The Watch

TV & Film #23

Every week, The Ringer's Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan -- longtime friends and pop culture addicts -- break down the latest in TV, movies, and music.

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  • JBev1978
    Get to the subject…
    Tuned in to listen to the Bear season 3 review. After 15 minutes of pointless banter between Andy and Chris I’d lost almost all interest. Once they finally got to their thoughts on the show I was zoned out. Every show starts in this manner with conversation completely unrelated to shows and that makes it hard to continue listening.
  • art2020🗽🗽🗽🗽🗽
    Stop laughing at yourselves for jokes that relate to no-one but your white irrelevant selves. Parenting and sports giggles for 20 minutes? No thanks. Remember that your job is to WATCH and discuss what you are WATCHING
  • Augley
    5 stars for Chris, 1 for Andy
    Why are you still discussing House of the Dragon ? Andy stated outright he won’t do the “labor” to watch it with enough interest to have an informed conversation.
  • Gabsies23
    Andy’s HOTD hate is obnoxious
    I love this pod and typically their takes are spot on. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I’m sorry… when it comes to House of the Dragon, Andy is just flat out wrong. It’s really not that complicated or hard to figure out what is going on. Props to Chris for putting up with his nonsense and defending the show.
  • Fortich
    End the show
  • jared wertz
    Hit or Miss
    Half the episodes Andy just destroys the show being discussed and there is no actual discussion about the show or plot. Just Andy ripping the show to shreds and voicing his opinion. Ruins the episode every time because the plot and show don’t even get discussed.
  • fdoconnorii
    Where is Andy?
  • YEET8G
    No more Mina please
    If she can’t take the time to say a character’s name correctly and question herself when the other podcaster is saying it differently and correctly, I can’t listen to whatever is coming out of her mouth. It’s SATO! Not Soda!
  • itsbrandon150
    how old are these guys?
    they have some really out of touch takes lol they seem too old to be commenting on pop culture
  • Doritochan
    My go to
    During the pandemic I got into the habit of listening to the watch regularly. I’m starting to go though old ones, the ok computer ep gave me nostalgia on nostalgia 💙
  • Noelsdaman
    So tired of Andy hating everything
    Subject explains it all
  • staticnull
    Golden age of podcasting
    Formerly great podcast, now mainly about the streaming wars and media press releases.
  • Newrunner12
    Love these guys!
    They just crack me up sometimes. I don’t agree with every take (for example, I’m a huge Cowboys fan), but I always look forward to listening. Andy’s BlackT impression is the best thing I’ve heard since CR’s Wayne Jenkins. I think they should do a special event charity podcast completely as those characters… I bet people would pay to listen!
  • Bronson1032015
    Super Annoying
    Is there ANYTHING more RIDICULOUS than listening to Chris Ryan go on a HIP HOP rant? When C.R tries to show how down he is, and how deep his knowledge of RAP is….. OMG it’s beyond comical!!! The WHITEST White Man in America teaching us all about 2024 Hip Hop is hilarious and BEYOND CRINGE!!!!
  • Davehatesreno
    shoe on the other foot
    It’s interesting to find C.R. on the opposite side of a co-host slowly beating a slightly amusing impression into the ground. The sincerity of his laugh diminishes in response to Andy’s Cosmo much like Bill’s has with his Wayne Jenkins.
  • JID1946
    Skip right to minute 15
    The mindless bro chatter is annoying. Nerds yukking it up in gym class while waiting to be picked last. Get to the context of the show. They change to articulate and thoughtful after their chatter. Producer note: keep small talk to minimum and get to it.
  • JoshProssJ.
    Long time fan
    Been a fan since Grantland. Andy continues to be a tough hang, incredibly unfunny and full of random tangents….But CR is the goat and listening to best friends talk is cathartic. Also they're erudite and have taste. 5stars cause I’m loyal but Andy needs a rebrand lol
  • Goodwillhuntingforagoodpod
    Love these guys
    We must have CR as Wayne Jenkins and Andy as Blackthorne doing a whole pod. You guys are awesome!
  • iEpicDaniel
    More Cosmo
    A whole episode in Cosmo plz.
  • alchalant
    More twin peaks talk?! Yes please !!
