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jeydebAlways InformativeI have learned so much from this podcast.
KHASLLove the Brittany eraSuch a great host! Too many whiners on the internet. Y’all, not every podcast is going to 100% cater to your individual perspective 100% of the time. Get over it.
ElanaeGet Reading!This is a lovely episode (Feb 2, 2025) My family has always been good readers, but I agree the kids (20 year-old boy-girl twins) do read less with school and phones. They frequently talk about their regret in not reading more. My son made a deal with himself to read before grabbing his phone in the morning. Both kids wanted books for Christmas. My husband is a Libby Master and borrows book from the library with lightning speed! I love books that take me somewhere else and remind me of the human values I hold dear in a time when I can’t always see those values reflected in the world. Thanks for the reminder that we are doing things that are good for us.
SmilingMonaInformativeThanks Brittany for always being in the know. As a 40 yr old black woman there’s so much I learn from listening in what’s happening in the culture and news. I never heard of “beef tallow” or “tradwife” since listening to you. Your coverage on tech and its effect on black culture is worthwhile too. Black people are often taught as just one thing but you open up the discussion further.
Deenii100OffensiveI cannot believe the word mulatto was used in your segment without defining how historically this was a very derogatory term used during slavery and many people still find it to be a derogatory term. Wow. Great reporting. I listened to your show weekly and as a black woman I can’t believe you did not include historical reference to this. Very disappointing.
J. Noël Manuel ValentínGained a subscriber for your UHC episode.Thank you for the sensible discussion on the UHC shooting and the reaction to it. As mentioned, so many people in the media and on the punditry liberal-left have been completely tone deaf in handling this one. No one is condoning cold blooded murder and yes, we have to take seriously the idea that this will escalate the normalization of violence in solving interpersonal issues. But not viewing the harms done by insurance companies as violence or framing an internet joke as an equal harm is wild and only obfuscates people’s pain. Anyway, thanks. I really appreciate it. I’ve dropped several shows over this issue so I’m glad to have found y’all. c:
Reviewer 12345678901A gem of a showWhile I loved the show with Sam Sanders, I have come to love this iteration with Brittany Luse. She’s an exceptionally thoughtful and skilled interviewer. And her insights have really made me rethink assumptions I have had. Brava!
RoyalSwedDisrespectfulIt is the fault of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that people still refer to the church as “Mormon” or “LDS” as these names, at one time, were used by the church itself. However, the church has never been referred to as “The Church of Latter-day Saints” by any one but the most uninformed and unprofessional. The use of this name is incorrect, and unfair and beneath a professional journalist, or less so, a podcaster. Serious journalist know that most style guides have been asked to stop using the nickname Mormon or LDS when reporting on the church. It is and always has been The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jesus Christ is the center of the church and leaving His name out of the church’s name when reporting on the religion is plain disrespectful.
Riker37Even a change of host can’t save thisI have always just found this show uninteresting divisive and annoying. It’s even worse now after the host change…’s just a jumbled mess…I think this is part of Nprs problem. They just don’t get how out of touch they are…the assumed moral and cultural authority is gross
queueaDisappointing political commentaryThe tone of the recent post-election episode was astounding to me. NPR has failed entirely to report effectively on trump, the risk his politics pose, and the seriousness of the moment. Giggling and taking a holier than though attitude about not being surprised. Really? Nit picking specific ads without an understanding of how ad targeting works. Focusing on campaign failures rather than policy and future risk? It’s just not a serious or intelligent contribution. This adds nothing to the conversation. Officially unsubscribed from all npr podcasts.
angrylfSounds like poor quality college radioUnprofessional, journalistically dubious - a pretty dreadful show. This is why I don’t listen to NPR shows anymore. It’s a shame to see such a storied organization self destruct by creating this kind of dogmatic nonsense.
CrystalashEnjoy the SmackdownsAbout time to reclaim the corporate co-opted definition of “culture” and “celebrity”, and shed the superficial glitz! This new segment is both entertaining and educating. Looking forward for more.
PulseNoMoreSo Relevant and InformativeAs a pop culture junkie myself l love this podcast so much! Great way to dissect and analyze what’s going on in today pop culture news and world.
Bob Garfield🤗Very good show!!
