Deadline: White House

News #41Politics #14

Drawing on years of experience as communications chief for President George W. Bush and senior advisor for the McCain-Palin campaign, Nicolle Wallace provides political insight and clarity on where the decision-makers stand on complex issues. Join her for analysis and discussion with the key newsmakers every weekday.

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  • cynchronized
    Minority Rule
    I watch your show everyday. Countless times I’ve heard you ask: Why do Republicans lie for Trump? Why don’t they speak the truth about the 2020 election and Jan 6? Why did they allow their party to be hijacked by Trump? Why are Republicans risking our country becoming an autocracy and the possibility that this might be the last meaningful election we have? Minority rule. That is and has been the overriding mission for Republicans. Those Republicans who surprise and disappoint you with their recent behavior towards Trump’s MAGA party are likely embarrassed about the way in which they are getting the minority rule they so covet. That should tell you just how badly they want to impose their unpopular policies on the rest of us. I am 72 years old and have been observing the Republican Party for a very long time. For decades Republicans have been doing everything they could think of to achieve and perpetuate control of our country. They know they do not represent the interests of the majority of Americans. That leaves them only with the option of doing everything possible to achieve minority rule. They have been doing that by curtailing the voting rights of the majority and promoting false populist issues like immigration and abortion. I implore you to start using the term “minority rule” instead of authoritarianism or autocracy. Authoritarianism and autocracy are vague terms to the majority of voters. I hate to say it but it is going over the heads of MAGA voters and voters who do not appear to understand the stakes of this election, such as young voters. MAGA voters believe they want Trump to have the power to do the things they want the government to do (or not do). It seems not to occur to them that, if elected, Trump could then do none of the things they want and many things they don’t want. Please talk more about that. Please lead Democrats to talk about Trump and Republicans in that manner. Don’t rely on voters to read books about how awful autocracy is. And, most importantly, don’t expect Republicans in power to be swayed by those ideas. In all likelihood, they believe they can achieve minority rule without all-out authoritarianism. They are whistling past the graveyard of democracy. Minority rule is an easy concept to communicate and to understand and it has the added bonus of encompassing all Republicans and the Supreme Court, not just the presidency.
  • pammiepoohbearr
    The FDA
    I’m a huge fan of your way of articulating so much in such a comprehensive way. I appreciate that you’re well read on the topics no matter how many are thrown at you, lol. I also love your questioning style and your choice of guests. My question: how is the chevron decision going to affect things like our FDA?? Etc. It’s a terrifying prospect!! Thanks and God bless Democracy!🇺🇸 ~Pamela Speegle
  • LaraGen
    Oh good grief
    June 28 broadcast: Just complete and utter nonsense heard from your first 2 guests- Michael Steele & another man. I send my love to Joe Biden. He has done so many good things and been a great President. Now he needs to put our country first and put a younger, stronger leader in place to lead our country and defeat tRump. Not Kamala Harris. We need a younger, stronger male to defeat the evil coming at us and defend our country. (I look forward to the day when we will have a female President - now is not the time). You always do a great job Nicole. Your show is appointment listening for me everyday. There are a lot of good people in the Democratic Party- bring them forward.
  • Che Block
    The only question is
    Does the indictment violate immunity?
  • Stable genie
    We have some real live morons here in Oregon 🫣
  • Jcgditfkfy
    Can’t be too sure if it will happen in this year
    Are they not the ones in your area where they have to pay a monthly bill or do I just
  • jetthigh
    Post J6 leg changes?
    Nicolle is a smart, informed ray of light. But some days I can’t take hearing that T-name, his negativity — and need a break. So have I missed any of the concrete steps taken in congress after the work of the J6 committee to protect democracy and/or prevent the chaos of the last election re: the transfer of power? Would love a refresh on this topic. Take care of yourself Nicolle. We need you now more than ever.
  • __#%^*
    Where is May 30,2024?
    Will you be posting? Major day in history! I am not sure why that show is not listed.
  • e-cooling
    Where is yesterday’s episode?
    May 30 momentous day missing!
  • McTag2
    Not a Lawyer
    Nicole I am also NOT A LAWYER, and only was called to be a juror once, never seated. Your show is just a bright spot in my afternoon. The laughter is infectious. THANK YOU for spending this time with us!!
  • VBSunny
    Question Marks and Upspeak
    Is there any reason that every sentence needs to end in a question mark? It’s impossible for me to listen to Nicole Wallace these days with the affected upspeak. She didn’t used to speak this way. The content and topics are excellent but I just want to scream, ARE YOU ASKING ME A QUESTION???” Fast forward to 2024 - Again, WHY does Nicole raise the end of every sentence?? She sounds more ridiculous than she did two years ago when I wrote the review above. Da da DAH, da da DAH, da da DAH? Please stop. I love the guests and content, but can’t stand the affected stupid speech pattern.
