Tim Goodman's TV Talk Machine


Writer Tim Goodman (former SF Chronicle and Hollywood Reporter TV critic) talks irregularly with Jason Snell about television and other stuff. Released simultaneously worldwide to all international markets. Love to your mothers.TV Talk Machine art by the late, great Don Asmussen.

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Recent Reviews
  • br4dley
    Must listen TV / Pop Culture Podcast
    Informative, smart & funny. Give it a try. Once you get to know Tim & Jason you’ll be hooked!
  • badger3452
    Where are they?
    Is the TVTM over or will there be new episodes? I hope there are more episodes soon. If not it was a good run for all the episodes I listen to were great!!!!
  • Shame on THR
    Shame on THR for losing Tim Goodman
    Shame on The Hollywood Reporter for losing Tim Goodman!!!
  • xiwenxi
    My favorite tv podcast. I love Tim’s views on shows and Jason’s excellent hosting and production.
  • Audreyista
    Wouldn’t recommend
    If you’re looking for a podcast that won’t dismiss basically any show that doesn’t fit within a very narrow range of cable dramas aimed at white men, look somewhere else. Not only does host Tim Goodman haughtily dismiss the shows themselves, he also seems fairly contemptuous towards the people who watch them. For some odd reason, he also seems to think he knows what the future of television will be. As in every other situation, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This would be fine as long as he admitted this was just idle speculation. But like every other opinion he has, he pretends it’s fact. It isn’t fact. I wouldn’t recommend this podcast unless you’re looking to waste an hour every week listening to the blustering it a critic who’s so blindly constrained by his own subjective prejudices and in love with the sound of his own voice.
  • Helena_Little_Bird
    One of the best tv podcasts
    Highly recommendable! Very nuanced, fun, lots of tv news as well as background tv coverage. And did I mention, it’s fun.
  • DellingDog
    Highly recommended
    The hosts have great chemistry and do a nice job of covering the TV landscape, both reviews of new series and industry analysis. Highly recommended.
  • Westforodessa
    Omg shut up!
    Maybe if I hadn’t have ventured into this podcast coming from vulture tv podcast I i would be more open to nerd alerts running rampant in this, but I am not, I don’t need to know how networks are, let’s talk about character and style and plot. Shut up about the “cable people” no one cares! Let’s talk art! And nothing else.
  • SlackerInc
    Used to be one of my favorites, but then Snell got Orwellian with his gaslighting
    It's really sad, because this can be such a fun listen. But Tim Goodman really is a TV snob, and at least twice he has said that if you watch network dramas, "I don't want to to know you". Which to me is fine if that's his opinion. Jason Snell, however, doesn't want to tick off that large swath of listeners Tim just dismissed. So he tries to "spin" it as Tim having said something much less insulting--even though Tim never takes it back. When I pointed out on Facebook that Jason wasn't being accurate about what Tim had said, he deleted my comments and blocked me from making any more in the future. I went on Twitter to say, basically, "wow, harsh" and Jason blocked me there too! (Unfortunately for his scheme to write all of this out of history, he can't block me from writing this review.) I can't abide this kind of gaslighting where, just as in Orwell's 1984, history is rewritten and dissent is squashed. So I unsubscribed. But as I say: most of the time it is a very enjoyable listen--so as long as you know what you're signing up for, and that doesn't bug you on general principle, then hey: go for it.
  • JMH85JMH
    They are hypercritical of shows they don't get
    They trashed Twin Peaks season 3 for what felt like hours. I never watched Twin Peaks until about a month back. I failed to finish Eps. 1. Everything about it felt too foreign. But, I gave it a second chance and fell in love. If you liked Twin Peaks of decades past you should either like or love S3. The hosts of this podcast seem to not understand Twin Peaks at a basic level and why people love it. It really felt like the equivalent of criticizing Star Wars for having too many battles in space.
  • TV_Times
    I have Issues, but I listen almost every week!
    I guess my only issue is the host Jason Snell. I actually like the guy and feel he does a good job playing traffic cop, but his palate is so limited. If the shows premise is not sci-fi or super natural he literally hasn't seen it. The problem he doesn't even watch the pilot of billiant dramas, but he'll wax on about these mediocre at best Syfy shows. The bigger problem he injects his thoughts on certain podcast on shows overstepping his role as a host, for me it negatively effects the show. If you can't tell, it's really started to become quite annoying.
