MacBreak Weekly (Audio)

by TWiT

MacBreak Weekly covers all things Apple: Leo, Andy Ihnatko, Alex Lindsay, and Jason Snell analyze every bit of news from the most interesting company in tech. From AI to Vision Pro, iPad to iPhone, these Apple experts know-all and tell-all.Records live every Tuesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.

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Recent Reviews
  • Broken4356
    You’ve left me
    Mac News now wrapped in political views.
  • suzieq2002
    Love content when not trashing conservatives.
    Great Mac content. Leave the negative political commentary off the show please.
  • Flower Burger
    Feb 4 episode less than three minutes long
    Why is the Feb 4 episode less than three minutes long? I listen to the subscriber edition (paid!). Please correct.
  • dfeivelson
    BiDeN gOOd tRuMp bAd
    Moronic libtard’s who know nothing about politics and should stick to tech
  • Shaharah L
    My ASMR
    I only found you guys a few months ago but I love listening to you. I appreciate the way all the information is delivered. I tend to listen on my commute or as I am winding down for the night. Keep it up
  • w.w.parker
    Great show
    This a great show. The panelists bring a wealth of experience. I just read some of the reviews and I find it amazing how much some of the conservatives get upset when someone expresses politics other than what they believe. And they are quite the hypocrites about this as they don’t complain when right wing politics are get introduced in a program. If they were bigger people they would understand that some people have differing opinions.
  • iHeartApple2
    Is This a Political Podcast or a Tech Podcast?
    Leo is now doing podcast from his attic and has the nerve to call Elon Musk stupid. I’m tired of the political commentary therefore goodbye Leo and Twit. It was a good run.
  • Mack break
    Always an entertaining show
    Fantastic! I’ve been listening for years and I’ve been too lazy to write a review. All of you are very talented and well spoken individuals. Andy and Alex are a wealth of knowledge and expertise but I most often connect with Jason and do enjoy to listen to his “inside information “about Apple. Also a fellow Vision Pro owner from day one. Leo‘s powerful voice leads the team into a well rounded show. I love the fact that it is the length of time so that I can divide it up over a few trips back-and-forth to work. Gentlemen keep up the great work. this is the quality programming that we love.
  • Bsterntrfls
    On yesterday’s episode (10-15) within the first 5 minutes of the episode, the hosts were able to insult Trump, Musk, and the Boy Scouts. If they are trying to turn off a large portion of their audience, they are succeeding. Many more options out there. I
  • MacMcAndrew
    What do you expect from a company named TWITT!
    Andy has pics of Leo is the only explanation for him still being employed.... Jason & Alex there are two seats left on this sinking ships lifeboat…..Get off this wreck and leave it to the TWITT’s
  • dtricky1
    Stop with your leftism
    Been listening to several twit shows for years but have been slowly unfollowing due to the misguided and wrong leftist nonsense. Leo is a hypocrite. For example, he was a huge Tesla fan and even owned one but since Elon joined the correct and intelligent side of politics now Leo bashes him. Grow up and smarten up Leo. You’re losing your audience because you and your cohosts can’t stop being typical liberals and whine constantly on every show.
  • Aaron1599
    Deeply disappointed about the politics
    I don’t understand why you can’t just have a show about tech and Apple and just leave the politics to the side! I respect your right to have your own opinions, frankly I don’t want to hear leftist or righty politics.
  • JoeNinetyNine
    Keep Left leaning politics out of it!
    Spoiled by the left leaning politics. Alex and Jason make it palatable despite the political jibes.
  • SteveDTNYC
    Used to be SO much better
    As a loyal MacBreak Weekly listener for over 10 years, it saddens me to write this review. To start, as other reviewers have mentioned, their political views are very frustrating to listen to. I actually canceled my ClubTwit membership after Leo’s wife (TwiT CEO) made a very inappropriate comment on social media about the recent attempt on a former president’s life. Secondly - while Andy reminds me of my favorite uncle growing up, he’s soooo hard to listen to now. Everything is “very, very”, and it’s become very difficult to keep up with his ramblings when he goes on a tear about something. I feel like Leo even zones out 95% of the time and when Andy comes up for air, Leo will be like “…what did he just say??” I mash the skip button on my podcast player when he starts talking. It shaves the show down in half and gets me to the good stuff. The two highlights are Jason and Alex. They keep their politics to themselves (for the most part), and are always succinct and interesting. I do listen every week because old habits are hard to break, and I do appreciate the familiarity of the team, but oh how the mighty have fallen.
