Reply All

by Gimlet

"'A podcast about the internet' that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it." - The Guardian. Hosted by Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi from Gimlet.

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  • Didi Viv
    Better late than never
    Binged this whole series now, but 2020 material is rough. This time capsule is a difficult reminder of how terrible everything felt in the world for a long while, how did we get here again? Would love some guidance through 2024, but I’ll look for you guys on your new stuff.
  • Kona_Built
    I missed you guys
    You can’t imagine how confused and excited I was to see this pop up on my feed. I’m looking forward to bingeing Hyperfixed. Hopefully one day you’ll bring back Reply All as well. Your show helped me get through some tough times
  • BClickUniversal
    I first heard of this podcast via Trevor from Trudging Along/Beer Me (YouTube). Trevor is a very interesting and savvy guy, with a penchant for all things with a nihilistic twist. He mentioned first listening to the scammer payback episodes (102-103); and now I’m hooked. Try for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.
  • Redtootsiepop
    Like, very like Mediocre
  • ebrettrager89
    Subscription Verified
    A friend recommended reply_all amongst a variety of podcasts. I tried this one first, from the first episode, and have not stopped listening since. I love that they get right into the subject matter. There’s a minimal amount of banter that happens (but it’s funny when it does!), and not a ton of shameless plugs.
  • one of the dolls
    PJ doesn’t need a platform anymore
    Of course he drags the corpse of the show and network he helped kill across the stage again so he can use it to promote his new grift. No thanks.
  • doggo8344
    I was genuinely so excited when I saw there was a new episode, even though it’s not reply all, it’s awesome to hear your voice again. Can’t wait to listen to PJ’s podcast 😆
  • NickiR83
    Inviting PJ back to plug his new podcast after tossing him and the incredibly talented Sruthi away is….not surprising. I vote blue no matter who and believe that Black Lives Matter, but having concerns about / asking for more info on unionizing did not equal racism. Bring back the old Reply All with ONLY PJ and Alex as hosts, plus Sruthi, and I’ll consider listening.
  • megebenz
    forever dreaming of a reboot
    reply all has been my safe space for years and after listening to every last episode i am devastated that there are no more to be listened to. RIP to the only place on the internet that i love.
  • Lisa cushman
    Love this podcast
    This is a podcast about the Internet and modern life. I am almost done with the 189 episodes and I will miss it so much once I am finished. Reply All has brought a lot of joy to my life.
  • Hotdog Burgersworth
    Used to be good.
  • thebestrob
    Justice for PJ and Sruthi
    Throwing your team to the wolves was a late-stage cancel culture SNAFU that I suspect everyone will look back on as being on the wrong side of justice. If we fired all people for hypocritical journalism and protecting their company we’d have nothing.
  • Dorcas4
    Love it
    The podcast I chose to do my analysis on is the Reply-all podcast episode #1 “A Stranger Says I Loved You.” The podcast is sponsored by Gimlet media and this episode was hosted by Alex Goldman and P.J Vogt. I really liked this episode because it was just really interesting. I found it on apple podcast, but you can also find it on Spotify or any podcast platform. the podcast is based on the internet and modern life. So, each episode talks about an app or what is happening on the internet. The episode says I love you was about an app where you can tell a stranger to tell someone you love them. The ideology behind it is some people don’t have the ability to tell someone close to them they love them because they’re too shy or scared of how the recipient will react and that is why the app was created. The app chooses a random stranger that works for them to go and say I love you to the recipient of your desire. I found this episode very intriguing and funny because I was so surprised someone thought of this kind of app. In the episode, there was a person that sent out a stranger to say I love you to a friend in the supermarket, and the friend came on the podcast to say it was very embarrassing because she did not know the guy, people were staring, and she did not know what to say back to the person that sent the message because it was a very awkward situation. I would rate this episode a 5 out of 5 because it was just really funny and nice to learn something new.
  • jammie mcjammerson
    I'm just a stupid toxic racist, so don't read this
    was once an interesting, dynamic show about internet culture. love, love. had a mid-life crisis; decided we're gonna try some new things and if you don't like it, eff off. cool, cool. then, an employer didn't like a unionization attempt (gasp!) and the "scandal" that ensued means no one can have anything. do i know what really happened? no. neither do you. do i care? not really. and probably, neither do you. am i screaming into the void right now? absolutely. it is (was) a show about internet culture... right?
