The Teardown


After the checkered flag waves each week, motorsports journalists from The Athletic, Jeff Gluck and Jordan Bianchi, offer instant reaction, analysis and debate straight from the racetrack.

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  • Fungi fungus
    My god Jeff is such a clown. Smh. Daytona 500 is way bigger to win then your sorry butt says so. Smh
  • Shepherd’s Hope Farms
    Like two brothers!!
    No offense all of your podcast sound like an argument between my brother and I. Jordan is just like my older brother, never wrong and always just wants to argue. I like content otherwise.
  • BR Mac
    Time to go
    What needs to happen is the France family needs to sell.Everybody knows there in it just for the money and look how much they could walk away with.Before they totally ruin this sport in the ground.Please Bill sr. and Bill jr. are rolling over in their graves
  • Scott Gordon 51
    Scott G
    Great show can’t wait for next season!
  • Kubota63
    Races to Long
    Jordan said the races are to long.Well I attend about four races a year.And my drive time averages around three to four hours per trip.So if they cut a race to half of that why would I even bother.Bet the farm they don’t cut the ticket prices in half
  • Carlando55
    NASCAR needs this
    Mandatory listening for any NASCAR fan. It’s fun, it’s testy, it’s informative. I can’t wait to meet Jordan and Jeff someday.
  • Heiser4292
    #22 x3!
    Jeff Gluck being a cry baby 😭🤡 cuz a non-Hendrick driver won the championship again lol! You’d never see this level of salt if Chase Elliott won this way. The show isn’t bad though, just loses a star for being a sore loser.
  • Heavyrescue54
    More Jeff. Less (zero) Jordan. Please.
    Jeff’s passion and good reporting shines through in this podcast. Jordan is pompous, sanctimonious, and creepy. Whatever he adds to the analysis is negated by his attitude.
  • Sueb229
    Media day!!!
    I listened to the whole podcast while doing my laundry. I wouldn’t finish the meal and then go out for ice cream. Fans be aware when talking to drivers at a restaurant. You both are phenomenal, thank you for a great podcast. Love Media day!!!
  • Erica2455
    Take it or leave it.
    This is the Dirty Mo podcast I skip if I run out of time. A little too much arguing. I did want to say thanks for posting the 16 driver interviews. As a diehard race fan that’s what I wanted to hear the whole time. - Erica
  • Amy-North Carolina
    Best nascar podcast!
    Thanks for always posting right after the race. Great dialogue each week.
  • BKR78
    Must listen for NASCAR fans
    Appreciate that they record and upload right after the race
  • JimiWats
    Stop the Fake Debate Gimmick
    The attempt to be a cheap Skip Bayless / Stephen A. Smith knockoff is getting real old.
  • Jpuc5
    Bianchi ruins this pod
    Started listening before the season, slowly throughout, Bianchi has become more and more insufferable. Very creepy vibes, and bad takes, and after 3:30 in the latest pod (emergency episode), had to just turn it off and unsub. I’ll listen back once it’s Jeff and a different cohost
  • rojsiwhehP
    Could be good but…
    It just sounds bickering more often than not. Then you get some disingenuous laughter from Jordan several times per episode. Nah, no thanks.
  • Mid-Ohioan
    It used to be good
    I used to like this pod. Jordan has bad takes and is embarrassing. Jeff just feeds I to him. Don’t listen to this. They just argue about bad takes. They’re not real Motorsport fans. They are entertainment fans.
  • Augdamus
    Do you guys realize that kids may be listening to your podcast with their parents? Bad judgment. Sorry. Love the podcast, but todays was disappointing.
  • Ally1583
    Can’t even finish an episode anymore. Jordan is so rude to Jeff and it’s uncomfortable to listen to. Also, Jordan isn’t funny like he thinks he is so that’s also uncomfortable.
  • Hotrod1515
    Chicago race
    That race was badass…. Don’t have social media so I can’t vote on the poll lol
  • TaylorTravis15
    The bickering is just brutal to listen to
    I used to enjoy this podcast, but it’s obvious the hosts don’t like each other and the nonstop whining about the Kyle Larson waiver situation made it unlistenable. It’s a shame because there’s not a lot of good NASCAR content out there. But this has become absolutely brutal. Hope they read this review and take it to heart. Less whining and more good NASCAR talk without the bickering.
  • Jack Melton
    I’m in sitting in Sicily listening to Jordan and losing my mind. I love NASCAR and F1. I will watch Indy but with Kyle I was exciting to watch. Kyle only gave more exposure to nascar on an international level. Monaco was a snooze fest…. I 95 traffic at 8am. I hope Kyle runs again. Jesus if I could punch jordan through my phone I would. I didn’t watch the 600 because I was asleep as I live in Italy. F you jordan lol. Kidding. NASCAR fan in Sicily
  • CharlieBravo1
    Not a big fan. Between Jeff’s whining and constant simping for NASCAR, and Jordan’s absolutely terrible “edgy” takes (most recently about Larson’s waiver), this definitely isn’t one of the better nascar podcasts.
