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JohnBoy5562You have to pay nowUsed to listen but now you have to pay. Been a long time twit listener but if Al the show are going to start changing I guess I’ll have to find something new to start streaming. I understand you need to make money but but I just can’t see paying for another subscription.
Rich Aesthetic ReviewsFlaccid Talking“Allow Apps To Request To Track” ALLOW… Not that hard to understand No chapter markers
_111_1_Not reliable. Incoherent.Not reliable. Mikah will often state certain things as fact when in fact it’s not true. Or show his lack of understanding of many many things iOS - despite talking and studying about it so much. Disappointing and unreliable. It’s hard for me to listen to this guy talk. I hardly hear complete sentences. Lots of half sentences running into each other. Stream of conscious talking. Says “able to” a lot. A LOT.
DrProctorToo many wordsThe info the hosts provide is helpful, but sometimes they just go on and on about something, like giving 8 examples for using a certain shortcut (“you might need to…, or your mom might want to…, or you have a…, or …or…” etc. ) before telling you how to create it. Maybe it’s more torturous because I’m listening to the audio rather than watching video, but it’s hard to take.
Why a nickname??????Tedious And TiresomeMikah, the host seemingly never shuts up or even takes a breath! He supposedly has a co-host but rarely allows her to speak or interject. Plus, he feels the need to frequently interject with some ridiculous woke political comment that is unrelated to the show’s subject. So, because of all this, this podcast is usually tedious and tiresome. Maybe if they set up a Shortcut to mute his mic every five minutes allowing his co-host to interject for just say 60 seconds or so before his mic comes back online, it would be a lot less fatiguing to listen to. They should consider that!
Desmond FullerRosemary is great, Mikah should be replacedIt is an interesting show, and she is a wonderful host. She is smart, knows what she’s talking about with this OS and is a problem solver trying to help everyone. He tries to be cool and makes terrible jokes and puns, and brings no worth to the show. I question how much he knows about iOS other than he can use the phone. I preferred it when Leo was part of the show; he at least wanted to help people and worked well with Rosemary.
Sophie26773389:Leo better than MikahMikah needs to go
ZincmetThe best TWIT podcastiOS today carries useful information each week. It avoids long banter on Apple’s social policies that has become the hallmark of MacBreak Weekly. I learn something each show!
BlindNotBroken84Thanks for screenreader acknowledgment and tipVoiceOver user— Thank you
ndambrosioLoving Mikah and Rosemary!Amazing content covering all things iOS, WatchOS and TVOS. I’ve received so many great tips and recommendations from iOS Today. Thank you!
fattahiiiiRateThank you so much
Darkly GothIt Wears Me OutI was glad to see Leo give way to Rosemary. There were shows where Leo barely let Mikah speak. Mikah & Rosemary are good together, & cover some good topics. That said, Mikah’s hosting style is very frenetic, & I find it makes for a stilted flow. Somehow his commercials seem so much longer than that of any TWIT network show. Overall, you can mine some good info here, but Mikah’s style is definitely an acquired taste, & you can find yourself worn out after listening.
mojozmythGreat HostsBoth Mikah and Rosemary have done a great job replacing Leo. I really love their chemistry, presentation skills and knowledge. Thank you Leo for allowing and giving these protégés a chance to grow and showcase knowledge/skills.
cmarzarellaNot the same without LeoThis is a good show. But it lacks without Leo and I can only listen to Mikah for so long. He gets annoying. Otherwise the content is great.
TiapiaI miss LeoI miss Leo on the show. He adds more personality and his expertise to the show.
Big_in_VaAlways something newMikah and Rosemary bring you great information every week on how to get more out of your device. They expose great applications that I can use in unique ways leading to me being almost 100% iOS based.
thbone12Fun, informativeBeen a listener for awhile, love the banter. Always find a useful tips for iOS. More often than not, I try their App Caps. Loved grandpa Leo, but Rosemary is a delight. Met her in person in Chicago and she is charming as she sounds. Mikah’s best show since Somehow I Manage. (Please come back at least for the finale)
ptcgkmInformativeI like hearing all the iOS news and tips. I’ve found out some useful apps and new ways to use my iOS devices.
mwolferLots of knowledge and an easy listenI have been watching and listening to this podcast for years. I highly recommend for all things iOS.
