Speaking Broadly


A show about the brilliant, powerful women breaking ground in the food world. Host Dana Cowin, former long-time Editor-in-Chief of Food & Wine Magazine, holds intimate conversations with successful and boundary-pushing female chefs and innovators. These are moving, personal stories of struggles and triumphs, personal and professional, that can provide lessons and inspiration for anyone looking to succeed in any industry.

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Recent Reviews
  • Madi_Fair_
    Speaking Broadly does such a fantastic job interviewing interesting, strong, important women in the food world. It’s incredibly inspiring- highly recommend!
  • Victoria Spruiell
    Great Podcast I Just Discovered!
    I just discovered this podcast and love it so much! I really enjoyed your conversation with Karis Jagger and Fabienne Toback and learning about the High on the Hog documentary, which I’m interested in watching! Looking forward to new episodes!
  • ChimeraCom
    My old boss is rockin’ the podcast world!
    Dana was my boss when I was a wee-intern at Vogue. She was one of the approachable ones...although only a couple of years my senior, she was a memorable mentor to me. Years and an amazing career later for Dana, she now brings that approachable style to her interviews and lets her guests be exactly who they are. Continued congrats Dana! And it was great to hear a Brit say that they normally drank “bloody f’in awful tea!” Like Folgers in your cup to a coffee drinker! Haha. Signed Nancy B.
  • desert holly
    Carolina episode
    What an admirable woman! And yet I never heard any gratitude from her for the opportunities afforded her by living in America, especially when she acknowledges the striking contrast with life in Mexico. She only finds fault. Doesn’t she understand her family came here illegally and still thrives? Sad indeed. Great interview but would have been better had those questions been asked.
  • rkgar
    The smartest and most engaging
    Dana Cowin is one of the best interviewers I've ever heard--smart, subtle, challenging while inviting. She sees food from the widest cultural angle--and the format of a conversation between women feels natural yet so elevated here.
  • JBL_SF
    Must listen
    My day job is to train talent looking to enter the food world and I always suggest these students listen to Speaking Broadly. Dana gets to motivations, fears, failures, and successes in an engaging way, making her podcast a pleasure to listen to and always informative. She is an inspiration! Keep it up, Dana- we love you @sfcooking
  • GoldenGate74
    Like there are faces for radio.... there are voices for print
    This is just painful to listen to.
  • ruthsiegel
    The go to podcast
    There’s no better source for untold stories of game changing and inspiring women in our industry and no one could draw them out in as uniquely thoughtful way as Dana!
  • llsnyc1
    Truly Inspiring
    Must-listen! Each interview is an opportunity to be inspired, to laugh, to learn. Dana is the best.
  • cgrdovic
    Dana has always been a talent scout and this podcast contiues to introduce me to new talents every week. Always inspiring and always interesting. Well done! *****
  • Swirly Celebrations
    Cool Info from Creative, Smart Ladies
    I'd probably have no clue about half these ladies if they weren't interviewed on this podcast. The women are engaging and interesting and, well, awesome. The Helen Johannesen episode was dope. I really enjoyed listening to her hustle. Good Job Dana! Look forward to more.
  • Cheryl Houser
    Amazing radio show!!!
    I look forward to it every week. Dana Cowin picks fascinating women and then elicits great stories from them. Each episode is full of heart, humor and insight about the food world and life in general. So inspiring!!!
  • Miss Mom 212
    Strong Women, Strong Show
    Truly terrific series. I'm not familiar with many of the jobs being discussed and that makes it extra fun as I learn about whole worlds in the food sphere I've never even considered. Fascinating to hear how each woman got to where she is. Dana Cowin asks all the right the questions and has a great rapport with the guests. I especially love to listen while I'm cooking dinner. Great show!
  • Collis H
    LOVE this podcast
    I LOVE this podcast! It's so energizing and inspring to listen to Dana speak to these female movers and shakers in the food industry. I always get fresh information and insight, even if I've previously listened to another interview with the same guest. The Hall of Dames is a great touch too!
  • yasz8653
    So inspiring!!
    As a young woman interested in working in the food space this show has helped me understand the opportunities and challenges ahead. Every episode presents a unique perspective from a successful woman in the field and always ends up inspiring me to pursue this path. Dana is an eloquent and excellent host. She challenges her interviewees to dig deeper and inevitably present a unique point of view that pushes boundaries and breaks from the mold. I've loved learning from her and her guests and look forward to this show every week!
  • Persian Food
    Love love love
    What a great show. Always inspiring, in-depth and a treat to listen to. Dana is a force and so are her guests.
  • Food39
    What could be better than getting to listen to a couple of smart, talented women talk with passion and wisdom about what they do, what they know, and how they got to the pinnacle of the food world? (Bring your own coffee.)
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