  • jnethery
    Awesome stories and charismatic cast
    I’m going to miss this podcast. It was a huge comfort listening to it. Always had such great stories.
  • coolusername
    Popular podcast cancels itself
    All I know is something went down with the restaurant episode. They cancelled the cohost and now the show is gone. One of the best podcast ever and they imploded.
  • Idiza
    😢 I’ll miss you
    The first podcast I ever followed
  • freabk
    Public Dilema
    Over the years Reply All’s podcast has kept our days filled with curious questions as where do scammers work at to how a rat takes a bath with shampoo. Recently PJ stepped down albeit quickly upon rising questioning to his leadership. I hope in the future he will come back with a new outlook on how to handle himself at the workplace. This show in the end is not the same without him
  • Motoman123
    Could barely finish one episide
    If you enjoy hearing the word "like" (as in "Like, I told him to, like, call me when he got home because, like, I wanted to be sure he got there like, safe.") and you're a fan of upspeak (where the voice rises at the end of a sentence, so it sounds like a question), then you will love this podcast. I personally can't stand those two things, so this is not the podcast for me.
  • Little Oak Boy
    Poor Alex, Poor Us
    Alex seems deflated and bored. I can’t blame him. There’s no more fun to the show. Can you imagine them doing anything like their story on Indian phone scammers now? Of course not.
  • BeckyFriedman
    I miss you guys
    Come back any time you want 💕
  • justgus32
    This podcast is a knockoff of Radiolab or Invisibilia
    Thats all…
  • Darrell F.
    Great podcast. Crushed that’s is over
    When I heard it was coming to an end I was instantly saddened. First podcast to do that to me.
  • Honeybeeberry
    Love, love, love
    I really loved this show. It made me laugh so hard at times, and I learned a ton about the internet and pop culture. Truly going to miss it.
  • Kimmycake411
    Going to miss this show!
    The best show that ever was!
  • Desemac
    TLDR, Reply All
    I started listening to TLDR and was skeptical when it became Reply All, thinking it would be a sellout. It wasn’t. Back then, was great, even if I didn’t know what was happening all the time. PJ was sparklers on the 4th of July; Alex was the safe-zone your parents made so the sparklers wouldn’t burn down the house. After PJ, no sparklers, just safe zone. Congrats to everyone who worked on the show, who made it great, or tried to keep it great. But it was time to go. I think we’re at Yes, Yes, Yes.
  • pghstyleguy
    I’ll miss you Reply All. Best of luck to everyone on whatever is next
  • jamie grisko
    tragic ending
  • 1eyeseas
    I get it they wanted to go off and do other things with their lives but this podcast was gold. It explored a part of tech and the internet that I’ve never experienced let alone heard of. They’re funny and I will always re-listen to episodes.
  • User20394737718
    Please come back
  • chezcherrie
    When someone asked, “what’s a good podcast?”…
    I used to list Reply All in my top 3. When the union-busting & bon appetite stuff all went down, that changed and there was now a caveat attached to the recommendation. I had hoped that Gimlet wouldn’t kill the pod and that the topic would be explored thoroughly and not just as a footnote & unreleased episodes. No one gets justice when things get brushed under the table. No one can truly be redeemed if we’re not able to have a conversation about what they’ve done to hurt us. Such a sad ending to what was a great production.
  • Kintheshop
    “The Cathedral” changed my life. I’m forever grateful to the entire team for having made that episode. Love you guys, please talk again soon.
  • Olshansk
    I miss the old days
    I remember signing up for this podcast when it JUST came out since day one. It was way ahead of its time and very entertaining, but the market has become saturated and the quality of this one has not kept up.
  • Ellie PCB
    An unsatisfactory ending to a wonderful show
    I’ll never know the full extent of what happened behind the scenes, so I can’t say for sure that PJ shouldn’t have left. I stuck by the podcast after that, and although it wasn’t always as good, I appreciated the hard work put in by Emmanuel and the rest of the team to try and make something out of the situation they were in. What I do know is that as one half of what made this show so special for so long, PJ deserved to have his name mentioned, and his work recognized, in the goodbye episode. The way you made him a persona non grata without any sufficient explanation as to why was downright confusing for much of the audience. I won’t let this ending spoil what was an unbelievable run for Reply All. One of the best podcasts ever. But as a human being, PJ deserved to be treated with more respect and empathy.