  • Maherman33
    Get rid of the rap battle
    The rap battle between drake and what’s his nuts is pointless to nascar. Also love how there was no mention of how Kansas was rain delayed with how awesome that race was.
  • Christie-7819
    Old married couple schtick is exhausting
    Content isn’t bad. Presentation is awful. I have yet to finish a podcast. I just can’t take the bickering of these two. Like listening to an old married couple with nothing better to do but antagonize each other. You were gifted a big platform by Dirty Mo and this is the quality you bring to your listeners? Grow up gentlemen and give listeners something of worth.
    Jeff is insufferable.
    Used to love this podcast but as of late all Jeff wants to do is invalidate Jordan’s takes and make him feel stupid all while having the worst takes I’ve ever heard of. Don’t even get me started on Jeff’s love fest for Kyle Larson. Dude can’t go a race weekend without tweeting about him 47 times. Get Jordan a new co host.
  • _Cobra9mm
    Worst podcast ever
    Jeff Gluck crybaby hour I don’t see why people listen to this garbage anymore
  • Antiochthebirthdayspider
    Hosts hate each other
    Jeff and Jordan clearly hate each other. instead of leaning into it like Skip Bayless and Stephen A from back in the first take days, they pretend to be friendly and respectful of each other. They also deliver the most lukewarm takes imaginable.
  • mknauss
    12 Questions
    Love the Teardown but wondered if the 12 Questions segment will be posted hear as in the past. Enjoy listening to that too.
  • Blue78
    Too Much Bickering
    Not a fan, there are better Dirty Mo shows like Hamlin’s.
  • Boxerbrew38
    New on dirty mo!
    Listened to my second episode of this show after the clash. They spent the first 20 minutes literally repeating the same things over and over. The podcast doesn’t add any true value to learning anything about the sport. All the dirty mo podcasts literally cover the same stuff every week and this hands down is the worst one.
  • 52Deadman52
    Great show
    Really love the instant Analysis of each race.. look forward to listening every Monday morning on my ride to work.. keep up the great work!
  • Limcon411
    Like listening to a married couple bickering
    They publish soon after the race. If it wasn’t for that I’d probably not listen.
  • YourMomLikedIt850
    Ok show
    5 stars for Jeff Gluck, -3 for Jordan. I hit the fast forward button every time Jordan speaks. If it wasn’t for that 5 stars!
    Thank you so much for the episode with Sherry, should be a must listen for every human!
  • KevinSantaRosa
    Arguing all the time Grrr.
    While I like the content, these two constantly argue with each other in a way that’s frustrating to listen too. I’ve tried to listen to this a # of times. But end up stopping and unfollowing each time. If they showed any respect to the others viewpoints like other podcasts, it would be great. Just so hard to listen to.
  • Chad200
    P1 Podcast
    This has become my favorite podcast, not just in NASCAR, but all of motorsports. Jeff and Jordan do a phenomenal job of hitting the big topics, shedding light on the under-the-radar news brewing, and feeding off each other. I tend to agree with Jeff 95% of the time, but these two have great points, insightful knowledge, and provide plenty of laughs along the way. Don’t change a thing!
  • jonmon8806
    The “was this a good podcast?” poll
    I vote no. First of all, the theme music and intro make it sound like Jeff and Jordan are coming to you live from Jeff’s mom’s basement. Then, rather than actually break down the action and strategy as a good podcast would (see: “Stacking Pennies” with Corey Lajoie and crew), Jeff and Jordan waste an hour none of us will ever get back complaining about how horrible the racing is these days and how NASCAR must make changes this instant or face extinction. As if anything short of a three-wide photo finish with racecars crashing all over the place is boring. The so-called “good race poll” is a complete joke. Do football podcasters complain about how boring the game is when a team wins by four scores? (Maybe they do; I don’t listen to football podcasts). Does anyone suggest the NFL change the rules of play to avoid blowouts and boring games? (Again, maybe they do). Most people in their right mind (something I haven’t always been accused of) and most people who have racing fans long enough (all 35 years I have been alive, for me) know what makes classic races memorable is that they don’t happen all the time and they aren’t the norm. Jeff and Jordan clearly don’t understand that yet; it’s always laughable when they crap on any given NASCAR race (and they’re all good to me; the only bad race I’ve ever seen was the 2001 Daytona 500) yet gush over any given F1 race where Max Verstappen led every single lap and won by a full ZIP code. I would have rated this a zero/0, but a one/1 is the lowest score I am permitted to give. If you made it this far into my rant (which was probably more entertaining to read than listening to Jeff and Jordan talk about racing, then please do yourself a favor and redeem the time we’ve all wasted by listening to “Stacking Pennies” instead. Thanks everybody.
