
by 5by5
Tech News #231

A weekly talk show ruminating on exactly what is wrong in the world of Apple and related technologies and businesses. Nothing is so perfect that it can't be complained about. Hosted by John Siracusa & Dan Benjamin.

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Recent Reviews
  • That Gareth
    The king of tech podcasts
    Honestly there’s nothing I can add here that hasn’t been said 100 times. What a gem!
  • MipWrangler
    Rigorous Rumination
    A long-form detailed thrill ride that you don't want to miss. John Siracusa (no z), inventor of podcast follow-up, delivers 100 episodes of thorough, respectful, and delightfully critical review. Not a single episode is a dud.
  • jsauce15
    Siracusa (no 'Z') is a national treasure
    These episodes hold up, even in 2017. Any fan of ATP should start here if they want to get the full scoop. And if they don't want that, shame on them.
  • Peter Watling
    Old. But not dated
    I spent the last 6months going through all 100 episodes. The fact that are now a couple of years old doesn't take anything away from the brilliant observations and explanations John makes. Highly recommended.
  • whirlinglogic
    The show may be over, but you should still listen to it
    It's a sad day today as I listen to the final episode and end my Hypercritical binge. I found out about Hypercritical via the Accidental Tech Podcast (Siracusa's new show) and even though this show ended almost a year before I started listening to it, it remains relevant and insightful. In fact, listening from the future perspective, it's amazing how accurate Siracusa has been. Start with episode 1 and listen in order, this is not one you want to listen through backwards.
  • CWDaly
    Probably my favorite show.
    Perhaps this may be my favorite show. CWDaly Ps please come back.
  • oakmatt
    The best
    What other tech podcast would you recommend after it had already completed its run? Hypercritical stands up so well because John digs into a variety of interesting topics. A powerful intellect paired with a deep commitment to clear explanations - a winning combination. Even when treading into areas in which he is unfamiliar, John delivers insight.
  • redechi
    Bring it back!
    Siracusa provides a clear and articulate look at technology and the way forward. His critical methodology is something that is severely lacking in most of the devices created by many companies today. The amount of preparation that Siracusa does is astounding and Ben does a phenomenal job keeping Siracusa moving and exciting.
  • Way Down Yonder
    John Siracusa is brilliant and articulate
    I've read Siracusa's technical writings for over ten years now. He is just as articulate in speaking as he is in writing. I enjoy his perspective as a fellow lifelong Apple/Mac guy. I don't always agree with him, but he makes his perspective clear. So much of what Apple does doesn't make sense to me, and he helps me understand what the heck is going on at Infinite Loop.
  • [Mv]
    The best of the best.
    I recently found this podcast and started on Ep 1. Did not stop untill show 100 ended. John Siracusa is extremely smart yet down to earth too. Cannot recomend this podcast enough.
    Never enough.
  • jgaeddert
    Chatroom, help me out
    I had read Siracusa's Ars Technica OS X reviews for years, and when I heard about this podcast I knew precisely what to expect. It doesn't disappoint. John's attention to detail and vision of perfection (for anything, but particularly technology and media) has helped me remember that nothing is perfect--especially this review. I'm just sorry I let John down and didn't write this review sooner. This is my favorite 5by5 podcast, and the banter between John and Dan is droll (or "drawl," as you would say); however I invite you to check out some of the other many excellent shows on the 5by5 network.
  • Matthew Wanderer
    Thank you! You raised the bar, Siracusa.
    John, thank you for such a solid run of podcasts. I enjoyed each episode. Your work represents a case study for why the medium of podcasting is so indispensable. You always came prepared, always had something interesting to share, and...well, I could pile on many more compliments, but I'd be gushing. You raised the bar. I wish Dan had been successful in talking you into more, but "we get what we get and we won't throw a fit." With that in mind, thank you. You'll be sorely missed.
  • shortstop
    A great mind to rummage through
    Siracusa has an incredibly analytical mind and, assuming you like that sort of thing, he's a pleasure to listen to. His preparation is clear and pays of with a consistently and constantly entertaining and enlightening podcast. Dan Benjamin once again serve the perfect foil.
  • __Tom A
    A Timeless Classic
    Thorough and on point.
  • sboss1
    1 Of The Best
    I have been listening to podcast since about 2007 and this is easily one of the best podcast that I've encountered. I started listening to John on the episode about video game controllers something that I've never really given much thought too, but that episode got me hooked I went back and downloaded all of the other episodes just to get caught up. I'm so sad to see the series end this show gave me something to look forward too every friday.
