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Mike_is_ball’nShow endingI’m glad ESPN finally decided to end this show next year. Over the past several years this show has become more talk from washed up sports writers about their woke political views than about sports news.
PoliteJacobEnd of an eraBeen watching/listening to the show for 20 years, since I was about 10 years old. The entirety of my sports fandom. Thanks for the memories ❤️
ArethaBoomHarry Lyles JrWhat a square…guy is such a pandering and uninteresting loser.
Best Comment GuyMonica McNuttI’ve been a watcher and listener of this show for many years. I am really close now to unfollowing this show/deleting downloads etc… Book sports media members that can answer the questions that they are asked, e.g. Monica dodging Sharpes question. Also media members telling one side of the story like Griners situation. But I guess it is par for the course when it comes to media these days weaving the narrative that they want to portray. #keepitreal #don’tdodgequestions
LucarioTechGuyNeed the episode after the Tim Peel hot mic incident in NashvilleI watch this on ESPN Good show but I need the episode following NHL ref Tim Peel being caught on a hot mic
---------/////--------Wrong showLove Sarah Spain but that’s not what I’m looking for. Why are you wasting our time with tricks. I guess I’ll just unsubscribe.
Bneezy111111Why?I love this show. I love listening to the podcast at work. But what ticks me off is when they have Sara Spain’s “That’s what she said” fill in as like it’s a show. I don’t want to listen to her. Just don’t post new podcast under the show when it’s not the actual show. Other than that it’s one of my favorite podcast. Also I noticed this very thing with First take her take on First takes podcast.
PkKirby876False AdvertisingThe name of this podcast is “Around the Horn”, all descriptions of this podcast are about the ESPN show “Around the Horn.” And yet, I keep finding episodes of a different podcast on this podcast page It baffles me that the simple idea of “Put this show in this category” can be misconstrued so badly. Please ONLY put what you advertised, Around The Horn, in the Around the Horn category and leave these other podcasts to their own category. If a baby can figure out to put the circle piece in the circle hole, then someone at ESPN should be able to as well.
barxbadassI do not want to listen to That’s What She SaidIf I wanted to listen to that’s what she said I would subscribe to that show. The show I subscribed to is ATH.
cgbo1111BannedAfter listening to you lecture daily us about social issues for the last four years, having Sarah Spain of all people doing the read for the #metoo cringeworthy Pam and Tommy show is both gross and ironic. Hypocrites. Also Can you please ban June lee from laughing. Geeeez
Alan ClaffieFive good shows, one bad showAround the Horn is fantastic. 20 minutes of good-natured fast-paced sports takes. For some reason this feed also has That's What She Said, which is a too-long suckfest of occasionally profane wokeness. I've gotten good at picking out and deleting That's What She Said before it gets to my iPod, but I don't understand why that show doesn't get its own feed and we can keep ATH just ATH.
kane-oPleaseI already subscribe to that’s what she said. Please keep it out of the around the horn feed. They are two very different shows. it’s deceptive and I hate it when u do that. Also insulting to Sarah Spain (the commish!) that you think people only listen to her show if u trick them.
shellderamaFocusIf this is going to be an Around the Horn/That’s What She Said feed please rebrand it. It seems like every other episode in the feed is a different podcast entirely.
eruc solomitaTonyExcellent show 5 stars Clinton Yeates! Today
Dawgpee82Yes!!Now that’s a bingo!!!
5891JonathanBest Sports ShowTerrific format (game show) and knowledgeable sports journalists make this podcast great fun.
Around thereRachel NicholsRachel Nichols does the white power symbol with her hand at the start of most games. It broke my heart the first time I saw it at the preseason Nets game. It is hard to watch her since then. Every time I see at the beginning of games and she gives her monologue, her right hand holds the mic and the left hand goes to the symbol. It is soul crushing to see. It devastated my children and I. That is horrible thing to do to children, to allow it to continue. I hope that she goes and restarts somewhere else so she can rebuild the trust in her, to come back to do what she seems liked she wanted to do at some point. It clearly has become something else to her. Let her do that something else away from our sons and daughters.
Alex DodsworthBob RyanWe want BOB. We want BOB! WE WANT BOB!!!
personalPpenderheimHurtSnowflakeTony Is so racist! He clearly hates Mexican-Americans...totally inexcusable and disgusting. Will not be listening until they get some diversity in the host role. Wake Up ESPN and stop holding hardworking Mexican Americans down like nazis!!! #changewillcome #itsonlyfair #urproblyaracist
Too many nicknames?Nutt is horribleEnough said
Razon04A once great show not so great anymore.I use to enjoy this show a lot. It was a great format for general sports talk. Sports often are a back seat for a one-sided lecture on a social issue. I would be fine with social issues and the impact on sports being discussed if both sides were presented. Plus, the list of banned phrases the talking heads can’t say is stupid and doesn’t even make sense.
Brigs McBrigsUsed to enjoy the sports talk...Now it’s always a Tony Reali social diatribe. No thanks.
