One Bad Mother


A comedy podcast about motherhood and how unnatural it sometimes is. We aren't all magical vessels! Join us every week as we deal with the thrills and embarrassments of motherhood and strive for less judging, and more laughing.

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Recent Reviews
  • MichiganMom1980
    Momma 77
    EDIT TO ADD: While I still agree with my earlier review, I have recently gone back and listened to some older episodes from the archives and this really was an amazing show in its heyday. There are episodes where I can recall exactly where I was and how I was feeling when I first heard them. And how I wished I could call Biz and Teresa up because I was sure we’d be friends. Seems like this is the final season, and that’s a good thing. But while it’s still available I highly recommend going back for the pre-pandemic episodes. They really played a role in helping me through the stress of young children and I am grateful for that! This was one of the first podcasts I really connected with, probably 8 or more years ago now. The way they acknowledged the small successes of parenting (like-I remembered to send the library book back to school on library day!) really made me feel seen in a way that I craved and needed at the time. I loved the structure of the show and the different segments. And just so much of what they said about parenting (especially Theresa) really resonated with me even though it was obvious we had very different viewpoints. My prior love for the show made me keep coming back for years after it became clear that the tone had majorly shifted. But now it’s become more too much agenda-driven nonsense. And without Teresa to temper Biz, she can be really grating. If you are a younger parent you may enjoy the earlier episodes but the last 3 years are terrible.
  • Christine Gunselman
    love it
    I love this podcast and I love Biz. But I wish the format was more like the days before 2020 when it was two moms talking about their parenting, and less about interviewing various book authors or influencers. I mean, I have enjoyed many of those podcasts and have learned a lot, but I just miss the olden days.
  • Hunterbunt14
  • dranjalidc
    So good!!
    This podcast is full of laughs and relatability! Biz and Theresa make you feel less alone and give great advice in this chaotic but lovable journey called motherhood!
  • asmacla
    Amazing show!
    Every time I listen to OBM I feel less alone. As a person in a queer relationship, I appreciate the variety of voices on the show. Side note: Biz - you have a beautiful voice and I love your laugh. You are doing a great job.
  • TauntedOctopus;)
    An actually helpful parent podcast
    This podcast really helped me through the “forest years”. A giant thanks for helping me not feel alone and that I am doing a good job, I’m getting really good at this and all the wonderful affirmations of self.
  • JDlocks
    You are doing a good job
    I’m not even a mom but absolutely love the show, it’s honesty, kindness, support to all. And the mantra of “you’re doing a good job” is something even non-moms like me need to hear to help keep my head high. Love love love it!
  • Evencat2022
    Totally awesome!
    This is the best - and most real - podcast about being a mom I’ve ever heard. Love it!!!
  • loifhvgtfhjbvftubvchjvdjg
    Everyone who likes this or dislikes this go check you dear old dads and the puzzle in a thunderstorm group also citation needed not citations needed
  • Mrws
    I tell my patients
    I tell all my struggling new moms about this show. I was brought to tears the first time I heard a rant to have the hosts remind us we are doing a good job on bad days, too. Keep it up, Biz!!
  • mythoenthusiast
    I haven’t even watched it and I like it lol (:
    My favorite podcast, Just the Zoo of Us has one episode where they talk with this podcast, and knowing me, I just HAD to give it a good review. Also sorry if this is bad. And for haters: JUST SHUT UP AND GET YO BUTT OUT YA FAKE HOUSE AND GO TO YOUR REAL HOUSE - THE GARBAGE AND HANG OUT WITH YOUR FAMILY BECAUSE OMG U R AWFUL 🤮
  • {Ruby} d
    I hate this podcast.👿🤬
  • tubthumberess
    I used to love this show but ever since covid it is awful. Way too much political preaching and constant talk about childrens gender identity and how everyone is racist. Top that off with Biz having the most annoying laugh in the world (over things that aren’t even jokes) and I had to stop listening and cancel my max fun donation.
  • BeckyTeschy
    an amazing island of positive
    This show is an amazing island of positivity in the sea of craziness that is the rest of the inter webs. The hosts are funny, honest and caring. You’ll feel connected to a larger parenting community and get lots of great ideas and helpful conversation. Sometimes they don’t have answers, but it’s helpful to hear them hash through stuff. You are doing a good job! Believe it! live it! love it!