JAK_13Anti-Israel Bias Perpetuates through NPRI’m disgusted that the anti-Israel bias is across all programs of NPR, including cultural programs that I want to avoid speaking about non-cultural topics. Why is it that they never host Israeli lecturers or political analysts? As a patron and fan of NPR, I’m disgusted to see this naive one sided non-factual based (lack there of) reporting.
OaklandRealBrittany keeps the light shiningThis show is such a great time, every time. Brittany keeps it real and also invites the beautiful, ridiculous, and thought-provoking into the conversation
Big time listenerDon’t miss it!Love this show! BL is an excellent interview and a wonderful analyst of pop culture, politics and more.
ocapnmycapnLove love loveBritney, you are a wonderful host and interviewer, and I adore how the show approaches different and often third rail issues with courage and nuance. Bravo!
ms_martz000Barbara Streisand was RIGHT about BritneyOutstanding host and program. Thx for the fresh take on journalism 🩵🩵🩵🩵
BrirwHorribleUsed to love this show. However in past few months they have discussed only how Israel has attacked Gaza, and barely mention the crimes Hamas has done. They bring up that Israel was tried in international court but don’t question why Hamas wasn’t there. Where is the standard for being anti terorrist
Me-nessClickbait with no factsThis podcast cares more about emotional reactions than it does with actual facts. Irresponsible to its core
SpaghettiGalfettiTHEE Culture podcastThis has become my favorite podcast. It doesn’t matter if I know the topic or not, I always walk away with a better understanding of what it means to be a person. In a world of a million ‘culture’ podcasts, this one is doing it best!
casualpodcastlistenerBritney is such a good host!This podcast is rapidly becoming one of my favorites! Britney is a great interviewer. She has such a lovely, happy voice. She picks topics that I like, even if I don’t know I will like them. And she keeps things moving at a nice pace: not too slow, but gives topics time to breathe. Give this a listen! I listen to pretty much every episode at this point.
Ms.TeelPerfect HostI love this show. Brittany asks the best questions and is so great at creating accessible entry points into interviews. I have enjoyed listening to her get more comfortable in her role since she’s taken over the show and am excited to see what else they come up with.
*dk**B.A.Parker Episode!This discussion was SO EXCELLENT! I get so tired of Beyoncé discussions that refuse to examine areas of her place in popular culture as only positive with no real examination of areas that are questionable, as if the mere mention is attacking her or not giving her her due respect for what she’s accomplished.
CJMcMacLove this show!!Brittney crushed the Barbra Streisand interview!!
LLMinBerlinStealthily brilliantBrittany Luse is a gifted interviewer/moderator who brings out the very best in her conversation partners. She is as intelligent as she is sensitive - and somehow holds onto her sense of humour along the way. A joy to listen to. I learn something new every time.
Tyrell AllenGreat insights, incredible hostHuge fan of the topics this podcast explores, as well as the way Brittany facilitates conversation with the guests.
podfizzI love IBAMThis show is so clever and so earnest. I appreciate the witty banter and intriguing dialogue with the guests. Brittany is a charming and engaging host, who welcomes you into the conversation with open arms, giving relatable but nuanced perspective. It’s like hanging out with the coolest chick in your study group, discussing the things about pop culture you didn’t know you needed to learn about. I’m obsessed. I love it. Thank you Brittney and the IBAM team. Keep up the good work! ❤️🔥
VnickBrittany is my favI love this show. Smart and interesting topics with a sympathetic, intelligent, charismatic host. 5 stars!
IswoonTabloidrather than journalism, this podcast has devolved from its original adequate level where a good host, wide array of guests and topics, and audience involvement was the norm. It was beneficial to the listening public. Create content is the mandate, a challenge week to week. Inane blab fest is what remains. Taylor Swift, indeed.
Community WisdomSome Fine Community WisdomThank you, Louder than a Riot for pouring your hearts and souls into this unflinching critical analysis of hip hop culture. The analysis offered by the creators was incredibly insightful and developed over the two seasons. Thank you for offering key theories of the culture. I am saddened that it has been cut from NPR.