    Do it
  • flangeslammer
    they’re jaded and have completely lost their fastball
    been listening to these two since Grantland / HP days. have always enjoyed their banter and familiarity with each other. in 2022 they’re so jaded by the subjects they pretend to cover like they used to when the show was cooking that it’s become near unlistenable. they are broken as of 2024, upon review. this show has an end date.
  • SuperAligned
    Mostly here for the banter
    I only watch about half the shows they talk about but the beginning of the podcast is my favorite part. They’re both hilarious and clearly also really good friends. It’s delightful and always look forward to listening to a new episode. Just keep doing what you’re doing.
  • ZengirlNJ
    Waste of time
    These guys need to be more prepared. Just boring to listen to 2 guys yapping and meandering. Boring and waste of time.
  • ssdrafiki
    Love it
    Saw some recent hate over this show, especially following the True Detective NC finale review. Figured I needed to get around to rating and offering up some love. Been a long time listener, as typically my views and critiques align with what CR and AG see. Tune in each week for their insights and suggestions, and rarely bored or disappointed. That said, I was a little taken aback by their high praise of TD NC at the start of the season. Given Issa Lopez was a guest host, I figured it only made sense they gave her the benefit of the doubt. What I loved was how honest the reviews were as things progressed. They didn’t cow down like most other critics, but told it like it is. Which means they pointed out the many flaws, but also the strengths. Exactly what you’d expect from a pod like this. Well done
  • ChopperAR13
    CR = yes…the other guy = no
    Gave this a listen for their take on True Detective 4 finale’ Love C.R. But the other guy is a boring,tool that doesn’t know the difference between a fire hydrant & a fire extinguisher…also I hate oranges
  • @WelchysGripe
    ANDY IS GOOD. The other one is annoying.
    I used to enjoy this podcast… now they just seem to know nothing about every show. It’s like, why do you listen to a podcast? Maybe for smart answers? Instead, these guys haven’t even put as much creative thought into it, as you are. You better off going on YouTube and checking out theory videos there.
  • Robert Henry Holtz
    Used to be great like 5 years ago
    Used to be great but Lost all credibility with their takes on Fleebag. Clearly stopped giving real their opinions and recommend garbage shows for other reasons.
  • RedSevenSW
    Full of Themselves
    These guys have become pretentious too high on themselves talking heads. I went from a loyal Ringer listener to now finding most of them very annoying.
  • DRLee13
    Hard to listen to. Unfunny inside jokes. Tedious, strained and intrusive banter. The hosts obscure real insights with their forced attempts at humor and “hip” asides.
  • superdude122
    All episodes
    Enjoy the show for the most part very much. My one pushback is that when one of the two hosts starts a story or monologue the other one doesn’t HAVE to interrupt them to interject a witty(?) observation/call back every single time. They could just let the speaker finish his thought/story. Maybe? Methinks thou doth digress too much
  • BelleMohr
    Too many sport’s references. BroFlakes watch shows, apparently with the sound and or visuals off because they miss a LOT of things. If you want March Madness like drafts about prestigious TV, or need to know the GOAT of something - than this is the place for you. wannabe jocks discussing tv and film they barely seem to understand. SUPER BORING 😴
  • Batos
    Put on subtitles
    Love your podcast and all your takes. But you have to watch shows like True Detective with the subtitles on. You’re missing 1/3 very very very important information, if you’re not.
  • wendybee
    Women make TV too, guys.
    I have enjoyed this podcast over the years, but am so tired of the almost singular emphasis on male talent and creators. It’s frustrating to listen to long, drawn out critiques with such fawning adoration for the men and such little acknowledgment of women’s contributions in the same project. Please try to do better in this regard.
  • fogetabotit
    Hot Tip
    If you want to listen at 1.25 speed.. first pump it up to 1.5 for 47 seconds… then reduce to 1.25 and you’re right on.
  • dchan578
    Two pallid, decaying middle aged white men use tv as a vehicle to discuss their favorite topic: themselves. Additionally like all Ringer pods in the Spotify era pure industry lickspittles who’ve never come across an executive rear end they are unwilling to kiss. Soulless ghouls.
  • nilbogpilgrim
    Andy Heidecker
    Greenwald would be bearable if he could simply invest his limited comic ambitions in a nice, inviting improv class in Pasadena—far apart from the audience at home. He is frantic flop-sweat personified and his bona fides as a mid music critic back in like 2002 don’t make his ironic detachment any less insufferable. Briarpatch was an unmitigated calamitous dud, but that doesn’t mean he should feel compelled to keep launching ballistic missiles of desperate dad jokes at unsuspecting listeners. Just dismal.
