Wise_N_Nerdy: Where Fatherhood Meets Fandom


Welcome to "Wise_N_Nerdy," the show where three geeky fathers come together to share the highs, lows, and hilarious moments of navigating the world of parenthood! Join our trio of proud nerdy dads— Charles, Joe, and Kurt—as they embark on a journey through the chaotic maze of fatherhood, armed with wisdom, wit, and a passion for all things nerdy. From tackling the intricacies of diaper-changing to discussing the profound musings that keep them up at night, these dads leave no parenting stone unturned.

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Recent Reviews
  • Lemyrrio
    the dreams of the 90s kids
    i finally decided to write a review after the remote raid news. im not a raider by any means -- but i am a 36 year old disabled female living in a rural community where the nearest gym is 14 hour often weather hindered ride away -- and i have a galarian sir fetched only because sometimes when i was waiting for a train or a bridge to pass or lower, id be within a distance to trigger a raid nearby with a remote pass that i and an army of urshings and glaceons could solo. i don't play go because my friends do it, or because it gives me any financial reward. i do it because i have a service dog who needs to exercise and it's basically the way to keep myself from thinking about how god dang cold this atlantan is living in the shadow of the cascades. i can think about growing up my whole life playing a pokémon or another and i truely believe that with all this weird reality stuff out there that the only fake reality that i feel is safe is one inhabited by litleos and rowlets and my boy solgaleo . and this beautiful dream is one i learn through podcasts exists world wide and in this show i hear it in the voices of the hosts - there are some people who play as filthy casuals as we might say who are really just people who hold on to the good parts of the 90s and what it means to be in a world bettered by little creatures and help others to catch the best ones . so im glad you boys broke the raid news to me in this way because it's really a piss that what makes us all more similar and kind in this game even when we are all miles apart and shy is directly harming the people who need this most. please continue to make this show - i don't really care if you raid or not and at my level 37 i can say that exactly 10 raids has dont very little towards my progress in the game but hasn't halted the fun - but thanks for the kindness in everybepisode
  • kazavaent
    Great show by a couple guys who must not play?
    Very entertaining, but it seems like they do not really know what’s going on with the game at times. But if you like hearing someone eat potato chips and get Discord alerts, this is the Pokemon GO podcast for you!
  • death and thoughts
    🤩I love this podcast!
    I got a shiny lucky 4014 cp dragonite. Also what is your friend code mine is 3576 1250 5864.
  • ryan onofrietti
    Great Pokémon Go players
    My friend played Pokémon go, he inspired me to play Pokémon go. I played for 1 and a half years now.
  • thgcfhnbgguhbvrrg
    Love it
    Love it
  • 罗杰美国
    Should I show my Pokémon cards????????????
  • AngryMiner277
  • Allybug21
    I love it!
  • TheYelloDart13
    Never knew I needed this
    I’m still playing Pokémon go and I finally don’t feel alone in my nerd-dom!!!!! Thanks for the great insights and fun commentary on the game 😎😎😎 you guys are awesome
  • FrankJL7781
    Has become to negative and inaccurate
    Long time listener that has been able to look past the often inaccurate information given in the show Nothing but negativity anymore. I understand some are upset over the the interaction distance but somehow that’s made everything in the game terrible. The show is nothing but constant whining about every feature no matter how silly Complaining about the in game music…really? Also you can’t use megas in master league. Or even pronounce the name of the newest legendary Again more inaccurate information I’ve enjoyed the show for some time but I can’t support it anymore.
  • Tfed513
    Great Show!
    Do you play PokémonGo_? Always_? Only sometimes_? Cool_... You are in the right place
  • trombones365
    Love it
    I am l0
  • my traner code is
    It is good hi
  • Ttgaming
    Loudest chewer
    Used to really like this podcast, but when some one is chomping loudly on Chips or Ice while recording, it makes it hard to listen. Do better. That’s ridiculous.
  • sonic.exeslaer
    It’s great
  • 14mudkip14
    Not the best. Just spend 10 minutes checking out pokemon.com to get the information
  • Italian_beatle
    Updated review!
