The Walking Dead LIVE: Post Show Recaps


When THE WALKING DEAD ends, We’re just getting started.

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  • viva ruiz
    Bad bad bad
  • Binge Queeen
    I’m the type of person that likes to listen to podcasts of the episode after I watch it, and the fact t was listening to season 11 episode 17 of The Walking Dead podcast there we’re like huge spoilers.
  • Readn gal
    Best part about the show
    I really enjoy this content. Always funny.
  • babushkak
    Just Stop
    If y’all hate the show so much to where you are comparing how bad it is with other shows and saying that FTWD is stealing ideas from people, than you need to leave the podcast. This wasn’t a hate podcast until a couple years ago. If you really hat this show then rename the goddamn pod cast to something like: “Why we despise TWD”. I’m fr done with this pod. 😪🙄
  • Barbouncer71
    I hope they all get eaten if an apocalypse happens . They talk over one another. Save your time and move mom
  • ZombieQueenExt
    This has become unlistenable
    I had to unsubscribe after this latest episode (season 11, episode 9). It was very difficult because I’ve listened since the beginning. Back then, it was entertaining and fun — the hosts made fun of the bad parts or silliness in episodes, but gave thoughtful analysis of the good parts of TWD. Now, however, Jess has deteriorated into a hater, and Chappell and AJ Mass are just too negative and snarky to listen to. Without Josh, it’s just terrible. He was on for this episode, so I had hope that the whole thing wouldn’t be sarcastic negativity, and he did make an effort to pull the others back, saying “It’s easy to dump on the show, but…”. The others just ran over him. It’s too bad. This used to be a good podcast.
  • Kleinias
    Formerly Great TWD podcast is now awful
    Update: This once fantastic podcast is now truly terrible and it is due to the host named “Jess.” All the other hosts are great (including Chapelle) but Jess is a very rough listen. It’s unfortunate to have to write this but it’s the only way you can let the producers know that it’s time for a new host. EDIT: ………… This is a pretty fantastic post show recap podcast for the walking dead series. How they take a show like the walking dead and recap it while adding insight and a dash of humor is always a fun listen.
  • Beldar1215
    Do you even like the show?
    Why do the podcast if everyone on it seems to not like the show.
  • Mengz11242
    I miss Rob hosting
    Like the actual Walking Dead show, this podcast was more compelling early on when it had different hosts. Those hosts left just like how many of the walking dead cast did. These hosts are fine but to me they aren’t really entertaining like Rob was.
  • Saintsfan123456
    No longer complelling
    Why do you watch? You hate the show and obviously think you’d do much better at the writing so why don’t you go do that instead? Give up the podcast and go write the much better version of the show you have in your collective heads. Chapelle, still love your other work and your tweets.
  • Steveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Listen if you hate the show!
    If you hate the show this is your pod! Two hours of whining and complaining
  • Jessehp
    If you hate watch TWD, this is the podcast for you
    This podcast was very good a few years ago. There were different hosts then and they gave thoughtful reviews of the show. Even when they didn’t like an episode their criticism was well reasoned. These hosts just hate the show. I don’t know why they bother to waste their time on it. If you hate-watch the show and want to spend another hour listening to people make fun of it, this is your podcast. But if you’re looking for an insightful discussion, find a different podcast.
  • msglasshopper84
    Love Chappell!
    Keep up the great content. 💜
  • Mrs.Tamo
    One of my favorite Podcasts
    I love this podcast.Chappelle is hilarious.You guys keep me laughing👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿💙💙
  • ZmanNYC
    It’s PEOPLE! It’s PEOPLE! Love to hear you guys back on the podcast air!
  • GQ1221
    Walking dead
    I rock with the podcast. What happened to Rob??? He was funny
  • Dickens jowls
    Fun Listen
    Thanks for the great podcast. You guys are hilarious! And the analysis is very smart and fun.
  • sense 11
    The Complainers
    What’s the point of this if all you’re going to do is complain about the show. This is episode was easily a 9 or 10, i would hate to hear your thoughts on a subpar episode.
  • Host/ Co-Host
    Do They even like TWD
    First off Rob’s giggling and snorting is so annoying. All they do is complain about TWD they never have anything good to say about the show, which leads you to think why do they even watch the show.