  • musicisthebest7777
    My weekly companion
    I’ve been listening since 2014. This is an amazing podcast! My kids are now 15 and 11 but I still learn something and look forward to listening every week. Thanks, Biz & Theresa!
  • 1GrumpyGal
  • Gotchayeah
  • Dust Bunny Mama
    Episode 456 makes me feel heard!
    I know this episode may have been a bit polarizing, but being a woman raising a little girl in Texas, I felt Everything Biz said SO DEEPLY! Getting everyone to accept diversity and their fear should be our goal. I hope and pray our government will see this before completely taking away mine and my daughters personal rights to our bodies. LETS HELP ACCEPT CHANGE AND LOVE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. ❤️
  • Carolbug
    Liberal ideology’s
    I’ve been listing to the podcast for at least 3 years now. And in this time you could hear the shift grow more and more “orange man bad”. Ok. Fine. Still wasn’t enough to turn anyone away because of a political view. Now the fb that they run is down right gross. They except fathers in there but it’s mainly morhers. Now as a father I was trying everything so I could learn more for my children. The FB group isn’t the place to go. I feel sorry for the people who have a opinion, which is asked for in the groups, and they are not allowed to voice it because it Dosent meet their Ideology. I don’t know it this ever posted. From over a year ago. But I randomly thought about it because I did like the FB group. I was removed from their group because of political opinions plain and simple durning Covid. They didn’t like my opinion than, now look back on Covid. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was right. Would be nice to get more advice on my kids than liberalism. Couldn’t imagine what the group is like now.
  • violets69
    I can’t stand the voice of the main person and laughing or cackling at things that aren’t even jokes, just someone else talking. I couldn’t get through 5 min.
  • Bellajocko
    So funny and highly entertaining
    I love listening to these ladies and all their guests. I listen weekly and laugh every time. Like old friends talking about all the topics you need to know about. Thank you!
  • Meaganclaire
    This show has gotten really weird since Covid hit. Is Teresa even hosting any more? She’s still in the intro, but seems to not be a real part of the show.
  • Wild Quinine
    Such a relief
    Love hearing from two moms in the middle of it all! Thanks!
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Theresa and Biz, hosts of the One Bad Mother podcast, highlight all aspects of parenting and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Biz & Theresa, hosts of the One Bad Mother podcast, highlight all aspects of motherhood, family and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • monravies
    Truly the best
    This podcast has been an incredible lifeline during the pandemic. Biz and Theresa, thank you for all that you do. You are doing such a GOOD JOB.
  • kfreda1
    Helped me through post partum
    This podcast has been wonderful! Made me feel like I wasn’t alone going through post partum depression and the pandemic. Helped keep me grounded and supported !
  • Mama cookie maker
    Could not love this show more
    This show always puts a smile on my face and a guaranteed belly laugh each episode. Well produced, always insightful guest and keeps me very entertained.
  • JuliaandSean
    I love listening and laughing to this podcast!! I look forward to it every week
  • flaunt22
    Love this podcast! I miss Tresa so much! This podcast is great for parents. Theres lots of interesting topics they discuss and they are also hilarious.
  • Pegg_a_legg
    My favorite podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for over 6 years. Biz and Theresa are laugh out loud funny, honest and inclusive. I never miss an episode. I especially enjoy their Genius Failure Spectaculars! Biz & Theresa, you’re doing a good job!
  • eureka62
    I’m not a mom but... a person who does, at least, know kids exist in the world and also needs to hear im doing a great job, i cannot rate this any higher! Biz & Theresa & guests are so relatably human which makes the podcast almost cathartic to listen to as well as being so fun and interesting to listen to! Especially during these horrible times, we are all doing a 👏 great👏 job 👏
  • Draw girlie87!
    They’re Doing A GREAT Job
    And so are you.
  • DSomers21
    I’d give more stars
    I’d give another star if I could! These hosts are incredible and have creating an amazing community of listeners. Thanks for keeping it real with all things parenting.
  • cathcathcathcathcathcathcath
    Thank you for the gift of this podcast.