    This update is long overdue, but since hosting has gone exclusively to Joe and the Rock God of Pod, I love the show more than ever. It’s one of the last places I can go for good ol’ fashioned Pokémon go entertainment. Still silly and fun, the banter between the hosts is awesome and the longer you listen the more you get to know and appreciate their quirks. I like that they keep it lighthearted because I play PoGo to escape from the mundane and difficult parts of life, and their show matches what I want out of the game. A fun hour or so a week to walk in the sunshine listening to friends laughing together. Thank you for the smiles over the miles. 💕
  • mcwierz20
    Love Pokémon
  • blueweaver22
    Great podcast,listen to it everyday.
  • The Hartwigs
    I love listening to Charles and Joe the chemistry between these two is great. Joe has a ton of knowledge about the main series games. It’s a great way to get all your PoGo knowledge. Thanks guys.
  • Jpritchett13'
    Best Pokemon Go Podcast made by people who don’t play Pokémon Go.
  • Matt Richmond 26
    Not sure why they still do the show
    100 percent of the reason they still do the show is money. After Brian left it became much worse. At least he played. Joe thinks he knows things, and does like 75% of the time. Charles hasn’t played more than 5 minutes in a day in 2.5 years. Lured Up or GoCast 10x better. Listen to those guys.
  • Slrrp
    Tried a few shows, just can’t recommend
    To put it simply, they don’t understand the game. And while I can generally understand that not everyone is as into the game as others, they constantly recommend that players do things that are absolutely nonsensical.
  • bmbc650
    Please do more research
    Love the show but it drives me crazy when you guys spread the wrong information
  • YoungestGaming
  • iwookiee
    Good production, mediocre content
    I like the personalities and the sounds good for me. I was a long time subscriber and unsubbed a few months ago because I grew tired of the incorrect information. I got tired of music so looked to listen to some more podcasts and listened to 'nope, nope'. I'm once again reminded why I don't listen because the speculation makes it appear like they know the game and the various errors in information let me know that even the non-filthy non-casual doesn't actually know the game as fully as I'd expect from someone hoping to impart knowledge to the community.
  • Blizzard1s2d
    Fun group, good sound
    I appreciate the good sound — keep trying to get the levels even I appreciate it! A great mix of fun banter and useful info. The guys are relatable and amusing. The second most important criteria for me is actually: can I listen without having to fumble around with the volume while I’m walking/working out/doing chores. Need some women.
  • Spankysthaname
    They don’t know the game
    This show is basically people reading articles that someone else wrote word for word. They don’t know the game and they don’t even care to play it that much. Go listen to Pokémon Go Radio!
  • RealiZiL
    Very informative
    Terrific podcast if you’re looking for something related to Pokémon go. These guys have a very good relationship and very knowledgeable thanks to Joe. Well worth subscribing to if you are an avid Pokémon go player. They will keep you up-to-date with everything related to Pokémon GO. Also there discord channel is quite informative and I enjoy the live stream when I can make it. Thanks guys keep up the good work.
  • gubbymj
    Don’t waste your time on this podcast
    While two of the three hosts are alright, the leader of the podcast both dislikes and doesn’t play the game (turns on his gotcha occasionally). Check out Pokémon Go Radio or Lured Up for much better content.
  • nubian_guido
    love it!!!!!!!!
    love it!!!!!!!!
  • Vladivostok0
    Best Pokemon Podcast on the Web!
    The three hosts have a real comrodery that's a pleasure to listen to. This podcast is the best for getting the news out and providing a sense of community to me at least!
  • Irme2
    Enjoy the show.
    I listen every week. Lots of information and good dialogue. Listen you will love it.
  • Mon@rch (AKA T-PA)
    Must download
    Best Pokémon podcast available and great chemistry between the host. Can't wait for each new episode each week. Keep up the great work.
  • Kevinic
    I'm back
    Great show, I played this game in the beginning but from all the glitches and problems this game had in month 3 or 4 I became frustrated and rage quit. I deleted this podcast then. My wife never quit playing and she kinda got me back into it after like a 6 month hiatus. And I remembered how awesome this show was so now I'm trying to catch back up. I wish the back log episodes went back further on iTunes. I was lvl 19 when I quit. Now I'm 21 so thanks for the great resource for us players who have quit but found our way back home.
