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hsvegjzSkewed reportingThe reporters hesitate to call out bad behavior when it happens.
AndyGonzoExcellent analysisBill McGurn’s analysis on Ukraine’s rare earth mineral deal is excellent and right on point.
abp4567891234Well done 2/22/25I’ve been critical, but today’s podcast, Alicia, was clearly articulated. And of course always like Kim’s perspective.
WoodMorgerDon’t Make Me Do It!Okay, the WSJ paper fails to cover the abuses that Doge has uncovered or the list the problems uncovered at USAID. So I am dropping that subscription and looks like there are also fewer reasons to listen to Potomac Watch. Terrible shift over the past few years!
IAmTheBuddyTypical MSMThis podcast used to be better. The cast hates Donald Trump and his administration from policies to nominations for admin roles and cabinet positions. They consistently mock the President, allude to his plans and positions not being well thought out and often times stupid, and have many times said the President pursues unpopular agendas with the American people while failing to recognize this agenda won the popular vote, the electoral vote, has 75% approval, and the President himself 57% approval. Typical MSM commentary that gets aroused by their own view of self importance.
NRice198@By elites, for elitesLeading up to the 2024 election, this podcast was wonderful. But since Trump won, all they do is criticize every single thing the man does, which has largely been what he promised to do when he ran. They just seem like a group of coastal elites who are very out of touch with the common voter.
Scooching in HereWar Mongering QuacksReally losing respect for this podcast and these people. Swinging way too far right
Schlossie 79WarmongersI used to enjoy the podcast a lot with its various opinions. But it’s been a while since I noticed that almost every episode peddles the war. “We have to support our allies” they say. Why would we? We should first think of supporting our citizens and our country. Stop peddling wars. Please return to objective opinions that we enjoyed before.
LsweingGreat showsI never miss a day with Potomac Watch. It keeps me sane after listening to inane liberal MSM. Wish everyone would listen. Love all the speakers!
robinsperchPotomac WatchStrassel gave a much needed balance to the "Journal Podcast". on DEI, which didn't deal with any of the problems with how it is implemented and what it is doing to free speech and education. "The Journal" podcast should listen to "Potomac Watch's" interview with Shapiro.
saginatioGreatI never miss an episode. It’s the most honest podcast on the Internet.
Chip#Say WHATOil add in your podcast ??
Skyfall2016Common Sense DiscussionsI listen to PW almost daily, if I miss an episode I catch up. PW provides a “normal” informative discussion on current events. I even have my wife listening now and commenting it’s good to listen to civil informative common sense discussions on current events. Great job WSJ & PW team! Thk you for the show!
GiveMeRealNewzPanama Canal DiscussionThe female guest who provided her expert opinion about Panama Canal & Greenland must be a NY Times columnist. All her opinions were anti - Trump. If she is so smart then why isn’t she the next President of the US ? We know Paul Gigot, he still mourns the loss of Nikki Haley’s defeat in the primary.
Jaroo skevitKim finally challengedGreat show w Mike Madrid, would encourage this kind of give and take in the future for All Things
Conservative NewsyThe other reviews are fun to read!I never miss the Journal’s various podcasts nor fail to read the diverse reviews (this is my first). I find the views from the different journalists to be interesting, refreshing, varied, insightful and well researched. It is so different from the superficial, predictable tripe we are fed from the traditional networks that take their marching orders from an incestuous Washington silo of political operatives (90%Dem/10%Rep). Thank you for continuing to toe the line for actual Journalism, holding both parties accountable without leaning too far right!
pinging pigeonMatt Gaetzconsidering the Gaetz track record for possible sex trafficking, and his role in unseating Kevin McCarthy, how can President Trump nominate Gaetz for Attorney General (with a straight face)?
CHGuy33Trump SupportersI think WSJ, even if they lean center-right, is like all other legacy media. And like the rest, fail or refuse to understand the traditional Trump supporters. His supporters are pro-free markets but anti-globalism; pro-strong military but anti-war; pro-legal immigration and vehemently anti-immigration. You can go on and on. And Trump gets that and that’s why he was voted into power, not the media. His mandate is to satisfy his constituents and not the media. The media could keep making fun of him and only provide opinions or do what they are expected to do at the first place, which is analyze and report news objectively as it happened.
