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Gonzalo_NavarroShow has turned so political that has become boringI used to love This Week in Tech. For years, it was a must-listen—sharp, insightful, and a great way to stay plugged into the tech world. It felt like a roundtable of smart folks who knew their stuff, and I rarely missed an episode. But lately, the show’s taken a turn that’s hard to ignore. People like Kara Swisher and some of the other regulars have turned it into a megaphone for nonstop Elon Musk criticism. Don’t get me wrong—critique where it’s due is fine, but most of the time, it feels like they’re piling on with no real reasons, just jabs for the sake of it. It’s gotten old fast. The focus used to be on tech trends, gadgets, and big ideas—not a weekly Elon-bashing session. Now, I’m finding myself tuning out. After almost 20 years of loyalty, I’ve started skipping episodes, which I never thought I’d do. It’s a shame—this show was a gem, but it’s losing what made it special. I hope they course-correct soon, because I’d rather listen to the TWiT I fell in love with than whatever this is turning into.
JoniOhhWhere oh where did the “TECH” go!?!?I too used to love listening to Leo Laporte when he used to be a tech guy. Now we have this show “TWiT” — that now has nothing to do with Tech. 🙁 Come out, come out wherever you are! 😭
NHW105595% hot takes on politics, 5% actual tech newsI have listened to this podcast for years. The recent slide into politics to so sad. In the past, I would just skip forward 5 mins to get past the same lame and uninspired hot take on the latest “controversy” found all over the web. This last episode was too much - 45 to 60 mins of politics. This has just become a reaction podcast with people who no longer have inside scoops, access to industry information, and are just increasing more mad about things. Sad to say, but I am now unsubscribing.
Mike.PTimes have changedTech used to be fun and so were the shows. tech is now mature; billionaires have been minted, have found their way into the government crosshairs, and even the government themselves. for those complaining about politics, it is unavoidable. tech and politics are now intertwined more than ever. the show's job is to keep us informed about technology happenings and it does that. it's not our fault these billionaires can't stop making news for the wrong reasons. 4 stars because Leo hasn't discovered Source-Connect yet; it is the answer to latency and those cringeworthy moments where everybody is talking over everybody else because of the delay. Please implement Soirce-Connect. (I use it as a voice actor for VO sessions, it's amazing!
LawFirmLeePlease Leo, stop the politicsI’ve listen to Leo and many of his podcasts for 20 years. It is, unfortunately, difficult to listen to him now. He has gone so political, … and so far left that he has lost credibility. How can he give any good objective perspectives on tech companies like Twitter/X, SpaceX, Tesla, StarLink, etc, when it is so obvious he hates Elon Musk. Leo has gone woke, and now he is going broke. It is sad to see, because I really liked Leo for so many years. He can’t get sponsors anymore and it looks like his company is headed in the wrong direction. Please Leo, … let’s talk tech, not politics!
CweinachLess Politics More Tech!I understand that politics and technology touch each other but I come to listen to find out what’s going on in technology. I would even be open to reasoned discourse from a liberal point of view but TWIT rarely has this any longer.
j e d i i i 0Political Podcast, Not TechI’ve only been listening to Windows Weekly for a few months now and thought I would listen to the other Twit podcasts. They are all great except this one. This is not a tech podcast as a vast majority of the time the discussion was about politics. It feels especially in bad taste when someone from France is trying to act as the authority on American politics.
JS. 2Improved SomewhatLeo, I loved TWIT until you went political in 2016 and at that point I had to stop. I am listening to Nov 3 show and much improved. You should make it clear that the Blue Bird TWIT app was controlled by Democrat administrations prior to being exposed. Keep it fair and balanced so I can continue to listen. Thank you
TN_Zak_08Leftist politics, not techI loved this show for years until politics began creeping in. I stopped for a while and recently tried it again. It’s worse than ever. They’re now obsessed with tearing down Elon Musk since he has sided with Trump. Stick with what made you popular in the beginning!! Stay out of politics or change the name of the podcast!
anp14Time for a refreshI listened to this podcast since the early days, following the group over from Tech TV and other projects. Lately, I only tune in when I see that anyone other than Leo is hosting. He has such a boomer vibe and constantly talks over others. With so many other podcasts discussing the same tech news, I’d rather listen to hosts who are more relatable and less cringe-inducing. I do hope they can turn it around.
skeptisarousExcellentVery enjoyable and informative program. I recommend it but I would like for it to be much, much shorter or have separate short (30 minute) segmented podcasts of the show by topic category. Keep up the good work.
