World News Tonight with David Muir

News #183Daily News #25

With unparalleled resources, "World News Tonight with David Muir" provides the latest information and analysis of major events from around the country and the world.

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  • CRA62
    Missing episodes
    This week's podcast goes from Sunday, February 23 straight to Wednesday, February 26. What happened to the shows produced on Monday the 24th and Thursday the 25th? it makes me nervous that there may be censorship going on from the current administration. Please continue to report the news in a straightforward partisan manner.
  • Guniyden
    News to use
    One of my go to sources for news on the go . when a headline breaks ABC news is usually ahead of the story .
  • Sir Cain
    David Muir and ABC News are Liars
    This episode, as in almost every episode, David Muir and the other reporters are constantly lying and misrepresenting the truth about former President Trump. Millions are being spent on people who illegally entered this country. They are provided thousands a month in free housing, healthcare, and food. In the clip they played of President Trump, that is what he said, yet David and members of the Harris administration claimed Donald Trump was making baseless claims and lying about FEMA's response. The Harris administration has no limit to what they spend monthly on illegals, while they only have a one time payment of $750 for the victims of Helene, but they complain about Trump pointing this out. David Muir and the other reporters at ABC have "Trump Derangement Syndrome", and the lies and hatred that they continuously spew are what causes the mentally disturbed, like the two Trump shooters, to act out in violence. Their (ABC's) irresponsible behavior should make them accessories to the heinous crimes committed by these disturbed individuals that they are continuously spurring on with their outright lies, and misrepresentations about former President Trump.
  • American@gingerhouse
    David Muir
    Should be fired!!!
  • Jpisatowski
    You are a left wing hack
    All you do David is repeat that Democrat talking points. You are so biased and you should be fired. You are just a pretty face and are so embedded with Biden and Harris. You should be fired.
  • Surfloverone
    After watching the debate, I will not be watching or listening to this show. Very disappointing to find out that this show is so one-sided. The fact checking was only done on 1 candidate. How can I trust this commentator with the news?
  • jm17230$$$
    That had to be one of the worstly moderated debates I’ve ever seen. And you could tell Kamala was given the questions. And all about abortion and race politics Fake news
  • Kevin Mueller
    Never Ending Ads
    Been listening to this podcast for years. Love being able to catch the news on the go. Totally fine with some ads, but now they repeat and play 5 or 6 times near the end of each episode. Please fix this!
  • Irish Advantage
    Today's episode: World News last week
    Running an episode from last week again. Cmon, ABC, other podcasts do not have this problem!
  • Thecat2424
    I am about 10 years old, and I used to listen ABC news when ever I can. When my grandma is watching tv, she always watches ABC news. I really like that it includes sports.
  • cunssdhdhdvdvhs
    Not so good
    I watch abc news tonight…I’m not sure if they are fr updating every day but there is some interesting stuff on the ads and tv
  • Liam12355@.d3monslayerlyte
    Love abc news
    I love abc news I,m 11 years old and I used to listen to abc news and build legos also love it for the information have a great day thanks for sharing your thoughts
  • KellyAnne111
    The most gratifying
    John is awesome! Everyday! Every book brings me joy, the best information and has inspired me to finally start my own podcast and get vulnerable and real with those in my community! Thank you John for your wisdom. #grateful
  • morgana vhe
    Not always real news
    The over dramatized story about dressmaking just about did me in. Real news please.
  • Loganfool
    Good Lord, could you at least report within the same week?
    Not like there was any dependability to begin with. It’s not the day is when it happened four days ago.
  • Mexsuger
    Losing Listeners!!!!!!
    The podcast doesn't stay current, not updated well. Now listening to Lester Holt on NBC because they update daily. Sad.
  • dimitri.iakovakis
    To David Muir. Hi, im Dimitri Iakova, interested to learn more about your work.
    Please advise, Thank you kindly. djni
  • Justwannadrivr
    Rarely updated timely. Sad!
  • YHTBKidding
    Always Late
    I prefer ABC however you are always a day or more late. So I had to switch to NBC. Hopefully in future you will be the first vs last to report most current news.
  • Marky Mark (Ned)
    Not so timely
