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TechFan71Politics, Politics, PoliticsWhen Leo is gone,the co-hosts make it a political show. Advertisers be aware.
BlindNotBroken84Intelligent machines or unintelligent humans?I subscribed thinking the new show would be about AI. Instead this is just another leftist outlet attempting to push your personal beliefs.
_111_1_I miss Stacy.I miss Stacy. Paris makes me want to go deaf.
mojozmythEpisode 754 Guerrilla GardeningOne of the funniest episodes from This Week in Google!!!
MacMcAndrewDesperately Seeking RelevanceAffirmation for the weak minded provided by the narrow minded!! The only thing missing from this “Dumpster Fire” is Andy Ihnatko, but he’s probably too busy bringing down MACBREAK WEEKLY!!!
poko. -Fav TwiT show!This show gets me to hump day. I have some of my great laughs of the week. The hosts are Awesome!
049AStill one of the bestI don’t listen to as many TWiT shows as I used to due to tech getting boring compared to the old days, but I still tune into this show almost every week. It’s a great show because it takes the discussion beyond some new pointless feature on a phone and actually discusses the societal impacts of technology. The best thing about TWIG is that there is very little Google being discussed.
Darkly GothWhere’s The Tech?I used to love this show. I enjoyed the usual bit of philosophical discussion, but now the scales have tipped way to much toward that, leaving actual tech as an afterthought. Stacey is absent way too much, which is unfortunate, as she often would prod the others back to tech discussions. Love Leo, but in the last few years, he interrupts others way too often, on every show he hosts. The never ending pitches for Club Twit have become intolerable. I get that there are less advancements in tech, Google included, leaving less to talk about. So stretching these shows to 2.5+ hours seems counterproductive.
ChicagoTommyUsed to love it, but lately. . .At its best, TWiG gives me an update on what I missed last week in the high tech world in a fun and engaging manner. More often (especially lately) it could better be entitled “Liberal Nerds get distracted by politics.”
Bill525It just keeps getting less worth listening toLeo Laporte keeps bemoaning that he’s losing advertisers, probably because he’s losing listeners as well. Leo, Jeff, and company are extremely self indulgent in their conversation, as though they have no concern for whether what they are saying would be interesting to the audience. They are also nearly solely focused on Elon Musk, Twitter and other “social media” companies to the near exclusion of all other topics. I don’t mind listening to brief discussions but 2 hours of non-stop fixation on Twitter or Instagram or TikTok and Jeff yelling “moral panic” every 10 minutes, is not interesting.
DSpaceNineNews and opinion with intoleranceWhen the hosts talk tech it is fascinating. Unfortunately the show frequently turns into a far left echochamber, with no room for those who take a different view.
XavWasTakenLove itLove it
BigGoalsStop the politics and discuss GoogleI used to listen to this show years ago but stopped because of all the political discussion that was irrelevant to the show. I recently gave it a listen again to see if it has changed and unfortunately it hasn’t. Additionally, the show is called this week in Google but I found that Google is hardly discussed.
Had Enough IIUnfollowedMore politics than Google.
Old Time Gamer24Keep out the political views.I enjoy the tech information they provide, however as of lately the show likes to get on rants about their political views.
MaushopgirlToo long and too much talk of politicsThis is supposed to be a tech show it is not. The hosts spend too much time talking about their political views. The show could be about an hour is they cut out all the irrelevant talk.
il-buonoGood overallI've been listening to the show for years. It's an overall good show. Lately though, Leo has been making it a habit of bringing up his son's TikTok account and it has gotten annoying. He's a proud parent, but there's no need to make it a regular thing on the network.
(Mario500)A Review of "This Week in Google"I had found certain parts of what I had believed to had been certain installments of this "This Week in Google" to had been vulgar, negative, unprofessional, unnecessary, and detrimetal.
DavidandallisonnormanLove LeoLeo is one of the best & brings on great guests.
Ross AlexanderTWIG is great when Leo is hostingIt’s really boring when Leo doesn’t host. Skip those episodes and only listen to the episodes when Leo hosdtstl
Joey Jgone downhillThere was a time when a high-level, serious intellectual discussion about tech could be heard here. Now it’s all personalities and filler. Ant Pruitt adds zero value to an already watered-down discussion about one company. And there’s already a show for Android so what’s left is… chit-chat about Stacey’s headaches and barking dog. This Week In IOT would be a better focus. Jeff Jarvis is a distinguished journalist; it’s beneath him to have to sit for 2 hours to only discuss Google, and really kind of silly.