VisigothNukeI triedI grew up in the Bay Area and worked the valley for years and know my way of seeing the world is at odds with the local views and still I really wanted a show about things happening in tech. However the unthinking bias of these lads make any information the provide so suspect as to be useless as a source of information. Sorry but I just can’t find the opinions at all useful.
NotThatMikeMillsAfter 20 Years Still GreatThe OG of podcasts somehow has managed to stay relevant and still produces great shows week after week. Kudos to the whole TWiT team for keeping me entertained and informed for more than 20 years. Here’s to the next 20!
VassilBGreat show!I listed to it often.
dffjunkPolitical bias affecting show's integrityFor the past several years Leo has allowed his political views to slowly creep into the content of his weekly podcast. This also appears to be having an impact on his selection of guests for the show. Originally TWIT was never about politics. Now it is. My guess is that this is having a significant impact on the reduced size of his weekly audience. Time for me to move on.
DemandJusticeThe Standard for Tech PodcastsTwiT has been around longer than virtually any tech podcasts (or any podcasts, for that matter). Every week there’s a new episode that does a good job of analyzing the latest tech news. I don’t always agree with everything the panelists say, but I always feel that I walk away more informed than I did coming in. If you limit yourself to just one tech podcast per week, make it TwiT.
Mr Systems EngineerGreat meta analysis of the weeks tech news,The best three hours you’ll ever spend listening about tech news. The audio quality is the best. All host sound great. Various guest hosts rotated through. Based on the remarks about Nvidia in 2017 caused me to buy NVDA stock then. The do long term thinking that has paid off for me. The security experts they bring on are brilliant. Its amazing the number of hosts this network has launched.
iOSGamerTech LudditeTLDR: He loves old technology, and hates new technology — and it’s insufferable
gmg16ASMR for the Middle Aged GuyWith a few notable exceptions, generally clueless journalists talking at each other.
mike0110mikeohyeahThe Godfather of PodcastingI’ve been listening to TWiT since back when you had to load podcasts onto your iPod using a cable. Leo was the GOAT then, and he is now. New tech podcasters could learn a thing or two from Leo’s production quality and his classic radio voice. And he’s just a nice guy, that Uncle Leo. All hail the King of the Nerds! 👑
bilbobagginnThe Best Tech PodcastThis is hands down the best podcast about tech period.
FellowGEEKPlease No More Amy WebbAmy is out of touch with reality and technology, she contributes garbage to the show. It was nice to hear from Kevin, please don’t use Amy Web in this show she brings down the quality.
GEFtheMongooseTime for Leo to retireI’ve been watching Leo off and on from the TechTV days. I’ve watched him go from being a friendly tech guy, to an arrogant ego maniac. I won’t mention all the scandals he’s been involved in. Man’s gotta know his limitations.
One2three-goBeen listening since the beginning!So what if politics and technology intersect. Leo has a great perspective so do his frequent guests. Keep going Leo!
Bad with MathOut of Touch - Too much socialI started off listening to EVERY show in the beginning. I don’t think there was a week I missed. I even visited the TWIT Studios to see a live show (before Covid) I was a huge fan. But in the last few years, Leo goes off topic, talking politics, religion (or lack there of - either way), and the TMZ social subjects. One show was mostly geared torward Taylor Swift news. I guess it depends on the guest(s) but there are times, I’m just so done with it, I cut it short and hope that the next one is more what I find interesting. I can hear a quality difference between This Week and Mac Break. Mac break seems to stick with what the show is suppose to be. I do find Leo is out of touch with what goes on with “normal peoples” lives in relation to various tech and social adaptation. I’m not trying to be mean spirited with this one, but my new cut off for the show is when I hear him plug his sons instagram and how he has a bazillion followers for his cooking skills. I get you want to plug for his benefit, but every show? - Sorry but Im slowing becoming less interested - and maybe I’m not your target listener anymore. :(
Nytwyng“Subscribers Only?”After falling behind on listening to many podcasts, I planned to listen to the latest episode of TWiT at lunch today…only to find that it’s now behind a paywall. While I understand the need to pay the bills to keep it going, I don’t listen regularly enough to justify the expense. Two stars because I presume the content is still good, but as long as it’s pay-to-listen, I won’t be able to confirm.
NuclearxpLet people speak!Like many others have said, the guests and especially host interrupting guests is like nails to a chalk board for many of us. Even speaking the millisecond someone else stop adds an air of tension that makes listening more exhausting than enjoyable. Listeners love and appreciate the enthusiasm but if folks could just meter that out a bit we would appreciate it.
