Ask The Tech Guys (Audio)

by TWiT

Welcome to Hands-On Tech, where host Mikah Sargent turns tech troubles into tech triumphs. Each episode zooms in on a specific theme, unpacking listener questions with expert analysis and easy-to-follow advice. From decoding the latest gadgets to simplifying everyday tech, Mikah's got you covered. Submit your tech queries through email at or via TWiT's social media. You might hear your question answered on air! Whether you're puzzled by privacy settings or curious about cutting-edge innovations, Hands-On Tech is your weekly dose of tech insight and inspiration. Join Mikah every Sunday to hear the show that turns tech confusion into tech confidence!New episodes every Sunday.

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Recent Reviews
  • boyfromthedwarf9
    Leo was far FAR left but decent on tech
    New guy hides his far left-ness BUT gets the tech wrong. 5 minutes of ads even mid sentence to push nonsense unread by the host ads.
  • MichaelHarmon
    Ads With A Little Tech Talk
    Just listened to the latest episode. At least half of it was ads plus the obligatory plug for Club TWIT. I don’t blame Mikah but the format is awful and way too short with way too many ads.
  • NHW1055
    Not good since the format change
    This used to be my go-to podcast for weekly tech news - it had a good mix of news, “live” troubleshooting, and interesting tech topics. New format is too troubleshooting focused. I used to be excited about what I would discover in the next episode…now, I look at the show notes before I play it. I have skipped a lot of these episodes in the recent months.
  • sometimesbeard
    Not a subscriber
    Some good information but making everything subscriber after a certain amount of time is lame.
  • CNS1978
    Not hands on
    The new format without Leo and call- ins just doesn’t have an exciting listen.
    Mikah smacks his lips
    Stop smacking your lips.
  • tradervicnow50
    Not the same
    Not a fan of the new format, sorry
  • jimsifh
    No more Leo means no more listening for me. Just switched to Total Leo.
  • Wendell Welles
    I’m out.
    I loved the Ask The Tech Guys show, but switching it to a new podcast without Leo Laporte and not making it easy to find any reason why means I’m leaving the Twit-verse. It was great while it lasted.
  • Rick Edwards
    Unsubscribe bait and switch
    Boooooooo! Stop trying to manipulate users to subscribe to new shows by repurposing old one.
  • Rick Such
    Leo and the gang are the best
    Leo Laporte and his team provides excellent, consistent programming every week. I’ve been following Leo’s programming and content since the late ‘90s when he was a host on Tech TV, and I’m grateful that he’s continued creating tech-related content for so many years. The Tech Guys, in general, is my favorite weekly podcast and keeps me informed about what’s happening in the world of tech.
  • _111_1_
    Ep 2011: Mikah, thats not a metaphor.
    Ep 2011: Mikah, thats not a metaphor. Constantly says “able to” Able to this. Able to that.
  • TisaLisa22
    So sad about the changes
    I’ve been listening to Leo Laporte for over 15 years and learned so much from his radio program on KFI. He is the best at making confusing computer content clear!I have never called the show but often have the same issues as other callers. I wasn’t sure how I was going to like having Mikah join, but he’s great.But I guess his newfound freedom as a podcast host rather than a radio host has encouraged him to join all the other podcasters with opinionated talk about current events and politics. Why, Leo, why????That is not what your audience is here for! so, sad to say, he has lost me as a listener. I’ll check back in in a month or two and see if there’s any change.
  • great content, poor production
    Not a lot of substance
    Nice people, but there is little substance to the long show, mostly tangents and chit chat.
  • hgfttdde
    Loved the show and format. Going against free speech advocates turned me off.
  • Kevanjt
    Not politics??
    If you don’t think Leo’s obsession with Musk is about politics, that just means you share his worldview/political perspective. Which is fine. Everyone has their own perspective, and Leo is obviously free to share his. If he stuck to tech, how is it that anyone who listens for a single episode knows exactly how he votes? I do hope he’s aware that many others like me do listen to him less because we get tired of hearing his complaints about people we may not despise quite as much as he does—partly for political reasons.
  • Chrissy in Tampa
    The Best
    Thanks to the Guitar 12345 (sic) person leaving a ridiculous review, I am now subscribing to your podcast. I’d rather talk about your great podcast and great advice over the decades, but I have to say to the guitar man: how ridiculous are you! Of course they’re giving their opinion about musk and the RIP twitter - that’s what they do! That’s what this is all about. Musk and his activities definitely are in the tech world! This has nothing to do with politics. Anyway, thanks to the Tech Guys for your super, plus entertaining podcast. Being a lady techie in the same age range as Leo, I appreciate your evolving advice over many decades!
  • guitargod12345
    Bad episode
    Been a very long time listener to Leo. Hearing you guys getting so giddy over threads, just because deep down your politics don’t align with Twitter’s new ownership (Elon) is disheartening at best. Shame on you for letting your actual tech reporting get clouded by that. I have zero issues disagreeing with someone politically, actually I usually enjoy it. But to hear you guys find so many reasons to love threads, when it’s literally just Twitter lite, again just goes to show your bias. Leo: “Twitter was a valuable resource. Elon destroyed it” Leo why don’t you actually give us some facts of how Twitter changed at all for you, instead of saying statements like that, just parroting mainstream media with zero reality attached to it.
