College Football Live

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Daily news from around the wide world of college football.

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  • Aunt Silk
    1 star
    Ruining College Football
    Every day of the week.
  • breakYODAy
    Corrupt media organization
    ESPN is destroying any reason to watch sports by pressing their money grubbing fingers all over the scale. Remove ESPN from your media diet.
  • nahhhhhhhh1987653257
    ESPN has ruined college football
  • user7199
    Terrible, all of them
  • DerrFreemz
    Do not listen
    A propoganda machine against the results on the field.
  • Bryan & Mallory's iTunes
    Am I the Only One?
    First, let me say that despite being a huge Michigan fan, Georgia is my second favorite team in college football. My family is all from Georgia and many of them as Georgia alum. Therefore, I want it to be known this is coming from someone that is not an SEC hater. I have listened to a lot of commentary on the possible scenarios that could occur after this weekend’s conference championships … mostly from ESPN and Fox Sports. Let me just say that the overly dramatic sports reporters (and everyone knows who I am referring to) who main goal is to stir controversy in the pursuit of ratings are ridiculous. While I feel both the College Gameday’s and Joel Klatt’s insights on the playoff scenarios are definitely fair and comprehensive, I struggle with some of the arguments both sources have been sharing. I continually have been hearing some things that I cannot get behind from the media and the biggest one is that the SEC is the best conference in college football. Joel’s points on keeping Tennessee in the top 25 despite 4 TD losses to Georgia and Missouri as well as 2 TD losses to both both Alabama and Florida (yes … 5-7 Florida who just lost to a Florida State team without Jordan Travis), strongly supports the SEC-bias and overrated conference viewpoint. This conference is definitely top-heavy and receives SEC-bias from year’s past. I watched Georgia struggle against, and beat a mediocre .500 Georgia Tech team by one score. On the same weekend, I saw it take a miracle (and horrible defensive call on the 4th and 31 play) for Alabama to beat a .500 team at Auburn last week. Let’s talk common opponents or the one degree of separation aspect for a moment. Georgia Tech lost to Clemson by 3 TDs … which is a team that Florida State beat (granted before Jordan Travis’ injury but the comparison is still a 4 TD difference in final scores). If you’re talking about Georgia still getting in after that performance followed up by a loss in the conference championship game to Alabama (especially after Alabama’s previous week’s performance), I find it challenging at the least to say that either SEC champion should get in with one loss. To explain further, the vaunted SEC team of Alabama could and should have lost to Auburn … a team that lost to New Mexico by 3 TDs the week before. For those who may have forgotten, New Mexico is a team that lost to a 3-9 UMass team earlier this year. I would argue that Alabama is not exactly playing their best at the end of the year either. The Crimson Tide’s “huge win” against UT-Chattanooga the week before ashouldn’t impress anyone either since that opponent also lost to 3-7 North Alabama, Western Carolina, and Furman teams as well. Compare either of those 1-loss SEC teams (if Alabama beats Georgia) and putting them in over an undefeated Florida State conference champion; a Texas conference champion that beat Alabama by double digits head-to-head; an Oregon conference champion that avenged it’s only loss (and may be playing the best of any team in the discussion lately as the eye test winner) and you may understand why it is hard for me to support the 1-loss SEC champion HAS to have a team in the playoffs argument. When I hear statements that Alabama or Georgia would be favored over any of the other teams being considered as mentioned above, I simply say, “it depends on which Georgia and Alabama team shows up”. If the inconsistent Georgia team that played against Georgia Tech, Auburn, or South Carolina shows up, Georgia may not beat the other candidates under consideration on a neutral site. If it is the inconsistent Alabama team that played against Auburn, Arkansas, South Florida, Texas A&M, or even possibly Texas were to show up, I feel they definitely wouldn’t … despite Paul Finebaum’s most crazed rants of “over my dead body!”. Every year, at least one of the Power 5 conferences have been left out of the 4-team playoffs, until now, the SEC was not even considered to be that 1 team (and with good reason). However, I feel the right circumstances may provide the necessary evidence for other deserving teams to get the nod if Georgia were to fall to Alabama in the SEC title game this year.
  • cguudxjdc
    What has happed to espn’s cfb crew?