  • HotRod Robinson
    Jeff, keep working on Jordan!
    You guys are a treasure. Keep up the awesome job you’re doing. Jeff always has solid takes on what’s happening on track. Jordan never fails to stay ahead of the curve and breaking news before it’s news. But dude,(Jordan) ya need to get a life. Jeff keep working on him.
  • RealJayQuinn
    “Was it a good podcast?”
    Ever since becoming a regular NASCAR viewer in 2019 (returning after watching as a kid in the 1990s and early 2000s), I had looked forward to the post-race analysis provided by this podcast. However, in the last year, I’ve found this podcast becoming an increasingly tedious and frustrating listen. Less analysis than a regurgitation of hot takes and opinions generated seemingly more to create controversy than provide insights into the racing and the events we just watched happen. But by far the most frustrating aspect of this podcast and why I’ve finally unsubscribed - “the good race poll.” This is the scourge of following NASCAR on social media. Judging every race by the arbitrary “was it a good race” cheapens the experience of watching a NASCAR race. Every race won’t be a mad dash, three wide race to the line with crazy storylines. Some will be dominated by one driver or team. Some will have long, endless green flag runs. Some will have bad officiating calls, tire failure problems, or endless wrecks. That’s all part of the sport - always has been, even in the nostalgia-fueled, [not as] golden [as everyone remembers them] days of the past. The slow burn races or sleepy ones make the really great races all the more memorable and incredible. The “was it a good race?” concept has come to dominate NASCAR social media conversations, making already negatively-charged NASCAR fans even more inclined to kick and scream that everything is terrible, all the time. What’s worse is that the hosts of the show have followed NASCAR social media down this path, shaping their own conversations around the “was it a good race” framing. For now, I’m stepping away from this show with the hope that the cogent and enlightening post-race analysis will return someday in the future.
  • grooviegroves
    Great Pod
    Favorite nascar pod along with Door Bumper Clear. Great work Jeff and Jordan!
  • Rumble18
    Nascar Insiders
    It is so great to have another podcast to add to my week. Jeff is the foundation of this Podcast real even keel. Great insightful discussion everything NASCAR. Grateful to have it during the weekly grind.
  • jbgung
    Learn to let it go
    Jeff needs to figure out how much time to spend on a topic. I have yet to be able to listen to an entire podcast simply because Jeff just can’t move on to a new topic without completely beating that dead horse to a pulp. Let it go man! Make your point and move on. Jordan doesn’t have to agree with you!
  • JNoyd
    Good info
    While I love the content of this show, and respect both individuals … I listen to a lot of podcasts where people bust balls etc…and it feels like you’re in the room with them. I feel like Jordan and Jeff don’t actually like each other or they just have some upper level PHD sarcasm that I cant see through because it can be painfully awkward sometimes…again they’re both fantastic and have contributed a lot to the sport, but I genuinely don’t think they like each other and that comes through when you listen to them … I hope that changes someday because there’s no better nascar content out there. Appreciate both of you. Take care
  • Tbayne21
    Great podcast
    Would like to see an updated 12 questions interview with Trevor Bayne!
  • JayGetsTheShow
    We love you Jeff!
    Jeff and Jordan have one of the best weekly Motorsports Podcasts out there. Every week they discuss the races and offer their insights on NASCAR, F1 and Indycar. These two have a great, humorous relationship and are always entertaining. Plus their articles on The Athletic are expertly written and make for some great reads during the racing season. You guys are awesome and I appreciate the great content you give us race fans. Thank you!
  • Fireball111
    Constructive Criticism of the racing weekend
    This is a great podcast, that is available immediately after the results of Sunday. Great breakdown of the events that happened, centered around NASCAR but not limited to. Give it a listen you’ll be glad you did, Jeff and Jordan are calm level headed takes on what is happening in motorsports 👍👍
  • Mitten Tim
    Not the same
    This used to be my favorite Nascar podcast. Couldn’t even wait till my commute on Monday morning to listen. Now, this is an F1 first podcast. I got no beef with F1, but neither of these guys seem to show the same interest in Nascar anymore. When they do talk Nascar, they barely scratch the surface of story lines. Each week the Nascar segment gets shorter and shorter. It just stinks at what it has become. I get F1 has become much more popular than it used to be, but at least change the logo of the podcast so people know this is not Nascar first anymore. Honest feedback.
  • Jonnyk05
    So many negative and winey thoughts annoying to listen too
  • prerun4fun13
    Decent show when Jeff isn’t crying.
    I like the show. But I’m getting pretty tired of hearing Jeff complain about Bristol dirt and Jordan’s was it a good race picks. Just breakdown the race and stop complaining.
  • Hspencer72
    Jeff Gluck… whine bag!!!
    I’ve tried so long, just can’t keep listening to Jeff Glcls whining! Go write for Cosmo and cover the housewives!!
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