Survivor: 46 - Recaps from Rob has a Podcast | RHAP


Recapping Survivor 42 and talking with previous Survivor contestants and breaking down who got voted out and why. Rob Cesternino brings humor and strategic insight to every episode airing on CBS in 2022

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Recent Reviews
  • Phutbal Phan
    Sorry but…
    Love Rob, but his peanut gallery is horrible. Especially Guss. The commentary on the season 50 draft is annoying and off base- can’t even listen to it anymore. Will stick with the main feed only.
  • Kaleigh Ruggiero
    Lol funny
    I cannot even count the amount of times i laughed out loud during the 17 place roundtable club condo. I hope club condo is here to stay!! UPDATE In addition to the round table the survivor jeopardy were two of the best podcasts episodes in years!!!
  • xavierbearsfan
    U should prolly update the podcast description
  • Get Thee to a Punnery
    Best Color Commentary for Survivor
    Rob and his highly qualified (e.g. former contestant) guests not only provide insightful commentary on Survivor gameplay, they do it in a lighthearted way that makes me laugh out loud at least once every podcast. While they are honest in their critique, Rob strives to avoid offending contestants and to keep it family-friendly. It’s my favorite podcast by far, and I’ve been listening since Heroes vs. Villains in 2010. Only problem is when I start using their sound bites in my real life ;-).
  • MeMeMeAndMore
    Awkward jokes
    If you can get past the often awkward silences after a Rob joke that didn’t land then you’ll thoroughly enjoy him and his friends. The team has a wealth of info and opinions that helps get me through the week. Lots of fun guests and games. They love fans and keep them at the forefront. It’s a great pod. Just know that you’ll have to suffer through some nerdy (and sometimes uncomfortable) dad jokes and awkward laughter here and there. One thing I’d suggest is that they work to bring more context to conversations that discuss things happening on social media because I (and I’m sure others) don’t follow everything happening in the survivor universe.
  • mrs.barker_001
    Recap ep 10 w/brice
    I never review podcasts but this last recap was hilarious. I have a tooth infection and oral surgery Friday and this actually make me laugh for the first time in days. It was everything I needed as a black survivor watcher. I was weak 99% of the time.
  • Maxross11
    Loved the recap with Rob and Drew!
  • PersianRugSlugger69
    Purple Pants has me rolling laughing
    Love the sense of humor the fellas have. Thanks for making me laugh and smile during an otherwise tough week.
  • Lachattenoir
    Maggie and Brian ruined Club condo
    We don’t listen to club Condo for analysis; it’s the lighthearted banter we love. Couldn’t listen to this latest episode. Maggie’s constant negativity and complaining has already ruined Tarzan’s pod, please keep her off of this one. Sorry Chapelle.
  • OzPerson
    Best of the best
    This is my favorite television show of all time. This is my favorite podcast of all time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting together such a fantastic team of podcasters, talking on the most fun, entertaining television shows. Even when I disagree with someone’s take, I appreciate the insight. Love love love!
  • bbberta
    Fun way to dissect episodes!
    I’ve been watching Survivor since season 1 and look forward to each new season. Listening to podcasts is relatively new for me, and Rob’s podcasts are among my favorites! I appreciate being able to hear what others think and how they interpret the episodes from all the different perspectives. Keep them coming, folks!
  • SuzMom7
    Survivor 45 episode 9
    Think about an auction where everyone has tried to get the money and the ‘math’ is harder to figure out how much to spend. Non maths people will likely just save their vote, but the Drew’s and Emily’s could have a different kind of showdown . Ultimately that all want to save their vote, unless they have an extra vote hidden? Also, maybe Bruce saved his energy for the immunity challenge rather than waste it on the running for food in the form of auction dollars??
  • pandabear6464
    Echo chamber
    The same guests and the same opinions. I used to be excited to watch the show because I enjoyed the podcast so much, but I have stopped listening in more recent seasons. Anybody have a suggestions for a different Survivor pod??
  • dki56
    You don’t need to yell! Quiet down and speak normally. Maybe the mics are too close. Tob is great. I think it’s Heidi that is so LOUD. Stop the laughing….it’s not funny. ... so annoying. Not sure if I can tolerate the loudness and stupid laughter from her. Tone it down! I guess it’s Heidi that needs to tone it done. Don’t allow her to be back on. Please be careful on who you invite on. I have never missed a Survivor episode! Super fan!!
  • Bureau-cat
    Yay! You’re back!
    I missed you people! Thanks for returning to the airwaves.
  • Trail Running Cat
    Kellyn Rocks!
    I’m a huge fan of everything RHAP but Road to Reality is my new favorite. Kellyn is simply awesome as an interviewer. I love the idea of the show, the format and how good she is at helping us get to know our favorite players as people. Please tell me there will be a season 2. Also, did I mention that Kellyn rocks?
  • JLarrison
    Love Road to Reality!!!
