that is one of the guy's opinion of the character Laura. He pretty much can't her but not cause of the character but cause of the actress playing her. But hey, it's his opinion and his podcast . Subscribe!
  • Philly Bauer
    Great job
    I have listened to several of your other podcasts i.e. Westworld and have checked in here and there with this one bc the show isn't really grabbing me. But I must say how refreshing gene's take was on season1 episode 6. Most podcasters and media would take the main stream pc view and I liked your take. Great work
  • baddudes666
    If you hate the show American Gods but can't stop watching it, and talking about it... this is the show for you.
  • B. Phlat
    Great Podcast!
    Really enjoy listening to these guys. If you enjoy the American Gods, you'll enjoy this podcast as well. The hosts do an incredible job of having engaging, and thoughtful, discussions about the show. I hope they will be back for the second season as well.
  • zak33us
    Love your reviews
    Welcome back! love your discussion over this TV show.
  • Mr_Illuminaughty
    The Butt wipe rating system is disgusting, immature and gross
    Roger and Gene are pretty funny together, and in general, the podcast works. They have a movie podcast also which is pretty good also
  • rockykay
    Really enjoy this podcast
    I don't always agree with these guys, but they're a fun listen and if you haven't read the book they give good background to help you understand what's going on.
  • Metoo234578000
    Best pod
  • don't eat the apples
    American Gods
    Found these guys while watching Taboo. I appreciate the format of their podcasts. And although I may not agree with all their takes of the show they are well thought out and are willing to see different sides to the show. Enjoy listening
  • brownujr
    One of the Best American Gods Podcasts
    Anyone having trouble keeping up with American Gods on STARZ should subscribe to this podcast. The hosts review key points in the saga without laughing at their own jokes or getting off topic.
  • Mrsdev75
    Great recap/discussion. Very helpful as I'm not familiar with the source material. Funny and smart. I look forward to listening!
  • Edlockman
    Great podcast!
    Enjoyable podcast, just like sitting down with some of your friends and BSing about American Gods - for better or for worse
  • William3000
    Smart commentary
    All three hosts bring it each episode. There. Moments are incisive and interesting. One of the best I've run into.
  • New England Listener
    Great supplement to the Show
    Insightful and entertaining analysis into the plot and show.
  • Ceracha
    Mythology Miss
    The hosts should brush up on their mythology if they are going to address those topics in the show. When talking about what Odin represents they complained about the fighting/battle sequences at the beginning of the episode because "Odin is the god of the gallows so the fighting was unnecessary." Odin is the god of many things, including battle, not just the gallows. TL:DR - if you are doing a podcast about mythology, maybe learn about the mythology you are going to speak about.
  • Edkennedy
    Quite enjoying this!
    Great and thoughtful discussion on each episode. Really like the format. Don't always agree with the opinions but I find myself enjoying thinking about it from a different perspective.
  • rray09
    Great podcast
    Very insightful
  • Eralexa
    Great insight Cool set up If you don't mind vulgar humor you'll love them.
  • SlamMan78
    These guys seem fun to listen to
    Just listened to one of the podcasts for the show "American Gods" and I really liked it. They gave some good insight into a show that can be kinda confusing. I recommend clicking subscribe
  • Cardboard_Bender
    Terrible and pointless show coverage choice.
    Anyone who finds this nonsensical time wasting content enjoyable has no clue what good TV is. This Bryan Fuller Hannibal hyper stylized car/perfume commercial looks is just awful. The whole thing is so cornball cheesy. Most of all, the entire premise is just dumb. There are at least 5 other top tier shows going with all the streaming options and this is the show you pick?! Those who know the good shows are already doing them. I doubt the download numbers will reach a tenth of Taboo. I just feel embarrassed and disturbed by this cultural interest of pure garbage.
  • Fly--Eagles--Fly
    Smart and Funny
    If you like a show that has a character put an entire man into her whooha, you'll love these guys. Intelligent commentary and funny banter is a perfect match for the source material. Subscribe now, you can thank me later.
  • janeaniebeanie
    Good banter, gross rating system
    Listened to one episode. Can't get passed the wipe rating system. Gross.
  • Graffin Dirtyblood
    Spoiler cast
    be careful
  • CommitToDev
    The work stands on its own
    How many times can you say "but it was different in the book?" I'll give this podcast another try next week, but my finger is on the Unsubscribe button.
  • Gillian_Jema
    The show hasn't even started
    And I'm already dying to hear these three amazing dudes discuss another show. Just subscribe now. Edit: Just what I imagined. The perfect companion for a show as dense complex and fascinating as American Gods. Already forming my opinions and rambling emails! You guys are the best!
  • GeneHitchcock
    Shat Like a Champion Today
    Dropping a five-star Shat all over this review with a CNW (classic no wipe).
  • Heat7568
    American God's
    This podcast is a must for tv only viewers.
  • ryan.shirah
    Love these guys. They assume you've watched the episode and talk about overarching themes and plot points in the episodes. But the best is their interaction with listeners and the fan email/response shows!
  • susan27
    Informative and Fun
    Roger, Dick and Gene have always provided me with lots of laughs & great insight, their American Gods podcast is no different.
  • Iamjulier
    American Gods Best Companion Cast
    Thoughtful insights and funny banter. Since none of my coworkers or friends watch American Gods, these guys have become my weekly water cooler.
  • esifi
    Crass man- children
  • J-Mill
    Golden Gods of Shat
    Roger, Big D and Gene bring three distinctly different voices and points of view that make this and every other Shat On brand Podcast absolutely golden. There's not another Pod out there that will bring you a combination of insightful and educational episode breakdowns mixed with hilarious comic relief.
  • Panda76-7
    Shat On Podcasts
    I subscribe to all their podcasts, so I know this show will be worth checking out.
  • PlasmaRocks
    Can't wait
    Roger, Dick, & Gene are masterful at their ability to prime the audience for the new, "American Gods" Shat on TV Podcast. I can't wait for the fun, witty, literary deep-diving to commence!
  • Lmd1010
    Can't wait for your new show
    Shat On TV is the best, Gene, Dick & Roger make me laugh daily
  • Jbone49
    Shat On TV Podcasts 💩📺
    I ❤️ their other podcasts for Westworld and Shat the Movies, so I know this one is a must subscribe
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