TreasuredudeGood but far too longTwit needs to hire an editor. We don’t need to hear every off topic or sidetracked discussion. Cut this down to a half hour of hard hitting content and it would be amazing. Who’s got time to listen to a 2+ hour long podcast?
Tico8Liberal hacksNothing to do with Google and more of liberal show where they crap on conservatives. God forbid someone has a differing opinion. Terrible.
BasementscientistToo much politicsI get it, you’re a lefty. Don’t need to hear about it. Stick to talking about Google.
--**Interesting and insightful on the GooGGreat tidbits on iOt as well Can be broad ranging since it’s about Google The Journalism aspect is straight from a professor, which is its own course in thought experiments 👏👏 And some of their guest are phenomenal. If you did t realize all the hooks Google is into, scan through some of these netcasts and be rewarded with insights 🍩
jdlindsey7Enjoyable show except for the hostI greatly enjoy the regulars on the show, Jeff Jarvis and Stacey Higginbotham, but I cannot stand listening to the host, Leo. As others have stated, the show is much better when Leo is out and Jason Howell fills in.
HarpoSklarEnjoyable if meandering rideThe balance of backgrounds makes tackling some of the heavier issues a full and lively discussion. There's also lots of nerdery with things from web technologies to IOT chipsets to publishing business models. They have done a better job recently in not falling into many political wormholes, which I know a lot will appreciate.
CelticsjcMust Listen PodcastThis podcast is a must listen podcast for all. Informative and entertaining conversations from some of the best minds in the industry. Leo hosts every week Stacy and Jeff with Ant to discuss current events and news from the world of Google which touches on many subjects. The knowledge displayed each week is better than any other podcast I have heard with such a wide range of subjects. They make a fabulous panel and it’s enjoyable. Give this a listen for a few weeks and you’ll be hooked.
mchil11This week in “moral panic”The title is a misnomer at this point. It’s more about the shady stuff that Google/Facebook/Amazon and sometimes Apple/Microsoft do. Which is fine if it’s good analysis. And the politics don’t necessarily bother me because tech news and politics are necessarily intertwined in 2020. I used to listen to this every week but I’ve had to switch in the middle of the episode for the last two weeks because I can’t take Jeff Jarvis’ defense of FB anymore. FB has been used to poison the minds of half my family and he seems unable to grasp, for example, that just because his personal FB feed isn’t full of nazi stuff doesn’t mean that people with less education and less obvious left-leaning politics aren’t fed that crap. When people say critical things about “out of touch liberal white elite academics in ivory towers”, it’s people like him being criticized. And I say that as a liberal white academic who is neither elite, out of touch (hopefully), and who has yet to be given a tower of any sort. If I can’t make it through an episode of this without yelling at Jeff through the speakers and shutting the podcast off I’m just not going to try anymore. And that makes me a bit sad. I’ll listen to the rest of TWiT though. Just not this one.
Take America backMore politicsThese guy disguise their selves as tech people. Yet, their main focus is politics.
dtricky1StopGetting way too political. People want to hear about tech.
Ekim68Leo is Tired and Doesn’t Care, phones it inI have been a listener since day one with Gina Trapani, Jarvis, and Leo. Jeff Jarvis, and Gina’s replacement Higgabothem, are wonderful. Ant Pruitt is getting his legs and this latest show, Spot., he started speaking up more. Leo, needs to go. When he is on vacation the show is much better with Jason Howell who takes his job as host seriously by doing the work and knowing what will be discussed. He also keeps the ball rolling in a meaningful direction with great directional questions. If it wasn’t for Jeff and Higgabothem I would dump this podcast. The insight Jeff gives on advertising, media, politics is excellent even if I don’t agree with him on some things. And Higgy’s home tech is interesting. Her input gives me insight into what is coming around the corner for the home. I continue to listen b because of that but Leo is phoning it in and the topic bland I delete.
WinefreakStill going down, tiredWhen Gina left, I found them flailing on topics that have nothing to do with anything even remotely related to Google. The addition of Stacey is the one bright light, but as she tries to get the TwiG train back on the rails, it's a strain. Leo is tired, maybe COVID is too much for him. It's obvious he's lost interest in the original topic. I guess as long as there are sponsors, they'll keep it going, but it's unfortunate it has lost its way.
Colonel Jack O'NeillLeft wing politicsThis is nothing but but wing politics. 10% of this show is about google and tech. The other 90% is about politics. And how much they hate Trump. They always blame everything on “old white men”. It like they hate being white men.
