Bachelor RHAPups Podcast: A Reality TV RHAPups Podcast


The Bachelorette, The Bachelor, Golden Bachelor, Golden Bachelorette & Bachelor in Paradise recaps and reviews on We Know The Bachelor

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  • kylieandcobysmom
    Too much background noise
    Love listening to Amy and Hayley but the squeaky chair and banging of the microphone are seriously jarring, especially with earbuds.
  • Listener763
    Background noise
    It’s the constant banging into the microphone or whatever is happening on this podcast that makes it virtually unlistenable. I can’t even tell you if the content is worthwhile because the microphone noises are so distracting. I listen to a LOT of podcasts and maybe hear an isolated noise once in a while. But this is unrelenting. Please, please, please, either sit farther away from your equipment or find an editor who can help.
  • Lolo13419
    Just horrible
    It sounds like you just woke up.
  • PonchieLA
    Not up to RHAP standards
    These two aren’t compelling or funny or interesting and seems like they’re so bored by the whole thing. Bummer because usually RHAP pods are pretty fun and professional.
  • JNC1435
    Audio issues and background noise continue.
  • NatashaConstance55
    Love this podcast!
    I’ve been listening for years and appreciate how much they hate the show lol same
  • Cateyes1114
    I love this podcast they have fun guests and I enjoy their banter especially when we get tidbits of their personal lives. I love when Haily has her partner on the POD. I relate to these ladies and enjoy the podcast.
  • CindyLovesDogs
    Fun to listen to
    I love this podcast. Listening is so fun and I can put it on to fall asleep to if need be. I love the draft and hearing Doug’s takes and Justin’s questions. It’s a fun podcast and both hosts seem like fun.
  • jypsycat
    I was excited to listen to this podcast but there is so much background noise that I had to stop
  • LR1926
    I really enjoy this podcast!
    The hostesses are very funny and offer refreshingly original perspectives about this mainstream show. I love the structure of the podcast and look forward to joining in each week!
  • mkerdes
    Haley acts like she hates what she does
    I used to love listening to the show, but it's pretty obvious, Haley hates watching the bachelor/bachelorette. I don’t understand why do a podcast about a show you don’t like?! I switched to the Betchlor Podcost, they’re knowledgeable and I feel like I’m talking with my best friends, highly recommend!
  • MyRealNameIsTooUniqueToUse
    Amy and Haley watch the show so I don't have to
    I have been a long time listener of this podcast. I used to have a job working on a farm and I got into podcasts to make the tedious work alone more entertaining and I discovered the RHAP universe. Listening to Amy and Haley makes me feel optimistic that other people watch these shows and see through the sexism and problematic behviors and call them out in a entertaining yet tactful way. These ladies manage to find the levity in this melodramatic show that seems to take itself too seriously. They have a great wit and rapport together, sometimes I listen to podcasts of older seasons just to pass the time on commutes or as background noise. Give this podcast a listen even if you don't watch the show!
  • tiaracoral3699
    Love it
    I listen !!! I heard you both talking about how you guys could just be talking to yourselves haha but I look forward to your podcasts and hearing a different perspective than the newest trend of the bachelor contests podcasting haha. Thanks for these awesome recaps !!!
  • jswilson1978
    I feel like you are not enjoying this??
    Your tone of voices are so low. Is it a bother for you?
  • AUTerri
    whoever did the recap for michelle’s first episode was awful… they seemed like they did not want to do it and just seemed to hate on all the guys. i hope they were just fill-ins for the regular hosts.
  • Amtaro13
    Just like talking to your girlfriends!
    Love these girls! They talk about bach the way I do on the phone with my best friend.
  • TB_Snowglobe
    Love the show
    What’s in it for Monica?
  • Mypaperheart
    A bit dull
    This podcast lacks knowledge and humor. Sometimes the hosts don’t seem like they know what they are talking about and need to do more research. I also wish the hosts weren’t so worried about being overly sensitive. It’s the Bachelor just loosen up.
  • pocornnn
    Fav podcast
    Listening to this podcast feels like watching the episodes with your close girlfriends.
  • Casey was taken
    Love them
    Its impossible for me not to get wrapped up in the Bachelor every season and its thanks to these ladies!! And the draft gives me a reason to get actually invested in the contestants lol
  • BrianScally
    This Podcast is my Paradise
    The best Bachelor podcast. Even when I fall off the show I make sure to listen to Haley and Ami as soon as the podcast comes out. Makes you feel like you’re watching with your friends
  • Elisabeth81890
    Bachelorette Rhapup Will you accept this rose?
    The best podcast for this crazy show!!!
  • Mariajosen
    Amazing last episode
    This last episode was the combo I didn’t know i needed! You three were fire and the chemistry was there from beginning until the end! My favorite episode this far!!!!
  • BostonIrishRules
    Mari rocks!
    The combo of Mari’s brilliantly hilarious observations with Haley and Amy makes this a great fun recap!!! Keep roping Mari in!
  • ZbakalBan
    Bachelorette coverage
    The co hosts have been absolutely killing it on the new bachelorette season. Really good coverage and super enjoyable.
  • La Mer3
    Trying to unsubscribe
    Still trying to unsubscribe
  • PolarSprouse
    Lacks intelligence. Very negative.
    I feel like I’m listening to an entitle spoiled brat who hates everything because she thinks that makes her cool.
  • Mtthew
    Not the best, not the worst
    I’m 50 / 50 on this podcast. Sometimes I find myself enjoying it and sometimes I can’t get through it
  • ZmanNYC
    Bachelor is Ridiculous, But seems you guys HATE it!
