NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt

News #112Politics #38

Listen to "NBC Nightly News," providing reports and analysis of the day's most newsworthy national and international events. This audio podcast, updated each evening, brings you the day's show in its entirety. For more from "Nightly News", visit NBCNightlyNews.com.

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Recent Reviews
  • Gringa420
    Lester holtđŸ”„
    Lester holtđŸ”„đŸ„”
  • Julie Nokua
    Thanks for the dependable news!
    In time update during weekends and holidays.
  • CASupaman
    Promotes Domestic Terrorism
    They encourage assassination attempts on Donald Trump and other actions against Americans.
  • Kkahdkenndn
    Lester is my boi đŸ‘ŒđŸŒshoutout Lester
  • Sabot6
    So lacking in integrity and unbiased reporting. And did I say it is so obvious? Just listen to any episode and you will have your example. Also, why is weather news? Have you ever noticed that each episode contains some about bad weather? Let me guess, climate change. Quick review of history: 1970’s it was the new ice age, 1980’s it was acid rain, 1990’s, it was ozone, 2000’s it was global warming. Ow you ta climate change. 🙄
  • DPyledriver
    News should be unbiased
    What bothers me the most is that they act like they’re being unbiased when it’s abundantly clear that they aren’t. Stop putting a spin on facts. That isn’t news, it’s lies.
  • backontrail
    It’s hit or miss weather in episode will actually be uploaded. If you are going to provide daily news, it should be provided on a daily basis. The problem of going days without publishing episodes persists. I really don’t see a point in subscribing to a podcast that puts out episodes only when it feels like it.
  • Loganfool
    A little biased aren’t we?
    What are the sound effects when our president is speaking? That seems to be a sore subject around your studio anyway! Our president is President Biden!
  • Mishagos
    So THERE!
    So THERE! Ha, HAH!
  • Kapital23
    Far too slanted to the left
    It’s shocking how slanted to the left you are. Your coverage is difficult to take seriously due to its failure to accurately report on ALL of the major news stories of each day.
  • daytrader365
    Inviting anchors but still check multiple sources
    Sensationalized news—OMG the weather news pieces are over the top. The rest is set to grab ratings with a left slant, but Lester is inviting and the format highlights topics that are ripe to cross check via a conservative based agency. Do your research and form your own opinions.
  • ThanksGodtoall
    Please report the encouraging news/ stories in the beginning of each show instead of the last.
  • Me3sđŸ¶
    Excellent news
    I listen to this in my car every day. I enjoy watching it every night at home. Please keep up the good work. Lester Holt brings objectivity and professionalism to his news reporting. Thank you.
  • hazelbnr
    It is sad
    This “news” is pure propaganda. I was bamboozled for years, but beginning in 2020 I figured out that most of what is on the networks and cable is untrue at best. They don’t even try to hide they are bought. They tell us at beginning an/or end of many shows. “Brought to you by Pfizer”.
  • J.D. M
    Good but please no more royal family.
    I have been a daily viewer for over a decade and appreciate the objective coverage and journalistic integrity. I will continue to make NBC Nightly News a part of my news viewing however I strongly encourage you to stop the ongoing coverage of the British royal family. It is neither newsworthy nor informative.
  • Valvane Jim
    Pretty Fake News if we’re being honest
    Lester Holt admits he has no interest in covering news objectively. Receives award for protecting “free speech” while advocating for censorship of non-progressives. Media’s approval rating is 12% and NBC still employs Lester
. It’s all connected folks. Gonna be a tough November for Lester and the “journalists” at NBC
    Capitalist propaganda
    Interspersed with trauma porn and meaningless fluff pieces. Certainly Not news.
  • Huntahuntahunta
    Thank you for posting your podcast reliably even on weekends
  • johnt10
    Please stop adding promos
    Please stop adding promotional episodes of other podcasts! It makes it impossible for those of us using voice to listen to this podcast because it just plays the promotional episode!
