Laura Coates Live

by CNN

Laura Coates sparks unique conversations and covers the most interesting stories of the day through a news, legal and pop culture lens.

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  • rlangla
    Podcast name
    In my opinion, Laura Coats should have her name on show. I listen to many podcast and because she has become my favorite, I know the podcast I need to select to hear her, many do not. I think CNN would benefit if they saw her face and name on a podcast.
  • Tiff674
    Laura Coates
    Laura Coates asks all the right questions. I love her delivery of the news. She’s wonderful!
  • aspiring realtor
    Own podcast version of shows
    I am ready for Laura Coates and Abby Phillips to have their own podcast version of their shows like Kaitlyn has of hers. I sometimes miss the evening lineup but am able to go back and listen in podcast version and now I hardly catch Abby’s show.
  • Kst1620
    Laura Coates’ interview with a witness to the aftermath of Maine shooting scene was gross. Just focused on gossip. Last straw for this podcast.
  • Tiniwinibikini
    Good citizen
    I’ve lost all faith in CNN lately. As of today I’ll never watch CNN ever again.
  • goodvsevil
    RE covid lab leak GOP theory
    I think we need to be looking months earlier. A client of mine was in Wuhan September 2019, and returned to Seattle early October , very sick. His dr said “he didnt have The Flu, but some kind of weird flu.” Sick for 30 days, fever chills, wicked sore throat. I picked up a slight cough that lasted for two months.
  • knucklehead1946
    Not one intelligent person….
    …takes this network seriously. Not one.
  • Jasch21
    Poor example of free American press
    Far to biased and focused on race. Not as bad as those on the far right, but pretty bad! I won’t be listening to this pod.
  • Brianycpht
    Shows Drops too late
    The other CNN shows post about an hour after they air, but this one and Don Lemon tonight don’t drop until the following morning.
  • 1yaya66
    Chris Cuomo was the reason I watched CNN all day.. you fired Chris I fire CNN an will follow where ever Chris goes him an Don was CNN….!
  • KreoleLaLa
    Fired Chris? Unfollowing this podcast…
    This was 5stars with Chris. Why it’s not Now. CNN used Chris during the whole pandemic & Andrew harassment scandal for BTS inside scoop. They KNEW he was an attorney & now, they fire him to take the fall for all of it like they’re innocent & still want to use the success of his show & podcast to keep ratings up. A whole lot of executives & reporters need to be fired for their participation too. CNN CHOSE to share information with him. I do hope millions of viewers see through their facade too.
  • jarone12
    Lies and now more lies!
    All lies at cnn. Will never watch or listen and teaching my kids never to trust mainstream media. FAKE NEWS Get him off the air permanently
  • jj484929
    Don’t even bother
    After the truth has come out about what he did to cover for his brother and denied those poor women suffering, I’m not interested!
  • Ljburm
    Great Podcast
    I like this show due to the host asking the tough questions and having both points of view from different guest, he tries really hard to see both sides and digs through to the truth!
  • Rob-Brandeis
    Not Michael or Sonny
    Would love to see him narrate a history of The Godfather films. His perspective on being in the shadow of a brother would be fascinating and shed light on that family
  • alezdelaisla
    Dude. You are a newsman. Report about your brother. Don’t be a hypocrite . Your brother is a creep.
  • zombie0651
    Yuck yuck yuck
  • luluwolf.
  • HighEyeQueue
    Apple clearly no longer upholds their moral standards by propagating this DNC shill. Ban Alex Jones for his ridiculous but comedic comments, yet allow this loser who covered and privately consulted his sex-criminal brother on your platform? Bravo, Apple.
  • Sammi0300
    This guy…
    Is just awful. CNN has proven they have no standards for on air talent. They allowed Chris to cover and interview his brother during his botched handling of COVID, total conflict of interest. Then, they find out Chris was helping Andrew with what message to put out there about his sexual harassment/assault issues and did nothing about that. Plus there’s that Toobin guy doing what he does. What a disaster that network is.
  • BibliophileG
    Sad CuomoPrimeTime
    Moving to msnbc as I can no longer support CNN -Cuomo - anyone that aides & abets sexual predators. It’s 2021, there is no excuse. I used to believe Chris and think he was a straight shooter - not any longer; His actions speak louder than his flimsy words.