  • Ehfeng
    Excellent show
    Worth listening. Hope they start up another someday.
  • BrokenRhino
    Sad to see it go.
    Take a break then do 200 more.
  • Chad von Nau
    The best
    John, you're the best. We love you. You're the voice of a billion introverts. Whenever you're ready, please come back and do another show. We'll all still be here. Except those of us who have died in the interim. They won't be available. The rest of us, however, will be waiting patiently.
  • lurkerM
    The Reason I Started Listening to 5by5
    I discovered Hypercritical because of the Dark Ages of Objective-C, and it was my favorite podcast from then until it's final episode. It's also one of the few podcasts I will replay previous episodes, particularly the epic rants about Wikipedia or programming languages. I'll keep listening to 5by5 for it's other great shows like Back 2 Work and The Incomparable (who often has John as a guest).
  • MinRK
    The greatest
    Now complete, Hypercritical is the greatest podcast of all time (of all time!). Siracusa's delightfully detailed deconstruction of the many things he loves and hates is as entertaining as it is informative. Taking apart everything from TV to Video Game Controllers to Geek Culture to various Apple news events during 2011-2012, Siracusa will help you understand exactly how and why we love the things we love. He will be missed.
  • Joesmosax
    Will miss this show greatly
    John Siracusa will be missed. His unique brand of criticism was always so interesting. My favorite podcast by far...cant wait to find out whats in store next. All the best John!
  • stickwithjosh
    If you are way into hearing people talk about things they care deeply about, you should listen to the 100 episodes of Hypercritical. Jon Siracusa goes deep on topics as varied as film, programming languages or video game controllers always thoughtfully and thoroughly.
  • WellsM
    What a Run
    Well, Hypercritical has come to an end. It is a sad day. One of the things I appreciate about Hypercritical looking back is how it isn't necessarily linked to its time and place. The things talked about are longer term issues, that will still be plaguing Apple, Microsoft, and the tech industry for years to come. John does a great job pointing out where companies have historic weaknesses, and how they are or aren't being properly addressed. Many of these episodes will stand the test of time.
  • Matt Killmon
    A great show, well finished
    John Siracusa—once best known for his exhaustive reviews of Mac OS X releases for Ars Technica—proves a capable host of a podcast that serves as his outlet for his many, many complaints. At first this might sound off-putting, but John manages to find the core of what's wrong with so many of the technologies all around us, made more maddening by how many things were gotten right! He's knowledgable and funny, which make his observations a joy to listen to. Dan Benjamin, as always, makes for an excellent co-host and moderator. He knows when to tweak John and when to let him roll. Sadly, the show has ended after 100 episodes, but each one is a ton of fun. Don't let the show's end stop you from starting where it all began. From televisions to toasters, Hypercritical is a great show.
  • J Li
    Greatest podcast ever
    Although it's now over, I still recommend this series of 100 episodes to anyone interested in tech, Apple, toaster ovens, video game controllers, smoke alarms, file systems or anything related to the relentless pursuit of perfection.
  • ckinniburgh
    On Hypercritical
    This was a great show, and now it's done. What is left is this. 100 episodes. 100 times each new listener will be able to sit with John, and listen to him. 100 chances to learn, consider, and be provoked to think. There will be no more, but that's alright. They will still be here. He will still be here.
  • rsobers
    One of the best
    Siracusa pours his heart into this podcast and it shows. Always entertaining and informative. John is a brilliant thinker, even though he downplays it.
  • DeepCover
    Best for Apple nerds
    Best podcast for Apple nerds. Ever.
  • blackbeardedtombbat
    Best show ever
    Since I heard this show was ending, I haven't stopped crying. And maybe I never will.
  • SemiAmaurotic
    Awesome Podcast!
    I love hearing John's take on all things Apple and tech.
  • Deadboy 73
    Blue Peter
    The podcast is great, that particular episode was excellent. Real nerds aren't bullies. Easy as that. Kinda obvious if you think about it.
  • YesJustWolf
    The definition of "in depth"
    Well researched, well presented, well argued. My favorite podcast.
  • Ellie W.
    Always learned something . . .
    I'm sad to see the end of Hypercritical. Sometimes the topic was way over my head but I persevered and came away knowing more than I knew before I tuned in. John, I'll miss you and hope you turn up here and there. Good luck in all you do.
  • @findbenhere
    Thanks for so many great episodes.