  • Red Step Stacker
    George Soros controlled media
  • RunnerKDB
    Great way to catch evening news if I miss it!
    I appreciate this podcast so much as a regular watcher of NBC evening news. It’s a great way to catch it if I happen to miss it on TV.
  • Plebianus
    Best of Mainstream Media
    Sometimes NBC Nightly News hits the mark, other times it misses it, but overwhelmingly it does it’s best and that is what I respect. So I listen.
  • Frank's Notebook
    Gold Standard
    The NBC Evening News is the gold standard for unbiased, fact-based broadcasting. I enjoy listening to the podcast every day.
  • polnjygeavhdb
    Why so delayed?
    Why does it take so long for these 21-minute episodes to be made available after airing?? And half the time the last segment is excluded for no discernible reason. Meet the Press is available almost immediately after its airing. It’s a daily news show, so it would be nice to hear the news on the actual day the news occurs.
  • ranger62
    Good journalism, terrible production
    I respect NBC for providing dependable fact based news, but poor podcast production is unbearable. There are randomly placed commercials, the same ads repeated over and over, and many days are not available . The program will be mid-sentence on life or death story and cut to advertisements. Cheap ploy that seems pretty juvenile for network with such a rich tradition of excellence. Save yourself stress and listen to another reliable network news. CBS Evening News doesn’t have these problems.
  • EmmaBella
    Too negative! 9 out of 9 negative stories in one episode.
    In the Sept 3, 2021 episode, I counted 9 highlights spoken aloud in the first 1 minute 17 seconds. All 9 were negative. Hurricane IDA desperation, NE cost homes exploding, NJ escaping a wall of water, nursing home residents dying in a warehouse, new Covid super spreaders with 1 in 5 children, chilling Walmart carjacking video with a long gun, ISIS terror attack in a supermarket, major disappointment in job numbers, millions on the brink of losing unemployment, urgent warning for parents that certain baby products are linked to infant deaths. Wow I feel so depressed just writing this. Where are the solutions? The good news? The celebrations and successes? After a long hiatus from this news podcast, I am unsubscribing from it. This world can never heal until we stop listening to the depressing parts that most of the listeners cannot control.
  • nate the weatherman
    NBC Nightly News
    I like how NBC Nightly News can be podcasted, even if I’m not close by a television, I can still listen to Lester Holt on weekdays
 JosĂ© DĂ­az-Balart & Kate Snow on Weekends
  • MatthewOrr
  • Bennynielsen
    Inconsistency with uploading
    I want to rate this higher. But I never know when the episode is actually going to come out. Or if it is going to come out. I should get these episodes around 9:00pm-10:00pm (my local time) every night. But sometimes I won’t get one until 4:00am the next day. Sometimes they just totally miss 4 days in a row. I do not have access to a tv signal to watch this on tv, so I use this podcast version instead. It use to be better, but lately it is just getting worse. Fix the issues and I’ll fix my rating.
  • jo45789
    Too many issues
    While I like Lester Holt and the usually positive note the program leaves listeners with each night, there are two major issues that need to be resolved before I return to listening. 1) The podcast is often days late in updating. What good is a nightly news program four days later? This is not a rare issue. 2) The commercial breaks happen at very random moments. In television broadcasting and podcasts made for podcasting, breaks happen at the end of segments. For the Evening News there is no rhyme or reason. Breaks are always during a segment and very often in the middle of a sentence. This is incredibly frustrating as the breaks break up your train of thought and disrupt the power of the story.
  • song stinks
    Lester Holt is thé man!
    I could listen to him read a phone book.