  • Blacktoe22
    Dude,please lose the impressions. The are far more cringe inducing than funny. I really enjoy your breakdown of the episodes but you are way out of you wheelhouse and it’s just annoying! I don’t want to be mean but I think you may chase away listeners if you do t at least dial it back a bit.
  • Nancy39967
    Please stop giggling
    Rob’s constant giggling and snorting while asking a question is very distracting. Can you please practice once thru to get the giggles out and then record?
  • DeadBob74
    Grown Apart
    I use to like their take on reviewing the show. The funny quips and sarcastic jokes about the silly plot points or bad cgi moments were balanced with praise for good parts of the story and being open minded about where things were headed in the show. However, like many viewers, they seem to have become very jaded over the last two seasons. It seems like all they do now is bash almost every detail of the show (through the same sarcastic jokes and puns), and talk about how the show needs to change or end. There no longer seems to be any open mindedness about how or why the show may be taking a new direction, or any recognition for the parts of the new episodes that many still find enjoyable or get excited about. That’s fine if that is your opinion, but why continue making a podcast for fans of the show if you no longer are one? I see fault in many of the plot lines and show decisions too, but I’m still a fan, and I don’t want to listen to a podcast who’s almost sole purpose is to bash the show (especially when I just finished watching an episode I really enjoyed). It takes something I enjoy and just turns it into something to be depressed about. Sorry guys. I’m unsubscribing for now. Wish you the best.
  • Pinkyheartypink
    Lame but ok since I don’t have another option
    The guy’s voice is really annoying at times. I’m stuck with this podcast since afterbuzz tv doesn’t upload anymore.
  • Gwendolyn Sue
    Love No Love
    I really wanted to love this show being a big fan of podcasts and TWD but these two characters are so annoying to listen to that it just isn’t going to work for me. 👎🏻
  • MattMFO
    Find a new show
    Why do a podcast if all you do is make fun of everything the show does.
  • bigbear224
    Great Podcast!!! Make it longer!!!
    Funny and informative. Can't wait to hear it after the episodes. Glad they are not afraid to tell the episode how they really see it. Would really enjoy it if it was longer.
  • E Barr
    You are making me watch FTWD
    I enjoy your podcast immensely. Today’s was the best one yet. Jess’ constant pop culture references made me laugh on the way to work and then the best was well after Rob called Sherry Sheryl... then Jess says it like it’s her name. I was laughing out loud. I messaged you when I was starting a Baskets podcast because I think you both do such a great job playing the Monday friends whom you talk to about a show. Almost no one I know is still watching so I need you guys. It’s like we are the only ones left!! Anyway I started Fear this weekend so I wouldn’t lose you until the fall. Though maybe I am losing Jess? Please I hope not. I now understand the hector references! (But the best are the Lost ones...the spider couple!!! It took me a long minute to remember them!!) keep up the great work!
  • Garland..
    WP WPing
  • domala_RN
    Love the content but...
    I enjoyed this podcast for a while until the impressions of Negan just got really hard to listen to. It really turns me off. I had to unsubscribe. Sorry.
  • Gruffy Winters
    3 Stars for frequent guest Jessica Liese
    I listen to a few TWD podcasts; were it not for Jessica Liese's contribution I'd not listen to this one at all. Too often it's like listening to your kid brother making dumb comments and waiting for opportunities to do impressions of the characters. To my knowledge it's the only show where the host actually insults one of the actors, a recent guest on Talking Dead, as not being "one of the good ones" (not the character, the actual actor, who is fine at what they do in a very thankless role. The comment should have been edited out of the show.) Liese should be working with someone like Sepinwall; her informed snark needs a counterpart able to have an intelligent (but still fun) conversation. I suppose one would say this show is not for everyone.
  • CindyStanzo
    I wish I liked this podcast
    ...i like the hosts, but it’s just become too negative. The recap show sounds like they don’t like The Walking Dead. They criticize everything. The feedback show is better.
  • honeybee777
    Show bashing
    I’ve given this podcast several tries, and each one is dedicated to bashing and criticizing TWD. Why do a podcast if you hate the show so much? 😞
  • Megadiddle
    For an immediate recap, you have terrible memory
    You guys don’t remember ANYTHING. It’s so frustrating. TAKE NOTES PLEASE IF YOURE DOING A PODCAST.
  • DaBearsNCubs
    This show got Sooo much better!