G LegacyGreat Listen!I think Tony Reali is top-notch. He makes this show run and plays off the foursome quite well. My favorite foursome is Mina K, Tim C, Jackie M and Izzy G. But happy to hear all! Thanks for this! G
dartichokKOI don’t know even if it’s the show I am talking about.
uncfreakChris CoteBring Chris Cote back ESPN. Also not enough Stugotz.
Wes is dope69The GotzI’m only ever here for Stugotz!
bliz7044Great showMy favorite podcast. I do think recently the tone of the show has been less about sports, but I still tune in. Hopefully we can tune into sports more;)
chadpenning10Exceptional ContentI normally don't rate podcasts, but this is one of the best shows out there and I needed to write something to combat the toxic negativity I'm seeing in other reviews. The pervasive stick-to-sports mantra is tired, direspectful, and ignorant. I want to make it known to Tony, the producers, and all of ESPN that this show's social conscience is one of the main reasons I have remained a devoted viewer and listener for over fifteen years. Watching the diversity of the panelists grow and evolve, as they navigate the intersectionality of sports and politics, is truly a gift to all sports fans and lovers of humanity. Please keep up the outstanding work and I hope the haters are forever disregarded.
Lake MeadowsReviewWish espn would rotate the host. Tony’s routine has become a little stale
45867524A ReveiwGreat Show, I listen to every new episode!
Don't stop itF*#n AdsWhat is with all the F*#n ads. This is a podcast. Not video. We listen cause we hate ads. We will listen no more. Disney must be desperate for money. Horrible Horrible
Doodypatrol1121VolumeI would really enjoy if the volume on the advertisements would be the same as the program.
Casanova1980Is this a show about sports or race relations?I enjoyed this show when it was about sports. Now it feels more like a show about race/race relations (can Kevin blackestone even discuss other topics?). I appreciate the need to talk about race, but I don’t necessarily think this is the optimal venue. Will be seeking out alternative shows which discuss sports...
co298Ads are way too loud!I want to listen, but you’re going to blow out my eardrums.
roadhouse2dcAd volumeI’m disappointed ESPN hasn’t fixed the ad volume problem it’s unbearable. Get it together guys and gals.
Yoda808Ads and Volume of AdsPlease, for the love of God....normalize the volume of the ads that get placed in this podcast. It’s bad enough you guys are shoehorning in ads into ATH (even when it was shorter 15 min Sportscenter editions), but now the volume of the ads is SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER than the audio from the show. As others have mentioned....STOP IT. By rating will be revised once this is done.
Englebre21Obnoxious ad volumeBlasting ad volume doesn’t get my attention for the product - it makes me mad enough to come give this podcast 1 star
Ericwood86Made my speakers explodeYou guys are ESPN and owned by Disney. You would think you’d have the ability to make the volume close to the same during the ads. I can’t keep listening while driving anymore because Geico is coming in maybe 20 decibels louder than Reali & Co.
Mike865865Commercial problemsIt's bad enough to have basically a 3/1 ratio of content to commercials, but at least learn how to level the volume when you go back and forth. If you turn the volume up loud enough to hear all the panelists on the show, you have your eardrums blasted when the loud AF commercials come on.
fed up player 10000000Great Show! Disappointed in ESPN’s Recent Changes!The show is really enjoyable and the topics are usually entertaining. The panelists provide a lot of insight on a variety of sports and topics. I’m extremely disappointed in ESPN’s recent modifications to the Podcast by cutting off a discussion to insert ads rather than the previous editions when the ads were played after the discussion.
erasing the chalkboardDone being a subscriber.Sad to go as I love sports and hearing about it through different opinions and ideas. I get tired of the hypocritical view of some participants as they preach a divisive ‘narrative’ of ‘elite’ ist thought that is on the way to destroy this country, not bring it together. Yes, I accept 2 mutes from the original ‘stat boy’. Please work on bringing us together as a nation of people, for the good of all.
AHol7997UnsubscribedI have so much more to listen to. This was the one ESPN podcast survivor on my list. See ya.
tiredgrlKyrieBring up that psuedo-intellectual Kyrie Irving? Instant 1 star.
jdmdmdmdmdjI didn’t watch itIt looks goooooood wamwam on yo head
AtulSofatStu!A great show got better with the addition of Stugotz!
JR IndyGreatGreat show/podcast, except for the libtard commercials for Mike Bloomberg.
Dabenow!!Tony has gotten to politicalUsed to love this show but in the last couple month the host Tony has gotten far to political and goes on a rant almost every episode. I’m over it, stick to the sports. I would watch CNN if I wanted politics. Will probably unsubscribe soon, there’s better sports talk out there.
maniacmatt1621What Happened to Fridays??2 straight weeks you have failed to load fridays episode!!! Tell that intern to quit slacking!!!
Oldie75The bestThis is the best of the sports debate shows (admittedly, the bar is set pretty low). Usually incisive commentary, they don’t take things too seriously, and the rotating cast keeps things fresh. Haven’t missed a a pod episode in 8 years. My one quibble is that, while I love the guy, Tony Reali has REALLY amped up the mugging and clownishness in recent years. The guy has charisma for miles, but he could stand to dial it down to an “8” every now and then.
Lord BeefiousSarah SpainShe is an awful host.
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