  • Jimmo48
    Way off topic
    I would have given this podcast 2 stars but Andy blathers on and on about nothing. Also if they would just stay on tech and leave the left leaning politics out.
  • OldSchoolNerd70
    Mostly good listen except for Andy
    Jason and Alex bring a lot of expertise to the conversation. Leo is a great host. However, Andy’s rambling nonsense is getting really hard to tolerate.
  • DemandJustice
    The Standard Bearer
    Macbreak Weekly is the longest running and best Apple oriented podcasts out there. Jason Snell is a great addition to the show. I like the fact that they aren’t just Apple cheerleaders - they push Apple when they do things that they disagree with. This is the Apple podcast to listen to.
  • jaross25
    Review from a 2+ year listener
    It is fine to talk politics as it relates to Apple but keep your snarky personal political opinions that have nothing to do with the subject out of the podcast. If I wanted to listen to politics I would turn on opinion based talk radio. Do better Andy and Leo! Alex and Jason are good to listen to.
  • FellowGEEK
    Rating 5 Star because Alex is gone
    I am disappointed that Leo allows people like Alex Lindsay promote destructive behaviors on this show. He mentioned rating apps 1 star out of spite and preaching this in twitter. This is not the type of people we want to see in the panel. Please remove him from the panel and I will reverse this review. Show us that you can act with integrity, we expect a lot from Leo. Thanks
  • Macclone
    Time for Andy to go.
    7/14. Andy can’t speak one sentence without stuttering. Sad. Hey Leo, not everyone is an atheistic California liberal. Maybe you shut it down or change. The God fearing, gun toting conservatives have money too., but I will never give you a penny as long as Andy is a guest and you both interject politics. Plenty of political news elsewhere.
  • Rick Edwards
    Worst podcast because Leo can’t take an opinion that doesn’t jive with his
    Leo has lost his way.
  • JoshFenton
    Poorly-conceived political views
    Show used to be good but Andy has made it unlistenable for me. The only thing left for me on the TWiT network is Steve Gibson and his show.
  • Russell Skogstad
    Used to like the show.
    Andy used to be the reason I listened. Now he’s the reason I just stopped. If I want non-tech related political commentary, I’ll watch the news. These shows used to be an escape from politics. Now they are as infected with it as everything else.
  • ryannfiscus
    Leo is insufferable.
    Leo’s overall negativity towards devices and software he doesn’t “agree” with (eg; the Vision Pro) and his willingness to constantly interrupt his cohosts and guests is driving listeners from this show. Maybe it’s time for him to leave the show, or even the network.
  • GIS Adm
    I’ve had enough…
    Andy Ihnatko calling users dirtbags for giving one star to apps is the exact reason you are getting this one star. It also seems that the show tends to turn into an echo chamber. I come to the show for interesting discussion on tech, and I am tired of hearing about how Apple’s approach to the DMA is terrible.
  • French Camp 49er
    Andy’s got to go
    Andy Ihnatko is a bigot and needs to be removed from the show. This used to be a great show but Mr. Ihnatko has became plain vile with his constant political interjections. I come here to listen to tech, Ihnatko seems to have become nothing but a mouthpiece for his political beliefs. Stick to the tech and dump Ihnatko. Can you get rid of Andy, he is bring down your show, you have barely any left you didn’t need to lose anymore listeners
  • cwk1209
    Stop the Religious and Political insults
    Please stop insulting your audience with your comments on religious and political issues.