  • Dmurphy55
    She’s so rude
    Great guests. Unfortunately Nicole Wallace interrupts them, talks over them, cuts them off, repeatedly. Additionally she mumbles, shouts and giggles, often all at the same time. She might be a lovely person but she is certainly frustrating and annoying to listen to. Can’t watch or listen anymore.
  • Marie Tellez
    You are an amazing reporter, thank you for your empathy for others
  • darlingdae
    in the trash
    saying the school year has been ruined by anti-genocide student protests and asking if the pro-zionist students can get a tuition refund made her lose all the credibility she has worked rebuilding since her time with the war criminal president g.w. bush. get a grip lady. 625,000 students in gaza haven’t gone to school since october. 13,000+ never will again. absolutely pathetic.
  • eps1969
    Douche bag 💼
    Just disgusting 🤮
    Many good guests but, ANDREW WEISSMAN & JOYCE VANCE are the ABSOLUTE BEST.
  • /:;()&@$(:-
    Great show, but I wonder if you can help me. Could you tell me where I can find a student encampment where students are protesting the Russian genocide in Ukraine? Thanks
  • horsepleigh
    Thank you for objecting to the INSANITY
    Nicole and crew you are saving my sanity with this podcast!! I thought I was the only person left who objected to the “tyrannical sadism” of that MAGA maggot! Your thoughtful INTELLIGENT analysis gives me strength to make it through another day! The idea of his getting presidential immunity is akin to Joffrey Baratheon being king (the sadistic psychopath child king). Really???!! I thought the Supreme Court were supposed to be THE OFFICIAL adults in the room. Shame on them! They may as well announce “all hail King Joffrey “. Thanks for giving me hope. JC, a critical care RN in FL
  • fixit97
    Trump, Trump, Trump
    If the name of your podcast is Deadline White House why do you only talk about Trump? I’ve stopped listening. Biden is in the White House.
  • Shellbee342
    Deadline White House
    Love the show! It’s wonderful to hear the news explained the way I see it! Love MSNBC
  • Anna90skid
    I’m Over It
    I’m no longer interested in more Trump court coverage at this point. There should be more focus on the people who still work for the federal government. Unless something truly newsworthy happens, please turn the cameras off. I mean what is Biden up to these days? What am I supposed to tell my friends and family who are planning on voting for Trump this fall? Because they don’t see enough Biden Administration coverage to understand how much has been done for them. I was really hoping for more coverage of student loan forgiveness. It’s shameful there isn’t any newsworthy story from the current administration that is worth the first 30 minutes of a 2 hour show. I’m over it already. I enjoy MSNBC but I really need y’all to not allow this man to control the airwaves so effortlessly. Turn him off please? Sincerely, Ohio Anna
  • beachdream tunes
    Always great reporting Hostages?
    Seems so wrong how republicans identify January 6 insurrectionists with patriots like the 1776 revolutionists who were fighting against a king and monarchy. It is the democrats who are against a king like autocracy like trump wants to be. Don’t people see that? These insurrectionists are not patriots they are exactly the opposite
  • JeReynAZ
    Trump’s psychosis has infected minds
    One thing that needs a lot more attention in media reporting is the psychological damage of Trump’s psychosis on a large amount people in our society. Please bring in Psychiatrists like Dr.Brandi X Lee to help people understand how to deal with the impact of mass social psychosis. It is massive and dangerous. This is how Hitler came to power fueled by drugs and madness.
  • Ms Tree
    Good show
    I love the show but somebody is scratching away—- presumably taking notes—- and it drives me crazy so much I often have to pause and take deep breaths. Somebody please deal with this.
  • postamaradulcia
    No mention of GAZA….ever
    Almost every commentator represents the tribe and assiduously avoids ever mentioning Gaza and Israeli war crimes. It’s just Trump all the time, and has been since Jan 6. They are obsessed and unable to offer any insight except to prop up Biden and pimp abortion
  • 11dalya
    Judge Luttig is a national treasure
    Loved listening to Judge Luttig this afternoon. Nicolle has such wonderful guests. Judge Luttig and I probably have different takes on various subjects but he's so great at pinpointing the actual subject in question. Good talk with Glenn Kirschner and Lisa Rubin too. Thank you Nicolle.
  • mic-drop
    I do not need Charlie Sykes mansplaining Liz Cheney to me.
  • SacTownGrandma
    Ronna, McDaniel hiring
    I don’t know how to contact NBC, so I’m putting this here in the hope that you will pass it along. Ronna Romney McDaniel had her lips fastened to the Trump Train teat until Trump cast her off.l, then along comes NBC to scoop that bit of chum out of the water and tell us it is choice. NBC, that person has no credibility – she is a known liar and gaslighter and manipulator – and you have just lost half of yours.
  • AmandaMHD
    Alicia is a lovely person
    But I don’t feel she has the bandwidth for this particular moment, Ali Velshi clearly has the chops to fill in for Nicole. Again I love Alicia!! but she’s in over her head.
  • gybuse
    Nicole missed you!