    Done with all ESPN cfb coverage. Nothing like getting rid of some of the best college football minds in the country so they could pay moron Pat McAfee.
  • glimadoll
    The background music ruins this podcast.
    Get good microphones, ditch the background music, and quit screaming.
  • EmilyKellumB
    Odd and long pauses. Not enjoyable.
  • DrRonnieB
    Surprisingly poor quality
    I’m absolutely shocked that a sports media company like ESPN would put out such a low a quality podcast—poor audio quality, technical issues, often long stretches of runtime with no audio. It’s not worth wasting your time listening to with inconsistent quality.
  • pizzamandude
    I love listening to the college football updates. However, whomever is doing the edits on the podcasts is leaving long pauses before the podcast starts and in between speakers at time. This really needs fixed as it ruins the podcast flow.
  • a_customer...
    Silent interviews are captivating
    Does anyone actually edit this podcast?
  • Scotto33-45
    Need fixing
    Love the passion Wendy Nix brings, but sometimes ( a lot of times) there are technical issues with this podcast that cause me to skip it. There are volume issues, guests can’t seem to help taking over each other in real-time, and pauses and recording during commercials thst get aired on the podcast. Would love if someone could look into this and fix it.
  • eruc solomita
    Wend Sam Steve
    Excellent podcast 5stars ! 5 stars you 3 Take a deep dive into this weekend’s matchup Plus, what does Clemson Alabama and Tennessee need to do if they want to bounce back this week? Also How can Washington State try to stop Bo Nixon and Oregon’s offense? And, does Tulane have what it takes to break their loos streak against AP ranked teams?
  • hawks77
    Why is the audio so bad?
    Come on ESPN this is high school audio quality.
  • content of character
    Howard sounds like a mongoloid.
  • subeyondchic
    Technical issues
    Great content but with today’s technology they still have not figured out how to get the host and guests speaking in real-time so that they’re not talking over each other
  • Hdhchchxj
    It is so awesome to have a female commentator, thanks Wendy! You guys are awesome too!
  • wwtara
    The most blatantly pro-SEC “college football” podcast
    They say the names of other conferences in the same vocal inflection as most other people say the word “plague”
  • dcrowe
    Fix Your Broadcast from Home Problems
    I understand that there are challenges broadcasting when everyone isn’t in the same room, but the current daily show is very frustrating. How is it that a giant producer of content like ESPN can’t figure out how to sync everyone’s audio so that on-air personalities (which are usually too each eager to speak first) aren’t awkwardly talking over one another, then awkwardly pausing, then awkwardly talking over one another again. Even without that frustration, it’s basically been a lazy move by ESPN over the last few years to just publish the audio feed from a television show. I’ll join the chorus of many, many other reviews that lament the demise of this podcast post-Ivan Maisel. Please, please consider bringing back the writers (any writer) to host the podcast! Until then, I’ll be listening only sporadically, and will get my college football fix from a more focused podcast from Texas A&M, which has 10x better production value. Thanks and Gig’em!
  • JohnnyLongbone
    Aka a SEC/OSU/Clemson podcast
    Don’t listen if you’re a Notre Dame fan.
  • wlazuka
    Third rate tabloid
  • uncfreak
    Chris Cote
    Bring Chris Cote back ESPN
  • Hokie Swag
    Editor “on the ropes”
    Just listen to that episode. It’s nothing but white noise . Pathetic!
  • 17CANES94
    Good content HORRIBLE audio
    Every single episode has audio issues, I’d love to know why the commercials are always crisp and sound great when the audio of the actual program sounds like it is being operated by a high school kid. Still good content but much better podcasts you could listen to and get the same info.
  • 5_0_3
    Can’t wait for Nov 7
    Go Ducks!!!! Just wish our league office (Larry Scott) wouldn’t put so many bumps in the road for our teams
  • hadley (:
    Weak personnel
    Need to have better hosts. Finebaum should be on more often. Don’t even bother with golic.....the worst. Additionally Desmond is a joke. If I see that Golic or Desmond are on...I delete.
  • atvedge
    ESPN has ruined this podcast!
    The content and hosts are great, but the editing has turned this podcast into garbage. I’ve had to unsubscribe because the audio levels and noise has made so that it’s too annoying to listen to.