    Love the podcast when released on the same day however, usually this newscast is late and by a few days so it becomes somewhat irrelevant. The weather man needs to slow down when speaking. Can sound incoherent. If released more timely and news team just slowed it down a touch, this could be the best news podcast/sound bite in the US.
  • Bud62sam
    No news
  • Bamban8
    Best news
    I look forward to David Muir every week night
  • MariaRuss
    News the way it used to be - just the facts of the stories delivered by a credible anchor. Always ends on a positive note. Love David Muir on TV and am grateful to have this podcast when I’m on the road.
  • crazy corgis
    Update sooner please
    I enjoy listening to this podcast, but sometimes it is updated rather late.
  • THRTON33
    World news tonight
    Love this podcast
  • chu2018
    Update the podcast so we get it when the news is still current!! Thank you ..
  • thirty2
    Updates are very slow NBC news has updates the same day of News day. ABC news is behind to claim that their organization is the best
  • Pacwest41
    Never updated!
    Goes two or even three days sometimes without being updated, it’s ridiculous. Whoever’s one job it is to air the latest episode needs to be fired, seriously.
  • mechanicswife91
    Needs Daily Update
    Please update the podcast earlier each evening. We need to hear current news!
  • Cece Martin
    Why are the podcasts not uploaded daily?
    NBC has more consistent upload. Why is ABC so unreliable?
  • Julie Nokua
    Good news
    The news is good. Please update podcast timely.
  • Prettygirlrock_1973
    David Muir
    I just enjoy David Muir and his presentation.
  • Duongvannguyen
    I live Listening to ABC World New
  • Youtube SoySauce
    Whats the point of this?? Do people enjoy listening to school shooting's, and car pileups? Im sorry but I don’t exactly enjoy depression. Please make news that won’t make people cry.
  • Jacques Graton
    Old Stale News
    It should be called Last nights news.
    Trauma porn
    Trauma porn not news. America is the largest manufacturers of weapons and drugs. Enslaving the majority of human beings.
  • gtreadgold
    Love getting this information
  • Lorax Seanachie
    Missing episodes
    So, today is Nov 29. The last episode to post is Nov 23. That’s at least 4 episodes missing. Maybe only one person is responsible for uploading and they went on vacation?
  • jb music
    No more episodes
    I liked the world news tonite with David Muir but it has no more episodes. The last one was Nov 23,2021
  • bkwp
    I really like abc world news but will need to find another program... Night after night nothing available, while I can find the broadcast on tv... What's the problem???
  • multi music . .
    Terrible biased news
  • 10joules
    NBC news nightly uploads the latest shows faster
    Too bad I have to remove y'all from my podcast favorites. Whoever uploads your latest episode posts them a day or two later than when it actually happened. Really sad.
  • Aliciahmesa
    Why isn’t this updated timely?
    It’s almost 11 am and the previous nights broadcast isn’t uploaded yet! All my other podcasts are uploaded before I get up in the morning. Very disappointed when you can’t hear the previous nights news the next morning.
  • WrongWay15
    Freezing my tail-end off
    Every 5 minutes my app freezes. I like the app itself, but this freezing problem has been persisting for around a year. I have wrote numerous times concerning this problem. Of course, it will work for a short while then the freezing will come back. Next stage is finding another pod app. Thanks, Being Patient
  • dudgfufizgshjdjshdj
    Over suggesting things
    I have never used podcasts before on this account and I all of a sudden I get a notification on an episode from this series I guess you can call it and I don’t no why this was downloaded and in my library when I set up the app to see what this notification was
    Great Podcast
    When I cannot watch it, I will always make sure to listen. David is very educated and a good speaker who can always make you lean towards your phone with interest. Thank you for doing this David.
  • Axel.po
    No Justice No Peace
    I am very sad about the police shootings this cant keep happening RIP
  • noii shdd
    There is a lot of snow out there and that more people dies because the virus that is sad because your love ones died and people died from fires and shootings
  • Very bad 666
    Lack real reporting and constant bias
    I had to give up on ABC News. They lack all impartiality.
  • brightthumb
    I used to watch this with my Granma.
    It really was nice, despite this year being anything but. I can’t watch with her anymore, and I don’t have cable. Thank you for putting this on here; it helps me roughly keep up with current events, but also reminds me in these dark times that I’m not alone.
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