Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad

TV & Film #82

We need a crash cart! Scrub in each week with Becca Tilley and her BFF Tanya Rad as they fangirl over their favorite shows, work through boy troubles, and hang out with the biggest celebrity guests. After first gaining notoriety on Season 19 and 20 of The Bachelor, Becca is now on a Dr. Pepper fueled journey to see as much of the world as she can, go on adventures with her friends and family, and find the best shows that TV has to offer. Her best friend Tanya spends her mornings as the co-host for On Air with Ryan Seacrest on KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, and the rest of her time goes to navigating the dating scene, Facetiming Becca, and going to bed early. It’s like hanging out with your best friends, all from the comfort of the OR! It’s Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad, on iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Recent Reviews
  • AOJ18
    Too many ads
    I’ve been a scrubber since 2019 and I love this podcast. However the ads are just way out of hand now. First 4.5 min are ads, then 3 other ads breaks 5-6 min each. So a 45 min episode, legit over 20 min of it is ads. I’ve clocked it. If I have to hear about Gortons seafood one more time 😂 That being said, this podcast puts a smile on my face every week. These girls are positive and hilarious.
  • BachTruth
    Day One Scrubber AND an Eagles Fan
    Guys! Mark I’m surprised at your rudeness about us Eagles Fans :) We get a bad rap, we are just a blue collar city! I loveeee all 4 of you…but duddeee! We are gooood people! You’d love us! Anyway, it was MAGA booing Taylor it was NOT Eagles fans! Remember, we are the first franchise with two black quarterbacks to make the superbowl, first black female coach to go to the Super Bowl with us, Jalen Hurts has an all female management team. We believe in the underdog, always. You’d love us. Trust me. I am a day one scrubber! Before Tanya! Also Travis never would have proposed to Taylor that day, that’s nuuuttttsss! Would have been horrible, takes away from both of those HUGE amazing accomplishments in their life. I am curious, why did Tanya only have 4 friends at her bachelorette party, not even full bridal party? And they went where the wedding is? Was this what she wanted? Just curious! Thanks, love you all! So excited for your wedding Tanya!
  • burnTheRope
    These are my sisters
    This show is so wholesome. Tanya is so me and Becca is my bestfriend lol I honestly love Tanya and the way she rambles and says the wrong words sometimes and is sooooo honest about things. They both compliment each other very well!! I love the banya episodes when it’s just them two!!! I just wanna hear them talk for hours lol
  • Bach Fan 920
    Listen now
    If you want to listen to a podcast where you feel like you have 4 best friends every week, this is it! The dynamics between Tanya, Becca, Easton and Mark are the best! Never want this podcast to end!
  • Addy bradstreet
    When I go to bed I always look for a podcast. when I found this one it looked interesting. I listened to one of the episodes and BOOM! i’m now a 2 year scrubber!! I love listening to y’all you guys are so much fun!!
  • La1nster
    5 stars, but one complaint
    Love the pod, but if I have to hear Becca tell me about Gorton’s seafood one more time…😵‍💫😵‍💫
  • 1230987654
    the best!
    I spend every episode laughing along with y’all! Thanks Tanya, Becca, Mark and Easton for another year of my fav podcast
  • LiveReality
    Lowering my review
    Enough with the lame ads.
  • A Castrejon
    Love this podcast!
    I find myself laughing out loud listening to this podcast. Definitely my favorite podcast ever. I love Tanya and Becca, scrubber for life 🖤
  • recisw
    Loved the interview with Jenn Tran. You pressed her with questions the public wants to know but allowed space when she gave vague answers. Great podcast !! Fantastic hosts
  • HAD1007
    Love this podcast!!
    I love this podcast and I’ve actually caught up and listened to every episode but I have to agree with other reviews, there is way too many ads. The episodes used to be well over an hour so a few ads wasn’t a big deal but now they are about 40 minutes or less so the 4 minute long ad breaks every 10 or so minutes is a lot. I have noticed the ad breaks have got longer and more frequent. Other than that, I do absolute love this podcast and it always makes me laugh, my favorite episodes are definitely when it’s just the 4 of you talking. ❤️
  • MeggSkll
    Scrub Sister for Life!
    Tanya and Becca are so fun and enjoyable to listen to! Their banter is unmatched, and I feel like they’re my friends who I get to catch up with every week! Special shoutout to Mark and Easton too! They’re the best. My favorite episodes are when it’s just the four of them catching up. Also love the Banya episodes too! Be sure to join the Scrubbing In Facebook Page, which includes so many of us scrubbers seeking advice, friendship, and fun! Keep up the great work Tanya, Becca, Mark, and Easton! 🩷
  • greenvillepeeps
    Becca is rude!