  • BennyHauna0415
    Clipping Audio
    The audio for most of these broadcasts are entirely too hot when they get transferred to the podcast platform. Reese’s was set up nice but every person he talked to clipped really bad for the entire show. This typically happens through out the rest of the shows as well. Please fix it
  • NJ Sooner
    Minority Report
    The reason this podcast cannot possibly put out unbiased reviews is because their hosts are all SEC homers and the network is an utter schill to the highest bidder. So glad that there are finally other networks, podcasts and message boards so that the other 90% of the country doesn’t have to ingest this inbred garbage.
  • baldbearded1
    Poor Editing
    Love the podcast...but whoever is editing this thing needs to stop slapping commercials mid sentence.
  • Angrybregs
    No more Paul
    Every time Paul Finebaum is on the show it loses a little bit of credibility...
  • ccmg12
    Sometime enjoyable
    I usually don't review podcasts but I have to with this one. I know it's a tv show that they're just grabbing the audio from but their production is hit or miss. They often cut segments before they end. The crew is always rotating and that's also hit or miss. You can tell some hosts just don't like each other or sometimes a host will feel the need to 'show off' or 'flex' or whatever you want to call it. It makes me miss Championship Drive/ Campus Conversation each time I listen.
  • carlton9!
    Go ducks !!!!
    Love this podcast just wish it was a little longer !!!!
  • Achilles12345
    Acho is pathetic and Vilma is trash
    The rest of the crew is smart with facts and thoughts behind their opinions but I never agree with these Acho or Vilma. I find them annoying over the top and just flat out worthless.
  • WaltfromTexas
    Where’s Ivan?
    ESPN ruined this podcast. It’s just a bunch of sound bites with no analysis, thoughtful discussion, history, etc. Typical ESPN garbage. Where’s Ivan, Chris Lowe, McGee, Dinich?
  • mdwthetiger
    Suffers from being a tv show
    A previous comment mentioned length and depth issues. This is unavoidable due to being a TV show. The issues are still real and I don’t see any way to fix them.🐯☮️
  • Tool4daman
    David Pollack is obnoxious
    Maybe Pollack was hit in the head to much at Georgia. Or maybe he licked lead paint chips as a baby. So tired of hearing Pollack calling everyone “Bruh”. So tired of listening to his opinions that he thinks are fact and pushing others on the show around. Done wasting my time listening to this dumpster fire of a program. Its worse than watching Rutgers Vs South Carolina.
  • GWillyD
    Good, but could be better.
    This seems like “the” college football podcast, but they’re too short and too infrequent. With all the content espn drives you’d think they could be more current and more complete. After a big Saturday, you have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday for a podcast..?
  • iusedtolikethispodcast
    Insult to beano cook
    So agree with other review. Where is Ivan? I hate this.
  • NotCountryDude
    I like the show but they have GOT to STOP cutting people off mid sentence to get their ads in. IT’S A PODCAST! There isn’t a time restriction. Either cut the entire bit out or leave it all in. Cutting mid sentence is amateur at best. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy.
  • 4411Tigers
    Bring Back Campus Conversation
    ESPN please bring back a great podcast!!
  • McKdaddy2
    Awful pod, please bring back Ivan and crew
  • largebluej
    Go back to the old format
    If you don’t revert back to an actual podcast with the hosts you in previous seasons, I will soon unsubscribe. This is just an audio playback of a less-than-mediocre TV show. It’s useless. It is an insult to the memory of Beano Cook.
  • stellablues99
    Used to be good, now terrible
    Please bring back the old crew of Ivan, C-Lo, Adam, Heather and the like. These fools have no grounding in football history, and as it stands currently, this podcast is terrible.
  • 🍰🍰🍊🍊🍉🍉
    Stop the background cheering noise. It’s annoying STOP the background cheering
  • Philbobagginss
    Repurpose this podcast.
    It’s a cluster of repeat highlights combined with shouted cliches.
  • Moses_1988
    This show is awful. I don’t learn anything from Vilma or this other bozo. Cliche cliche analysis
  • MickeyHAB
    Contract with the SEC
    Need I say more?
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