MkeY234Z62Unethical journalismThe show’s host, producers, and guest (former npr host noel king) took a 8/23 Vivek Ramaswamy debate soundbite out of context to imply that the Republican candidate is somehow in favor of Marxism. They played a heavily edited clip where Vivek tells Pence that “I have a news flash: the USSR doesn’t exist anymore…It fell back in 1990.” Pence and Vivek were debating national security policy. Vivek was not implying that Mike Pence should “rediscover marxism.”
Def a bananaIncredibleAbsolutely amazing!!! Terrific work by absolutely everybody involved listen if you have ears
Yahoo Personals, lolCrazy in Love summer…YESSS!! I love this episode and the summer flashback of my own. I was in my dirty 30’s in 2003, Crazy in Love blasted on my way to the cookout with my denim shorts and red heels BEBE!! Let me stop, seriously you never out grow the summer song that defines so many of our shared memories. Mono/airpod culture has moved on…. I’m sadden but curious about what the future of music culture will be in the next generation. PLEASE keep us posted on this culture shift Britney!
technique over topicsFun range of serious and lightI’ve been really loving what Brittany Luse brings to what Sam had begun on IBaM. I listen on Saturday mornings with my coffee and appreciate the varied assemblage of experts, Brittany’s poignant and smart questions, the program’s ability to navigate current issues reporting with some fun sprinkled in when it’s time to unwind and remember we are humans in a big (drama-filled, lol) world.
e85galGreat!I love this podcast. I often listen live on the weekends. So positive while also being real! Thanks Sam and team.
Imari hallIt ain’t been NAAN minuteI love Britney and I’m finna follow her wherever she goes. Ima miss EE but I’m so grateful to just hear one of you. We need more journalists like you on the air! I’m going to stop being hood in front of white folks for now but just know I feel seen and I can’t thank you enough! Hold it down!!!!
ISureAmListeningI used to love her. And I still do.I’m an It’s Been a Minute fan! I loved Sam Sanders, but I also love Brittany Luse and can literally hear her find her footing in the best of ways. I appreciate the mix of topics. There is something for everyone, but every episode deserves a listen. That’s it. That’s all.
for_the_love_of_itNiceLoved the latest ep on AI relationships! So interesting.
Marshee10012Scam Goddess podcastHi there… Ms. Luse, I really enjoy your podcast! I did listen to the podcast about scans,and was hopeful it was going to be more more informative! But scam goddess openly said she was “here for punching up- and it was ok for scammers to scam large companies”. This shocked me, scammers who scam large companies potentially hurt us all, and this woman laughing about this was bit funny. Would it be possible to do some more thorough screening before your guests start talking, especially when it’s just clear they are there to promote their products. Thank you
LilMermaid64One of my favoritesI love the way Brittany Luse dives deep into pop culture to pull out all the complexity and nuance. She is such a great interviewer.
kianja1Great episode.Definitely learned something new!
gratefulforthispodcastGreat show!!!Brittany Luse and guests always get me to think about something in a new way, thank you, I love this show!
Shadwell von BernsteinWoke biased drivelI tried but half the time this could be an Onion satire.
PhotowoodEducational in the Best WayThis shows me glimpses into cultural issues, societal issues, and entrainment, in a fun and accessible way. I’m a 34 yr old single, straight, white dude that lives in Utah. I learn something every time I listen and find my self in a happier mood at the end of it. From the newest movies, to how women's satisfaction in bed is overlooked, to black culture in America. I’m here for it. It’s fun. It’s entertaining. And I learn. Thanks for being here!
Maxcraft430DecentI would love to hear NPR bring on Paul and Sasha and whatever their real names are to host an NPR show. Love their voices, chemistry, humor, intelligence. They know so much about so much. i like this show but would like it more if you had Paul and Sasha on it or on any NPR shows.
XximillianGoodOverall it's a good podcast
LBS301Smart, Entertaining and Varied TpoicsI think Brittany Luse is terrific. She’s bright, quick, knowledgeable about a lot of different things, great interviewer and very personable. Maybe the next Terry Gross? Wish her guests and subject matter were always as good. Loved the Nod with Eric and her - perfect duo. Wish she could do the type of fascinating stories she’d done on that program. I wish her long success and ever increasing exposure.
Melissa080808BLAyou ladies are hilarious I really enjoyed the show today! I think 🌹 like
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