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eaoppenheimOff the rails in the best way possibleThis is probably my favorite podcast, and I subscribe to dozens. I love the informative guests and the recurring bits. I’ve been listening since episode one. I especially love the map segments and Bonnie and Toni’s Oral Report. It’s one way to brighten these dark times. And Adam is on Every Show! Also, love the fan submitted music and the house bands.
Kmrmom425 STARS!!I listen to quite a few podcasts and this is one of my favorites by far. I love the humor, creativity, quality guests and camaraderie and feel like these are people I could be friends with! Give it a listen and see what you think.
ByrdguyLaughing!Paula and Adam are both incredibly funny- I am amazed! Bonnie and TAH are both able to mesh together with the improvisational comedy sometimes on purpose and other times they are accidentally hilarious! Thank you .
Slow Gin FizzTerrific TuesdaysThis podcast makes Tuesdays my favorite day of the week. Paula leading this crazy cast of characters makes my week so much better. But, this isn’t all about laughs the guests each week share so much information and knowledge I feel like a well rounded scholar. Simply the best!!!
Micah 79Simply the BestThis is one of the few things I can look forward to in this crazy world
RobbinsNest1985Love this show!I first discovered Paula Poundstone many years ago on “Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me!” So happy to have discovered this unique comedy… The episode with Kara Swisher is wonderful!! It is so nice to hear the truth told with humor and panache! Thank you, Nobodies, for helping us survive reality… You keep me grounded with your wit and empathy. Hearing your true feelings bleed through your humor is so much appreciated. Thank you!!
Nala SCame back after a while and had a blastI’ll be honest: I tried this show a while ago when it was more like a game show and didn’t feel super compelled to keep listening - which surprised me because I absolutely love Paula! Well, I came back to give it another shot and I got the fix that I needed. Paula is her authentic, witty, crass, spontaneous, brilliant, ironic, and profound self in full force. And her chemistry with Adam is fantastic. I love their silly banter and ridiculous tangents. Very enjoyable.
AMTK26Funny and educationalI love this podcast. It is so funny and I always learn something new. Funny, entertaining and educational!
Meonline28542My can’t-miss favoriteHands down the best podcast in the internet. In addition to Paula Poundstone’s impromptu comedy, she and Adam Felber host really interesting and unique guests, and with their friends Bonnie and Toni, also host a Book Club and other crazy party games. NOT too long, despite what Bonnie thinks! Keep it coming!!
pencilpubertyIf you’re cool you’ll get it. 🤓This is my mainstay of podcasts….Always hilarious, smart, stupid, crazy, & educational. I hope that the caller characters become a little more frequent again, but the unpredictability of the whole show (although it’s literally the same episode over and over again…😊) is what’s so great and fun to the entire experience! I’ve been totally on board for the last 7 years! ☮️❤️
MusicFanFLI needed a liver transplant UNTILI listened to NLTPP. The mixture of Paula, Bonnie, and Toni is sheer perfection. And Adam is on every show! It’s always easy to ride on Tuesday mornings because a know a new episode will be awaiting me. It’s truly magical. I seriously look forward to Tuesdays because of this show. The chemistry between Paula, Adam, Toni, and Bonnie transcends that of any other podcast to which I listen. You will celebrate the day you made this pod a regular part of your week.
Anti lies citizenSo funny! Love you allJust posted the best comedy podcast!
Tasha1620As you requested: writing a reviewThank you for taking my mind off reality. All the house bands are terrific, the guests are fascinating. This podcast is so many things, it shouldn’t work, but it does, it really does. Paula and Adam, love you on WWDTM. That’s how I was introduced to this podcast. The other ladies are a nice addition to the general insanity. Toni, your laugh is so contagious. I’m just smiling the whole time. Maybe a bit fewer f-bombs? Then I could listen with my kids. I really wanted to share the alligator episode with them, but too much cursing. Thank you and be well in this crazy world.
ellen from gloucesterMy favorite podcastIt feels like listening to my family. There’s the funny one, the smart one, the earnest one, and the kooky one. It also feels like elementary school, since they read books, learn vocabulary, give oral reports, and play the xylophone. And it feels like my marriage, since they bicker, complain, mislead, and deny. I look forward to it every week.
