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HristodanovNew FBI director…The case was Kitty Genovese from March 1964. NYT reported 38 bystanders heard or saw her murder and didn’t call the police. It led to ‘bystander effect’ in social psychology. In truth, several DID call the police, but it was 2:30 am and they couldn’t get through. This helped lead to the 9-1-1 system.
Jeff11501Not a Question of BalanceThank you for providing a balanced review of today’s many, and often complex judicial matters. Would you ever consider expanding the show to having Gary moderate a discussion of current topics between Mark and a dissenting opinion? If it were purely extemporaneous or at least little preparation, would be incredible. (And yes I like the Moody Blues).
CdRaAvZeYSchlongedI played Mark describing schlonged theee times and still can’t stop laughing 😂🤣😂🤣😂
S200004Marvelous MarkI have followed Mark Geragos for years, since the Michael Jackson’s molestation case. I always look forward to his assessments of the latest legal issues. But recently, he seems to silent on negative legal issues of Donald Trump (ie.. 165 page immunity brief).
P. MunroSwing and a miss!How do you talk about the Rust case less than a day after an asassination attempt. 👎
Irritated Screenplay WriterAdam Carola debating techniqueI know Mark and Gary are as likely to cease fawning over their boss Adam Carole’s abilities as Republicans are likely to openly disagree with Trump, but Mark must realize from his years of oral argument that simply talking over your opponent and drowning them out by repeating your argument sarcastically when they try to speak is not winning an argument. Adam seriously lacks debating skills, and the clips that are always played of him supposedly outwitting Gloria Allred and others just show how dense he is. He really should stick to carpentry and cars. This is why I tune in to Garagos and rarely listen to Carola anymore. The reduction from five stars is due to Carola’s appearances. They’re that bad.
AuntpatriceGary smithEeeeww gross
Addicted to myfitnesspalDebateI am blown away that you both think Newsome was better in the debate. Now I have to watch it again to see what you are talking about. I felt like he came off like a total liar as he tried to say the opposite of what every stat displayed and defended Biden.
readingreneeBring back AdamI’ve listened since day and I need Adam! Mark has such a gravel throat voice it’s just too hard to listen to. Gary is a liberal and Mark is a liberal and that’s enough. I love Adam’s take on a lot of California local civics and city councils that do atrocious things. So without AC I’m going to tune out until he comes back
cvan'76Always great!I miss “the big show” I would love more time with Mark and Gary. I love it anyway, great job!
diannabisignanoOmg you look so differentOk I have been listening to your podcast since the very first show . I finally looked on you tube and Gary you look so different than I had imagined. Not bad very good!!! Always a great show love you guys!!!
El Bee 10No Adam, not goodI used to listen regularly, but now it’s just Mark stating his opinion and Gary whole heartedly agreeing, so it’s few and far between I just now listened to the recent episode with Mitt “the virtual signaler” Romney. You both praised this but at least Adam would have had an AOC rebuttal.
Scool TeacherInsufferable.Misplaced outrage.
Me 93727OnlyOnly you the but I think think e even thoughTeveryone ol
cobeans03Bring Back ADAM!!I listen for Mark’s legal opinion but without ADAM, this podcast is boring. It’s a yawn! Do whatever it takes to get Adam back or give it up!
JoeanonymousGreat showShow continues to be great while Adam is busy.
realitystrikesbackSkate or DieAnd when I say skate, I mean Adam
AhauckWhat happened?Where are the new episodes? Ever since Adam handed it off to Mark “Hard Out” the pod is not as funny and has no cohesion. Mark and Adam had a great back and forth that kept each other from going to far off the rails. I desperately want this pod to be good but it’s hard to stay positive when there’s pod to listen too.
JasonAZUpdate Better behind the scenes???Gary “absolutely” Smith….There are so many podcasts to listen to, I listens to this because Mark is a legal expert and his opinion matters, Adam is funny so it was interesting, I have no reason to listen to Gary because he is uninteresting and uninformed and has the voice of a mine. Carolla is loyal to his folks and clearly has thrown Gary a bone with this. Maybe he’s a good behind the scenes producer but he makes me want to turn the podcast off. He seems unprepared and makes bland statements to try to cover for it and his voice wavers. Hard to listen to. Also, his little bending of facts and raising of points he thinks are profound can barely cover his bias; it’s too bad he’s wrong most of the time.
The MFDDying on the vineEvery week it’s either very short show or no show… can’t believe ratings are not tanking! Click…..
Pik_ManWhy Adam leftIt seems to me that Adam left conveniently before fox paid almost $800 million defamation suit as he always held Tucker’s jockstrap. He went on and on how Tucker was intellectually honest and no company would pay almost $800 million to settle if he was actually intellectually honest. All Mark does is play to MAGA so they don’t leave. Again, Adam couldn’t in any way form defend Tucker or Trump so he cowardly bowed out so he wouldn’t loose any MAGA folks who make up most of his following.
MissWeezeyWent Off The Cliff When Adam Left!Adam knew how to get the best out of Garagos. Now it is unbalanced and unlistenable.
RiverbabelaneI Miss Adam!No longer 5 star rating. Where is Adam? Bring him back. I like you guys Mark & Gary, but Adam brings an interesting flavor.
tomshairpieceSo QuietNow that Adam dumped you, and you STILL have horrific audio problems, nobody is hearing this tree drop in the forest anymore. It was fun. Thank you.