  • Gumby_Mac
    Annoying host and long-winded guest
    I used to listen to the show weekly about 4 years ago and then gave it a break. Picked it back up at the start of 2024 and it’s unbearable now. Cannot stand the way Leo constantly interrupts or talks over the guests. He also bickers too much with Alex. I agree with the other reviewers, Andy is a nice guy, and often has great tech picks, but he is far too verbose. This show runs at least 2 hours an episode now. Thankfully I guess I missed the political injections from 2020 to now, but there’s a definite left-wing bias and more political banter than there should be in a Mac tech show. I wouldn’t mind a show with just Alex, Jason Snell, and maybe Renee if they could have a weekly apolitical Apple podcast (without Leo!).
  • Jonnyb098
    Used to be good
    In recent months most shows are rambling Andy, Leo interrupting and pushing his political opinions into everything and less analysis. The only saving grace is Jason Snell and Alex Lindsay. Except Leo constantly interrupts Alex to bash his opinions and bring politics into it. No wonder TwiT is bleeding cash, laying off and probably gonna be done in a few years. I used to be a religious listener of most things TwiT but like everything there’s constant politics being injected into everything along with Leo becoming a pompous fool that can’t contain just blabbering and cutting people off. Between the Ads last 5-10 min at a time and when Andy (nice guy ) just goes on…and on…and on….the useful analysis on the show by Alex and Jason could be its own 30 min show.
  • Aaron of Krypton
    Constant Interruptions by host thwart an otherwise insightful podcast
    Leo: please let others finish their thoughts before you interject. You most frequently speak over both Alex Lindsey and Andy Ihnatko, and the interruptions are enough to get me to stop listening about halfway through what is otherwise a great weekly show.
  • RaMcG
    Can’t take this any longer. Unsubscribed
    After 15+ years I’m done. Andy rambling on and on and on. Something that takes 30 seconds to say turns into 4-5 min. No lie I changed my skip to 45 sec and click at least 4 times when Andy speaks. Alex God complex - I’m right and you’re wrong nothing you can say to changing mind. Leo Finally spoke up on 1/30/2024 ep. Too late now Leo. Politics - I’m here for Apple Tech. Not trying to hear about Trump and Elon.
  • Alex6464
    Andy and Leo becoming unbearably sanctimonious
    Go listen to Upgrade instead. Andy and Leo are becoming increasingly unbearable. I used to have 5-6 TWIT podcasts subscribed. I’m down to two now (MBW and Security Now). Liao doesn’t talk much in security now. Thankfully. MBW might become the next one to fall. Alex, go to a new show!
  • washingtonpondfrog
    Great dialogue
    Leo is a great host. The shows without him lack the spark of debate that is needed. I like the back and forth between Andy and Alex. The latter is more polished in his delivery and makes a compelling argument. But Andy is often right in the long term and gives a non-Apple fanboy perspective that is needed. 9to5 Mac is a better source of accurate technical info and week-to-week news. But Macbreak weekly is a better debate and thoughtful conversation about trends and the future of technology.
  • Kevanjt
    Continual decline.
    Thankfully Leo is so much more intelligent and accomplished than dummies like Elon Musk and Tim Cook…. This is the only TWIT show I still listen to, but it’s often hard to take. Loved TWIT from back in the aughts. But I might be done. Bummer.
  • Ulanicki
    Andy, just be quiet
    Too much rambling and mumbling by Andy. Anytime he starts talking, I can easily skip 4 minutes and not miss anything. Also miss Renee.
  • david.whittenberg
    Great podcast
    This has been the one podcast I have stuck with over the years. The addition of Jason Snell has just made it even better.
  • Khun Kurt
    Need an Inhatko filter please
    His marble-mouthed delivery of boring anecdotes and needless analogies makes this podcast twice as long as it needs to be. His lefty politics make him even more intolerable.
  • es573
    So hard to listen to.
    This would be the best Apple focused podcast out, if not for Mr Laporte constantly talking over the guests (clearly miked at a higher volume) over the entire duration of the show. Incredible insight from proven experts in various fields, but the host has to constantly interrupt them to prove how much he knows about the subject discussed.
  • WizBang!
    Five stars, but I can’t afford it.
    There’s a person before me who says that the subscription model advertisements for the show have been getting longer and longer. I think that’s true; I’ve noticed it as well. Both Windows weekly and MacBreak weekly were great shows. But I have subscription fatigue, and I am looking to reduce subscriptions, not add more of them. Sure, it’s cheap. But I am on a fixed income while taxes, inflation, and insurance due to crime have all gone up. I have to cut back somewhere, Leo!