    Also, the adds!!! It’s too much! We all know you aren’t eating fish sticks!!! Stop with seafood add! So annoying!
  • Dana Gia
    Who could be more self absorbed than Tanya? Oh, look Roby! Please don’t let these two do that again. If Becca can’t be there, just hold off. Fat shaming and mansplaining. Not cool. Do better.
  • amaskell
    Mostly adds
    I’m a day one scrubber but have said goodbye because it’s mostly adds with little content
  • ghffnhhf
    I’m a day ONE scrubber!! I’ve never missed a download. This is always the first podcast I listen to each week when there’s new episodes, however all of a sudden, the Ads are literally out of control! It’s so bad, I listen to every other podcast before I click on theirs now. Please lighten up on the ads, it’s really impacting listeners ability to enjoy the podcast!
  • Jordyn Cohn
    Been a since day 1 podcast listener and I couldn't imagine a week without you ladies (and the guys). Y'all set the tone to a good week & make drives to and from work, travel, cleaning, walking/running, all my more enjoyable. Thank you for being you guys & always bringing light/sunshine ☀️to all your scrubbers lives.
  • Jkjkjksdhkigdgko
    Love the banter
    You guys need to update the about section lol
  • ELeesha2024
    SO MANY ADS!!!
    I’m now 30 min into a 47 min podcast and it has had 17 minutes of ads. I used to love this podcast but it’s all one big ad now, they barely even actually talk most episodes. Unless I have my phone right by me so I can skip them I don’t listen anymore.
  • Seahawkgirly12
    The best podcast!!
    So much love for this podcast!! It’s my favorite one and look forward to each episode💕 the laughter, good feels, motivation I get from listening is unreal!! Congrats on 7 years!!
  • Rileyrid
    Too many ads
    Long Time listener- I had to skip through 10 minutes of ads in a row on a prior episode and just had to skip 5 min straight of ads on a 30 min episode, and that’s the second ad break already. It’s ridiculous and makes me not want to listen! Gave 3 stars bc I like the podcast but if this is how the ads are going to be- I will stop listening cause it’s really annoying
  • cutegurl32188
    Favorite podcast
    I have been listening since the beginning. Love Becca, Tanya (and Mark and Easton). Thank you for being you and making me laugh weekly!
  • Lini2824
    The most recent episode with Shantel had 9 minutes of ads in the beginning. I enjoy listening to the podcast, but front- loading so many advertisements before the podcast even begins is such a deterrent.
  • mangeonsmtl
    Such a feel good podcast
    Feedback from a day 1 listener. You gals demonstrate the most supportive and real female friendship out there- quirks and all!! And the dynamic with the guys is so great! Keep up the lovely work that brings me the warm and fuzzies (and giggles) every week.
  • Jackie - Gluten Free Follow Me
    So many ads :(
    I like the content but too many ads. Like 5 min at a time, multiple times in an episode.
  • ModerateMom
    Palm Springs hit different
    Binge worthy trio of podcasts
  • Hedanash5
    Too many fake ads!
    I have loved scrubbing in since the beginning!! I just cannot stand how many commercials/ads there are these days! Please change them up or put more at the end. The first 3 minutes of commercials is so not fun! And the airbnb ad- yeah right. You guys would NEVER Airbnb your homes. Please be realistic with the things you’re advertising.
  • hb26
    More ads than podcast
    I’ve been listening to the podcast from the beginning and love it but lately I feel like the amount of ads I have to skip through during one episode is more than actual podcast content. Kind of disappointing.
  • CailynV
    Best friends
    OG scrubber here, I’m talking pre-Tanya! You guys are my friends, whether you like it or not that’s how I feel! Twice a week it’s like getting together with besties & chatting about all the things. I can’t even get into my love for Mark & Easton, I’m obsessed!! I get so sad when 1 or both of them are missing from the pod!! Keep it up friends, I appreciate you all!!
  • Jaoskdnjw
    Be nice Becca
    I can’t listen to Becca think she’s right about everything and too cool for Tanya any longer
  • Juliana Q
    Scrub a dub
    Love the rays of sunshine you bring to my morning commute. Becca is so cool and Tanya is the delulu friend who makes us all feel less alone.
  • CCMMSS77
    So good!!