Dan8787Love itLeo and his guests bring a great entertaining take on the tech news of the past week. This show has been a tech podcast staple and #1 for the past decade. Start here first when listening to tech shows. All the rest are #2.
Redup66Great Show....ButI loved TWIG, but unsubscribed earlier this year. Reason, could not take the Political Views. Understand many people do not support the current administration, but host and guests were way over the top and just turned me off TWIG. Please tone the over the top political views down and keep the snide politcal views for other forums. Ive resubscribed with hopes that the show is back on topic.
The Great NiteowlLove itDetails mixed with fun!
Joey in NJHad to stop listening after many years.Way to much anti-Trump has creeped into this podcast. Some two bit supposed professor, probably Antifa-professor, Jeff Jarvis is a liberal clown constantly spewing his liberal anti-Trump crap!
OcravPlease rename the showI feel like this show has the wrong name and is misleading listeners. I’m not interested in politics and I understand some of those issues are related but you guys go way too deep into it and completely get off the tech part. I ran out of things to listen and wanted to give it another shot but no surprise why I unsubscribed a while ago. Best wishes!
GoneIn2019Done with this oneIt is sad how Stacey has become so negative and demeaning of anything related to Google. On this week's episode she implies YouTube has the capability to monitor videos, but somehow chooses not to. Last week it was how Google's only desire is to keep your information forever. Oddly, as an advertising company ... what use is old information to Google. Maybe at some point the show will come back to a more reasonable approach with a change of hosts.
jeff_commUnlistenableThis used to be an interesting look at the l arger tech and media industry that would deviate too often into philosophical discussions about journalism. Now it is just a complete trainwreck that has almost nothing to do with technology and everything to do with the host's poet interests in journalism, world governance and leftwing politics. When Gina was on the show she would at least try her best to reign Leo and Jeff in. With her gone, it is a free for all. I don't really know who this show is for beyond the hosts. After years of listening I unsubscribed awhile back and don't regret it.
Dan_ReviewUnable to keep leftist politics out of the showGet rid of Stacey Higginbotham. She may be soft spoken and extremely knowledgeable about all things tech, but her sexist and extremist views take away from the show.
Sashi pHookedSo hooked on this show. Feels like Stacy, jeff and Stacy are family now!!!!
The real CrumBye byeUsed to be a pretty good show. Hardly worth listening to now that it has become nothing more than a bully pulpit for uber liberal political BS. Leo no longer even tries to moderate the rantings of Jeff Jarvis and would rather sacrifice listeners than stick to the theme of the show. Instead he justifies the pivots as having some relevance to a broader discussion. There are much better choices these days for both tech and political discussions than listening to TWIG.
njborgeUseful but ramblingThere is useful news and observation in here but super long and boy do they go off topic all over the place... eg in the latest episode they had an interlude about they were having for dinner that evening...
B RauckiToo longGreat content but too long for me. I just don’t have a time period long enough for this podcast in my day. It would be great if there was a condensed version of these topics or have a series of shorter recordings to sum up a few ideas at a time. It seems like wonderful content is covered, but my daily routines don’t allow for one sit and listen, and the lengthy in-depth conversations are difficult to pick back up once my attention is broken from the idea.
zklaowkasMore like TWiF or TWiP way too oftenI.e. This Week in Feminism & This Week in Politics
PokervaneNot About GoogleI like TwiT. I've listened to it since day one (the actual TwiT podcast, that is). But I don't need another two hours of the same discussion and same guests every week. I subscribed to this podcast to keep up with what is going on at Google. I am sorely disappointed that this podcast is barely about Google (unless GWB is still the producer and he thinks "The Google" is the internet). Others have said it and it needs to be said until someone listens. Keep this podcast about Google. I don't have an extra two hours to waste sifting though the off topic stuff. If it stuck to Google material it would be less than a half hour as it should be.
Charliebill33Leo & a JeffAlways full of good information.
SteubieIntolerant Jeff Jarvis ruins the showI am writing this review after clicking the unsubscribe button. I just couldn’t listen week after week while Jeff Jarvis intolerantly and rudely uses words like “dopes” to refer to supporters of Trump (like myself.) [Source episode 365] Jarvis is extremely intolerant of other viewpoints (which oddly enough is his criticism of Trump… I guess he is the same as Trump in many ways.) Otherwise, I generally like the way this show twists and turns through different topics. It’s like a leisurely walk where you talk about whatever comes in front of you. If it wasn’t for the hate speech towards Trump supporters I would still listen. Oh well.
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