TigerjobooAlysia get a microphoneIf you are going to participate in the podcast. Come out of the bathroom and go to a studio with a descent microphone.
ProfspoonInformativeThey lean right no question.
AustinBuff27Gone DownhillIt was always a little biased and leaned right, but now it’s so blatantly neo-con warmongering that I can’t even get through an episode. Unfollowed.
11MarigoldAll Things 👎🏻 Potomac 👍🏻All Things Considered is terrible. It’s not a podcast, just people coming on to repeat GOP talking points with absolutely no push-back whatsoever, no delving into the issues, minimal review of why they’re saying what they are. Sadly the hostess has become just a mouthpiece for the Trump Team within the GOP (including on Potomac Watch/etc), despite previously (within a few years ago) giving her own independent opinions. Gone is any nuance or independent thought or analysis. Potomac Watch approaches issues from a conservative lens with generally independent analysis and assessment (except for one hostess who sadly now just repeats whatever Trump says; see above).
RjvaSometimes it’s interestingThe audio quality can be really bad, which is weird because the regular WSJ news podcast has great audio. Sometimes I can’t even listen the audio is so bad. It’s really, really right wing sometimes. It’s nice to get another perspective and I know this is an opinion podcast, but there needs to be other opinions. I’m just listening to an opinion on the debate and the guest is from the Trump campaign! No opinion from the Democratic side. I listen to the Economist all the time which is left biased, but even they bring Republicans on their Checks and Balance. The WSJ regular news podcasts are good and informative. But the opinion podcasts are sometimes just trash.
Informed1952Glimmer of hopeKim Strassel’s interview with Ralph Reed of the Faith and Freedom Coalition (August 27) gave a big boost to my hope for a Trump/Vance victory. This group has the money, vision, plan and leadership to inform their group and mobilize them to vote in November. Thank you Kim! I am sharing this hopeful message with my friends.
This KenKim All Things ConsideredWhy allow democrats to blatantly lie and promote their antisemitic nonsense with no corrections offered.
3337108/16 Kamala’s opportunity economyGreat show as usual Kamala’s plan is a great recipe for more inflation, more foreclosures and higher taxes to immediately fund and ultimately bail out the ultimate failure of her plan. But she will get the votes from the immediate beneficiaries of the government handouts She’ll be the short term winner (president Kamala) - that’s the goal of those who put the economic opportunity plan together. She’s the useful idiot who will smile, giggle and laugh when presenting it.
misty3303Yes, but….Kim has great knowledge, insight and perspectives but to maintain credibility, pronouncing Kamala properly is critical! This seems to be a problem for many of the guests on this show. I’m not a Kamala supporter but can’t understand why her name is constantly mispronounced and why the hosts don’t coach on this.
SapdougGreat Show - 8/8 Really Slick!Without a single word of criticism, only admiration, they accuse Minnesota Democrats of ballot harvesting - isn’t that illegal?
Burtb07Strass- oh yasssI have loved Kim’s warmth and intellect for a long time. Happy to have her interview subjects and I got a smile when I heard her try to subdue a chuckle in response to a quip from the guest.
someguysomewhere123Great contentLove it
qrfggySlow down!I don’t know what the time pressure was, but speaking at this unnatural rate of speed interferes with the ability of your audience to understand and process the information you are trying to get across to them. Surely the Wall Street Journal should be able to buy a bit more time. so SLOW DOWN and if you are all snorting cocaine before broadcasting please stop before you lose your audience or get admitted to a hospital!
CatharkAll ThingsI enjoyed Kim’s first show and am looking forward to more!
zxz12321zxzUnbalanced, though could be greatPaul does a nice job presenting a balanced view of issues but some, especially Kate, present a very unbalanced view of issues. I want to hear opinions but wise ones. It’s disappointing because she has some good points but she seemingly refuses to look at other reasonable perspectives allow them to balance out her views. If Paul (and some others who have more maturely developed views on the show) were on each day I would listen to the podcast every day. But I turn it off when Kate (and a couple others don’t seem to have the wisdom and balance that Paul does ) come on If I want a narrow view I can listen to newsmax or msnbc, but I want a more moderate conservative view like the WSJ can present
Hamster CalhoonOne of the best Washington politics podcastsThe Potomac podcast from The Wall Street Journal Opinion is one of two podcasts on Washington political analysis that I never miss. Excellent discussion from the center-right point of view. Very professionally conducted, and always an interesting and valued listen.