  • Beetle Bodkins
    A must listen for any TV fan
    Super informative and absolutely necessary in these times of overabundance. Tim and Jason's banter is always entertaining whether or not the show being discussed is on my watchlist. Strongly recommend!
  • Kevin3493
    Love Tim's scathing honesty
    New fan of the show. Lots of good conversations happening here, and not just television shows but the state of the television industry and Tim pulls no punches when it comes to any show, person, or network that's floundering
  • dwearsch
    Beware Spoilers, but Great Anyway
    Dan from the 615--Sometimes I have to skip forward to avoid spoilers for shows I'm not caught up with, but overall I love the updates provided by Tim and Jason to keep my 'to be watched' queue full.
  • Newsyoucanuse
    Great podcast!!
    Informative, funny and totally enjoyable for anyone interested in the current and future of "tv" Tim Goodman is a national treasure and Jason Snell is the perfect "cohost"
  • I’m just saying
    Informative and fun
    I look forward to your podcast every week, so much so that when you take time off there is a void in my heart that cannot be filled until I hear your voices again.
  • DeathDeathDeath
    Mindless jabber
    I tried to listen to this podcast a number of times because I read the reviews. The thinking isn't original, the wit is dull and the analysis is inane. I expected more insight from a longtime critic employed by the Hollywood Reporter. Don't quit your day job.
  • battlegirldeb
    Just Started Listening
    I just started listening to this podcast and so far I like this. Will give you and update when I listen to some of you older podcast.
  • howardandgary
    Can't finish a sentence
    One of these guys is very annoying because he cannot seem to finish a sentence. Very hard to listen to.
  • Bpm09
    Great reviews
    My go to podcast to decide what TV to watch!
  • IBCoconutty
    A Gem! Must Listen!
    I recently discovered this podcast in searching for commentary and reviews of my favorite AMC programs--Better Call Saul, Mad Men. Now I am hooked. Intelligent discussion, funny but not too jaded and snarky, perfect voices, excellent production. I wish all my podcasts were this well put together. It is truly "INCOMPARABLE."
  • wbc5
    Making the product, not the ratings
    Making the jump from anthology to a regular serial, this show from Jason Snell and Tim Goodman is about television and the business of television, not ratings, (much) casting news or personalities. Working from the assumption that there’s too much great television for anyone to see or to waste time watching merely “good” television, Tim and Jason are documenting, in their feisty and humorous way, the change in (American) television as it happens. Jason will tell you when something is “not a thing” and Tim will tell you about the wine he’s drinking or who was offended by his latest strong review. But mostly, they’re hilarious and fun to listen to every week.
  • Doom2508
    Really good
    A very good, professional and often funny Podcast. One of my favorites
  • Chase_Nathan
    I love this show
    Tim's "salty" rants and Jason's humor make for entertaining conversations even if you've never seen the show they're talking about. The recommendations are almost always spot on, but I honestly wouldn't care either way. Still waiting for my pony keg!
  • MyVogonPoetry
    Helpful podcast in these "Times of Confusion"
    We all have way too much to do to try and figure out what to watch. Right? Well let Tim and Jason help you navigate what shows to watch and which to avoid. Along with thoughtful topical discussions, this podcast is a highlight each week. I also like how listener interaction is a big part each week instead of an afterthought. Worth a listen for sure…
  • Tossie
    Intelligent and fun tv podcast! Hosts insightful and with a great sense of humor.
  • samrhall
    My Friday favorite
    The TV Talk Machine is one of my favorite podcast. I look for it every Friday afternoon, and it helps get me through the last part of my day. Funny and informative. I could listen to another hour each week. Great rundown of shows, and Tim Goodman is frank, honest and cuttingly "kind" with his reviews. Jason Snell is easily my favorite podcaster. If he's doing a podcast, go ahead and subscribe. It will be well worth it.
  • Keys Cuda
    This is the TV podcast you've been looking for...
    The only TV podcast on my subscription list. Been a regular reader of Tim Goodman since his SF Chronicle days (he's now at Hollywood Reporter). Want a brutally funny of a comedy that's not funny? Here you go, and savor the deserved snark. Goodman also has steered us to several superb shows that never would have been been on our radar (we are eternally for 'The In-Betweeners.') Jason Snell does a professional job as host, contributing without taking over.
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