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OmarJLBBest Apple Daily News PodNice short daily tech news in the Apple world
EystermEfficient Apple NewsAppreciate the efficient delivery and clear audio/voice in the reporting.
classic dashGood, straightforward Apple reportingI always enjoy listening—does a good job of reporting the top Apple News in an interesting way, but without any fluff or wasted time.
Class of 1978A Great Podcast and Not FussyI think I have been listening to this for a few years now, and it’s a great way to catch up quickly before work. Very good quality and consistent with relevant news.
Garry PierreMust listenMy daily Apple News. Always delivers
cekinflaA Daily Must ListenA great podcast highlighting Apple News presented in a clear, concise and professional manner. Listen to this podcast daily to keep up to date on what’s happening when you just have time for the bullet points.
BasenjiBuddyMy daily shower companion.I’ve used and owned Macs for 40 years, and this is my daily “go to” when I’m in the shower. It’s a quick overview of what’s going on in the Apple universe without being too wordy. Chance does a nice job of presenting, and I’ve even found the ads to be useful from time-to-time. In other words, it’s not annoying and actually worth the time to listen to it.
Ashok_MajhiThis is Everything Apple A daily dose of everything apple. It’s a perfect podcast. Short & very informative.
Vr fanaticGreat podcast!As a die hard Apple nerd this podcast has everything i need to keep in touch with the latest news in the ecosystem!
splat123456789THIS IS AWESOMEI read 9to5mac on apple news and this is a great way to learn that tech info in 5 or 6 minutes
Sunshine ScribeJust the right amount of newsI live in an Apple Ecosystem, so these daily news bites are perfect for keeping up with the newest developments in Apple hardware and software.
Ahoog69Very Good, But Sound Levels are LowGood, clearly-stated information, but I am frustrated with the low volume level. Please have a listen to anything from the BBC or the Apple News podcast for gold standard comparisons.
azzrzzrrezrrApple store is on the yback Apple Apple iPhone store store and store Apple storeI’m not going back to work on my home phone and then I’ll call you you can call back quick then I’m going to go home to get tyyy
Lei-RamirezVery goodThe podcast is excellent and also me to catch up on news about Apple but just wish they did it everyday including Friday and The Weeknd days
hcrobgyou sound like a robotstop talking with that annoying monotone sound makes me instantly turn this off
Macbook pro 13 inch95macThe Podcast is so cool to hear every day, very useful.
dhenri99Great podcast to get Apple NewsVery entertaining yet packed with great daily news on the Apple world!!
Tea TripperGreat showI think it’s a great show and I’ve come to really appreciate Chance Miller’s delivery. Sincere, succint, deliberate and dependable. Sometimes fluff is fun but sometimes you just want the down to earth straight story. It’s all very reassuring (almost hypnotic).
Volunteer ListenerConciseGreat concise reporting…much appreciated. Thanks!
JHoldenCountsFormer FanWas a fan until the Friday, Dec 23rd episode. The attitude was so smug, ugly, and gross that I had to turn it off. I’m here for news, updates, and announcements - not personal opinions and commentary.
dfeivelsonTrain WreckThe guys voice is the doldrums of talk, so monotonous, boring and trifling. He gets info incorrect even though he’s reading off a script... how is that possible? Zac Hall should be doing this… not this tub of clam chowder.
SamKnausNew Guy Is So AnnoyingNew Guy Is So Annoying
Kendall530Too monotoneMonotone to the max
iNexxFearGreat daily information update PodCastI find this great, its almost like a quick news blip about apple and apple items. Very helpful to keep up to date on events as things emerge. I listen to it daily as a quick break from things! Thanks for the hard work and dedication to the staff!
Meteor71ComprehensiveThe 9-to-5 Mac podcast is a comprehensive newscast of all things Apple. When listening, I’m always learning new things to help me enjoy the use of my Mac, iPhone, and Apple TV.
zibom28Time saved5 minutes listening to this podcast saves all the time I used to waste scrolling through various sources for Apple news. Chance Miller’s voice is somewhat annoying due to its robotic nature, but I am getting used to it.
Everyone calls me, VickyRight on timeThere’s a lot out there but between his mellifluous voiceAnd his Johnny on the spot delivery he’s one in 1 million
Rober555xStraight to the point.This podcast has definitely become my go to for quick Apple news. Keep up the great work.
