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TLFFrancisAkilah!!!I love Akilah Hughes. That’s all.
MotherDebzFYI - For Civil ServantsCheck out the daily beans at MSWMedia - they’ve started a legal services & support services fund for federal workers. You mentioned this on 02/27/2025
katkatkat21Akilah!!I loved hearing Akilah’s voice, her infectious laugh - and her takes - again! And I will definitely check out Rebel Spirit. Goooo biscuits!
KristenRobJalen HurtsI’m stunned you were able to get through a segment about Jalen Hurts without mentioning that he’s ridiculously good looking. Kudos for your restraint. Could not be me. Go birds🦅🦅🦅
La mexicana 93945Loyal listenerLove this! Look forward to this every week. Sooooo cool to have Julissa Arce on.
anonymous2681Love love! BUT SO MANY ADSAn insane amount of advertising on this pod. Like multiple minutes every time and 5 ad breaks each episode. That’s like 15 min lost every episode. I find this ridiculous. I listen and LOVE this pod!! but with my hands busy and often messy (I’m a chef) it’s frustrating to have to stop and skip forward on the ads. I would just listen to them if they took up a minute at a time, but it’s 4 minutes every time. Ugh!!
mjg09014Tasteless Comments about WNCI have religiously listened to Hysteria. I find it to be a great take on the news of the week. However, the lack of understanding of what happened/is happening in WNC is astounding. As a resident of the area it felt very dismissive to say that there is nothing that compares to a wildfire. As someone who has lived in major cities my whole life I know get why people in less urban areas feel left behind.
lee44!Good Podcast but a request…I found this podcast through Katie Couric Media, when Katie shared that she’d be guest hosting an episode. I enjoyed the episode & learned a lot so I’ve been a subscriber ever since. A few weeks ago, during an episode talking about the election & concerns of what’s coming next, a comment was made about rural states that keep voting “red.” Then Arkansas was specifically mentioned & one of the host said something along the lines of “who’d want to live in Arkansas anyway.” It was very disheartening to hear this. Guess what—I’m a true blue liberal Democrat and I live in Arkansas. My family is here, my job is here, my friends are here, and my retirement investment is here. So, I can’t just pick up and move to a “blue” state. Instead, I’ve got to stay here and find ways to hope to one day get our Democratic majority back & find ways to try to make voters realize whose policies actually work for them. It’s absolutely hard here. But when that comment was made on the podcast, it totally opened my eyes to what others have been saying—when the so-called liberal elite treat rural states and voters in a disparaging manner, it turns people off. So my request today is that the hosts be aware of their one-off comments and know that even people from a state like Arkansas are here, are trying to support progressive candidates and legislation, and we are not all a bunch of hicks. Thanks for letting me share and I do sincerely like the podcast and appreciate your work.
sportyspicesageThank youThank you for connecting the dots and articulating the causes of so many dumpster fires in our country. You make it possible to stay informed, keep my sanity, and laugh a bit.
Kb262626Great podAbsolutely my top pod, can’t wait to listen every week! Smart petty sassy takes to keep me informed, love it all!!
CluttersharkYou’re awesomeI’ve been a long time listener and you’re my favorite pod on Thursday. Great point of views and guest panelists especially Michaela Watkins and Megan Gailey!!
Blackygreen77Great ShowStarted listening after the election along with other crooked media podcasts to help make sense of the crazy politics we’re living in and you guys are a pleasure to listen to. Also to address the most recent episode, as a youngish man of 27 I’m sorry for rise in misogynistic views among my sex but I will continue to personally try my best to not add to them and encourage others to due the same.
graci3l0uThe best!So thankful for intelligent, strong, opinionated women 💙
maryupnorthTossing TurkeysDemocrat, from the Midwest, and long time listener to all things Crooked Media, but I have been struggling to listen to Erin and Alyssa lately. In the most recent pod, Alyssa recommends we throw out our Thanksgiving turkey leftovers after three days. THREE. Because some women’s magazine told her so. I’m wondering how this is either A) environmentally conscientious, or B) remotely budget wise. Are you wondering why working class folks find nothing worth listening to here? Or why Republicans take issue with our “not in my backyard” brand of deaf and dumb environmentalism? If you’re wondering why we lost to Trump, please spend just a little time looking inwards before blaming it all on racism and sexism. And if you’re wondering about my turkey, I just ate my final, DELICIOUS, leftover turkey sandwich - yesterday - a full NINE days after Thanksgiving, and I am alive and well. Smell your leftovers people, and your podcasts. If they stink, toss ‘em.
