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MendiniTheGreatI miss this podcastI need to go to Patreon? I thought it had just been ended. I like it a lot. I miss it.
arthousecleanerLove this podcastThe podcast is terrific BEE is so charming and smart! Love it and I’m so glad I found it
Adrian69690Too bad it’s Patreon only nowNo more free podcast.. 😭
AndiobeCan’t Get EnoughFrom the fire and bombast of his opening monologues to the intriguing guests and delicious conversation the BEE podcast is fantastic.
PoppiekatGood intentions are Pc trademark and annoyingBret has done his homework and is able to articulate all of the variables involved in making films, including setting up the backstory for Walter or any of his guests. Very enjoyable listening to this podcast and others. Bret beats the guest to the punch at times, for the listener, he directs the podcast to reveal the current social and political constraints that endanger good films and literature. Predictably he is irreverent, honest and funny.
JMP in La JollaTremendous podcastB.E.E. is a genius.
computerclubPodcast I miss the mostLove every single episode of the podcast. Wish Bret was still making more!!
TheLastPlatypusPlease come backNeed more of this, especially with everything going on in Hollywood right now. Bonus points if you get Mr. Spacey as a guest.
nite owl 3B.E.E.If you’re a snowflake then this is NOT the podcast for you. Bret is real. He expresses truth. I admire his ideals and his is the voice of Gen X. Cutting through the millennial PC BS and the Boomer hypocrisy.
kavika411PLEASE COME BACK!!!Best entertainment industry podcast bar none - both in his opening monologues/commentary, and in his fantastic interviews. Want more. Please come back Bret!
TomyT1213I love this podcast!Bret gives great insight to Hollywood and culture in general. I love the deep dives into some of the great directors of the past and the projects they are currently working on. The only complaint I have is I'm jonesin' for more!
Jefferson253Former subscriber... too much BEE, not enough guestI'm a huge BEE fan, but there is too much monologue (it will either revolve around generation wuss, a diatribe on how any form of protest is pointless work by "snowflakes", the demise of the movie industry, a critique on identify politics or an anecdote illustrating the generational gap between he and his millennial boyfriend. Since his monologue can be 45 minutes it's often all of the above). Once in awhile these are incredibly insightful monologues but when they are as long as the interview are they necessary during every pod cast? Regarding the interviews he needs to learn active listening and in some cases the art of research. Definitely worth dipping in to download the one or two but as a subscription... not for me anymore.
SonOfLoneCatNot an interview showBret's not Terri Gross which is fine because Terri Gross is Terri Gross. This isn't an interview show, it's a conversation show. A conversation between two interesting people - Bret & whoever his guest happens to be. That's why I dig it.
brownoxIf you love the movies you'll love this podcast.Just as when reading Pauline Kael, I frequently disagree with Mr. Ellis, but his critical monologs about the merits of Huey Lewis & Phil Collins are nothing if not compelling. If he uses the phrase "comrade snowflake" one more time, so help me god I will send him to have is intergluteal cleft waxed by Tomi Lahren.
Bubble+tea=7,000A Brilliant PodcastIf your like me (and BEE!) and you hate politcal correctness, love movies, and especially hate political correctness in movies, then this is the podcast for you. Sometimes you won't agree with Bret's opinions on certain movies, but it's all ok because this a podcast dedicated to the discussion of film and pop culture, and your allowed to disagree on things. If I were to pinpoint one thing about this podcast I don't like, it would be the guest selection. Quentin Tarantino, Eli Roth, Paul Shcrader, Larry Clark and Peter Bogdonavich were perfect, but sometimes he picks somebody obscure and non-movie related that you don't really care about. Anyways, keep it up BEE!
dsvfjlucky BEE has a smooth voicei think podcasts are very different from “interviews" and people expect that there is going to be more time for guests to speak -or that the conversation will be 50-50…but basically pod casts are made by people who love to hear THEMSELVES speak, that’s why they don’t have a typical career interviewing people. with that said, i like this one because BBE is super smart, interesting, and enjoyable to listen to. Not to mention his voice is pretty sweet
Creator_Author_WriterToo bad......Marc Maron did the Walter Hill interview. BEE would have been so much better! Maron knows nothing about movies. Or directing. Maron: "Your movies seem to have a certain style. Do you believe that?" Hill" "Well, Marc, it's part of job..." Yikes!