    I’ve been thoroughly immersed in the world of interview shows and have been a devoted fan of Survivor for several years. This podcast brilliantly combines both elements, creating a compelling and captivating experience. I simply can’t get enough of the engaging conversations with past Survivor contestants, skillfully hosted by Kellyn from Survivor Ghost Island. Her ability to hold genuine conversations throughout the entire interview is truly commendable and a rarity in the field of interviewers. Kellyn has excelled in bringing a diverse array of characters from past seasons onto the show, even reaching back to the early seasons, which has been a fantastic accomplishment. Having listened to eight episodes so far, I’m a bit concerned that the series might be coming to an end. I genuinely hope there are plans for more episodes in the future or a continuation in the next season. It would be a dream to hear Kellyn interview some of the legendary contestants like Jonny FairPlay, Coach, Debbie, Devin, and many others. I wholeheartedly give this podcast a 5-star rating, and if I could, I would rate it even higher. It’s an absolute gem worth listening to!
  • Danny Falks
    Road to Reality is a Hit!
    I’ve been listening to the Road to Reality series and have loved each one but felt compelled to write a review after listening to Peih Gee’s episode. I was so inspired by her and even shared the episode with a friend who doesn’t watch Survivor. Great outlook that I will be taking with me on my own journey.
  • TallgirlHollz
    Road to Reality: It’s Complicated
    Kellen is a wonderful host and interviewer. Great behind the scene info, and she really allows her guests to share what’s important to them. This is a DONT miss podcast.
  • Beckywiththegoodhair1984
    I love RHAP, but please quit it with how much you hate the new era
    There are too many advantages. We get it. We heard you the first three dozen times. That said, I really appreciate that this coverage exists. I started listening two years ago when my dog died and I needed something to fill the air (true story) and now I’m totally hooked. And I have a new dog. Know-it-alls are great; I adore both Stephen and Rob. B&B is always fun, and I have to give them credit for not lingering on the new advantages that everyone hates so much.
  • NaneCap
    Do you really think that mispronouncing Mike Gabler’s name is a form of wit worthy of the Algonquin Round Table? Psssst: the general audience does not tune in for your uninformed monotone political opinions that lack nuance or complexity. Keep it to the show. This echo chamber of a network has gone so far downhill since season 39 that is truly cringe inducing to listen to these days.
  • Saintsfan123456
    Used to be Five Stars
    Like so many, tired of the hosts and guests opining for the “good old days” of Survivor. Situations change and life evolves. The new era has given us the beauty of a much more diverse and interesting cast and so much more but not for the so-called purists. To a certain former player now podcasting, we heard you the first 1000 times. You don’t like the new era so why are you still podcasting. I used to listen to most of the Survivor content but it’s just too negative. Give me the Know It Alls and the joy that is Brice and his crew. I can do without the rest.
  • JB_1993
    Please just accept “new era” of survivor!
    I like this podcast channel in general but really wish the various hosts would just embrace the new era of survivor rather than having so much negativity about it. Survivor has always been an evolving game — that’s part of what makes it great. There is a ton to enjoy about the game right now and I’m getting really bored of the repetitive, negative takes.
  • andrezafd
    Good overall!
    This is a great podcast if you’re a survivor child. They go into detail and it’s a present experience. The reason it’s not a 5 stars to me is: Rob seems to shine a negative light on the “new era” instead of embracing it.
  • DL68 Fan
    Feedback for viewing show
    I can’t find anywhere else to share this so here it is, the music is so loud it’s hard to hear the dialogue!
  • ScotNotScott
    Bovine rectal temperature
    Today I learned 100 degrees Fahrenheit was determined by gauging the temperature in a cow’s booty hole, and I am better for it. Thank you Christian and Rob 🙏🏼.
  • bjenk21
    Please drop the casino advertisement
    I’m giving my favorite podcast one star because that casino ad is so obnoxious and grating that it actually makes me shut the whole podcast off. Please find a new advertiser.
  • foc_you
    Love all the RHAP coverage of survivor!
    Make the Shannon and Taran crossover a season must!! The Rob and Adam recap is always one of my favorites every season. Bryce is amazing as always!
  • kellysurfs
    Talks too fast
    Methy. Not healthy, not good.
  • PonchieLA
    Love rob and Steven’s know it alls plus why blank list whichare my main go to episodes after each show airs. I am honestly enjoying them more than the “new survivor” 🙄. Appreciate how much thought and strategy analysis rob puts into recaps
  • samantham1
    Love every second! Thank you for your dedication and joy!
  • Lars Cato
    I very much enjoy her interviews but she could keep the fawning over the interviewees to a minimum. I want her to do well and improve. The interviews themselves are excellent but the fan girling is unnecessary.
  • sports my jam
    The EdgyMili Tribe has Spoken!