Biggestwaste7872Great Content...when they talk techI really enjoyed this show prior to say 2017...after most became another “let’s denounce Trump every 15 minutes” show. I get it though, the show is in a very liberal area of California and I guess they feel the need to repeatedly remind the listeners how dumb Trump is. Tried listening again yesterday 11/9/2020...same ole same ole. I get it, you hated Trump. I had to turn it off after about 30 min. One can only take so much of smug/ condescending guests. The folks Leo has on as guests seem to be continually trying to one up each other on how virtuous they are. Please, Please, Please can you return to talking about tech?
nick kumarBest weekly tech showAwesome show . Leo is great . He brings you up to date with weekly tech developments with a refreshing sense of humor ! Has great guests as well .
ace8cjcThis Week in (Left) PoliticsThe recent reviews are all spot on. It’s a tech news show with guests that just want to soapbox about their latest political hobby-horse. Maybe that is your jam, but it doesn’t make for a very interesting discussion week-in and week-out when most tech stories are met with the same answer by the hosts: this new tech thing (or person) is scary, but here is how I think the almighty regulators can fix it. Leo’s heart is in the right place, but he surrounds himself with people who have a clear agenda versus those who just want to have a fun discussion about the latest tech stories. Leo recently remarked that TWIT is dying, and that’s no surprise. The average review is now under four, and still falling. If they actually care about the show’s success, maybe they’ll see that this same complaint is being expressed in these reviews over and over and over again.
ckatIf TechTV could do a parody of itself...Update 12/2023: TWIT podcasts are circling the drain. Leo Laporte has rid his channel of talented employees and banned guests who don’t kowtow to his egotistical narcissism. He has become a sad character who entertains listeners via unintended humor and episodic hypocrisy. The boys (and occasional girl) talk trash and tech. The show is entertaining (Laporte is a fantasticly talented host/moderator) even if the supporting cast are mostly ubergeeks. John Dvorack adds needed sanity and cynicism to balance the wild-eyed geeks. Some of the comedy is unintended, especially when the tenuous VoIP lash-ups warp and garble the participant's voices into cartoon-like accents. Ah yes, the wonderful stuff those dotcom boyz promised is finally here, and it sure is funny!
TheBestIronManEverLack of political diversityBeen listening since the Twit cabin. At this point a lot of the conversations are political and their is not much diversity of thought among the guests and the hosts.
Nj321Too much hidden antisemitismThe conversations keep getting very close to anti Israel and antisemitism. They make it clear what they think but are not allowed to say. I have been listening since 2005. It’s time for me to unsubscribe.
Jeff-dadLeft wing crapI gave it an honest try - weeks of on again off again listening. Leo’s constant chuckle combined with he and the guests slipping left wing political views into technology baffles me. Why would you ruin a great show for your politics?
Hawaii96813Same complaint: let the guests speak.Since my previous rating (below): Leo has gotten worse cutting off guests. This is a podcast about tech, not politics. Will not continue listening Leo: you are NOT the center of the universe. You have excellent guests but don’t let them finish their replies to your questions. They bring their views of the topic and I look forward to hearing them speak their mind. If not, host a show where it’s only you and you do all the talking.
USA MknitterYour Nov detox retreat sleepless night periodsLeo, when you can’t sleep at night, read a REAL book! All you need is a great, attention absorbing real-paper book, honest flash light with real batteries (or a battery-operated head lamp) and eyeglasses. I have been a longtime listener of your podcasts and am a few years older than you. When unable to sleep in the middle of the night, I read digital books or listen to podcasts with an AirPod, using the built-in podcast timer. If I had to digitally detox, I would defer to a good real detective story or biographical book …. You will manage the detox retreat just fine cuz you grew up (as a young kid anyway) without “instant” reality like what is available today. However, thank goodness for microwave ovens!!
wildt267Not very useful.I came for tech news and all I got was the various host’s opinion of how terrible they think Elon Musk is. That’s fine but not very interesting.
great content, poor productionConstant interruptionsGood information and interesting guests, but the main host constantly interrupts everyone else.
BranThaBuilderThe great TWiT netcast is overAfter many many many years of listening to almost every show every week, I have finally decided to unfollow all the TWiT network podcast as well as stop paying for subscriptions to the network. This is very hard for me to do as it was part of my life for so long. But the conversations have degraded over the past seven years. As of now every podcast is a Elon Musk dumpster fire. Regardless if you like the guy or not, not every show needs to have 30 minutes to an hour bashing Elon. We get it you don’t like him and we also get it, you don’t like anybody politically in the middle or to the right. I really enjoyed the days of the TWiT shack, and the brick house, where tech and new progressive technologies was the flavor of the day with a hint of politics. And the constant complaining of not having enough advertisers, without looking in the mirror is cringe worthy at this point. Some of my favorite podcasters such as Jason Snell, and Alex Lindsey have other shows that I can now enjoy. I get a morning brief with Paul Thurrott now, and I am hoping he can have a better long form podcast somewhere else where tech is the most important part of the conversation. I even listen to Jason Calacanis now and prefer that podcast over Leo and the TWiT network, which surprises me because I did not like Jason initially. lol. Leo Laporte was one of my favorite people to listen to for over a decade, and I will check back in a year to see if the network has pivoted to a tech centric podcast. I wish everyone on the network the best and I appreciate all of the years and shows that I enjoyed with you all, week after week.