  • vashondude
    You are not welcome here
    Go away, leave this space alone.
  • Kisstodian
    Sorry about your brother and the whole sexual harassment thing (LOL)
  • Frown123
    Cuomo is a Serial Murderer
    Governor Cuomo sent Covid patients into nursing homes. 15,000 elderly died. And yet CNN is strangely silent. Shame !
  • sailfishgirl
    I want Cuono every day!
    How come the nightly shows not getting put up on this podcast? I want to listen to last nights shows the next morning. Fix it!!
  • EdibleFartsauce
    Do you trust a guy...
    That pretended to quarantine when he was really threatening bicyclists with physical harm? Did you know his wife said she was taking quinine and bathing in bleach water to protect herself from covid? Really, the guy and his brother had a fake conversation about how he was so feverish that he saw their dead father, and no one knows if he was really sick because of his lies. And people listen to this.
  • CGChris77
    Very bias
    Not worth the time, very his point of view.
  • WilliamPeach316
    You are just as bad as your brother and he’s a mass murderer
  • cartiran
    We need your voice
    Thank you for providing your truthful voice to this media Chris. We hear you and appreciate your honest approach to reporting the news.
  • 35708912
    Smug idiot
    Chris Cuomo is a smug douche
  • Phatlead
    What a douche
    Yo Fredo, WGAF what you are going to say about anything? You are a discredited liar for the Communist News Network. What about your brother and the nursing home scandal? You’re a joke, and everybody knows it. GFY, goombah👍
  • Cakes 55
    Who is in charge President Biden or Manchin???
    I have a question who is President of the United StatesJoe Biden or Manchin? I’m so sick of the government politics giving one man so much control. And all of these crooked politicians not going to jail!!! The President can’t stop all of Trumps goonies stopping people’s right to vote!!! Why should people vote? Who is in charge of this government???? I do know who is and his name is Jesus Christ. We forget whose on the throne!! Did not God send plagues on the people in the Bible? United States need to get back to the Almighty God!!! He is not pleased with this world and it’s sins!! I wish CNN anchors would ask questions about who is in charge of the government? Who studies Gods Word these days?? Concern Voter
  • Daniel Nixon
  • Heddy in Vermont
    Keep up the good work!
    Very good and hones and to the point!
  • natnat3L6
    Real, honest, compassionate.
    LOVE watching Chris! The biggest thing that resonates and is refreshing is his compassion! Willingness to discuss both sides whether agrees or doesn’t. Not afraid to discuss things and does so with humility and respect. Most times the conversations had, give me some internal navigation within myself to help gain clarity and listen to myself on perspectives. He’s really just the best! Love watching D Lemon too!!
  • jurrffjonvx
    Fredo propagandist crap
    Fredo propagandist crap
  • Gawbij
    You & your brother should be ashamed of yourselves! While your brother was in middle of covering up nursing home deaths you we’re having him on to clown around! CNN is such garbage! Plus your brother is a pig! Unreal that he is still in office.
  • NickyKnuckles
    The Truth without Bounds
    Chris communicates from a rational, common sense, look at the facts, point of view. I’m from Brooklyn, and spent a lot of my adult life In Fort Lauderdale Florida, It’s comforting to know that as a Black Man, I can listen to Chris and hear the sincerity, and see his Integrity play out every evening live on TV.. I educate my Brothers by playing his podcast in some of the most Dangerous areas in South Florida, places where saying You support Trump will get you Murdered. It’s important to create a dialogue. Chris continues to bridge the Gap, and The Black Community appreciates this. Thanks my Brother, we got your Back.
  • CayaLovesPizza
    As I read through the nasty comments people are leaving you I can’t help feel scared how can sooooooo many people be on that whole other level of stupid you know that Trump kind of stupid. You do an amazing job, you report on the things that matter the most and its obvious that you wouldn’t be able to report on your brother because of the fact that he is your brother not because of those ridiculous things they put in these reviews. How did the education system fail these white folk so bad ??? You have helped me and my fam through this pandemic more than you know! With all my heart I thank you Chris.