ZeybooAdam is on every showThis show has everything I need to get through reality. Information, absurdity, and laughter. Love the whole crew.
Doug PSDoug SchwertI have listened to this podcast almost from its inception. In this whirlwind world in which we live, it is so refreshing to take an hour off to laugh and play while listening to Paula, Adam, Bonnie and Toni. Paula’s guests are always informative and a great addition to this fun-filled and always funny podcast.
quirkyquirk13Fiona HillWhen Paula interviewes policy and iner circles members it’s a very interesting and informative podcast. It’s a needed podcast in these misinformation age. And it makes me cry with laughter too! Keep up the need work Paula to infor and give knowledge to your listeners. Also my cat snorting Norton needs to be your cat of the week. He’s sooooo freaking cute!
DabeezConsistently FunnyI listen to podcasts while I walk, and there have been numerous occasions that I’ve noticed a concerned look on the faces of the people I pass. Then I realize that I’ve been laughing out loud like an asylum escapee while listening to NLTPP. Paula and Adam are two of the sharpest wits I’ve ever heard, Toni has one of the greatest laughs, and Bonnie makes Coach from Cheers seem like a rocket scientist by comparison. There hasn’t been a guest or topic that they didn’t find a way to make entertaining. The show sometimes stretches over 1.5 hours, but it feels like it goes by in the blink of an eye. I’ve recommended this show to everyone I know of that listens to podcasts. I know the show is expensive to make (sorry Glassbox), but I hope it continues forever. Thanks Paula and team!
Wade9000Am I Jon Hamm?Am I in the right restroom?
Shorty433The three “L’s”This podcast helps me Laugh, Learn, and Love! Thank you!
VPaksieLoveFun from start to finish. No matter how long it is I'm always disappointed when it's over!
dartdeanLike itI liked the Institute podcast. This one at first I was sorta not sure as it it was trying to hard. BUT it has really come into its own now and I look forward to the new episodes every week. Update. After some time, I still listen to show every week. But increasingly less and less a fan of Bonnie. Also- I think we need more of the phone calls. They are a favorite always and like the cast of characters they bring.
CaptinclarkMost relaxing listen everI have never loved a podcast more! It’s so relaxing and like hanging out with good friends. Love them!
kc9981Love the show, hate the glockenspielThis show is one of few that actually makes me lol irl. It’s funny, interesting, entertaining, all the things one could want from a comedy podcast. But the glockenspiel. Oh, the glockenspiel. On one hand they seem to want to grow their listenership. On the other, there is the seemingly universal hatred of the glockenspiel to which we are told to like it or leave. Perhaps this accounts for the reduced audience in Moldova?
WashA3Love it!!!Love the podcast!! Funny and wonderful
Superhero RobotIt’s not a happy accident, it’s a happy disasterIt’s one of my favorite hour of the week as I listen to these people attempt to make a podcast. If they were able to succeed it would be a mediocre podcast, so fortunately they always fail. It’s Gilligan's Island if they had to make a podcast to get off the island every episode.
Toonces2004Best podcast everPaula and the gang are so funny- I’m always laughing out loud in my car. Guests are so interesting and informative. I look forward to this podcast every week.
SooooooannoyedsmsDeeeaaarrrr Crinkle….Would you be so kind, to admit that you loofah’d Hugh Jackman’s sweet behind 🚿🧽💦🍑 🦨
PNWsgsBook club alert!Book club alert: The selection Three Body Problem has a new comic book edition! Can’t wait to hear what the group does with that! Love the pod! Always a fun listen.
