Mac OS Ken

by Ken Ray
Technology #234

This is daily Apple news. Monday through Friday, Ken Ray brings a short shot of tech happenings to your day. If it's Apple news, Apple-related news, or news related to Apple-related news, you'll hear about it here. News you'll like... this is Mac OS Ken.

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Recent Reviews
  • 1966CASMS
    Sporadic TDS afflictions
    Listened to for years and used to be concise and actually about Apple. Lately has devolved into tiresome Trump Derangement Syndrome rantings. I guess new media isn’t much different than legacy media. I hope Ken gets his MOJO back and loses the lefty politics.
  • J. L. U.
    Stellar Tech News Reference Standard
    Consistent, Coherent, Constant & Complementary analysis and commentary on industry status with an Apple centric focus. Best tech podcast without doubt! Thank you for decades of Mac OS Ken.
  • Manhattan Glen
    Happy Bday
    Thank You Ken
  • Brian P L
    Been a listener for 15 years!!! Great Mac show
  • AussieYank
    Aussie Mike sez
    Ken, good on you for your mini-editorial on Cook’s donation to the Inauguration Committee. Why did he not donate to Biden’s? Probably the same fear of potential and threatened retribution, in 2020 by the rabid and violent people that led an insurrection and their ilk. Yes, how does he look his employees in the eye? While his reason, is reasoned, it is too cool, and his employees and customers are humans harmed by the daily attacks by the Trumpublicans. Cook better be doing some serious lobbying for his employees and customers!
  • MattinNC74
    Informative and Enjoyable
    This is a good daily podcast to get news about Apple and tech in general. He’s completely independent - not a corporate shill. It’s a great show to listen to while you start your workday.
  • Mr. Nilo
    Informational but…
    I listen to Mac OS Ken for tech news not political opinion. Keep the tech & drop the politics, or change the title to The Liberal Mac OS Ken podcast.
  • matthewmaurice
    Excellent all-around Apple podcast.
    MacOS Ken is a great one-stop shop for what's happening in the Apple ecosystem. Ken covers Apple news, releases, and a little bit of opinion all delivered with a lot of personality and wry humor. I can't give it a better recommendation than to say that it's one of my daily listens.
  • Listener Dude
    Simply the BEST, most sincere, succinct, daily, reliable, timely, newsworthy Apple podcast. I’ve been listening for 10-12 yrs, from nearly the start. The only time I don’t like it is when Ken takes a vacation day once in a while! My day is incomplete. I sometimes don’t agree with his cultural or political take, but I respect it and that’s because he respects his audience. He even welcomes feedback. Mac OSKen is the best podcast I listen to. And I listen to many many. Do yourself a favor and become a daily listener. And donate to his Patreon. He earns it. Thanks, Ken, for starting off my days right.
  • GilsDesk
    Start Your Day Right!
    MacOSKen is simply indispensable. Start your weekdays with this dose of tech news and you’ll be in the know on all the stuff that’s worth knowing. Is it addictive? Maybe. Is it nutritious? Not sure. But it’s the best.
  • Allan247
    Great show: All Apple new you want to hear about
    Updating my original review (below), as it is over 5 years old… this remains an informative and entertaining podcast. The format has remained the same: I’ll add that the topics included include a reasoning of ‘why’ that news topic is (or is not) meaningful, which is helpful to the listener. This remains a great way to keep up with news about Apple business and their product and service offerings. ———— I’ve enjoyed MacOS Ken’s podcast since I first heard it. If you are interested in the different developments regarding Apple and its markets, Ken gives an entertaining summary. For each story, he tends to also explain whether he believes the report, and how it may be important to either Apple, or you, the consumer. He keeps it entertaining and meaningful. As there are a few podcasts each week, the topics covered are very timely. He spends as much time on each topic as is needed. As he isn’t trying to fill a pre-set amount of time, there isn’t any ‘fluff’ in the podcasts. I recommend it!
  • El Digit
    Worth Every Penny
    Mac OS Ken continues to be one of the best shows out there. Truly a Mac news OG, Ken’s delivery and humor are a delight. (works as sarcasm and sincerity) Listen and you will enjoy. Trust me. And maybe send him a few quatloos…
  • Darth Kahless
    Soooo Knowledgeable?
    Ken knows EVERYTHING! Just ask him if you don’t believe me! Seriously, the kind of liberal that will make you hate being a liberal 😖
  • SandroCuccia
    Dropped Another Star
    The content is good, relevant and to the point for the most part. However the host’s style of delivery is extremely annoying, so much so that I often stop listening by about half-way through the episode.