Miss DandyA different perspective on pop cultureI'm a huge fan of this podcast and look forward to every episode. The interviews are great and the guests are always interesting, but what I really love are the extended monologues with which Bret Easton Ellis opens each episode. Not trying to fangirl here, but I could listen to him talk all day long about movies, music and pop culture. Really incisive commentary. Love it!
Seanvecgreatthe guy is brilliant and thoughtful. always interesting and engaging.
AugustWest62Too, well, gaySome of his takes are interesting but he's way too proud of his homosexuality and it's offputting. Just as someone who might be way too proud of the size of their penis would be. Sorry, nothing personal and I sincerely don't care that you're gay just that I, well, sincerely don't care!
BoZoOo4631untitledEllis is somewhat pompous. For an interview podcast, things can get pretty egocentric. No matter - he's flipping brilliant. He is incredibly well prepared and almost always extremely thought provoking. It doesn't get any better
tandooridanLove ItBEE is unconventional, maybe annoying to some, but he interviews people others rarely do, and his inside knowledge of LA is fascinating. Keep it coming!
BlaineMcGaffWell Researched and Thought Out QuestionsBret Easton Ellis brings his writing prowess to audio as he delivers essays of cultural deconstruction before interviewing his astonishing guests. He digs deep, and brings out the best in the guests.
ApskadStranger Things DOAI suspect that BEE and Larry Clark would have enjoyed Stranger Things a lot more if all four of the lads had taken turns screwing Eleven.
thecodyblaineSnowflakes BewareThoughtful. Intelligent. A good variety of guests that don't show up on a lot of other podcasts. There's lots of Bret here, but that's what I subscribed for!
Gresh1234Best Podcast AvailableBest podcast available today. BEE covers a lot of pop culture, from movies and television, to music and literature. Extremely smart guy who gets great answers out of his guests.
FunnyFaceKingI was looking forward to this.Great guests. Interesting host. Intriguing style. Unique concept. I wish BEE would post a list of movies I'm supposed to watch before he remorselessly spoils them on the podcast. And for somebody who relentlessly attacks "liberal SJW hollywood" for writing scripts with too much ideology, BEE sure does use alot of ideological talking points, dog whistles, and catch phrases (like "SJW" and "liberal").
AutohypnosisGreat for BEE fans. Others? I don't know.This is one of the few podcasts I listen to every episode of. Bret's monologues are always interesting. Yes, sometimes he does take over the conversations with his longwinded questions (for which he sometimes provides his own longwinded answers). I guess every listener has to decide for himself whether he wants to deal with it. Rock 'n' roll.
Johnny FuerteLove itThis podcast is intelligent and full of a soft spoken passion for art
ChumpoPumpoLove this podcast!I love movies and the way Bret and his guests discuss them! So entertaining and inspiring. Thanks!
Nandotunes2/3rd's worth listening toBEE has great guest and when he finally gets to the interview , the podcast is an ingratiating listen. Most episodes however you'll have to fast forward on average about 20 minutes to skip BEE's relentlessly repetitive whining about snowflakes and social justice warriors that are running around LA and preventing BEE from doing...I have no idea what he is whining about but apparently he's been "triggered". Poor thing.
rkeenanLove itOne of my favorite writers has a podcast and it is brilliant. He loathes PC culture as much as I do. I think he blames too much of it on "corporate culture" and not "cultural marxism."
Rites Of SpringMy favorite podcast, hands down.I love that this podcast is more of a conversation than just your typical interview. Bret Easton Ellis is one of the few hosts who always offers up what I find to be an interesting, well thought out opinion (regardless of whether or not I agree with him) on topics he's clearly passionate about. His opening monologues are always as interesting to me as the rest of the show - to the point that I actually wish he'd do longer, monologue-only podcasts on the off-weeks when there isn't a guest. Highest possible recommendation.
BrettFromOrlandoOne of my favoritesYour opening rants are one of the best things I've heard on the many podcasts I listen to.
Lizm007This podcast isn't for morons.Sorry morons, go listen to something else.
machinedudeWorks for meVery unorthodox approach to interviewing and risky, but it works. Bret Easton Ellis is always articulate and a fascinating thinker. He still respects his guests.