    Rob: “ Don’t you worry Jenny Autumn isn’t going anywhere…she’s back”! The Tribe: Thank goodness you heard us! Jenny’s insightful analysis with incredible extemporaneous humor is the best! Just the right amount of respectful edginess 😀with value added perspective. And the chemistry between the two of you is unmatched. More please!
  • lesmeralda3
    Update: I originally gave a five star rating and still really enjoy the various podcasts. But, although I enjoy the Why ----Lost with David Bloomberg and Jessica Lewis, I don't mean to be nit picking, but Jessica Lewis's constant laughing really distract. I understand the emotion and passion for the show, and I'm not sure if it is that or a nervous laugh, but her constant need to laugh throughout, funny or not, should be edited as a distracting feature. Rob, you are a consummate professional, And it is so easy to give your podcasts a five star review. You are also humble, such an endearing quality, especially since you have cast such a wide net in terms of your appeal to so many different kinds of listeners. Although you do like to talk ( your admission and Nicole’s), you are also a good listener and excellent interviewer. You always make the interview about the person or subject and rarely about yourself (unusual in this podcast world). And most admirably, although you do have your opinions, I do not believe I have ever heard you criticize a person in a demeaning way; you always seem to try to build them up as well. Know the value of your podcast; you have built an incredible community and legacy!! I can’t think of a other podcast that can compare to RHAP in depth and scope. Each podcast and segments are interesting, thought-provoking, humorous, insightful, and entertains, a combination that is difficult to achieve in balance. All who contribute to RHAP, especially Rob, I thank you! Just to add, I really enjoyed the interview with Cass recently.
  • KoryK1391
    Hit or Miss
    It’s disgusting how they pile on certain people. If you like group think, this is the podcast for you.
  • LouSmith434
    Never have Evie back
    She is awful. She only knows one word - LIKE. So annoying
  • Rustlefeathers
    Rob Needs To Stop Saying “Uh”
    I love all things Survivor. With all due respect though, Rob needs to cool it with the “uhh”’s. It’s unprofessional and a bit strange considering he’s a host after all. It’s okay to take a pause to buffer your thoughts without saying “Uh”!
  • yeagerlex
    uh, uhm, um
    I wanted SO badly to like this- I cannot get over how much Rob says “uh” and “um”. At my job, I have to be aware that I’m paying attention to the user experience. If you have a podcast, you gotta focus on vocal fillers. What a bummer.
  • ibsenmark
    So much content!
    I need more hours in the day to listen to all of the wonderful coverage of Survivor, I discovered RHAP through BB and I started watching Survivor because of RHAP, my absolute favorites are “The Know It Alls” and the “B&B” with Mike Bloom (formerly known as DigiBloom) and Liana. Keep up the great work!
  • E.Dodson
    I watch survivor to listen to the Know-It-Alls
    Rob and Stephen have the best survivor podcast around! Lots of other great survivor shows too
  • NicknameBay
    RHAP brings sunshine to my life!
    Thank you to Rob and his team of survivor avengers for being an endless source of joy in my life 🙏
  • mmkahler
    Risking it all
    I am risking all my stars to do this review. It’s pretty scary because I am not sure that I’ll get the chance to use them again but it feels worth it right now because I want to make a BIG MOVE! As a survivor fan, I know big moves are what it takes in this fast, new era game! Drop the 4 keep the 2. Thanks Rob and company for always breaking it down and keeping it light and funny! As they say in my country, stew is life! 👌🏻
  • listener 4good
    Wanna know what happened?
    Listen to Rob! He has the best read on the cast and the game… and it’s always a fun time.
  • RoseMiller98765
    Stop virtue signaling
    Stevens comments about Joe completely turned me off from this podcast. Gross.
  • forgetthisnicknamestuff
    Enough enough enough with the BROCCOLI Please PLEASE STOP
  • tiaracoral3699
    Love !!!
    I started listening during COVID when survivor wasn’t even on. I listened to older podcasts and now that I was able to listen while the season was airing it was my favorite part of the week to hear the recaps after the episode !! Can’t wait for season 42!
  • katherine_j_24
    Hard to listen to
    I like this podcast for the breakdown of the episodes especially with all the different twists this season. However, it has become unbearable for me to listen to due to the abundance of “like”, “you know” and “uh”. If you’re looking for a drinking game to get you drunk very fast and drink every time one of those fillers are spoken this podcast is for you.
  • Customer's Feedback
    Soooo confused…
    This. is. torture. I love RHAP, but I just want recaps of Survivor, but it’s impossible. There are multiple RHAP shows & each podcast has like 5 different shows per episode. Plus you can’t just let the podcast run because of all the different shows. I’m so frustrated. Which of all these RHAPs am I supposed to listen to if I just want recaps?? Please…I just want a recap…one recap for each episode.
  • eguinosa
    Great Survivor Companion
    RHAP does a great job discussing every possible topic about Survivor.
  • DianaChristine3
    The best
    The experience of watching Survivor and other reality shows just wouldn’t be the same without RHAP. Thanks, Rob!
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