  • boydr
    The show about nothing almost😉
    I find your show incredibly entertaining. Your delivery is impeccable. However, the knowledge sometimes seems to be lacking, especially when you speak about the stock market even though you admit that you don’t know very much about stocks and bonds, you seem to make a lot of assumptions about what’s making stocks, go up and down on a daily basis you have to remember that people buy and sell stocks, primarily based on their feelings not on logic so when you see Stocks go up and down it’s not because of what one company or another is doing it can be lots of other factors involved such as the direction of the economy and their feelings about it this is not necessarily anything to do with how any company is handling their business For a company like Apple, which does their projections on a long-term basis, it is essential to note that when Apple stock goes up and then goes back down again, think of it this way since the 80s the Apple stock has climbed more than 1000% that’s what we’re looking for the overall trajectory of the stock and the companies long-term profitability
  • apv9
    Deeply Knowledgeable, with a side of humor
    As a Long time listener I can not imagine my morning espresso with Ken's curated Apple info, sense of humor. His long experience reporting on all things Apple puts the iPhone, Mac machinations into perspective. Long Live MacOs Ken!
  • fecklar
    Great news and updates - great start to the day
    Mac OS Ken is a great way to start the day with Mac and Apple news. I learn something every day.
  • MikeNewark
    Good podcast but a lot of "ads"
    I been listening for a long time, enjoy the apple related news & updates. But it seems in the past year or so the podcast has gotten shorter & shorter....its now about 17 minutes...used to be 30 minutes or more.....half or which are spoken repeated ads. I understand why the ads are there but do they have to be so frequent? its getting annoying.
  • mattbeckwith
    Best Mac news show anywhere!
    Mac OS Ken is, by far, the best Mac news source out there. His coverage of what's going on in the Mac world is superbly matched with his wit and humor. Every weekday's commute starts with this awesome show! Ken rocks!
  • Darth Maum
    Superb curation of Apple info
    Ken starts my day; content rich, spot-on timely comments and delivered with personality. Always manages to sort through the mass of info out there to get to the most relevant; he offers facts and opinions both that clarify and entertain. I only wish they were longer so am happy to see that he is now on Mac Observer Daily.
  • djkevlarr
    I look forward to listening to This podcast everyday!!
  • TheMacGeek
    Great show about Macs
    I always enjoy listening to this show. Good Apple news, and Mac computer news. The microphone audio quality used is very good and easy to listen to. High quality Apple podcast, recommended.
  • Hamster Calhoon
    Ken Ray OS Mac
    Experience great Apple news podcasting with Ken Ray. I like Ken’s curation and delivery. A great way to stay up to date on all things Apple.
  • Volunteer Listener
    The best thing…
    …that’s ever been aired. Well done, sir. Please keep it fresh and funny when appropriate…and won’t cause the Coasts to fall into their respective oceans.
  • phranky
    The Business of Appy
    You know how the fastest way to go through the day’s tech headlines is to skim an RSS feed or MacSurfer? Mac OSKen sifts through the cruft, then presents the story to you. Priceless.
  • **
    Rock on Ken!!
    Ken Ray is one of the gold standards in podcasting! If you want to follow Apple news. He's your guy! Rock on Ken!
  • nother app user
    Great news, great guests, informative and smart
    Ken Ray has a swagger, a style, and a confidence built over a decade of podcasting tech news and his other interests. He clearly has the ear of others in the industry and experience only gained through thoughtful attention over time. If you want analysis, insight and humor. This podcast will not disappoint.
  • chriseldred
    Great Daily Apple News Podcast!
    I listen to Ken every weekday morning. Great high quality news podcast with some laughs thrown in occasionally.
  • macfixer
    Clear. Concise. Opinionated.
    Ken doesn’t just read the headlines and regurgitate them in my podcast feed, he injects his own personality into each story. His own voice. Best way to start each day, if you want to know the latest Mac news.
  • Gigatexal
    Long time listener but the ad reads are too long
    Love the show. But the ratio of ads to content is just too high. And the ad reads are too long. Recent ones has Ken having to repeat the brand 3 or 4 times its subtle mental programming and its gross. I skip the ads where on other podcasts I don’t because they’re not so in your face or long or repetitive.
  • caseymce
    Ken’s Great
    Love Mac OS Ken. Listen everyday!
  • r1d3r
    The best way to keep tabs on Apple news
    Ken keeps you up to date on the happenings in the Apple universe with a concise and witty morning review. Begin the day with a friendly voice...