bluevotermonday morning quarterbackPsa universe blaming everything on Biden; might want to look in the mirror. Not listening to your whining anymore
HKgmillerDelivering Pettiness and SanityYes, this is what we need now more than ever! Thank you for your work and please keep making more pods!💙
Jul4788One-track mindsI enjoy listening to podcasts from both sides of politics, but I want those people to be open minded and not closed off to differing perspectives. Their episode “should we unfriend trump voters” prove they lack the open-mindedness they claim to promote, as it framed the discussion in a way that dismissed differing perspectives rather than fostering meaningful dialogue.
nomorenealPainful to listen toMean spirited & smug take on election results
L&L Cult JamShould We Unfriend Trump VotersSuch a thought-provoking discussion. I live in a very red state, and my neighborhood is full of Trump supporters. It’s been extremely isolating and difficult to engage with anyone around me. As much as I try to limit my interactions with them, my children are friends with their children, so it’s impossible to not have interactions with them. It’s going to be a long 4 years. Although someone might say they voted for Trump for his economic policies, we all know they voted for racism, misogyny, and white Christian nationalism. I am done thinking the best of people. When people show you who they are, believe them, and I believe them.
Kody is a divilwhat did I stumble onto?I tuned in for David Yontef and stumbled onto 2 female white apologists, whose primary objective appears to be (judging by this podcast) finger pointing all the reasons why Trump won, away from themselves- (white women Trump voters of a certain age are browbeaten by the patriarchy..younger white men are holding their partners captive...Boomers didn’t/aren’t raising their kids correctly…they raised their kids to think life’s easy waah waah) If these 2 grumbles were raised by boomers- one point was made: They spoke of how one has cried and the other has yet to cry over the election! That was as far as I got into this whiny diatribe..I actually voted for Harris. It’s people like Erin and Alyssa who TURNED VOTES AWAY! Thanks a lot, girls- Next up, there’s projections of a 2028 JD Vance/Don Trump Jr ticket! Keep this up and we can count on you to get Don Junior into the Oval.
SizzleMcPizzleAh yisJack Nichalous in One Flaur o’er the curckoo’s narst
LebooveThe medicine we needI can’t tell you how comforting the “Trump Won, Now What?” Episode was. To share and hear real feelings, deep concerns, and also optimism from other (arguably more) intelligent women is what the doctor ordered. Thank you and thank goodness for Crooked Media.
ohio to laThank youThank you both for doing this show and continuing to do it. In a world of lots of make news / podcasts we need you. You just get it and you help me feel like there’s a place for me and other women in this country.
MamaB1998LOVE AlyssaJust cannot get enough of this girl. I love every take hot or otherwise and though she is a couple years younger than me, what a great lifelong best friend this girl would be!!
LuckBeeA_LadyI love the midwestern accentsAs like-minded midwesterner, I greatly enjoy this podcast.
Jaimie476My new favorite political podcastWith all the negativity going on, these hosts and their guests find a way to talk about it all in a conversational way that does not feel negative. I get happy when I see a new episode in my feed each week. This podcast makes me feel seen and not alone.
St.Louis’sIma manexcuse me I listen on the reg. Smh… sayin there’s probably no men listening. Also straight but gays are awesome and women are smarter than everybody else. I just wonder if I’m an outlier? Lonewolf out here
LoganTylerBGlad I added38 year old white guy. Love the show. Funny and informative. Sometimes learning things about my own state that I should have known! Not to dramatize, but If you care about women you should give it a listen.
CarolynFaithPick meI’m out. I realized that Erin is just a pick-me girl pretending she’s not. Her snark at what other people like… I’m just over it.
Lmr013082Spoiler Alerts Please!!Came here for the political commentary - you guys are hilarious and informative! But then, you spoiled Sister Wives for me in less than 20 seconds during the latest episode of your pod. Ironically I had just started Season 1 and you gave a run-down of where everyone is today with NO spoiler warning. Dang it!! Other than THAT - no notes! 💕
vjmwMostly nonsenseI wanted so badly to like this show. I love Erin Ryan on other Crooked Media shows, but this thing is a horror. This hot mess is an echo chamber of shaming “others” and mostly represents the worst of what right wingers have to say about us “liberal elites.” Very disappointing.
nobody 537Great Hosts - incredible dynamicsWhat a dynamic duo! The hosts make political commentary interesting and funny. I’m a new subscriber
jules#30Akilah!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU for having Akilah Hughes on for the debate discussion! I Love, love, love her so much and miss hearing her on WAD. I’m a big fan of yall and all of Crooked Media! (PS also a That’s Messed Up SVU Pod listener from Day 1 and love when Kara Klenk is on Hysteria, also.) Keep up the Hysteria, ladies!!!! 🙌🏻💯🎉💃
Val_ToriMy safe placeLook forward to amazing guests and cohosts
soulrockerTLeeSongs - FreedomHow ‘bout RICHIE HAVENS
nbsfmcWish it was 3x per weekPlease no more Katie couric! She talks over everyone and is constantly asking sneakily mean / slightly racist questions. Yikes.
