The Dan Bongino Show


He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

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Recent Reviews
  • Diligaf 3
    Please keep up the great work hope to meet you some day definitely on my buckets list I listen and so does my family every day
  • Billy the Spear
    Best of the Best
    More than informative. Truly passionate about America and her future. Thanks, buddy.
  • Not Quite Dead
    Dan Says
    Dan says all the things others don’t dare. Listen and learn.
  • JR402424
    Kinda going downhill
    Used to love this podcast but lately it’s been a bit much with the negative energy and some repetition. Also the profanity means I cannot listen to it with the kids in the car, which was how I listened, so I rarely bother finding the time anymore .
  • Chi Rho 72
    Thank you.
  • IDSgt56
    PLEASE STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow2232
    Wake the people
    Keep telling how the democrats cheat and will continue to cheat.
  • Ruffaroundtheedges
    Love the show
    Love to hear the truthful insights from a professional that worked on the inside with all these crazy politicians…it’s too bad some people get their undies in a twist over a few f-bombs…sometimes that kind of language is needed to show the severity of the situation we are confronted with…in certain situations toning down language is comparable to okaying the bad behavior of evil people who just want to do us harm…thanks for a great show…keep up the good vibes…we all need the truth sprinkled with some reminders of how to navigate this clown world along with some optimistic hope that the USA will return to a great nation once again. ❤️❤️❤️
  • joeyd416
    Thank you for keepimg it reał!!
    The only podcasts I listen to religiously are Dan Bongino and Steve Bannon. Dan is spot on about sell-out Bill O'Reilly. They are actually the two standing in the way of our freedoms.
  • bre-lala
    I have listened to this show for a while. I can appreciate his insight and opinion on matters. Unfortunately, the language he uses is just too much. It did not used to be like this. He was able to articulate his point without the profanity. Now, he is unable to do so. I will find new podcast to listen to that is not so vulgar. Very disappointed.
  • Janeswt
    Transactional Trump strikes again
    Hey Dano, if you heard the latest? Trump promised a bunch of his big business buddies to bring in more foreign workers. It seems Trump is morphing into a Bill Clinton type Democrat right before our eyes. Great endorsement Bongino.
  • Scortch
    Nothing but profanity now.
    A new low today. Nothing but “F” bombs on today’s show. And Dan believes he is justified in using such language. Very sad. I wasn’t sure if I was listening to Bongino or somehow got switched over Cenk Uygur.
  • badbadbad765
    A bridge too far
    I’ve been listening to Dan’s show for about a year. I don’t always agree with him, but I listened anyway. Today he went on a vile rant about Bill O’Reilly disagreeing with him. Not that I care about Bill O’Reilly, Dan’s rant was a bridge too far for me. A decent human being doesn’t talk that way. Adios!
  • Gallaghers from Philadelphia
    WEF..”you will EAT nothing”…
    Yeah not only will you not OWN anything but you will not be allowed to produce your own food!Let’s look at the “mysterious “fires in meat processing plants,the “mysterious “ fires in egg/chicken production plants, the soil contamination in our farming communities (Idaho) that has been occurring and the media reports about it on the “back page “.Now the government is saying that those of us who want to create their own supply of eggs,etc are going to spread the avian flu and they need to “regulate”this effort to provide for our own families!?! We need a show on this Dan with “receipts “! Thanks..Gallagher in Philadelphia
  • DemoDick Marcinko
    What’s Dan talking about today?
    Dan’s really mad about the protestors but who’s he complaining about? I try to watch on Rumble, app and website. Apparently it’s on some kind of Black list and I can’t watch or listen on WiFi at work on Rumble. I have to listen on Apple. Great show. Listen daily. Thank you.
  • tormado92
    Dan doesn’t like to brag and then brags. I’ve been listening to him for years and he has changed over time. Money and fame gets everyone eventually. I’m done with him. Jesus didn’t seek fame for a reason, it’s something the Devil loves.
  • 80'sVillager
    Irresponsible and Ignorant
    One of the most shrill inane hucksters out there. Good God.
  • good soup🥫
    You are a chad
  • solomonsebastian
    What about
    Isis were arrested 8/9 of theses terrorists came u to USA through border & have been captured ! Today us 6/17/24 - not reported on most stations - where us your report instead of coverage about masks ? Pls stop with masks & vacx already -
  • menshacawa!
    Giza plateau ; iSS expedition 32 2012 ; the photo Dan . Interstellar Dan
    Awesome Dan
  • ppoqpwbr d n
    Aliens or Demons
    Caught the speculation on aliens today. I’m with Fermi on this, “Where is everyone?”. However, I also believe it’s supernatural in origin. I listened to Tucker’s comments on the subject in context and, without knowing it, both of you reflect the work of the late Dr Michael S Heiser. He passed recently but was a well respected Ancient Near East and biblical scholar. I recommend any of his work, the books Supernatural or Unseen Realm, but his documentary “Aliens and Demons” applies here. Studying his work will change your understanding of scripture and the work of Jesus not to mention much of what we see in the world around us.
  • SuzKohl
    Love this podcast!
    Dan is very knowledgeable. He tells it as he sees it!
  • ajz035
    Listen to your podcast everyday. Your one of the best commentators out here. A true patriot America is listening to you giving out the truths. No more fake news with you 5 star program. Keep up the great work.
