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Edith BeeLaughing All Over AgainI listened to Jim and A-Ron when Breaking Bad was current. I’m doing a rewatch and those two, with their smart takes and hilarious banter, are cracking me up again 10 years later! Love them!
boobrichardinsertsIt’s fineOne of the guys is really negative, hard to listen to sometimes.
LadyKakizakiBest Breaking Bad PodcastAbsolutely love this podcast. Keeps me entertained while I’m working especially this time of year when things are slow. Love their chemistry. Keep up the awesome work guys!
stevierayhendrixGreat podcastThis podcast features my favorite jim jones
TvxgvListenable in spite ofgetting LOTS of details wrong. Saying Maria instead of Marie, Betty instead of Betsy, not understanding how to pronounce Giancarlo, casino instead of casita? I don’t even know how they are mispronouncing Boetticher. Overall, it does scratch the itch for a deep dive into one of the most perfect shows TV has given us.
khiriathDecent showBut my god. “If ThErE’s AnYtHiNg I’vE LeArNeD fRoM WaTcHiNg 5 sEaSoNs oF tHe WiRe” We get it.
pindarninjaNopeI noped out of this podcast after the hosts repeatedly called Skylar the b-word in the second episode I listened to. Nope.
Ekyby3145-Stars! Excellent Podcast & BrBa Companion.I’ve watched BrBa & BCS more times than I’d like to admit. The Bald Move Pod’s are fantastic companions! Great chemistry (99.1%), insight, humor and break downs of both BrBa & BCS. Nothing is perfect but 99.1 is pretty tigh-tigh-tight!! It’s been over a decade but both the show(s) and Podcasts are evergreen.
ancbalsnchdbalabdhcI love this podcastBut y’all took skylars lazy hj way to personally 😭
gatorfanmrbAwesomeThese guys are amazing.
CosmoKramer234556HorribleThese two smarmy simps are unlistenable. Half the show is talking about patriarchy and racism. Obnoxious little douches.
Z-PomGreat podcastJust found these guys as I’m trying to quickly binge all of Breaking Bad and BCS before the second half of the end of BCS, and this is a fantastic podcast with 2 guys who know their stuff. Despite being years ago definitely doesn’t feel dated at all
LalindiaThe perfect complement to the seriesSo glad I found this podcast. I only started watching BB recently but I am hooked and I love how this podcast helps me process my thoughts. And these guys are plugged in so they (mostly) know what they’re talking about. Unmissable.
fool for mafsJust like with the series…….hooked from the first episode
Neplusultra123Currently revisiting the podcastThis is the best BB podcast. I’ve tried to listen to several, but this is definitely the best. These guys aren’t one hit wonders either. I’ve listened to several of their podcasts and they are consistently insightful, witty, and smart. Don’t let A. Ron’s inexplicable inability to pronounce certain words fool you. These are two very smart guys who are in the empire business. I’m just glad it’s not a meth empire. They’d be unstoppable.
Your New GuyGudIt gud
🌹WordGirl🌹The BestBack in 2021, listening to these guys, AGAIN. This is how good they are. If you’re late to BrBa, if you’re rewatching, Jim and A. Ron are indispensable as fellow fans with whom you can share your enthusiasm about the show.
lizapennGreat!Listening to this very, very after the fact makes me sad that I’m about seven years too late to go to breaking bad fan fest.
J. DennisValuable CompanionIf you're binging any new show, if the Bald Move crew has covered it, you owe it to yourself to give their recaps a listen. Adds a lot to the experience of the show.
Young bravoohg4BB & GOT from start to finishI haven’t found a better podcast when it comes to TV shows and my need to talk/hear more about it these guys are great.... I will admit that in my early listening I didn’t understand a lot of their jokes and analogies but I as I listen more because of the shows it became a must to see what Jim and AAron has to say about my favorite shows simply because of their passion. I also had times where I didn’t agree with them on plenty of subjects but their humbleness and self awareness makes it such a easy listen! My only wish is that they would give this show called “SnowFall” on FX a shot, simply because there’s NO ONE as good as them at speaking on the shows I love !
MrCarter007AwesomeBeen binge listening to a few of the cast. These guys are awesome. Started with GOT now catching up with Breaking Bad. So many great cast not sure which show to go to next.
DreyermjLove these guysLove these guys! My go to for all my TV and movie podcasts. Plus they are local +++
Msetta58My main source for pods = baldmoveJim an A A ron are funny witty, and insightful. They have their structure and recaps are great! They also give great predictions and analysis. This is my 4th full show they have covered! Im at the point that I plan what i watch with what they cover.
adrum1000Coming around again...Jim and Aron are great... I am listening again to this and to their Better Call Saul pod to refresh my memory for season 5 of BCS. Their recaps are a fun and insightful complement to the shows.
lace1184Greatness.Just broke down and started BB a week ago. I’m currently on S4 Ep3. Wow! Why did I wait so long? I currently listen to these guys and when I saw they covered BB I was stoked! Super entertaining and adds to my enjoyment of the show. Listen!