    Everyone gets that Bachelor is ridiculous and frustrating, but often it seems you gals hate the show so much it’s not clear why you are podcasting about it. Not saying you need to love all of the utterly awful contestants this season and the even worse bachelor Pilot Pete, but you guys sometimes seem so miserable, it’s not fun to listen to. That said. I like you gals a lot. :))
  • Shannybabesss
    I wanted to like it, but it’s so difficult to find this podcast entertaining when they don’t really know what they’re talking about. They constantly question what happened and when, like are they Watching the episodes?! And everything is such a downer, like they don’t enjoy talking about the show at all. Womp womp
  • BabsInMO
    Enjoy your recaps
    I’ve listened to this pod for several seasons now and always enjoy your recap. I wasn’t able to find you on Facebook to tell you but if you search Bachelor Archives in google you can set up a free account and watch all the Awesome Australian seasons (loves Both Matt’s and Ali) and they also have Bachelor in NZ with Lilly.
  • paddle_on
    The voice like nails
    On a chalkboard. The content is great, but just can’t listen and I’ve tried. I think it’s Amy’s voice that is unbearable. It falls in to a low gurgling gravely way... like an old cigar smoker. I keep clearing my throat the entire podcast. I wish I could tolerate.
  • Madelyn////
    Beautiful podcast, ladies.
    You two are so genuine and real.
  • TracyMSP
    Ladies, Please use active voice, not lazy vocal fry
    It's a difficult listen when the hosts sound as if they're lying down while talking. Annoying. I can't.
    luv u guys
    i love watching recap podcasts and honestly this podcast is the only thing that gets me through watching the bachelor and bachelorette seasons
  • Nicole_Horn
    Great job ladies!
    Been listening to Ami and Haley for years and they are probably the only reason I still watch The Bachelor Franchise! They always say exactly what I’m thinking each time I tune in. Screw Jed!
  • AshAnn23
    Not what I expected
    I’m on the same page with most of the other reviews about this podcast. So much wining, complaining and the vocals are so monotone. It sounds like they are being forced to do this podcast and complain about the season and every episode. We love Hannah and support her decisions. Please get new hosts for this show ASAP. I can’t stand to listen to another one of these and that is SAD!!!! So disappointed. I wish their was another bachelorette podcast to listen to :(
  • A Sil
    Have no idea what they’re talking about
    This recent episode, they were completely wrong on like everything and that happens a lot. They called someone (Luke S) horrible things and a villain, when he was clearly a good guy! Any other person would agree. These girls have no idea what they’re talking about for numerous topics which makes them very hard to listen to.
  • jackstv
    best one out there
    Have listened to may podcasts for this show. This is the best one. If you need more analysis and conversation about the show, this is for you.
  • madtav
    Great weekly listen!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a few years now. The hosts do a great job recapping the show and adding their thoughtful and witty commentary. I’m happy to have this in my weekly rotation of bachelor podcasts. Thanks ladies!
  • LuceGoose33
    Fix your voice
    I can let the vocal fry go even tho it’s annoying but the high pitched ENDING EVERY SENTENCE IN A QUESTIOOOONNNNN???? Haley does is obnoxious and not cute. I like Amy and how she keeps the show moving, but I’d like to hear more from her and less of Haley whining
  • jnnttlzbth
    Couldn’t take it
    I couldn’t get further than five minutes into the latest episode. They complained about having to watch the show, which isn’t what I want to hear since this show is my guilty pleasure. Worse, the pacing of their conversation was way too slow. Have they ever listened to a decent podcast and then listened to their own? So boring, I just couldn’t take it.
  • kayrockskitchen
    So boring
    This is the most boring podcast I have ever heard. Sorry girls, I wanted to like it!
  • JenBenCee
    Unfortunately, this is the only podcast dedicated to Bach recaps, therefore I’ve started listening. The two women on this are really just “ehhh”. They need to liven up a little bit. It sounds like they dread doing this podcast every week. They also don’t dig in at all to many events that happen on the show. They’re lucky to have this platform, use it! Entertain please :)
  • MeaganGilbertPhoto
    You win.
    You get five stars solely because you are one of the only podcasts that doesn’t bring political talk into every.single.week. Thank you. I hear it everywhere else..can ya keep it out of my bach life pleassseee. On top of that, you two offer a fresh perspective on the show and I love to hear your take on topics and discussions presented. Keep it up!
  • AmyMH53
    This podcast would be so much better if you kept your vocal fry at a minimum. I'd rather hear silence than a 'uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh' fry to fill time.
    Awesome podcast!
    Been listening since the beginning! Amy and Haley always say what I’m thinking when it comes to this *interesting* franchise... Love them and their take on these shows!
  • Nikellyba
    Way too much bashing
    I listened to the first few minutes and it was just completely trashing the show and people on it. Change the name of the podcast, it misled me to think it was for people that enjoy the program.
  • jello_fan
    Too much negativity
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since the beginning because I love the Bachelor and RHAP, but I’m finding I now leave this till I have nothing else left to listen to. I don’t mind the tone of Amy and Haley’s normal voices—though I can’t stand Haley’s imitative whiny voice, which she uses at least once per episode. (I know it’s meant to be unappealing, but it shouldn’t make me want to switch off the podcast.) I’m also happy to have some snark or love-to-hate-it views, but they do often seem like they genuinely just don’t enjoy the franchise. It’s just not fun listening to that much complaining. If you want sharper, thoughtful, and funny commentary, I recommend “Here to Make Friends.” It’s a top-notch podcast about the same material.
  • 300 Pounds Down
    Not RHAP worthy
    Seriously Rob? With all the quality content RHAP puts out I am shocked that Rob includes this podcast with his name on it. The younger girl who complains nonstop about her own life ruins it. The more mature one is unfortunately stuck with her but if she had a different co-host I wouldn’t mind her. This is the only show I had to go outside of RHAP to find a podcast. There are much better ones out there.
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