  • C. Curtis Clifton
    Chris Cuomo & Don Lemon
    You both are one of my FAVORITE News to watch each evening on CNN! I can relate to all tour thoughts, visions, research & pure honesty that is delivered each evening! I just love how you can deliver with emotion, relatability, dignity, intelligence & humble grace for reporting the News to make sense. Thank you both & please keep the Brotherly Love/Friendship dialogue going: for I know you are genuine because I can feel it through the TV Screen. We don’t have enough of that type of love in the world where people are just good to one another even though you are from two different backgrounds. I Love you both & are your biggest Fan! 😍 C. C. Clifton Los Angeles, CA
  • Child of the regan era
    Governor Andrew
    Why does Chris Cuomo refuse to have a single segment on his brother's controversies? Chris is always with the catch phrase "Get after it" Well, it looks like the governor' been getting after it lately so chris(fredo) should follow his own advice!.
  • socko@1
    Love, Love Chris Cuomo. He is straight forward and honest. Not afraid of a fight. I’ve been watching him for years. Love his friendship with Don Lemmon
  • Miss Kelly Rousseau
    Keep up good work
    I love this podcast. Don’t let the haters bring you down. Clearly they are trolls-can’t even leave real names.
  • ruffo17
    This guy loves to rhyme he’s a fredo all day
  • moonstone.moonshine
    In depth talk!
    Chris Cuomo is pretty darn honest and I find his opinions are very fair. He isn’t the kind to avoid topics, no matter how uncomfortable it can get. He’s definitely a pillar of today’s journalism!!!
  • ghjlkg
    Fake news liberal media
    This guy lies all the time
  • Mr.Bob Dobalina
    Mass murdering family
    Him and his mass murdering brother get on air with a giant Q-tip and mock Covid victims.disgraceful and outrageous
  • 🤦man
    Horrible news horrible people
    If I could rate this below 1 star I would do negative 5 trillion. He his horrible. Politically corrupt. And is the brother of the worst man in America. GO REPUBLICANS!!! BOO THE FREAKING LIBERALS AND THERE FAKE NEWS😊😊😊!!!
  • Hf do ju
    Where is Chris?
    Looking for him tonight CNN !!! His brothers problems has nothing to do with him. No matter what the issue is BLOOD is thicker than a news story. What ever happens with his brother won’t change the fact they are brothers. Jake Tapper stop the hate. Chris Como is a good man.
  • thomason10
    I have something that I would like to say to you on your podcast but can’t find how to call you. This whole impeachment has got me somewhat mad because these Senators are sitting and listening to the manager and seeing the videos of protestors breaking into the Capitol and feel sick and the fear comes over them again. The fear and the anguish flowing thru there body. But let me say this, if the protestors had gotten thru and taken Senators hostage, do they realize Trump wanted them to not get out this would be the day that they were to die and he could easily replace you. You would have died on Jan 6, 2020 and Trump would have been glad because that is what he wanted . Senators have you thought that if you acquit he is coming after you but if you convict he can’t hurt you anymore and you still have your job until you are not re -elected or not, but you are still alive to enjoy your family’s and your life. So which is more important dragging around if your nose up his butt or feeling like you showed courage for your states to keep them safe from all the Trumpers. If they have no leader and the Congress says we are taking back our house you have knock the BEAST that can no longer hurt us and as our government can help our nation to heal and get back to being honorable citizens.But guess what if you have any courage to convict this man and he is gone, you may still lose your job but you will still be ALIVE! This is personal for Trump he couldn’t care less about what happened or didn’t happened he wants you gone. But let’s talk about your selfishness what about the 3 POLICE OFFICERS who died. You should be gratefully for their courage because all Lindsay Graham can say that the Capital Police didn’t do there job. So Tom Cotton (Ark) was ready to protect but I bet LINDSAY WAS CRYING! You all need to put this into context not red or blue but this man, this gangster, this Fraud, not a leader what was he hopping would happen. They could get rid of Senators and he beleives he could just walk back in like he didn’t do anything wrong. I have spoken as an AMERICAN citizen and you should give the courtesy to hear me out. With the COURAGE of or OFFICERS AT THE CAPITOL AND THE COURAGE OF OUR 9/11 heroes on the plane in Pa and in the Pentagon but especially the people up TWIN TOWERS. You are STRONG. BRAVE AND CAN CONQUER ANYONE TRYING TO DESTROY OUR COUNTRY by speaking up and acting like you were elected to handle anything because your people have the faith and confidence in your abilities to do the right thing for us. Please think on this because you children and grandchildren need to learn what it’s like to stand up for what’s right
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