  • Lofi Digital Monk
    Still Making Tech Great Again!
    Great show with great cohosts and guests. The show is even better since his jump away from terrestrial radio. To those going on and on about the political stuff…. you’re just salty over #45 and it shows. Leo doesn’t even bother to waste his breath on that loser, which means you’re not listening. Anyway, great tech show providing a nice a balance between geeky stuff, techy stuff, and entertainment.
  • Perkybunch
    Ask the Tech Guys
    I’m enjoying the new show format, but I keep getting ads even with the Apple subscription.
  • Perma Link
    No down the toilet!
    Was supposed to be technical but this place has so much hate seeping into it, with political crap. We try to listen to technology not Leo with his hate bias.
  • KGO listener
    Mouthpiece of hateful politics mixed with some tech talk
    Reason to unsubscribe is clear: Leo himself tries to keep up with tech but tries harder to keep up his west coast elitist views. There are much genuine tech shows out there now so bye bye to Leo’s political brainwash. Too bad Leo is hurting Mikah’s career.
  • matrix95
    Gone downhill
    Since Leo went off the radio he hardly takes callers anymore which is what made the show interesting as people called in with their questions. Now they hardly take any calls (probably due to their new podcast only format) so instead you listen to him and Micah babble back and forth for a couple hours, which is mostly useless talk sprinkled with helpful things. Plus they show has continued to get so political and also turned into a “hate Elon” fest. They should stay in their lane and stop this political garbage, focus on tech only, reduce the endless babble, and figure out how to take lots of calls. I am sure there numbers are down, the show has really gone downhill and not worth listening too. I’ll check in periodically to see if thing improve but I am not holding my breath.
  • BV76BiG
    Seeps that the free version is just a continuous advertisement
    Feels like the show went down the drain and turn to be a continuous ad! Maybe we need to subscribe and then I’m wondering where the show be just five minutes long?
  • @TheYechGuy
    Been a fan of Leo for so long lol
    This show brings me insight and joy thank you so much
  • informedVoterChuck
    1984 MacGuy
    Long time radio listener and continuing with current podcast (5 stars), but really wish Leo would focus on his vast technology knowledge and NOT on the coastal elites politicized opinions (1 star).
  • Bulverde Girl
    So tired of political inflections!
    I am so tired of, endlessly, listening to political slants and views, and the maligning of those who do not agree. There are plenty of political shows one can listen to if they want to hear that.
  • Ish3333
    Like the new podcast, but....
    1) they only answer a few calls per show. They need someone like Kim Shaffer to direct the calls, instead of always making a big production of having a caller “step into the room”. It really slows things down. 2) for some reason, both Leo and Mikah’s voice drops out at the end of many sentences; that is, their volume goes down and makes it virtually inaudible. This never happened on the “radio” podcast. 3) I’m sure these kinks will be worked out in the near future.
  • 19BoMan
    Listened For Years
    I have listened to this show for years. Love Leo despite his liberal views, which most of the time do not show themselves except for his take on Covid and electric vehicles. I only listen to Sunday shows now due to Leo forcing us to listen to his co-host on Saturdays. Now have unfollowed this show as liberalism has become more important than the suspect at hand. Should have kept your eye on the ball.
  • KirstenH70
    Ask The Tech GuyS - Even better than the Original!
    Loved hearding Leo and Mikah fresh and new in 2023. Just like the original show but even better!
  • Totojad
    Love Leo, but…
    Now I have to pay to listen? Podcast have become the next thing to Nickel and Dime us over. Sorry but I’m no longer listening. So many great hrs of enjoyment have just ended
  • Starspirit76
    Long time listener, first time reviewer
    I’ve been listening to Leo for several years now and his content is extremely informative and helpful. With so much tech out there he does a great job of breaking things down to help most non-tech folks. The addition of the hilarious Mikah has added the cherry on top. For the best help on the internet you should listen to these boys.
  • Griffey
    Good info just needs a new host
    It’s about tech I don’t need to hear about wearing Covid masks. His wife, his vacations. When I go to McDonald’s I want a hamburger I really want to get away and hear tech. A good show just know most don’t want to here about your affair you had with your current wife while married to your ex-wife. I wish he would pass the reigns to a new host. Just my opinion the Saturday episodes are better with his co host
  • Kirbster49
    I’ve enjoyed Leo’s insight on technology, sure wish we could stand on the technology stand other than having to listen to political viewpoints from Leo, Sam and Johnny. I’m getting so tired of it I’m about to leave and stay away from many podcasts. I’m sure you have millions of people who listen so if one or two leaves it’s worth the political crud. Next time I hear it I won’t be back.
  • Cosmdf
    Poor judgement
    Really enjoyed this podcast until Sam Abuelsamid went on a political rant about a bill and politicians he hates. When every other radio show is politicized, this was my escape from it all. I liked Sam’s segments , but I’ll be skipping them now.