CT2076DisappointingLooking for a new podcast that covers technology and found this. Almost immediately noticed they had left wing bias in their reporting. Sad, that this is media today. Glad that a lot of people are waking up to this.
MbwolkThis Week in Tech PolicyThe title of this podcast should now be “This Week in Tech Policy”. Leo has slowly steered TWIT away from its roots as a technology review to what is now a technology policy debate show. TWIT has shed segments with technical experts and transitioned to a format that features a rotating cast of policy experts. No doubt, that is interesting to marketing managers at tech companies, but not to me. I’ve always been a big Leo LaPorte fan. Like many, I have watched and listened to him for decades. He is now chasing a different demographic and I wish him the best. I am switching to “Rich on Tech” to satisfy the geek in me.
Maine-ah in VermontIntolerant Leo strikes againThis week in Elon Musk and left wing agendas. Hopefully advertisers understand that Leo and his lefties alienate all middle of the road or conservatives. Lefty Leo Please get over it and watch one of your earlier podcasts and go back to your roots. You’ve become boring and need to shake it up. The show was great when Dvorak was on. The only guests are left wing and anti free speech. Why not call the show the This Week Against Elon, or This Week with Left Wing Pundits.
Yo0@Oo0o0O0o0o@o0O0oO@O0oO0@0EnoughEven as someone in the middle, where most people reside, I'm utterly sick of the injection of radicalized alt-left politics and snide political jabs. It's gotten as bad as listening to the alt-right loons, except the weird smugness about being wrong about everything all the time, parroting talking points / hit pieces like you're an unthinking Borg, and surrounding yourself with some seriously clueless commie youth activists / tech journalists is just insufferable to listen to. Until you find some balance again, I'm out.
czipFocus!Focus on the technology and stay out of the politics and bias.
Brandon PNWAre you able to be quiet for more than 5 seconds after you ask someone a question???Seriously, the only real turn off for me with this show is because the main host never lets people finish what they’re saying. Even when the host asks a direct question to the guest, he can’t remain quiet to hear the response/answer. Nonstop interruptions during every single show. I really want to pay the subscription for ad-free but I can’t bring myself to it because of this single, but huge, annoyance.
Justin8156Was a huge fan, not anymore unfortunatelyEver since 2016 the show has gotten worse with constant one sided political opinions and guests who want to restrict speech. That and the constant hand wringing pessimism from “futurists” and tech reporters has really left me not enjoying the show anymore. I’m hopeful they can return to their roots like it was, Leo was once a defender of internet freedom and podcasting was the forefront. Now the guests want to ban what they consider “misinformation” based on their opinions. People have brains and can think for themselves based on available data. The show used to be really fun and I looked forward to it every week but that was 5-10 years ago.
FormulabrandSo much politics and virtue signalingTWIT used to be a must listen (like 10 years ago), but now Leo (and the hosts) spend so much time competing on virtue signaling and grand standing self righteous politics. And when will they ever stop complaining about Twitter (every episode since Twitter started!). I’ve always loved listening to Leo as host, but it’s really gotten pretty hard not to skip most of the show with all the political grandstanding and self righteousness of the guest. It s too bad to see most of this Netcast network go down hill.
RoombaLoverI found myself shouting at Leo!Let the guest finish her thought! He is a very bad host. Doesn’t let anyone else finish before he has interrupted them. I had to stop listening. not only can I get any information from the guest, but let’s face it, Leo is just plain rude.
Enthusiast for podcastEnthusiastI used to enjoy Leo on KFI. This show has gone on a serious decline. Rich on Tech that replaced Leo on KFI is an energetic breath of fresh air. I have also gone Komando; listening to Kim Komando’s show more often. Leo has lost his audience. The callers are uninteresting and boring. Leo fills the time talking about his vacation planning and TV sets. He seems to have difficulty dealing with the mechanics of receiving and handling calls. Leo is a smart articulate guy. His assistant, Micah Sargent does not have the depth of knowledge and experience that Leo has. He is shy about his contributions and overrun by Leo. This podcast needs to amp up its energy and contributors to retain my interest going forward. Othwise it will end up like Mad magazine.
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