  • r1v3rl1ly
    Great pod!
    Love Andy and Chris. They’re insightful, smart and provide great analysis. Just one pet peeve: when you recommend new shows, like in the latest episode, it would be really helpful to find the list in the episode summary, or maybe provide us a link to go check it out. Thannk you for all the great content!
  • PaddyPods
    1.75x speed
    Been a fan of Chris and Andy since their Thrones recaps. Love to hear from them to recap and relive some of my favorite shows, as well as to get quality recommendations on new shows. Best listened to on 1.75x speed
  • vertital
    Respect no more
    Prior to listening to the the discussion of the show Lessons in Chemistry I had a lot of respect for this show. All things must come to an end. It is clear after listening to the two shows discussing lessons that both of these gentlemen have lost the the plot .(Actually they never gave the show a chance reach its self and where it was going) On further reflection, these people revealed themselves to be products of a particular West LA, Hip male mindset that is dismissive of certain types of storytelling that is female focused. The commentary about the issues of race in Lessons of Chemistry was both short sighted and dismissive. While this show is has been very supportive of shows like Andor, blind sports are undeniable, sexist and appalling.
  • Monsterfully
    The middle aged white male opinions we absolutely need
    If you’re interested in listening to 2 middle aged white men center their narrow minded opinions of what makes good content, deluding themselves into thinking they should be considered authorities on this topic without a diverse set of voices informing those opinions then omg is this the podcast for you!!
  • golfsummer19
    Just another left wing podcast….same old
    Tuned into this podcast to escape from things but this is simply more of the same. Even to the point where they will review shows and movies based on the race, sexual orientation and political slant of the content and the actors. They sound like two talented guys but are just more of the same. Democrats good, Republicans bad blah blah blah.
  • I. C. Weeener
    The show could be great if the hosts took it seriously. I love the inside baseball about Hollywood and their critical analysis of what makes a hit and why movies or shows failed. What drives me nuts is they seem intent on turning their nose up on anything that isn’t an art house film. “Why do you think we aren’t getting lots of original content these days?” they constantly ask, while dumping on everything that isn’t quite as good as White Lotus or The Bear. It actually makes me very sad, I’m not sure they can enjoy “fun” movies any more. If it’s not a 3 hour long meditation on climate change, it’s unfathomable to these hosts how the general population might enjoy the latest B-tier movie
  • Smallbini Albini
    can zoomer not take gluten??
    can zoomer not take gluten??
  • He who shall remain nameless
    Longtime listener that has come to find Andy insufferable
    Andy is a really tough hang. I can’t follow his train of thought most of the time and I am pretty sure it’s because he’s just generating word salads. Chris is the best thing on the Ringer but Chris with Andy has become my least favorite version of him.
  • bdub86
    Longtime listeners know
    Television the brush, and Hollywood the canvas for Chris and Andy’s subtle pastiche about male friendship in the 21st century. Episode to episode they explore what it’s like to work together, to move across the country together, and deftly confront the tension between best buds when only one of them has chooses to have children. 5 stars, it’s impossible not to root for these gen-x co-protagonists.
  • skihawaii
    Best TV podcasters in the biz
    Chris and Andy regularly guide my watch list. Not only are the recs amazing, the experience of watching them and then hearing these two discuss the show the next day brings me such joy. Chris is probably the best podcaster I’ve ever heard and I just love Andy
  • pjprenger
    Always a fun listen
    Find you someone who’ll love you as much as Andy hates midseason time jumps
  • NCedReviewNickname
    Not good taste
    CR is five star. Andy is zero star. I don’t care about the shows they watch. I wish Chris was paired with someone else because his whole persona is great and I would listen regardless of whether I liked the shows he and hypothetical new host would talk about. Andy is just awful.
  • kchatte
    Love the podcast - please get rid of Sam Esmail
    Love Andy and Chris, could hear them talk about anything. This 1 star rating is for Sam Esmail, his grating voice, and his dumb takes for the top 10 shows of the year 2022. I love the hosts and the podcast otherwise!
  • StillDixieLandingsToMe
    Great show with Chris in Tulsa!!! Thanks for coming to our town.
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