  • OldMacGuyFromUtah
    The podcast to listen to
    I look forward to his podcast every day. His delivery and take on Apple news is refreshing and entertaining interspersed with humorous bits. I listened to his previous podcast as well as the new one. As a matter of fact, I like to listen to this one first and then the other, kinda like a sequel.
  • mascharinas
    MAC OS ken we need more show
    this show is really awesome and it’s all show was educational purposes who find intriguing about apple and coronavirus update.
  • Georgetheavguy
    Ken “Rocks”
    I’ve been listening to macosken for several years now. He is part of my daily routine and my “In” to everything Mac. Love his style and dare I say ...snarkiness in stories he reports. I have to say he is one of the only people I support, via Yes, he is that good! I have followed him on “Mission Log” but alas, something went down between who knows what/who and he left the Mission Log podcast. Their loss for sure. Anyway, you cannot go wrong with MacOsKen...It is a true pleasure to listen to every day.
  • Dishnetworkdealer
    Ken Ray is a consummate Professional!
    I have been listening to MacOS Ken for several years! He is on top of all the news that concerns and affects Apple and all of its products including Apple released news, industry analysts reports for investing, suppliers, government policies, trade wars and competitors. If you want to know about Apple, and you choose to listen to this podcast Monday through Friday, you will be very well informed!
  • Captain Buzz #4
    My morning wake up #1 podcast
    Ken gives a great overview of Apple news including the business side in a fun and quick show. Perfect shower length show played at 1.5x speed (I listen to all my podcasts and audiobooks this way). Where Ken excess above others podcasts is his professional skills. Speaking ability, great voice, delivery, etc. He’s radio talent doing a podcast, versus a Mac lover/hobbyist who decided to create a podcast. If you are interested in all things Apple then this should be your starting daily dose of news.
  • phoenixbwp
    It Rocks, You Rock, Ken Ray Rocks!
    Since Podcasts App has been lacking for me, I’m back to listening to my on time, best Informer-Reporter of Apple related News. Thanks, Ken Ray, for rocking since the first episode!
  • SebastianLuvsMac
    I Love MacOS Ken
    I look forward to listening every day, have been a listener for many years, very happy! I know Ken needs time off, it is very hard on me, Major Void when there is no Daily show! But I understand, Ken thanks for all you do! Sebastian
  • runeatdrinkpodcast
    Great way to stay up-to-date on Apple News!
    We have been listening to Mac OS Ken for over a decade. We get great summaries of all Apple News so we know what’s going on with the latest in Apple Tech. Short and sweet, Ken delivers the information and you don’t have to be a techie to understand it at all. Great resource! Love listening on my morning commute!
  • Homerdoh
    Rest of the story
    Reminds me of Paul Harvey am I dating myself hmmmm...
  • BigCoz
    Quick, great
    A quick, well put together dose of apple news. Ken is great. Live long and prosper
  • KayakOtter
    Excellent podcast with good information
    I like this podcast and look forward to each episode. Facinating host.
  • Queen of pies
    Your daily dose of Apple news
    If you intereted in Apple but don't have time to live online, this is your podcast. 10-15 minutes a day and you are up to date. Its not in-depth of course, for that you need to go online, but atleast you now know what to look for, and know you are not missing out on something.
  • NYC to Louisville
    You rock!
    This is a great podcast for Apple related news. Thanks Ken!
  • geekmee
    Listening for more than 5 years every morning
    I’ve been a former DJ in college and went to school to avoid the “radio voice” and focus on being yourself. I’ve learned to be ‘natural’ and entertaining is a calling or some call talent. Delivering a personalized Apple podcast everyday, at this level, is unheard of (pun not intended). To the listener who rated this as “Trying to hard”, bless you, for you probably don’t like sunshine or have an embarrassment of riches. If you have found something greater than this podcast on Apple. Please share.
  • Citrabpm
    Trying to hard
    Side jokes and sponsor plugs are an annoyance as well as “radio voice”. Content is interesting, but delivery subpar. Sounds like a broadcasting major’s college project.
  • vurnt22
    The Mac News You NEED!
    Ken Ray is THE Mac broadcaster emeritus. No Spin. No Fat. Just 15 minutes of the BEST Mac Podcast available.
  • EdwardILove
    Great if you love ads
    The podcast is about 35% ads mixed with Apple news and relevant commentary. Would recommend if you can deal with ads, which I’m not sure includes me anymore.
  • Esdsucks
    Done with this podcast
    Tired of the liberal BS, just want the news.
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