    I just watched Ken Burns on your show and tears were running down my face…I am so scared for our county’s survival. Please have him back on to rebalance our North Star. We love you! B
  • MartainOregon
    Intelligent. Discerning. Articulate. Unafraid.
    And she has a former Republican insider’s understanding of the party and the presidency. What more do you want?
  • kat477456
    Where the Truth is Happening!
    As was always true, Nicole’s show is where the truth is happening. So glad to have a friend back with us to face the year ahead! Thanks to Alice and Ari for getting us through a tough time and giving Nicole a chance to bond with her family as newly constituted. Now it’s time to show up, buckle up and do the work!
  • kathleen320
    Love this show!!!
    This is my go to show — I never miss it! I am so happy Nicolle is back. Love her wit, wisdom, and compassion.
  • kathieg
    We've missed you Nicole!!
    Everyone did an excellent job while you were home but man were glad you are back!!!💕
  • JudeRanch
    Nicolle is BACK!!!!
    All I really want to say is … 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
  • AZ VJ
    Nicole Wallace
    She’s back and so deserving of a 5 star review. Love the show when Ali Velshi subs but could NOT listen to A Menendez!
  • brenace.rn
    Thank You so much for coming back, 🫶🏻
  • Awesome Great Pod 👍
    Welcome back!
    So happy you’re back. :)
  • In the Hart of Texas
    Where is She ?
    Nichol .
  • Bevlh
    Sorry, just can’t endure any more Alicia Menendez
    Is there no one else you can find to fill in for Nicole until she returns? I have tried to stick it out, but Alicia Menendez just doesn’t strike the right tone . Listening to Nicole is so relaxing; she talks with guests like they are discussing politics over dessert. Alicia is just too over-the-top; she tries too hard. I’m sorry to have to say this because I’m sure she has worked hard to keep the show going for all of us, but it’s not even close.
  • Contessa delle Sciolle
    Nicole Wallace
    Is she coming back or not? Why is she off the air?
  • cancellathon
    What the heck?
    February 15, 2024. I miss Nicolle, but I’ve gotten used to the various people who are subbing for her, and I’m grateful the show has been running with substitutes. I’m a American, living in South America, and I can’t access the show on TV, so I depend on the podcast. I’ve been waiting patiently for Nicolle to return, and her substitutes have been doing a great job, but yesterday, once again the show was cancelled. It’s bad enough that you NEVER announce when you decide to cancel the show randomly,. That’s just plain rude. Or is it that you think nobody cares about the podcast version of the show. Well the millions of us who live abroad certainly do. I waited well into the night for last night’s show, but it never dropped. Now this morning, I see that you have replaced every other MSNBC podcast that I regularly watch, when you cancel Deadline Whitehouse, with a “bonus”. I’m very sure that the bonus is worthwhile, and I might even watch it. But unless you remove the bonus later in the day, and run the usual programs including Deadline, what you have done is to make it impossible for me and every other expat to tune in to ANY of the regular news shows. I don’t know what your policy is, but if the bonus is on all the shows I watch, I won’t get any current events at all today, unless I leave MSNBC and seek the news at some other provider, like CNN, or - God Forbid - Fox. Have a HEART, MSNBC! You are being too mean to all of us who love you, but live and work outside the US!
  • cfpnh
    Where is the latest podcast? Need my Deadline Whitehouse!
    The show has been off the air for hours now and still not posted! I’m traveling abroad and can’t listen live. Been refreshing constantly to get my updates. Love the show but don’t leave me hanging like this!!!! Also please give everyone an update on when Nicole is returning. We all appreciate her time with her new baby…but we’d love to have her back asap.
  • Nicole093
    Maternity leave needs to be over
    This is my favorite show, I won’t take any stars away, and Alicia and Ali are amazing reporters. BUT, I have not listened in the last few weeks when I originally listened everyday. Im honestly interested in how many viewers and podcast listeners they may have lost. Again Ali and Alicia are wonderful. But not Nicole, also no descriptions of the episodes anymore? Just three line subjects? I get the new baby and needing to spend time but seriously it’s time to get back to work. It’s been months. So now Lawrence is my go to. Patiently waiting for Nicole’s return. Probably won’t listen until then. You’re screwing up. Come back Nicole we miss you!!!!!
  • Eviews
    Where is NW???
  • Leo XIII
    Political Comedy
    Hopefully trump gets re-elected and goes after everyone on this show. The absolute hatred of president Trump from Alicia and the gang is astounding and palpable. Line up the barges….Donald J Trump 2024 !!!
  • Boris&Gleb
    Missing Nicole!
    Alicia is great and I’m glad she has her own show, and I love Ali Velshi and Michael Steel , but Nicole has unique style and a lot of people miss her.
  • loveforthewin
    When is Nichole coming back?
    I love this show but it’s just not the same without Nichole unfortunately.
  • sc-biker
    Is Nicole *Ever* Returning?
    Miss her unique style and sarcasm. ##
  • Richnomore
    Great job.
    Love and miss Nicole. Alicia M. and others are doing just great!!!!!
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