ASKMAKThey Finally Got It!This show has finally gotten it right. I look forward to the episodes each week. Originally this show was a sloppy mess. I periodically came back to check if it got better. It didn’t for years. However it is SO GOOD now. I’m glad I kept giving it a chance and I’m glad Crooked stuck it out. THANK YOU I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!
JeansiclesBTS Stories!Always love hearing stories from Alyssa about her experiences working on campaigns and VP selection processes! #FriendsOfTheUnion #FairContractNow
Fela FamilyThank you!Live this podcast! Thanks for discussing the Little house connection to Mankato! (I absolutely remember that they talked about going to Mankato on Little House, but selling the grain! Oh my gosh!) Perfect connection! Thanks for always having amazing analysis on current events.
BibliophileGUnionAnti union actions from a “pro union” org…sry can’t support ANY Crooked Media until this is resolved
megmeg_coPodfriendsSo happy to go through my elder-milennial geriatric-pregnancy turned mom-dom with Erin and Alyssa to keep my company and remind me that I’m not going insane. #keepcrookedprogressive #friendoftheunion
antler kweenWhat happened?I used to listen to this show until maybe 2 years ago because the ads seemed to get way too long- I came back recently and was sorely disappointed that the weekly panel- which drew me to the show in the first place- was gone! I like Alyssa and Erin but I always came to an episode for their chemistry with great guests like Naomi Ekperigan and Dana Schwartz. Such shame!
Fred BermudaSE Cupp, really?!Never, ever repeat the mistake.
KHB2009Loved this format, content and guests!This was a fun show. Informative, good insight and loved the highlight of women running for state offices! Truly in awe of them:)
SDSSTLA better recommendation:Save yourself some time (and brain cells) and listen to The Fifth Column instead. Hysteria is flat-out not good. I have listened for years and it just continues to decline in quality.
k723849Hateful and embarrassingThis is a long one, because I have listened for two years and I think it’s important to hold people accountable. I’ve had some concerns for a while now that Hysteria was just the liberal version of the hateful conservative shows that I think are unhealthy to listen to. My final straw happened to be the May 23rd ep. Erin confidently claims that the Bible supports blaming women, which is just academically incorrect. (just because a person in a story is punished does not mean the narrative is supporting that result; sometimes stories are showing injustice.) There is an entire academic field of study on this topic, if you really cared what any of those stories meant when they were written, or if you really wanted to know what actual Christians think of those stories. Beyond this fundamental lack of knowledge, the show makes disgusting generalizations about Christians, by assuming that the extremists are the norm or majority. Also, all the examples of scripture given are the ones shared with J*****m, so all the trash talk would also apply to them, whether you meant it or not. And if your response to that is, “No, they interpret it differently”, that is exactly my point. It can be, and is, interpreted and used differently by different groups. Acting like the right wing evangelicals are the baseline of the religion is factually incorrect and prejudiced. Having a podcast with such a large audience means you have a responsibility to, at the bare minimum, not be an a-hole because that inspires others to be same way. (Censored J because my original review was never posted. I think apple is indiscriminately filtering that and related words.)
Shereals99"Saltier than Mr. Peanut's jock strap"*Happy 300 episodes!! I am a Day 1 and this podcast has been with me through 10 moves, 2 job changes, and several road trips over the last 6 years. Today Michaela shouted out Erin's nicknames for terrible people, which are great, but so are her allusions, similes, and metaphors. The whole crew is awesome and I thank them for supplying most of my news😜 * if I am remembering correctly, this is from summer of 2020. I heard it when I was pulling in to my garage parking space. Laughed out loud
liljakeyHysteri-a-calBut not ha ha. Enjoy the warm glass of narrative and hypocrisy.
Boozie BeermanMy favoriteI love this pod so much! The combination of intelligence/snark/humor makes me look forward to Tuesdays and Thursdays, especially since I listen to it at work.
Provincetown1234Changed over the past several monthsI used to listen to this every week, lately it’s become glib, out-of-touch, and the thoughtfulness has faded. It’s a hard thing to try to be witty, but maybe you don’t need to be. I don’t know if there isn’t enough budget or prep-time, but I find myself skipping this week to week and finally unsubscribed. There’s definitely a market for a women-hosted podcast that focuses on politics, but sadly this one isn’t it for me anymore.
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