  • Sweet jalapeño
    Great Info
    Very informative. Its where I get most of my news since the media can’t be trusted.
  • Charlesinhou
    Great podcast
    I have heard a bunch of podcasts this is easily the BEST one. Dan,I agree a terror stick isn’t,neccarily,going to happen but if it is,July a great day and they have already,thought of this.Get that douche bag,out of office.
  • Big Sincho
    Dan is fine
    Quit the whining about language. Be offended about the severe moral corruption in your community instead. We are all sinners. Watch out for the beam in your own eye, being self righteous gets you nowhere. Listen to the content. Dan speaks for more people than just you. His language is frank and honest.
  • hackasaurus
    When you say "black swan event
    . Do you mean like Apple stock is going to go down?
  • scroad
    Passionate and accurate
    Refreshing blunt and accurate. The bluntness is welcomed in the face of leftist projection and hyperbole
  • M.A.D. mike
    Hunter Biden
    Scenario Hunter convicted So we can convict our MAN DEMOCRATIC PLO TO BE ABLE TO PUT TRUMP IN JAIL JUST A THOUGHT
  • Haosmaster
    Facts and entertainment
    Dan delivers the facts that others don’t tell you about in a fun and passionate way. He cares about America and is working hard to preserve the America we all love. He puts a lot into finding facts, always providing his sources, and getting the information to his audience.
  • Small Time Dude
    Best Show Ever!
    Today’s show included the people we love and respect, with stories of truth, we’re starving to hear! Thanks, Dan!
  • Barbwire77
    The show I listen to everyday getting ready and on the way to work
    Love the show !!!! Especially the fire you put into the show everyday !!! Keep it up
  • Don V1T0
    Real News
    The best place to hear the truth about the most important political story’s in the media.
  • 68(39
    Kash Patel for Attorney General!
    Heavy show today Dan. You have so much heart. I listen to your show every day….a lot of times twice…the podcast and the radio show. You’re my go to guy to hear the truth. Love ya brother…. Sincerely, Jon….A member of the Bongino Army!
  • Mal G
    Love the receipts
    I feel like I’m really getting the truth from Dan as he always brings the receipts!!
  • wailboy
    VP show
    Investigate 👍
  • News_Critic
    STOP CUSSING & YELLING SO MUCH, DAN!! GEEZ!! Used to like your show, but
    What prompted you to change your show format? You yell & cuss constantly now & you are way too OVERLY dramatic now. Been listenin to your podcast since 2015, but you've become unwatchable now. You come across as not authentic. You don't speak in complete sentences either & many words you speak are incomplete. You cut half of the last word(s) off when you speak. PLS start being the real Dan that you were back in 2015. Do better. STOP ALL THE CUSSING, DAN!!!! Nasty sounding!!!
  • proce$$
    HR 8081
    Very sad.
  • Garbage T Hunter
    Dan Is
    The original “Dan the Man” which all other Dan’s are measured up to.
  • Second Variety
    Ep 2264
    Trump hired his friend, Steve Bannon, to build the wall he didn’t succeed in making the Mexican president build. Bannon proceeded to commit fraud by absconding our hard-earned money we Republicans contributed to build the wall. Bannon served a very short prison term for his crime because Trump pardoned him. Trump will bring on more grifter associates including the fascist Proud Boys he will pardon to hoard away taxpayer’s contributions and decimate the middle class even further by giving more tax breaks to corporations owned by the ultra rich. If Bongino accepts Dan Abram’s invite on News Nation he’s going to repeat, “Democrats dumb! and go into a tirade, yell about a myriad of issues like most Trump butt kissers do who never offer a solution.
  • Flomaton girl
    Love Bongino
    I really love Dan but as a very conservative, Christian woman and older American who didn’t grow up accustomed to profanity, I just have to turn him off. I don’t expect change for one but there may be more. Love you Dan
  • average joe that guy
    Nut job uncle
    If you’re looking for a show to reenforce your maga echo chamber with zero mention of credible sources, and loves taking sound bites out of context, this is the show for you.
  • MrsSki2003
    Dan brings the receipts
    He backs up everything he says with video/audio to back it up. He has contacts in the Secret Service still, so we get background information regular journalists can’t get.
  • txzh6
    Thank you!
    Love you & your podcast! Thanks for turning me on to Blackout coffee made me a coffee drinker again!
  • Janice Fahy
    Cry harder, Danny B!!!
    Honestly, I think the GOP should encourage more of its testes-less male minions in podcast land to talk about abortion and that fat drag queen long and loud! Don’t stop ever! Watching Republican politicians eat electoral dirt all across the fruited plains is the healing America truly needs after Dobbs.
  • half-the-country
    Best podcast ever. Dan is so knowledgeable with all his police and secret service background!
    Dan is so open and honest and attempts to prepare his listeners for what’s coming.
  • Ccooper01
    My Man!!!
    U freakin rock
  • Itchybuttstinkyfinger !
    Speaker of truth!!
    I love this show. I live in Naples and and work outside doing pool repairs and cleaning, there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t listen to Mr Bongino!!! ABSOLUTELY A FANTASTIC MAN AND SHOW !!!
  • Demo Safety
    Spot On!
    Show continues to deliver and improve. Please keep going and thanks to your family for sharing you with us.
  • teateapot
    Hey you
    Danny boy. You rock. Truth truth truth. Love ya !!!!!!
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