NotTheSimsFun Podcast For Apple NerdsI’m a huge fan of the TWIT network and love the addition of Mikah to the team. iOS Today is a great look at the latest iOS news and the most interesting apps. I don’t even use most of the apps that they talk about, but I really enjoy hearing what’s possible on iOS. Mikah is an excellent host and always guides an informative and fun show. Enjoying the permanent addition of Rosemary too!
SerDuckOfPNWUndiscovered gemsThere are so many fantastic apps and tools for iOS, but they are useless if no one knows about them. Mikah and Rosemary explore the depths of the App Store, settings, and the secret apple places to bring light to the hidden gems!
moEdEEGreat showSuch a great show. I know I can I awlays count on this show to give me the iOS goods!!!
LordZaphodSuper usefulAlways informative. Has led me into areas I thought would be of little use to me, and introduced me to better ways of doing things I was accomplishing in a less efficient way.
BeardedDave68iOS today is THE BEST iOS podcastWith the addition of Rosemary Orchard, the show feels like a whole new show. Both Mikah and Rosemary bring LOTS of knowledge to show about the iOS platform - and make it fun and casual. Definitely a must listen/watch!!
wassoniiAlways informative and lovely chapeausFrom its’ inception, I had occasionally used this podcast as a reference. When Mikah came on board, I rarely missed an episode. While I miss some LaPorte, with the addition of Rosemary and the rapport between she and Mikah, I do what it takes to catch each episode. Knowledge regarding my chosen os and its’ systems. Thank you!
pbsportsSmooth Transition 👍Been a fan of Mikah since Imore and with new cohost Rosemary Orchard it’s a win-win. One request - Mikah please continue to do more listeners feedback. It’s my segment of the show
Ambassador88Mikah + Rosemary 💕Rosemary is a fantastic addition. This is the show for people who want to learn guru skills and be awesome with iOS and iPadOS. Also happens to be on the younger side of TWiT hosts and way more approachable than the cranky SysAdmin shows 😉
sean_halloranGreat show, Rose is making it even better!Love you Mikah and Leo- now Rosemary is making the show even better with her great automator knowledge.
TechNToolsRosemary OrchardNew tandem of Mikah and Rosemary is a fresh take and happy to subscribe once more!
Take America backPolitical showNot a tech show it’s a Political show
Jbarron4Now worthlessUse to get something but this show has degraded so bad I have unsubscribed
Brother John FETake a StandThanks for this episode. Can we remind ourselves that White people need to be just as open about the secrets that are held, that work to promote racism. Often times White people have the power to say to other White people “No, don’t do that!”And don’t because it is taught not to rock the boat and things are the way they are because it’s always been that way.
300 SunshineAlways look forward to the showI’ve always looked forward to this show every week and was concerned when Megan Marone left. But have been more than pleased with the addition of Mikah Sargent, who is a great foil for Leo. They play well off of each other and Mikah is really good at reeling in Leo when he flies off on tangents. I enjoy the information, but the fun banter makes it also entertaining! Welcome to the show Mikah!!
Inside the Dust JacketWelcome aboard Mikah!Have always enjoyed this show and applaud the change in cohost.
gary551What ever happened to IOSSince Megan left IOS today is a joke. I cant stand to watch it any more.
Ryan's viewEh..Used to love the show but now becoming unbearable, too much nonsense, little actual information. And if listening good luck because everything they do requires watching them.
OcravFocus pleaseIt’s nice to throw a GOOD joke once in a while but I think half the time is waisted in personal or off topic subjects. Need to be more professional. It’s starting to not be worthwhile listen to a lot of comments for little real information.
SteveInWestonWhich ShowMac Break Weekly and iOS Today need to cover different subjects! It’s boring to listen to one to the hear the same material on the other. I get it already you and your cohorts are not happy with Apples new offerings, please move on. Perhaps you should combine the two shows, maybe there’s not enough material anymore for two shows
Jamie2476Leo Laporte interrupts and talks over his co-host MeganLeo never lets Megan finish her reviews, he constantly interrupts her, talks over her and takes over the conversation. Pretty rude host. I’ve been a twit fan for a number of years but this is turning me off. Just tried to listen to the latest podcast 1/22/19 and it’s really bad. I feel sorry for Megan
Kickin' heelsThe apple didn’t fall far from the treeBeen listening for a few years. Very informative and entertaining to boot! Love Leo’s mom; she can tell a story! When Megan wants a vacation, Mom could co-host. Just sayin’. Update Dec. 2017. Leo’s mom Mary is on again. What a hoot! You’ll see where Leo gets his genius from. Love the show.