  • Skinny Kangaroo
    The nightly news
    I think this is the best evening news podcast. Much better than CBS and ABC. Even better than PBS, because of length. But the reason I can’t and won’t give it 4 stars is that it never arrives before 10pm ( I think I understand due to the west coast crowd) but even worse the frequent missing days. It’s like the ones in charge of publishing the nightly podcast don’t know what their doing or even worse don’t care. YouTube is just as bad. Why would I want last night full broadcast in my feed tonight. Talk about stale and old news. NBC you have the best nightly show, but some people don’t have cable or a tv to watch it. Having a timely podcast would really make my life a lot better. đŸ˜©đŸ€ŹđŸ˜Ą PS 5/15-16/21 I guess to save money and keep up in the dark they’ve decided to stop publishing on the weekend â˜čâ˜čâ˜č
  • Podcast Fregorn
    sad that news has become propaganda
    I love growing up and listening to NBC news but for the past decade it has become a propaganda mchine. Not any real reporting one side.
  • CH1378
    Fake news
    Holt openly admits “he is only telling his side of the news”
  • Jpisatowski
    Edward b Murrow reward
    U do not believe in reporting the facts and are a liberal hack. U should have never received that award. I have a masters degree in journalism from Nortwestern university and my professors would have thrown u out. I am telling everyone not to listen to your show
  • farawaylistener
    More tech problems
    The podcast is great... when I can actually listen to it. For over two weeks now the episodes are “unavailable”. I don’t have this problem with any other podcast I listen to - just this one. Hope you’re working on a fix.
  • mstitans
    I miss Tom!
    Can we start reporting the news instead of constantly (Fox, NBC, CNN and etc) being biased
  • joejjod
    Tech team: not again
    2/9 episode time 10:30 on only one ear. Lost stereo sound. This is the 2nd time I found often after insert commercial bloopers come
  • technophobe1
    Nightly News
    I listen daily as I work nights and usually can’t watch. My only complaint is the final segment... I’d rather have another in depth report of an important issue than a happy crap report. I’m not inspired; I’m usually irritated by it. Otherwise I enjoy the report. Very informative and truthful.
  • Eleminohpee
    Pro Left news
    If you like your news with an extreme left slant, but claims to be fair, this show is for you!
  • Jraeme
    Lester Holt
    It is comforting to hear Lester’s voice, even when the world seems to have been taken over by insanity Lester is calm, and delivers the news with honesty and integrity. I am grateful for this podcast. Thank you for making the news available through this medium.
  • JJ Cars
    Not dramatic enough
    Not dramatic enough world news tonight with David Muir is better
  • Rpflorida
    NBC nightly news
    Love the podcast. Allows me to get a great news update every morning. The only complaint I have is why do you have to increase the volume on all the ads?
  • Very bad 666
    I had to stop watching/listening. Their burying in October of the Hunter Biden story was the final straw. I seek unbiased news not their biased opinion. The situation of the news media in the US today is scary. Be careful!
  • Nicehickey
    Fear mongering
    Using fear to manipulate the listener to their narrative.
  • mmcmsp
    Lester's voice is unique!
    Can't hear my news from anyone else!!!!
  • jasman7777
    The content is good, the editing is awful
    There are often audio issues, and ads will cut off the host in the middle of their sentence. It makes me think the podcast is just a shoddily put together afterthought.
  • nycnftm
    Editing fail
    been listening to this for over a year now but now whoever edits it plays a commercial right in the middle someone speaking. incredibly annoying. Time to switch to David Muir
  • SteveRPh
    Poor podcast app
    This app does not allow you to removed played episodes from your device. While each episode takes up a very small amount the accumulated effect grows daily. At one time the played episodes reflected 8 months. Now I have delete the pod cast every 30 days to remove the episodes that have been played. They need to allow you to totally delete all episodes and/or save the one you want. I am currently looking for a better podcast for my daily broadcast news that is audio only.
  • brycesaysno
    Ending my subscription
    After listening daily for almost a year, I have decided to end my subscription and find other news podcasts which do not give Donald Trump a platform. NBC has given a platform to a literal white supremacist and are rewarding him for chickening out of the debate. Boycott NBC.
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