Zamalama69MehNot funny
egcabTri-Poly Funny!Been a fan since the beginning. Paula Poundstone’s quirky humor always hits its mark. Adam Felber is also on every episode. Update: Captain Crinkle is the worst part of this production! At times I cannot tell if Bonny is putting on an act or if she is really that inept. I just finished Captain Crinkle episode 4 and one she will not stop incessantly screwing up and two, then laughing about it. She doesn't seem to understand the concept of anonymity. Surely she read dear Abby or Ann Lander's. I am genuinely thinking that paula would have been more successful without Bonny Burns as her manager. I love this show but Bonny messes it up every time she opens her mouth.
reiki ravenIMHO … No, that doesn’t say IMAHO…In my humble opinion, I think everyone should listen to this show. I am ticked my the newest advice segment & also absolutely adore the 2 hour pods !!! Who do I need to talk to about who’s complaining about those 👋. I joke. No violence over here. I gotta tell you that I had been talking about your show with my therapist for a while now and she finally started to listen. She loves you guys !!! I’ve recruited another Nobody. I do what so can 🙂. Sending love from the PNW 🌱. Shoshonna
KJLIIMy go to podcastWho doesn’t love a $#!+ show? This is my favorite one!
Raincloud06Just… weird (in a good way)Funny and strange but Paula and Adam often don’t really let the guests talk much if they’re not comfortable with improv. Overall good, but it needs more phone calls. And more game night episodes!
creeky65Great podcast to make you giggle.My go-to podcast when I want to laugh. Feels like you’re hanging out with friends.
Cole Cowan 1Perfect.Vick doesn’t take anything out and I love that. Take the day off Vick!
Blayde303Everyone should listen…To nobody listens to Paula Poundstone. Great humor and educational. More fun than a barrel of monkeys, but I’m sure Paula has one somewhere.
MegaweaponRegular shows are great, new Bonnie short is awfulAs a listener to NLTPP since day one, I enjoy the show and the quick wit of Paula and Adam. Their banter is delightful and I particularly love the side characters Paula voices when “Adam has to answer the phone.” I also appreciate the information shared through their comical yet informative interviews with various experts. With that said, I am thankful for the fast forward 30 seconds button whenever Bonnie speaks. The decision to give Bonnie her own show was a bad one.
neabinorbBetter and betterThis podcast just gets better and better. The new Dear Crinkle episodes featuring Emerging Star Bonnie Burns are hilarious!
GoogleMe2Captain crinkleI love the new shorts with bonnie!! They are wonderful and I would be happy if they were even longer
Nobody named AnnDon't listen to this while driving!!!There have been times that I've laughed so hard I can't see the road! Paula, Adam, Bonnie and the beloved 'little sister' Toni Anita Hull have a raucous conversation every week. Sometimes they have a guest - experts, authors, personalities- whose interviews are always fascinating. Other times, the four play games- password is a fave, though Bonnie has yet to understand the rules. Paula is unfettered. Please come be a nobody.
cd42122Always gets me to laughI have been caught laughing in public when listening to Paula and crew thank for always making me smile
The 7 is a 10Not the first to say - Life Giving!This life giving podcast will even increase the viability of your houseplants. Love you!
WahooWonLFGLife giving. Fabulous. Genius Adam is on every show and Paula on most!
sharkshead7NoneGreat show! Very informative.
PattyPeeblesI just love you all! Kitty Precious, Kittie Gracie, and doggy BrinkleyAlso love from mommy Patty Peebles
Joe29SmoeTruly Magical CamraderieNLTPP is the tops. Three wonderful cast members— Adam the quick-witted improviser, Bonnie the out-of-the-box producer, and Toni the delightful craftswoman / ambassador—bounce off the comedic genius that is Paula Poundstone in the best example of camaraderie committed to podcast. I cannot get enough of these four and hope the podcast lasts forever.
a fellow dizzy Ba peek behind the curtain-friends who razz each other but the love for each other shines through -“I thought a cootie catcher was your vagina” -a book club more chaotic than mine -cats! crafts! coyne!
forever a groupieMakes me laugh out loudI love this show! I’ve been listening since day one! Paula is my favorite comedian and everyone on this show (yes, including Bonnie) compliments her style and bring their own twists and humor! I hope there is no end in sight! Long live all the nobodies!!!
Designer2011My favorite podcast!I look forward to a new episode every week! The hilarious, but insane, comedic chemistry they all have together is wonderful. I’m laughing out loud, literally, all the time. Every time Bonnie starts a sentence with, “here’s the thing…” I know it’s going to get good and Paula and Adam will go for the low hanging fruit (in a good way).
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