Islington 2Great ShowThis is the one Twit show I don't miss. I always learn something.
peppertenfortysevenApp Also Rhymes with SapTWIT does a lot of great shows, but unfortunately this ain't one of them. I've listened to it since day one, even before I got my first iPad. I really want to like this show -- occasionally they give some useful information, but I can't make it thru even one full episode anymore because of all the incessant baby-talk and idiocy. The two hosts don't act like professionals, don't take anything serious. They they make (lame) jokes and giggle, and act like very slow kindergarteners. Leo manages to combine humor with serious useful info in his other podcasts, but that isn't working on iOS Today; it's just a free-for-all. I like Megan. I think she's a real, down to earth person, and is a great addition to the show. Leo just seems to be phoning it in half the time. He's unprepared, and it reads like he's bored. It's time to overhaul the show, new format, new co-host (goodbye Leo). A little more structure and less of this free flowing dialogue which goes nowhere. And I would love it if you got rid of the hats; they're not funny, not clever, and I cannot figure out why you do this, unless it's because cap and app rhyme.
iosfangirlI ❤ TwiT.TV network Leo Laporte & GangAnother great show with Leo & Sarah! I never miss iPad today & look forward all the many other Apple centric & Tech News shows I listen to. Thanx to the sponsors for making all the shows possible!
GUPS THE DOGSarah and Leo, awesome show!Sarah, don't listen to any of these people writing reviews saying you "interupt" Leo. You are doing just fine. iPad Today is my favorite podcast. Keep up the great work, guys! Look TWiT! Sarah is the real deal on iPad Today. I personally think Leo ALWAYS interupts Sarah. All the other people on here saying Leo is the star, read the album art. Does it just say Leo Laporte? NO! It says Leo Laporte AND Sarah Lane. Leo is OK, is what I'm trying to say.
jmd317Too many adsI liked this show more before there were SO.MANY.ADS. I have to fast-forward through them. I love the episodes when Leo is gone only because they do pre-recorded ad reads from him and I can immediately know when the ad read is over. :) hee hee. I am always impressed with how Sarah deals with Leo's ridiculousness without missing a beat or getting upset/flustered. Seriously, when I have to deal with difficult or immature people I do sometimes think about how Sarah handles things on this show. That sounds lame, but it is really true. Overall, I like the chemistry between Sarah and Leo, and I like the fact that the show does not take itself too seriously. I mean, this is an iPad. It's supposed to be fun, right? I enjoy the fact that they know their stuff but keep it accessible for all of us non-techies. I do not like the weird psedo-sexual jokes that happen sometimes usually because of Leo's joking around/general level of immaturity and immorality. Again though-- this show is really long because of all the ad reads, which seem to be increasing in number and in length. I get it that you need to get paid, but it is feeling really excessive.
Cat Daddyx2Too sillyAs an audio podcast, this show doesn't always work because they are referring to what the iPad is showing. This might workt better as video. Also, Leo and Sarah get a bit too silly.
MFMomentsMore TWIT droning...Occasionally useful information interspersed with annoying blather. Can't spare the time to find the gems!
CBWHiPadThis show would be great if Leo could get rid of Sarah she is so annoying and I don't give a care about her vacations and MG. Get rid of Sarah Leo please more content in the show ! Please and thank you
danderson32Love ITTHIS SHOW IS KICKASS. Everyday when i come home from school, i dock my iPod Nano and play iPad Today. I absolutely loved the episode where you discussed Cameleon Clock, and where Sarah says "See, this is dangerous chocolate". That whole little section, from 29:00 minutes to around 35:00. Keep on keeping on!
mdr0ckCasual and informativeI like this show and I like Sarah Lane on it. She doesn't have the best radio voice but she actually does some homework and she brings a bit of a female sensibility to the ridiculously male-dominated field of tech journalism. The show gets a little too chatty for my taste sometimes, but it beats the heck out of yet another show full of guys who were all the president of their AV club in high school.
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