MrprieshoffPerfect Podcast to Follow Breaking BadThanks for the hundreds of hours of coverage for my favorite show of all time! I was great to come back to this one last time for el Camino. That said, I re-listen to several episodes just to hear my witty comments. Haha. Thanks again and I’ll see you for Better Call Saul (and Mr. Robot, The Watchmen, Movies, and god knows what else between now and BCS) So if you’ll excuse me, I’ve had a lot of water and the sink is beckoning.
BamberwishesGreat podcast!I’ve been rewatching the show on Netflix and listening to this show, great podcast guys. Will you be doing a new episode for the El Camino movie coming out next month?
EmiBellaGloBetter late than neverIm doing a rewatch of breaking bad to prepare for El Camino and I found this podcast ! I’m enjoying having the whole experience of watching the show and then listening to the recap/review podcast ! Great job guys ...
Quan1126Great for rewatchI listen to Jim and Aron for all of my tv reviews and this breaking bad review doesn’t let you down . All of usual banter you have come to love from Baldmove breaking bad style. Please tell me at some point you guys will do a rewatch of The Wire
MythrowawaybrideGreat Podcast.I found Baldmove because I was looking for a good G.O.T. podcast for season 8, and was entertained and laughed with these guys throughout the season. Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time so when I saw they had a podcast I had to check it out. Started with their season one discussions (which were recorded years after they originally premiered) and listened through. I have not found a boring episode, or one that I have skipped. Highly recomend and keep up the good work!
WlmrtdrvrLate comerI wish I had found these guys while I was watching the show the first time. They delve into the plot of the show that the official podcast doesn’t cover.
troyerlawGreat companion to show itselfI was late to this party, not finding the podcast till 2018. I love the pace and tone. Both hosts are nice blend of critic & fan. Clearly they love the show, but they’re also willing to call out episodes or plot points which don’t work or seem unbelievable. Also, podcast isn’t cluttered with ads and sponsors.
futuredrewBreak GoodIt's time to hang up the apron and take a seat on the RV couch because the Bald Move boys are here to discuss all the big events in Breaking Bad history.
CodSteaksLike my own water coolerI’ve seen most of Breaking Bad three or four times now, and consider Bald Move an integral part of the experience. Thanks, guys! Love all your stuff.
mem2nyy👍🏼👍🏼Simply compelling content for hours on end, these two fellas even make the work week some what tolerable, outstanding work.
Xcon75Amazing podcast!Brilliant! Insightful! Humorous! Intelligent! In a word....entertaining! Love listening to you guys, keep up the great work!
samollyThey have it allI was late to the party on Breaking Bad, but fortunately these guys have all the episodes! Loved listening to a podcast after a binge session!
mpcondFan-F*ck's-Tasctic!I decided to give breaking bad a rewatch, and listen along with these podcasts as I go, and these guys really did a great job of pointing out thematic elements that I missed. I appreciate the show a lot more because of these two guys.
The Fussy LibrarianPerfect companion to the seriesI'm watching the series for the first time and slow down my binging just so I can enjoy the podcasts. I listen to Jim and Aron regularly -- Mr Robot, Westworld, Game of Thrones, etc -- and they never fail to disappoint me.
Mmurph71GreatLove these guys
kev672011AwesomeI love listening to these guys podcast shows. I started to listen to them with Game of Thrones. I stated to bin watch Breaking Bad just to listen to their podcast of the show. A win, win for me. The show is great and the podcast is awesome. Also these guys are very funny, listing to them helps me make it through my night at work.
*Mannaz_Thurisaz_Sowilo*BBLove Bald Move's works. The BB cast is perfect in every sense. Bravo, Guys!
GiantsFan518Another Great Podcast from Bald MoveThese guys are simply the best. I love their coverage and analysis of some of the best shows on TV. They do a great job of recapping the episodes and are very informational about news and theories involving each show they cover. This is a must listen.
Steve Holt!!!1The best BB cast out there.I'll now probably forever accidentally type 'Villigan' instead of 'Vince Gilligan'.
XiankaGreat Breaking Bad podcast by the Bald Move guysGreat coverage of Breaking Bad. I listen to Bald Move's Game of Thrones and Walking Dead podcasts & enjoy this one too.
TheCompDoctorReboot Ruined itThe reboot of this podcast is really horrible. Too much gratuitous profanity from two D**B** who love the sound of their own voices. Please restore the old episodes. This podcast is nothing but a shame.
Paul Diddy dvig33Absolutely a must for true fansI am reliving breaking bad through this podcast. Almost as good as rewatching the series
Mighty OrphanA little lateI have avoided breaking bad for many years. But with the help of Jim and A.ron it has become a little more palatable.
samschoeffelGreat Podcast!Loved having these podcasts throughout the thrill ride of Breaking Bad.
CalicoskiesLove you guys!Followed your podcasts from Justified, Madmen, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul. You guys feel like old friends now. Not sure which I enjoy more: shows or your breakdowns! Keep up good work. Big fun, TY!
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