Derek in DenverNo more Ace?We listen for Adam, because he’s funny. 2 non comedians talking about politics is not going to work.
rdcu8mbdtLeft leaning biasThis used to be a good pod but has degenerated into a self referential,self congratulatory forum for the same old guests. When Adam C. was more involved it was more balanced. Now it’s all about Mark’s biases. I guess it’s understandable since blathering on a podcast with an echo choir is a lot easier than doing actual law work. Midas touch pod guests were very one sided, loving their own opinions with no challenge
Aaron’s CompGary…There’s a reason Adam used to call him “half-tard”, and it’s evident every time he speaks.
Texasrose-dsgSadThis use to be one of my favorite podcasts and I never missed an episode. However, since Adam left, there’s no balance at all. The last episode was a Trump bashing session…had to turn it off. Sadly, I’m unfollowing. Will be back only if/when Adam returns.
shann0nrichGood showI enjoy the show a lot despite fact that I’m no fan in particular of either mark Gary or Adam. However! I always listen as soon as new episode Is in my Podcast feed. I would not recommend to a friend though. The voices aren’t smooth sounding at all to the ear and overall the show is too inconsistent and clunky in its format. I’m patient with all the political views given and I appreciate the unique insight each episode provides. I don’t think any of my liberal friends would be open minded to this show. I think the show could appeal to wider audience and still stay right of center. Or at least I can dream. lol. Gary was cooler before he was a cohost. I liked him chiming in, before becoming a cohost of beyond a reasonable doubt. Once he became a cohost, he just seems like charmless insufferable nerd that even pains Mark with just his existence. It’s uncomfortable and cringey at times.
pospodsBy the wayBy the way by the way by the way by the way by the way
Airflyer172MGBG SlhowLoved hearing Bryan and Gina with Mark. So fun.
Deathstar1986Gone down fastWow. This show used to be great. The second Adam leaves, it goes to crap. Guys I’ll be looking for a new podcast.
fly girl 10015Please no Gina GradLike the podcast but please no Gina. Im sure she’s nice in person but doesn't translate on air. Her tone is not natural and she’s boring. Sorry but true
Junniper CreekExit AdamLiterally the second Adam waves the show it turns to crap, bringing on Bryan and Gina might’ve been the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen anybody do to tank a shower quicker! Congrats Mark and Gary!
gene5982Steep Drop Off since Adam leftI enjoyed this in the past because of the balance between Mark and Adam. The show had range. No longer. Insufferable. One sided and uninteresting. Now it’s lost in all the other partisan pods. RIP RD for me. Come back Adam. You and Mark were great together.
drbjr2012No Gina GradLove the show and look forward to listening to each new one but I didn’t even bother to listen to today’s show because Gina Grad is on it. I was so happy that she’s no longer on Adam’s podcast, please don’t ruin your podcast by having her on it.
603ChappyNo ThanksI’ll pass on BB and Gina’s hot takes on anything. Usually love your show, thanks
Uncle Al the kiddies palWho is this Ben guy?He has the rap sheet on DJT. Opened my eyes to all of the heinous crimes committed by a former POTUS. However, If they have the goods on him, indict him. I’m MAGA but if the guy broke the law then arrest him. We want the truth. Where are his victims crying for justice? Our courts demand justice. And God demands it.
imntrebleSwerving Left Since Adam LeftUnfollowed today. It hasn’t taken long since the independent view and pushback from Adam that the show has drifted left in discussion and also permeating from the tones and inflections of speech of the host and guests. Pushing back or raising objections isn’t possible when blinders restricting your viewpoint toward left ideology and group loyalty are inherently applied. Once proud Democrats who championed fights against the traditional conservative infrastructure now share ownership of ALL societal organizations and institutions that increasingly march to extreme leftist positions but loyalty to the party must be held on to tightly. What would it take for party loyalty to be abandoned, gulags? I don’t think so. What is happening in the legal system as demonstrated by the January 6th protestors treatment should enrage to action and involvement the same once proud Democrat champions from the past. The protesters are fellow humans and citizens, powerless now and being abused by the system. Wasn’t that the raison d’être of the Democrat cause?
471WCBye Adam, Bye RDThis was a great show but since Adam left it is not longer entertaining or worth listening to
YahhhlonduhNopeGary Smith is D-U-L-L DULL! Bye Adam, bye R.D….
NullityUpdated reviewEdit: 3/21/23: as much as I used to love this show, because of the banter from both sides of the aisle it seems to be gone now that Adam is gone. I love Gary, and he was always one of the best parts of the show, but even he cannot save this soon to be a train wreck. If Adam ever comes back to give the other side, I’ll re-sub. Love this podcast! This one has risen to the top of my must listen to each week. Topical subjects are tackled in a natural way.
Sell out like KimmelGary doesn’t cut it !Adam come back or please add Dr Drew or some one else besides Mr Smith .
kilroy DogoodSilence DogoodeAdam bails, and the speed of the swing left is shocking… Was Mark just shining the Ace man on?
EMaria3Mark’s InterruptionsMark is so rude when he is talking to someone. That is certainly his blind spot. Without Adam’s humor this show is no longer enjoyable.
*>____FavThis is my favorite podcast! Mark does a great job of explaining legal procedures and they keep it interesting. I often differ politically from the hosts so I appreciate the time they take to make the case for their opinions on a topic. Pundits often get their feelings involved in discussion over a court case so I like the facts led discussion here. Just wish the episodes were longer!
Jen Von GhoulYay for GaryI love this show and I love Adam but I am very happy to hear that Gary will be taking over for Adam. Gary is much more passionate about the public cases happening. Hopefully in the future there will be more case talk and less COVID talk.
carlyle000Trophies for bad legal takesAdam brags that his POV hasn’t evolved in decades and Mark rambles a bunch of tabloid-like nonsense. Unlistenable.
ptbenton56Low I Q types ?Really ? Mark !
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