Evan & Tiki

by Audacy

Tiki Barber moves from middays to afternoons, joining Evan Roberts in afternoon drive! Sparks will fly as unabashed Jets and Mets fan Evan talks turkey with ex-Giant and staunch Yankees supporter Tiki!

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Recent Reviews
  • Ang1256
    Too many commercials
    I love the show and I understand that advertising is what keeps the show free but there are so many commercials it’s hard to get into a flow
  • EpcotBarCrawl
    I tried but can’t listen at all….
    I feel sorry for Tiki. I really do. Evan is so annoying. He should go back to overnights on the weekend.
  • Frish A Va Ca Do
    Great show
    Was sad when Craig left. Didn’t think this pairing would work. Gave it a try cuz sadly that other NY show has declined ( thanks Peter). Now I’ve grown to love it. Tiki’s analysis and cool demeanor is a pleasure. Evan is crazed lunatic witch is endearing. That other dude cracks me up. They all compliment each other superbly. Keep it up.
  • 4️⃣1️⃣4️⃣
    Tiki is the NY Giants Press Secretary
    Show is halfway decent but Evan is too much of a cross-eyed fan-boy at times (deGrom, Alonso, Rodgers) and Tiki NEVER has a single, bad, fair, critical, objective word to say about the Giants org or its players--everything the Giants do is the right thing. Wink could've stabbed Daboll in the neck on the sidelines and Tiki would say, "There's no issue between there. Everyone's on the same page."
  • dreadnattydread
    Tiki reveals who Evan really is
    Old Evan, with Joe, or even carton ugh, Evan seemed intelligent, could push convos to though provoking levels…when he’s next to an Ivy League educated brilliant person like Tiki, YIKES- Ev, cool down you don’t have to be carton and it’s okay not to be as smart as Tiki, it’s obvious.
  • yeheij
    All commercials
    Show got so boring after Carton left and now is 75% commercials so I no longer listen 👎🏼
  • ny nomad
    Evan is the most brutal host WFAN has ever had in afternoons. Tiki’s positive for no reason nonsense just makes these two unlistenable. Nice job Spike. Go back to Philly
  • Mike from Astoria
    Tiki & Bad Tiki make this show!
    Love Tiki Barber’s perspective and adult analysis of sports. Also love the Bad Tiki. The only this guy that would make this show better would be if you got rid of Evan Roberts and just made the show Tiki & Bad Tiki. Evan Roberts is always saying “I agree with you” when he is losing the argument to Tiki, Joe Begningo or anyone else. His immature attitude does not make up for his high sports IQ.
  • RockstarDude342
    Great show
    5 stars. I listen to them live and this is just snippets of the live show for if you missed it.
  • stevecohensmoney
    Evan and
    Never will listen because of Tiki
  • Pod-Thoughts
    Tiki is amazing. Everything else is garbage
    Tiki Barber is absolutely fantastic. It is a shame that such a knowledgable analyst is stuck in A) a market where the fan-base is imbecillic enough to want raging fans on their airwaves and/or B) a station whose management assumes that sports fans cannot appreciate informative sports talk without padding it with sophomoric inanity. Listeners! Sports radio does not have to be this awful! There is a whole Internet that can deliver sports radio stations where smart people like Tiki bring on expert guests who speak in calm voices about sports in a way that teaches fans about the sports they love, AND they have one quarter of the ads you’ll hear on this podcast. WFAN was a concept that was born in the Imus era, and the station refuses to evolve. It was barely funny in the 80s, and it is downright insulting now. You want good sports radio? Try the San Francisco Bay Area station. It’s really good!
  • NTJ08
    Moreass and lugey are on more than the actual hosts. And those two idiot don’t let anyone speak. All they do is cut people off and yell over top of everyone including the real hosts. This show is gonna get burried by Michael Kay.
  • usa fan 16
    Great show
    Good luck to Evan, Tiki and Sean Morash 😀
  • AndrewR3
    What Hour is it??
    Indicate which hour of the days show each segment posted is!!
  • Mrsaaaaaa
    Not good
    Show is not good at all.
  • grapefruit1299
    I would love to debate Evan any day on his sports knowledge, the guy is a complete fraud these days, love the show keep killing it Craig:
  • tito@bx
    Too quick
    Craig is not as funny as Gio or funny Robert’s is annoying,crybaby even when his teams wins he criticizes Boomer and Gio is the better show
  • pinny herzka
    Craig is hilarious and a legend beyond Evan is a smart well spoken sports guy and Big Mac and Lugi r great all around ausome show love it
  • kyle butler
    Guys Who Don't Take Sports So Seriously.
    Refreshing to listen to guys talk about sports and actually have fun. Quite a rarity in today's hot take era.
  • nyc commuter 500
    Craig…not good
    If you like listening to a self centered know it all who mocks virtually everyone & everything while talking about sports 30% of the time, you’ll love this show. Get ready for low class adolescent humor. But he is an expert on everything despite doing nothing but radio sportscasting his entire life. His partner is actually pretty good but sold his soul for career advancement.
  • brew806
    Carton rules
    Great job craig.. always lots of laughs
  • Subwayriderideride
    Disingenuous Time Waster (Carton)
    It’s quite obvious that Craig Carton does not believe half the things he says. He’s certainly not a sports “fan” in the purest sense. He is unable to hide his petty ego. The constant flip-flopping of positions, meanness to co-workers and feigned contrition gives us a glimpse of what it must have been like to be scammed by him. Him being a convicted thief just might be a clichéd shot to take at him. But It is a clichéd for a reason. People naturally are repulsed thieves and degenerate gamblers. He comes off as a rotten person who has somehow conned himself into believing he’s not to blame for his actions. So talented a conman, he’s even conned himself. Listening to Evan Roberts have to deal with this egomaniac is painful. Looking forward to Craig moving on with his ahole circus act.