  • Had Enough II
    Too many political views recently. There are plenty of podcasts for that.
  • wlsonb
    Longest running and best of all time
    One of the longest running podcasts of all time and still the best. The monologue at the beginning is always informative. Callers of all levels of expertise, yet the show is always consumer focused and never pretentious. Never miss it. I especially love the photography segment on Sundays.
  • Mokeyt3/35
    If you’re rich enough and white enough you can do anything you want. Just like you Leo. I’m out after 15 years. Jerk.
  • james10
    How Did He last So Long
    There are many tech issues that Leo simply has no clue how to answer. It is a good thing he gets real-time assistance from the chatroom. And he has the audacity to trash Kim Komando. How did this guy last all these years on radio? I am done listening to his foolish comments and silly reasoning.
  • bbretz78
    Just talk tech
    I have been listening to Leo for many years but I am finally having to unsubscribe. There is just too much of a political tint. I tunedin to just hear tech talk. Take care. Sincerely Brian Bretz
  • panda1082
    Very Left
    Ok information, but very left leaning.
  • JHJ8289
    leo’s a Flaming Leftist but you can learn if you can stomach his snide ways.
  • poplopez
    Thank you Leo
    You have taught me so much about technology and given me tools I use at work and in my personal life.
  • (Mario500)
    A Review of "The Tech Guy"
    Even though I had found certain parts of what I had believed to had been certain installments of this "The Tech Guy" to had been amusing and informative, I had found what I had believed to had been certain other parts of what I had believed to had been at least one of those installments and certain parts of what I had believed to had been certain breaks between certain broadcasts (or streams) of at least one of those installments to had been vulgar, negative, unnecessary, unprofessional, and detrimental.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Leo, host of the podcast, highlights all aspects of tech and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • 4cd478623a0
    I just quit listening to Leo and here's why.
    Leo, most of the time, interrupts callers and guests when they are talking and he always gets himself taking about his travels, cars, etc. It's really annoying. I completely understand about the need of sponsors for the show, however it's foolhardy of him to advertise a product just because he's being paid for, and not because it's a good product, which respects, for instance, the privacy and security of users, especially when you have a show that talks to people who are not always technical or familiar with technology. I recently listened to an episode where he (and his wife, he told) claimed to use LastPass (a really bad password manager for various reasons), however, now that he's been sponsored by Bitwarden (a great foss password manager btw), he talks about it as he was a long time user. In other words, whether he recommends a product, always do your own research and don't take his word for it. The show is only about making money from sponsors, whichever they are. That's why he's very cautious when talking about any company - even if the company is bad. You never know if they're willing to sponsor the show. And finally, as already mentioned in another review, the show is too long and kind of repetitive. Leo repeats frequently the same answer to the listener over and over. Sometimes it's not even a helpful answer technically speaking, but his political and commercial point of view. Please, don't take my opinion as intolerant. As rough as it sounds, I've tried to make a constructive criticism. The show might be great for some folks, it's just not for me.
  • Betrayed fan
    The Tech Guy has jumped the shark
    I’ve followed Leo since the late ‘90’s. I don’t think I’ve missed a podcast since he began doing it. I have always enjoyed it—until recently. Lately I’ve been getting disgusted with his political takes; as if we don’t have a million other places to go to listen to political rants! People listen to him for technology information and he’s always been great at that. But lately he’s begun injecting his progressive political opinions into his shows, and its disgusting. If I happened to agree with his politics, I probably would not care (like some of the other reviewers). But seeing that I don’t agree with them, it makes it tough to enjoy his shows anymore. Why has he allowed his politics to infect this space? What would you “progressive” reviewers think if he came out as a “right winger?” We all know the answer to that: you’d demand he be cancelled. For me, I will just choose another way to spend my time and gripe a little on my way out. Hey, I understand that sometimes people grow apart over time. Regardless of your political beliefs, we should all recognize the danger in injecting politics into spaces like this. Listening to Leo used to be an enjoyable part of my life, but not any longer. It’s a little bit heartbreaking, tbh.
  • TomInFranklin
    Just about to quit listening.
    I used to listen/watch all of these podcasts, but please talk tech and stay away from your political views. I now listen/watch about one out of ten episodes. I used to never miss an episode.
  • Big j tex
    Politics influence tech
    All the reviews criticizing Leo for bringing up politics carefully and giving him a low star rating should be ashamed of your ignorance. He does an effective job explaining why things are moving in a direction with the current trend. The technology field is extremely political, unforgiving and needs to be addressed in some way. The tech guy is great and you could never be as positive and nurturing after see your comments. Start your own show so you can se how hard and challenging is it to help and not criticize. You are a disgrace with your hate. Leo is a pleasure which is clear by having success doing it so long.
  • Tico8
    Been listening for over a year now and it just gets more and more political. As a Cuban-American immigrant I can’t stand this liberal anymore. Half is about tech the other half is about how inject every liberal garbage idea or person into the conversation.
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