    Love the dynamic of you all! I always look forward to listening every week. You are all hilarious!
  • jannrandall
    Witches Gone Wild
    Unpopular opinion I know but this podcast is what’s wrong with the world. Sunk to a new low wirh the blow job note ..Tanya is the tramp his kids never wanted or needed. Counseling had failed. Never listening to another poisonous word.
  • ahull32
    Tswift advice
    That is blasphemy that you would turn down tswift tickets or going to the premiere just to watch with your friend. Your friend is a bad friend if they don’t have just pure excitement for you to go twice or see the premiere. Literally not even a question. Support your friends and don’t hold things against them.
  • 2020 listener
    Birds of a feather pod
    I have never left a review, but this is such a beautiful podcast and I couldn’t relate more. Good job ladies and thank you for what you do. 💕
  • Azia H.
    Long Time Scrubber - First Time Reviewer
    I’ve been a scrubber for a long time but FINALLY eating and reviewing! My engagement level may ebb and flow, but my love for this show stays consistent. When I miss weeks at a time, I’m always excited to binge and catch up. Laughs are always waiting for you on Scrubbing In. The dynamic of the whole team is unmatchable. This is my solid “go to” podcast and my longest running listen. Love, love, love the show - and LOVE this community. <3
  • Kristen246
    Brighten my day
    Love listening every week! You girls are rays of sunshine! Love this community you have built!
  • dahliami
    Might be a smidge delulu but Becca, Tanya, Eastie, & Mark are my besties
    I literally only use my Apple Podcast app to listen to Scrubbing In and 1 other podcast. The 3 things we don’t deserve in this world: (1) dogs, (2) the USWNT, and (3) Scrubbing In. Scrubbing In is unmatched. #MWE
  • malloryyyyyhy
    Great new episode with Keltie!
    Loved y’all’s recent episode with Tanya and Keltie.
  • maddyc?
    More OG recipe eps!!!!!
    This is seriously my comfort podcast. You guys get great guests, but it’s never better than when we get classic Becca and Tanya banter. Mark and Easton also add so much value, the four of you have a great dynamic.
  • Unsure64
    The sweetest besties
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since they started and it’s been so refreshing listening to their conversations. They have grown so much over the years and it’s so nice to witness the unconditional support they have for each other! They are the sweetest friends and hilarious to listen to. I also love their dynamic with Easton and Mark.
  • Warda06
    Breath of fresh air and delight!
    I’ve been listening for years and love the laidback positive vibes from scrubbing in! Tanya and Becca are so authentic and keep me laughing. Love y’all!!
  • sloan.john
    Love this podcast!! Listener since day one from Becca’s beginning after the bachelor and haven’t stopped since! Their banter and friendship is so fun to listen to and Mark and Easton’s witty comments always make me laugh
  • Jfisher 22
    Love this pod
    I have been listening since 2018 and have listened to every single episode. I feel like your friend and you make my drives so much better. Love Becca and Tanya
  • RAasskicker
    Go to Pod
    Always an easy and fun listen! These two (and Mark and Easton) truly never get old! Highly recommend!
  • K.Hoodie
    Love you all! 5 Stars!
    Started listening for the Grey’s Anatomy content, stayed because Becca, Tanya, Mark and Easton all feel like my besties!
  • coleerae
    Authentic, Uplifting, and Unmissable!
    Scrubbing In with Becca Tilley & Tanya Rad is an absolute gem! Their chemistry is infectious, making every episode feel like a chat with close friends. The mix of humor, heartfelt moments, and genuine advice keeps me coming back for more. Whether they're discussing the latest pop culture news or sharing personal stories, Becca and Tanya's authenticity shines through. The guest appearances are always a treat, adding extra layers of insight and fun. This podcast is a perfect blend of entertainment and inspiration – a must-listen for anyone looking for a good laugh and some uplifting conversation. Five stars all the way!
  • way.of.may
    Genuinely. Deserves. 10. Stars.
    Listener since day 1. Becca, Tanya, Mark & Easton feel like family. The Scrubbers are such a wholesome group. Do yourself a favor, scrub in & be part of the Facebook community.
  • jsco3
    Best listening
    Like having a chat with friends. Easy fun refreshing FIVE STARS
  • ChelseaB0690
    Favorite show
    This is the one podcast I skip over others to listen to. Feels like it’s a hangout with my girlfriends(Mark and Easton are also my girlfriends😂 just as important as Becca and Tanya)
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