    Jess was such a great addition to this show. I agree with so many of her assumptions and predictions of the prime TWD. She’s great!!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
  • Steve Davis Third
    Amazing Podcast
    These guys are The Know it Alls in all things Podcasting. They have a great format and really dissect their shows down to the bones each week. Thankfully, they are not bandwagon fans of any of the shows that they cover, which makes for an honest alaysis each week. They also provide a great forum for feedback that really allows the audience the engage with the podcast. I would strongly reccomend if you watch any of the shows they cover.
  • Heymiker
    This podcast really digs deep into the story and character development
  • south3969
    I can't wait till next season!
  • Maizygrrrl
    My ears!
    If you're too dumb to understand something... you have no business discussing it. Their voices and the amount of snark they give makes my ears bleed.
  • steve-cell
    Who told these guys that they were funny? They're not
    I've listened to these guys for a while now and I'm done. Someone must've told these guys that they're funny and they decided to be a comedy act. Too much! Also the hosts have clearly fell out of love with the show, so why continue? For a check? You cannot tell me that this hour of negativity is just criticism. I know criticism. Storm of Spoilers is a podcast that balances intelligent criticism and humor. These guys are not funny--the Neegan impressions are terrible--and their insight on the subject are nonexistent.
  • Buffysk8s
    This show has become so blah
    I used to be okay with this podcast, but it’s become a joke with the host way more into their own perceived humor than any real productive critisizim or review of the show. If you don’t like the show anymore or it’s such a joke to you, do us a favor and stop Podcasting about it; it’s just a constant joke to them and they really arent’ funny. Don’t get me wrong TWD has some issues but they just make a constant joke AND they don’t even get their facts right some of the time. For instance, S7-12 Michonne did not say she wanted to rule with Rick as they claimed. Rick said he wasn’t interested in rulingat all after the war with Negan but that he was interested in “this thing” with him and Michonne which she said she was too. Maybe if you paid more attention to the show your Podcast would be more interesting and you could go back to providing show insight. Blah
  • natou_g
    Too negative
    I'm not sure if they enjoy the show... all they do is whine and complain about EVERTHING!!!! I listened for 2 seasons but finally gave up on them when one of the complainers said the ratings should go down so they can wrap this show up and end it 🙄. I'm done!!!
    Worth the listen !!
    Amazing podcast, hilarious guys, never enough sorghum and grains
  • Mr. Bowe
    Hilarious, Witty
    These guys are hilarious, but also foster a worthwhile discussion. Warning: if you do not appreciate word humor, you may not like this podcast. Lots of puns and wordplay, which I personally think is hilarious, but it's not for everyone. Give these guys a listen!
  • coltme twice
    love it
  • misspete1
    Just okay.
    This podcast isn't something I really enjoy listening to. I prefer The Walking Deadcast. This show is often poorly researched and very critical, without any insightful opinions. The commentary is mostly silly and superficial. There is definitely no "digging deep" into the episodes. And there is no format! It's just a stream of consciousness, blah blah blah-fest. I often don't make it to the end. Boo.
  • CinPatton
    Hands down the best podcast out there
    If you like witty, intelligent, play by play for you TWD therapy, these are the guys to listen to!!! I look forward to them every week. I even listen to their podcasts on shows I don't watch just because I love them so much and they make me laugh. Always entertaining.. always well thought out.
  • Klane7909
    Where's the recap?
    When I hear recap, I want to hear the summarization of the episode. I listen to 2 great podcasts done by the same two people about television shows and they have plenty of lingering discussion but they chronologically layout the episode and hit the highlights. This was just ambling around the different parts of the episode and not really adding much to the experience. It really seemed like they just sat down with 0 planning and talked about whatever came to mind. Maybe that's ok for some but I guess I want some format and agenda.
  • Tamwilsm
    I usually like this podcast. It is singlehandedly responsible for salvaging my enjoyment of one of my favorite HBO shows, The Leftovers. But here lately, there's been too much criticism of shows, to the point that it gets really difficult to listen. I really think that if you hate a show, you shouldn't podcast it. Hope you return to a balance of healthy criticism while still honoring the show.
  • LeahRenea23
    Love the podcast!
    Rob and Josh do a great job of recapping each episode. Never miss a podcast. Keep up the good work!!
  • NixRuehl
    Only okay
    Sometimes when I'm listening to this I wonder if these guys even really like this show, they talk a lot of crap and not pick quite a bit. I still listen here and there but occasionally I can't even finish the episode because it's too negative for me.
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