  • 111469
    Good show, but…
    No problems with the show, but stop clogging up my feed with all of these terrible “bonus” episodes of other podcasts. Also, I know all podcasts do this now, but playing the same annoying commercials 3 times in a row needs to stop.
  • CB31981
    Carton is disengaged and boring
    Carton is completely bored of sports but pretends to care. Neither host finds the other remotely interesting or funny. They honestly don't seem to like each other at all. Just a painful combination.
  • bbigdogchris
    Numbah 1
    lots of babies in these reviews, grow a pair and laugh for once. these guys rock, keep going gentlemen
  • Joe RayRam
    They Change Your Settings To Download The Max To Pad Their Stats
    What I would expect from a degenerate gambler
  • Kicco d
    The great Caratini
    Mr. Craig car and can be the star of Craig and Evan. but Craig does his best work when he is working with someone that has more clout than him. Evan Roberts is a unicorn loads of sports knowledge his soothing voice over the radio and his child like enthusiasm for the game whether it’s NBA NFL for MLB he is a true fan that knows how to articulate his arguments. he is being drowned out by the great Caratini who is doing his thing which I love 💕. But my humble opinion is that Craig and Evan would be better off with different partners🤷🏼‍♂️
  • iPadCary
    They paid me money to say that this is a good podcast because they said it will help thier ratings score. Well, I don't know about the technical hullaballoo, but even if they didn't pay me money to say this is a good podcast, which they did, I would still say it's a good podcast. Which it is. Really. I swear. Honest!
  • Puma3333333
    Are you kidding me having an antisemitic womanizer on your show and slurping him the whole time. Disgusting.
  • MacDisciple
    What are they?
    They are not journalists. They are not entertainers. What is left?
  • reviewyou22
    Humor is the key word here. Ignore the passive aggressive listeners who are just lashing out because they didn’t get their way. This show adds laughter and personality in a way that not all hosts can.
  • Lach5
    Bring back Joe B.
    The show and the podcast are disasters. Carton has no interest in talking sports. He’s a self-promoter. Roberts’ sports knowledge and talent is wasted here. He - Roberts - needs a new partner or to be on his own.
  • 80'sVillager
    Really Bad
    It’s become an awful radio station to listen to.
  • nikeg342000
    Very obnoxious show to listen to. I always try to give it a chance but end up turning it off after 2 minutes
  • Pdiddywantabe
    Bring back Joe!
    This is almost unlistenable ! I think I’m listening to weenie and the butt on family guy. All Craig wants to do is self promote . Can we talk sports no one care who you know and what you cook!
  • Jakeydegrom
    JOE B!!!!
    First time in a while since Evan talked to s/1 functional!! I loooove joe b! Get him on more maybe once a month!!! LETS DO IT BRO’
  • scnj00
    Never Carton
    I used to enjoy Evan, but I will NEVER listen to Craig. Sad. I listened to the Fan for 25 years.
  • jyo6000
    Mets Talk
    Great host combo. I love to hear Craig talking about baseball and The Mets on the regular. Let’s keep it going
  • John C. in NJ
    Great job Loogey!
    Nice job posting the hour replays Friday. Let’s stick with that.
  • jetfred29
    Best show on the radio
    Great listen, by far the best show on the radio.
  • j.Gaumes
    I’m tired of all these media guys who think they are so smart, they dumb AF!!! Don’t listen anymore.
  • Erocsit
    Evan talks too much
    That is all
  • JAHfiya
    Longtime WFAN listener tuning out
    Arrogant, Immature, and not a sports show...After 30 years of listening to all kinds of personalities talk sports on wfan I’m tuning out. Plenty of other outlets out there now thankfully
  • nfldraftbites
    I love the Saturday show when we talk sports for the first time all week without fruit loops.
  • Tal4prez
    tell ya friends ... and a suggestion
    Can you post the full show last? That way it's the top episode each day. Thanks!
  • Anthonyfphillu
    Podcast should be summary and highlights.
    Great show. Show is 5 star. Podcast is about a 3. Need some highlights not the entire show and hour.
  • Unhappy tax payer
    Afternoon rush
    Probably wouldn’t hang out with carton but he can talk the talk with the best of them
  • fdp60093
    Carton iis still awful
    Only a matter of tine until he’s gone again Desperation by WFAN Carton is still such a phony
  • Bklyn Dodger
    It’s a mess
    What to you get when you cross a degenerate felon with a Howard stern fan boy?? You get this piece of crap podcast.. it’s an hour of my life that woulda been better spent shaving the corns of a homeless guys feet.
  • adam pod connoisseur
    A Waste of Evan Roberts
    Evan is great- knows sports, represents real NY fans, and is a great interviewer. Him and Joe were the best, but Evan has proven he can hold his own. Bringing Craig back is a nightmare in itself, with his 7th grade level persona and super grating voice...but making Evan have to sit there and endure it is just cruel. Split them up, and give Evan his own show, or pair him with JJ. Then we can have Evan go back to what he does best - hosting an entertaining sports show, and have Craig go back to what he does best - pining over the golden years with Boomer & doing his morning zoo act.
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