  • Bjinglehimer
    This podcast...
    Is pretty great!
    So happy
    Hey guys it's SALT from Pokemon Go Radio. Thanks for helping out while i was gone. You saved the world from just listening to Nar talk to himself with two voices. This show is great and we really look forward to collobarting with you guys in the future!.
  • Mark of Nar
    Good stuff
    I really like this show. Good jokes and Pokemon Go knowledge. If you like Pokemon Go, you will like this Podcast.
  • Skitso0313
    I really wanted to like this....
    First, I'm a huge fan of Pokémon go. It does bug me a bit that I'm more experienced at this game than the hosts. That being said, the hosts seem more like professional podcasters who are just trying to capitalize on the success of the Pokémon go app. Every episode contains at least one or two pieces of misinformation that is not helpful. Specifically in the last podcast they said that the new Pokémon Go-cha does not spin stops while driving when in fact it does and that alone may be enough to get you banned by violating the terms of service. Spreading that kind of misinformation could hurt the listening fan base, so I'm giving it two stars cause I really did want to like this.
  • raduval
    Very Informative and entertaining PoGo podcast.
    Of the pokemon go podcasts out there, this one leads the pack with a weekly check into the world of PoGo. The format works really well, blending news segments, a peek into the weeks activities of the hosts and bits of critique and commentary mixed with humor and nonsense for the casualist of causuals to the xtreeeeme player. Only issue I have is the lack of love for those few of us who went instinct.
  • Trainer Weston
    Best eggs ever
    Guys I pulled 2 lappyies while listening and on top of that a larvitar! For a rural player and that has been playing since month one I feel that the poke gods have finally shined their sunflora down upon my poke flesh!
  • Pslk12
    I look forward to this podcast every week. Overall very entertaining. I also learn some Pokémon trivia from joe each week that I can use to impress my kid😊
  • J 2 da Sun
    Give these guys a shot
    I like the strange mix of a grown up nerd and morning radio guy talking about Pokémon Go. They talk about what they did during the week while playing Pokémon Go. They also talk about updates and rumors that are around and give hints to the filthy casuals. I look forward to the podcast every week.
  • pogomaster1234
    Awesome show!
    I love this show. Look forward to listening to it every Monday at work. Keep it up joe and Brian! I'd consider dropping Charles though,. He's pretty clueless and talks down on the game too much.
  • Sean T Gallagher
    Great Podcast and Awesome Hosts
    The hosts of this show mesh really well together and are fun to listen to. All of them are enthusiastic about the game, and clearly love talking about it. I would certainly recommend this game to anyone ranging from hardcore to the filthy casual! It's especially fun to listen while you play Pokémon go!
  • Dupstar75
    Love it you are my idle
  • RyanJamesBurt
    Always good for a laugh
    I do enjoy playing Pokémon Go but playing while listening to this podcast makes it that much better. Great show and always good for a laugh.
  • Msannamae
    Good source of info, great sense of community
    I look forward to listening to this podcast every week during my commute to work. I saw several negative reviews about the hosts not all knowing anything about Pokémon but I feel like Joe's got a good handle on what he's talking about and you have to stop and consider that's what Pokémon Go has brought to the table- a whole new community of people learning about Pokémon. Not everyone grew up on this. All in all, I think as a group, they're all very entertaining & they are very dedicated to their listeners. Hoping they keep making the show for a very long time.
  • Barry_F
    Enjoyable listen for the filthy casuals (and experts)
    Great chemistry between Charles, Joe and Brian; they make this a fun listen along with being informative about the latest news from Niantic and the world of Pokemon Go. They also include extra info ("random trivia!") and engage their listeners by doing live podcasts (for Patreon members) and reading/responding to listener feedback. I've been playing since nearly the beginning, but only recently searched for a Pokemon Go podcast. There are several good ones out there, but this one stands above the rest. Go team Valor!
  • Sarahelaine720
    Sinking fast
    Used to love this show but it seems to be getting worse and worse. The hosts nowadays discuss the game mainly to complain about it, and the minutes devoted to their patreon account and how they "need" donations seems to lengthen each week. One of the hosts is very informative but the main one is obviously out for a cash grab. There are better ones out there.
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