JustJimmyGreat content poor audio qualityWith podcasting the quality of audio is key. Anything that detracts from smooth delivery of content causes distractions and for many causing them to stop listening. Audio quality includes the narrator delivering the content. The narrator on this show is not suited to audio broadcast. One reviewer suggested listing to the show at 2x speed, which sadly did not help. The narrator struggles with or largely disregards punctuation. The tone and delivery of his voice implies a complete lack of regard for the content he is reading and comes across as a forced chore. It is painful to listen to an entire episode and the delivery leaves the listener depressed and uneasy. It is a challenge to understand where a thought ends and a new one begins. The narrators voice is very difficult to understand as there is no inflection on sentence components and they all run together. I have tried for years to listen to this podcast regularly but can not due to inability to follow what is being said. I do not support advertisers of this show as it seems as if the narrator is mocking them and does not have faith in the products he is promoting. The ad reads come across as disingenuous and untrustworthy. If I were to advertise my company on this show I would want my ad dollars back. It almost sounds as if the narrator is shaking his head in disgust while reading ad verbiage. I encourage 9to5Mac to better support the hard spent dollars of advertisers and provide them quality audio representation. 9to5Mac, please immediately invest in proper narrators for this show. This should include the 9to5Deals segment as that narrator is far less suited than the main host. I stop listening immediately to that section. Clear, understandable, trustworthy audio is the most import portion of a podcast, it seems as if 9to5Mac would wish to grow their podcast market not offend their advertisers and inconvenience their listeners. Investing in your audio will listenership and ad revenues.
UberharryMy Absolute Go To For Daily Tech News SummaryThis podcast is perfectly fit-for-purpose. In a short daily news summary, I want just the facts and only the facts. The host is pleasant and articulate without the typical over-the-top ADD delivery. Responding to all those who gripe about the delivery, there are other more “personality”-based podcasts out there for every imaginable topic. In this type of format, I don’t want to know what the presenter ate for breakfast and I don’t want to know about the fight he had with his wife this morning. For this kind of podcast, the presentation is perfect. Keep it up!
frankievaliQuick Apple podcastVery informative and a quick listen to get my all things Apple. Chance is so low key, but it works in this quick hit.
KC Shop ShopBoring, Monotone DeliveryIt is almost unbelievable that 9to5Mac chose this particular person to present its daily updates. I have never heard a more monotone, robotic, boring presentation style. You’re better than this, 9to5!
JCB_56Enjoy Daily News UpdatesI look forward to the daily Apple news updates from Chance! Keep up the great work!!
InstaandrewStraight forward and informativeI highly enjoy this podcast. It always keeps me connected to the apple world. i love how it’s short and straight to the point. keep up the great work!
jmoney959Short, Succinct, and to the Point ReportingGreat daily Apple focused Apple podcast. Informative and interesting to listen to
RezzenonneChapter ArtMaybe I’ve just never actually looked at the screen but having chapters at of the person who submitted the question is perfect. Matching a voice to a face without feeling like a stalker looking the person up online eases my apparent OCD about know what people look like when they speak.
Killjoy1996So slow, but good info.I have to listen at 2x speed, it sounds so much better. A lot of good Apple info.
Pmoc85My Daily Go ToLove this one. Worth subscribing and listening daily. Its my “calm” time.
sdkmdbIs this read by a robot?I’m sorry, but this sounds like text-to-speech podcast. No emotions, no charisma, just plain reading of the text. That’s not what podcasts are about.
Ajcrz224So much good informationI listen to this everyday so I can stay up to date and I love it so much!
SardonicvsInformativeAll the wheat, no chaff. I appreciate that it’s kept simple and to-the-point.
Debrown1Great informative newsAlways my go to place for Apple news on weekdays. Keep up the good work!
grea55Solid PodcastIf you like staying up-to-date with all the latest Apple news and rumors, this podcast will keep you well-informed every weekday.
ervinyoungMonotone voice and uninteresting presentationHow uninterested can you sound? At least try to pretend to be enthusiastic or energetic. It’s like listening to a corpse talk.
BhakteshInformative but...The guy talking is boring. He puts me to sleep.
chrisreich_rochesterNeeds a pro voiceThis presenter needs skills training, badly. I can’t stand listening to this podcast.
WillB12AwesomeGreat podcast that is very informative!
lhbishopAll the Apple newsAll the Apple news you need if you are an Apple user!
B_T2017Wonderful tech podcastA great podcast that is very informative and is easy to listen to.
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