    I am the mother of 3 amazing teenage boys and am finally in a great place parenting. As I listen to Biz encourage all parents through this pandemic I remember how difficult it was to consciously parent very young children in ideal circumstances. Biz reminds me that we really are doing a great job and it warms my heart to hear her wisely support moms and dads who are doing their best during this extraordinary difficult time. Thanks so much Biz!!
  • S. Madar
    You’re doing a really good job!
    I started listening to OBM when my little one was six months old...and he is almost six now. I don’t know if I would have been as anti judgmental of a parent if it weren’t for Biz and Theresa. When so many articles and mom groups are filled with advice on how to be the perfect parent it’s hard to feel like you’re doing a good job. But, you are. And Biz and Theresa (and all of their guests) help expand your own views and show that we’re all in this thing together. OBM has been a bright spot each week during keep it up.
  • One of the best on the topic!
    Before listening to other parenting podcasts or reading advice books...listen to this and don't stop
    I listened to OBM when my son was quite young and liked it a lot, but I forgot somehow. It seemed more important as life got busy to focus on advice or ideas to help whatever problem I thought I was having as a parent at the time. With COVID, I've gone in all sorts of directions and A LOT of parenting content is totally not worthwhile, even making things worse in a way with obviousness, or regressive gender politics (even when totally unexpected), or aspirational to the point of unfair. I just started listening to OBM again and thank god! I think I would've been better served these past 5 years if I just listened to them and maybe, occasionally, Googled some ideas for specific things when they came up. Maybe humor and honesty is the only thing some of us need, really. I don't think the value of this podcast can be overstated.
  • selfhelpaholic
    Thanks for making me feel less alone and making me laugh. Love you guys!
  • court.devo97
    for one bad mother listeners
    i love the podcast, as i’m a first time mother. all the fails and genius moments i always take note on. i like the host. biz is great but theresa always seems to act better than biz, and just is annoying sometimes. she’s also kinda mean to biz when she gives her advice and acts better than her. other than that it is good. enjoy.
  • ItsKayTimeNow
    For Moms and Friends of Moms
    I am a 23 year old woman with no kids and I love this podcast. It’s perfect not just for those who have kids, but it’s awesome for me to better relate to my friends who do have kids. Also, it’s 10/10 hilarious while also being kind and loving. But, I am here writing this review to say that in regards to the newest episode I REALLY want that bracelet Renee was talking about that says “what would Biz and Theresa do?” or a keychain?? I am so overcome with want for this it’s insane. Plz max fun gods hear my prayer. Thanks for the show!!
  • EKY mom
    Highly Recommend!
    I have shared this podcast with ALL of my mom friends. Sometimes, I even share it with acquaintances. It has helped me to feel validated and supported as a mom— through all the twists and turns. It’s uplifting and hilarious, but more importantly— it is honest! You’re doing a great job.
  • Allie Boh
    Adore this podcast!
    Such helpful advice and these ladies are hilarous
  • rowdy45
    Small town Murder
    Always good Q
  • Rouzand
  • Reggaeton Romantico
  • Ii7121986
    This podcast is getting me through the lockdown
    I love love this podcast. I’d go crazy without it through the lockdown. It’s so relatable ❤️ Please never stop it!
  • Denkinkc
    Podcast for parents- even more awesome during COVID
    I listened to this podcast all the time while on maternity leave with my son two years ago and now am back into it as I enter the first week of leave with my daughter. Their episodes specifically during this time are so good and I love the honesty and humor. This is a crazy time but One Bad Mother has given me something to look forward to while I sit around my house with a newborn, toddler, dog and husband. Stay “okay” everyone!
  • Daisy3303
    You must try this podcast!
    This show really makes parenting just a bit easier. Yes, they host experts on many episodes with advice- but I get even more from the hosts Bev and Theresa. Of course parenting is great- but it is hard and frustrating. My favorite part of the show are the fails and rants (MORE RANTS PLEASE!!). It’s great to hear the struggles other parents feel, to know you are not the only one experiencing this crazy roller coaster.
  • stephseattle
    Thank god you two!
    I have a four year old going on fourteen. You help me feel like I’m not doing a bad job and therefore don’t beat myself up too much. I love the subjects you’ve had on LGBTQ parenting and all that inclusivity you bring to the shows. Love you guys!
  • Babblefishe
    You’re doing a great job
    I LIVE for the “mother having a breakdown” portion.
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