Rogue DJThe BestBret Easton Ellis is the best social commentator of our time and his fearless take on Hollywood is sharp, hilarious, and insightful. He takes no prisoners and he refuses to give into the bs politics of the business. Always refreshing, always relevant - I love this podcast!
Map_41Great Interviews, SomehowSome of my favorite interviews have come out of this podcast. If the price I have to pay is listening to BEE’s longwinded and often-pretentious views on the world of pop culture, so be it. The Joe Swanberg episode especially is a perfect discussion for any up-and-coming independent filmmakers.
BionicDaveAlways fascinating, even if one doesn’t agreeI agree with about 65% of Bret Easton Ellis’ opinions, but I find his eloquence, intelligence, and choices of discussion 100% fascinating. This is a wonderful podcast.
Alliemarie91the. worst.I couldn't even get through a whole podcast with my favorite comedian. BEE is so out of touch, an insufferable egotist, and boring.
RadixdemoticOne of the few shows where opinions on art matterBret is a great interviewer, putting Nerdist or Maron to shame. In a few episodes, the guests lack a strong perspective, being more guarded for whatever reason. Bret intrudes to keep the pace going. Quentin is too polished, too diplomatic to be as unfiltered as the greats. Kanye and Rose McGowan episodes are ideal entry points and two of the best.
Bart SzyszkaMonologues are read too fastI have one main criticism about the way this podcast is recorded. Bret tends to begin each episode with a monologue that he is obviously reading from a piece of paper. Putting the content of these monologues aside, my problem is that he often reads so quickly that I tend to tune out what he's saying like the adult voices on Charlie Brown. I listen to them through my iPod Nano where there's an option to play something at half-speed, and even with that turned on I find his monologue difficult to listen to. He needs to slow down, and pause when he reaches his commas and periods.
buzlinkSlow down!What are you afraid of? The pace of the podcast sounds as if someone is going to walk in the room and take the microphone away at any second. You are probably reading some pre-written points on a screen (maybe paper) and need to get them out. Maybe the audio is sped up in post? But it just comes across as rambling. Could be more interesting if I could stand to listen to the intro.
podcastlistener4453This man is so obnoxiousHis monologuing is pretentious and vitriolic and not at all based in fact. This podcast is simply a soapbox for him to shout unsubstantiated condescending nonsense about “corporate culture” and “victim culture” and “soft whiny millennials.” If you want a real interview show, look elsewhere.
amplefryYuckLured by you impressive roster of guests, I gave you one more chance to speak to me, B.E.E. I want to insult you, but I need to let it go.
shazaam720smartthe B.E.E. podcast is my weekly dose of intelligent pop culture discussion. love that he doesn't only talk to his guests about their projects, career, blah blah but also is very interested in their social commentary. has made me a fan of pretty much anyone he has as a guest. A+.
Jessie3528More women please!B.E.E. takes you on a roller coaster ride - you either love it or hate it. I love it and really appreciate how he deconstructs popular culture. It's way more thought provoking than 99% of podcasts I've listened to. I'm taking one star off because during his interviews, he has a tendency to direct and dominate the interviewee without allowing the interviewee space to answer on their own terms. It still remains interesting but it's not a very user-friendly approach to the art of the interview. Also, the ratio of male to female interviewee's is grossly skewed. I wish he would bring more women on the show. He is very smart and thoughtful when it comes to discussing women's issues but bring on some more women please!
Frank HowleyMy favorite podcastThe BEE podcast is phenomenal, Bret’s opening essays and conversations are incredibly insightful, thought-provoking, and funny. It also features the best film discussion out of any podcast. The range of guests is fantastic, I’ve listened to every episode and even the guests I’m unfamiliar with still offer engaging discussion. I absolutely love this show.
ChrisJScottcompletely up his own you-know-whatJust stumbled onto this podcast and, seeing all of the names he’s spoken with, was looking forward to giving it a try. Fired up his interview w/ Kim Gordon and was appalled at what a horrible interviewer he is - he spends more time talking and “educating” the interviewee with his reams of useless, irrelevant info before finally asking a question that it’s beyond tedious. Give offCamera with Sam Jones a try instead - thoughtful interviews with famous people of depth.
ThatdjaoIncredible opening essaysDespite it being an interview platform, the best part of this podcast (for me) are his opening essays, usually meandering observations on contemporary culture centered around a text. It's mostly a style thing, though; his insights can be tiredly egocentric or repetitive.
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