BaesgiInteresting and well researched analysis of current affairsI would probably fall more in the moderate Democratic spectrum, but I agree with many opinions that are presented here. It is important to hear both sides of the isle and form your own opinion. This podcast helps me to better understand the conservative position and see topics from new viewpoints by presenting it in clear and professional manner. Keep up the good work!
evjdReason ReignsAlways listen to Paul, Bill, and Kim who each have their own rational and sometimes different take on daily issues. Analysis by each is valued.
TXLandman1So FrustratingActing like “Bipartisan Border Security Bill” does anything but legalize >1million illegal immigrants per year makes the most recent episode a complete whitewash of truth.
user in italyGreat discussionLove the show.
4your9senseUkrainian support as discussed 2/16/24I found today’s show interesting about the status of the Ukrainian war, but lacking in a balanced perspective. if the Ukrainian support is so critical to both that nation and the United States, Mr Gigot, why not ask the question shouldn’t Biden be giving in on the southern border if that’s what it’s going to take for Congress to support the bill in front of it? In my view and a lot of people I know say if Biden wants the funding all he hast to do is to implement remain in Mexico and Congress will support the funding measure. America’s security against the invasion of young military age men from China, and other countries must come before Ukrainian security. This is not on Congress. It is on the White House.
Larsn44Kim is a treasureI love the podcast. I wish Alysia would lose the monotone and separate her words. She is difficult to understand.
ShoulderleenBest pod, WORST audioMy favorite podcast of all time. Kim is a legend. However, the audio quality is SO BAD that I can only give two stars. I love the content but the conference call quality hurts my ears. Alysia Finley has boring/bad takes. Not on the same playing field as Kim Paul and Bill. WSJ - get these people some professional microphones for Heaven’s sake!! Especially Alysia if you keep her on!
KPMridgeA must listenInformative and thought-provoking
RealCheeseFlavrIs one of the hosts drunk?My God, one of the women always sounds like she just polished off a fifth. I can’t listen to episodes she contributes to. She has a voice for writing columns. Edit: I don’t know when I wrote this review. PLEASE get her off. It’s unlistenable.
LJRALWhy more commercial breaks????Good content but too many add breaks.
Tracy6968Daily ListenerKimberley Strassel is one of the most intelligent columnists that I have ever read or heard. I’ve followed her for years. I tolerate this pod casts dislike of Trump to listen to her speak. Don’t forget that many of us that became professional people come from working class families of all races. A group that has been ignored and walked on by almost every president since Reagan except for Trump.
SpandataGreat perspectives and no polemic rancor.Wow! I really appreciate your civility, broad-minded perspectives and respect for real dialogue that seems to seek the Middle Path.
tioleo8was much better at 1x week now diluted and repetitiveecho chamber problem; kim straussel is a titan but the rest of the cast barely adds any value. when they went every day it dropped in quality but kept same if not longer runtime. turned into reading headlines and repeating Kims opinions. very little value in learning different opinions on major topics and very little inside baseball as it used to do when 1x a week.
Not bad otherwiseHalf-sided debatesI don’t know why I expected this podcast to be fair and balanced anyway.
jbs1526Stick to what you knowI usually agree with the views on Potomac Watch. But The podcast’s (allysia?) attempt to explain CBAMs, carbon vs carbon equivalents, and what constitutes “air pollution” makes it sound like they just read something on a message board. Regardless if your position on the topic, at least be able to explain it correctly…e.g. understand that air pollutants like nox and Sox are included in “carbon equivalent”.
Joe-in--San-DiegoAudio Issues ContinuePaul! What are we doing with your audio quality?? Are you broadcasting on AM radio and uploading it to a podcast?? Leadership is fixing problems. You’re failing.
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