  • 049A
    Let Alex Talk
    I’ve been a fan for years, it’s a great show, but Leo and Andy need to let Alex talk. He brings great insights to the podcast, especially concerning AV tech, and yet he gets the least opportunity to talk out of anyone. Andy could also use more brevity. This most recent episode Leo continually cut Alex off mid sentence when he is explaining the new camera tech in the iPhone 15.
  • miamidragon
    Great Apple News roundup
    I love this podcast and is great to listen to different perspectives of the Apple culture. I like the way they keep the conversation going. It get tough with Apple because they are so tight lipped. Keep up the great work guys!
  • Silvertopdoc
    Andy skip automation needed
    Long time listener but can’t do it anymore. I am tired of tapping the 30 second skip forward button to get past Andy’s rants and hour long analogies. There is no way I would pay into to club twit.
  • Jeremy DeP
    Too many voices
    Enjoy the show but boy it is painful to listen to you talk over each other. Happens too often and downgrades the listener experience.
  • kentcallison
    Equal parts informative, entertaining, and infuriating
    I’ve listened to this show from the beginning, and it’s a mainstay in my podcast rotation. There’s no better source for Apple news and commentary, and I love the genuine passion of the hosts. My only criticism is there seems to be a lot of animosity between Leo and Alex lately. They often represent opposing sides to an issue - that’s healthy and compelling - but Leo is combative and dismissive in many cases and it makes me uncomfortable to listen. If you don’t value Alex’s opposing opinion, replace him, but I like hearing different viewpoints. Otherwise, why have co-hosts at all?
  • Maine-ah in Vermont
    Lefty Leo and crew
    Lefty Leo strikes again. It would really be nice if the MacBreak show was less about politics. I should not be able to tell that Leo is a left wing communist. Andy is a nice guy but he belongs on a show more about tech that he can talk to his hearts desire. He goes on and on without taking a breath. Alex is the most level headed guy on the show and often, in my opinion, gets figuratively, shouted down whenever he has an opinion that’s not Leo’s or Andy’s. Please Andy take a breath and stop talking over other guests. Andy will often go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. Now Jason is on and brings his left wing slant. He stated I would not want to talk to Elon Musk. Just because his snowflake sensibilities are hurt. Talking to Elon would be like talking to Henry Ford or Steve Jobs and poor Jason’s feelings are hurt because he’s (Elon) is not left wing like Jason is. Hopefully all the sponsors leave.
  • Juan Guapo
    What works… I love the asides and off-topic banter, Andy is a kind soul, Alex adds gravitas and experience in numbers. Leo is charming and overall an experienced, seasoned broadcaster. What doesn’t… Leo has a habit of over-talking (audio delay?) and interrupting the others, a lot. White guy club, not very diverse at all. I finally unfollowed because it feels a little more “bro dude” than I am comfort with.
  • JohnTheos
    Andy needs his own show
    For the love of god and all that is holy, please give Andy his own 2 hour show. It will reduce the length of this podcast and make it more enjoyable as other guests won’t be constantly cut off by Andy and we won’t have to be taken on a 10 minute scenic route while a point is trying to be made. Edit: not to be outdone, Alex- who was usually fun to listen to has gone all crazy town with his obsession of anything being regulated and let’s not got into his level of smugness. His latest spiel of painting every Chevy owner as with a broad brush was elitism of the worst kind. Edit 2: Jason saves the show but I won’t suffer the other two just to listen to him.
  • @TheYechGuy
    My favorite podcast
    This show brings me insight and joy thank you so much I enjoy the Contant and the rotating panel keep it up
  • DJBokChoy
    Love the show, but PLEASE remove politics
    Great show, however there is an increase in political talk / bias, Twitter and Elon rants, and a decrease in actual Tech Talk
  • Randy’s O.
    Electronics and Apple talk is really good, but!!!!
    Leo…. Stick to Apple talk. Your show is really amazing and I really enjoy listening, until you talk politics. Start another podcast about politics. Leave this podcast strictly Apple and tech talk.
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