  • boblmartens
    Goodbye Old Friend
    I've listened from Episode 1 and I will miss this podcast greatly. I wish John would stick around for another 100 episodes, but I understand that sometimes you just need to step away. Good luck John and I can't wait to see what you do next.
  • griffd2004
    there is nothing better for the true Apple geeks
    John Siracusa's Hypercritical ls my favorite podcast ever. I too grew up with the Mac (Macintosh SE FDHD), and I consider myself an advanced expert of all things Apple, yet, nearly every episode, I learn something from John. Also love reading his OS X reviews. So many writers/bloggers pretend to be Mac experts - this is the real deal, people. John, I will miss your show so much - best of luck - hope to meet you at WWDC or some other conference one of these days. Thanks Dan for being such a great host.
  • cavechilde
    Fascinating & Delightful
    Almost every episode, I end up walking away with a new way of looking at the topics discussed. Siracusa's thoughtful and thorough commentary exposes flaws and virtues I otherwise would probably never have considered. Sadly, the show will be coming to an end soon (after episode 100.) While this personally really, really bums me out, it is great to see Hypercritical going out on top. While all of the episodes contain a certain amount of commentary on current events, I believe the majority of the content will prove to be evergreen. I think future listeners, even years from now, will be able to get a lot out of it. Many thanks to John and Dan for creating one of my favorite pieces of media, bar none.
  • Me1689
    So sad to hear hypercritical is almost dead
    It's been a great run. Can't wait until John realizes what he's giving up and comes back
  • Brandi Wine
    Great podcast
    I hope this rumor of the show ending is just that.... Right?
  • gr33n73
    I'll miss your show
    Hypercritical is being retired. It's too bad. I enjoyed listening to your show John Siracusa.
  • LobsterClaw
    The best nerd podcast out there
    Endlessly entertaining
  • Bogie0000
    Often the first podcast I listen to every week.
    Almost regardless of the topic, hypercritical consistently proves to be engaging, funny, insightful, and reliable as a regular source of thought-provoking content. Thank you so much to Dan and John for providing such a fantastic show.
  • Winston Smith IV
    critical, supportive but not hating on mac, app and ios
    What a gem this show is. I had never heard of John Siracusa before this, but now I can't believe I hadn't. He provides a clean critical perspective into apple and its hardware and software that is just enough critical while also being still pro apple. A rare perspective that isn't from a apple hater
  • nds8015
    Rare combo
    Thought provoking and hysterically funny, often at the same time. Simply the best podcast. Period.
  • 13thKid
    Passionately Critical
    John Siracusa cares. In fact, he cares quite a lot. So much so, that he just wants the things he likes and is interested in to be better. On this podcast, he breaks it all down and finds the ways that things could be better, and then describes them. At length. If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, then shame on you: what's more valuable than a smart man taking the time to really dissect the technology that we're so fascinated with?
  • PodcastPlayl.ist
    One of my top favorite podcasts!
    I work in construction but I love tech so I have 10 hours a day to listen to podcasts. And i listen at double speed to get more in (Sorry Dan.) This is one of my favorite shows. I love that John goes in depth on how something works, and why its wrong. Dan is a great co-host/interviewer and brings out the best in John and all of his co-hosts!! Thanks 5by5!
  • Ceri Morgan
    Fantastic podcast
    The podcast that I most look forward to each week. The longer the episode the better. John Siracusa provides great insight into whatever topic he covers; he has a real talent for using logic and common sense in evaluating technology. Each podcast is insightful, entertaining, and humor.
  • David Levine
    Another great 5by5 podcast
    Entertaining and informational podcast for tech enthusiasts. John Siracusa and Dan Benjamin are great hosts and keep things flowing.
  • christor
    This has become the one podcast I never fail to miss. John picks topics I find interesting and thinks through each topic in a way that's distinctive and illuminating. While I think some podcasts work better when the hosts don't over-prepare, John's sense of obligation to preparation, thoroughness, and a job well done is what makes this show work so well. If, like me, you've been a reader of his OS X reviews since the developer previews, then you're not reading this review because you already listen - but, in any event, you'll recognize in the podcast his characteristic attention to detail, sourcing, and, at the same time, larger picture. Dan Benjamin is a perfect foil. He's sadly a bit less present here than in other shows, but it works and just shows that Dan has good intuition about how he can best support a co-host. It's hard to imagine episode 42 (takedown of the Jobs biography) either with more interruptions of John's epic rant or without Dan's laugh track and gentle direction. Great, great show.
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