  • Seacoral 12
    Qanon code #122
    I still don’t know what qanon is after listening to this show. Roseanne and trump given some kind of credibility??
  • LMSR15
    Alex and PJ
    Alex and PJ, You two were the absolute BEST! I hope you partner again on a project because I think a ton of us would listen. I’m sorry Gimlet screwed up this wonderful show. Once you sell to corporate, it always goes downhill. I agree with so many of the reviews. Once a third host was added, the show tanked. Terrible decision.
  • buffalobrow
    Its just a podcast!
    Clearly everyone involved took this show and how it was recieved incredibly seriously- or maybe there were culty dynamics in the company. The stories on this show are entertaining and well put together. Def one of my faves. Timing was always hit or miss but life happens- maybe they should have brought on another host when the first baby was born and one of the hosts knew he was depressed. Bringing on a new voice in the context of this huge mission was a little much and took away from the show for me, not because of the new host but because it revealed how susceptible they are to peoples perception of them. No reason to qualify a person just bring them on and do your work on your bias without the audiance like many good people. The show didnt need to end in my opinion. I would like to hear the story of why the staff got so serious about this sometimes published podcast
  • canarysophie
    I’m a little emotional that it’s over
    I’ve been listening to Reply All since 2018 or so. I remember binging all the episodes and then getting really excited every time a new one came out. I listened to this podcast throughout so many important milestones in my life. This podcast got me through long, boring experiments in grad school, countless roadtrips, many sleepless nights, flights, and even a cross-country move. I always put on old episodes before bed and fall asleep to Yes Yes No (and Alex’s laugh). My feelings towards the show have been complicated since the Bon Appétit episodes, but this show still brings me so much comfort. Thank you to the entire team - PJ, Alex, Emanuel, Phia, Shruthi, Damiano, and anyone else I might have missed ❤️
  • @turner_sendz
    I was raised on reply all
    For almost as long as I can remember I’ve been listening to reply all all starting in second grade when six year-old me was in the car with my mom when she turned on reply all soon after that in third grade I had listened to every episode at least 5 times I had an addiction for the cool things I would learn about tweets electronics and just social experiments then in late sixth grade I learned that they were soon going to stop making episodes so I punched the wall of my bedroom and was very angry for the next month then I whent on a search for more podcasts and developed an unhealthy addiction to the podcast heavyweight so excited to see what you do in the future-turner
  • kickbackkid08
    Miss the original crew
    What a great podcast until woke culture ruined it. Y’all had something great. Farewell.
  • Shibby2142
    Episode 130 is an all timer. Everyone should give it a listen.
  • AlexCrl
    Old Fav
    One of the best podcasts to exist at one time. That time has long-since passed. RIP Reply All.
  • RedDogCometh
    Sad to say goodbye but…
    Not even a mention of PJ in the last episode! Shame on you people!
  • J$7
    Go Woke, Go Broke. Cancel Culture Ruined this Amazing Podcast.
    I miss PJ, Alex and Sruthiri. Go Woke, Go Broke. Cancel Culture Ruined this Amazing Podcast.
  • casers87
    Come on
    I love Reply All. But I’m giving it three stars because they’ve shut down all of their best, most creative podcasts. Really disappointed with Gimlet. I was a huge fan but they’ve canceled their best series.
  • twindaddy05
    A sad farewell.
    I have enjoyed this podcast for many years now and will never understand why it has to end. You haven’t run out of material so I’ll hope for a comeback eventually. I hope at least you will come back with an epilogue when you figure out what you’re going to do next.
  • dldnh
    This podcast used to be one of the greats until they broke it, didn't know how to fix it, and just made it worse and worse until they had to put it out of its misery.
  • aroskere
    Thanks for everything
    Reply All, I’ll miss you. That is all.
  • Ciarles
    I owe to reply all introducing me to the beautiful world of podcasts. Hats off to probably the best one yet. And goodbye
  • Podcastsnickname
    I grew up with the internet, i grew up with y’all
    In trying to make sense of this human era, in trying to make sense of the internet - this show is maybe a real influence in my life. Everyone on this show made amazing contributions and the journey has been awesome to behold. Good luck folks, and looking forward what y’all are up to next.
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