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SC SeniorMy favoriteI live in the USA (in SC), you guys are my absolute favorite NFL podcast. Love your spontaneous humor while you at the same time provide good useful analysis and insight. But get Jeff a bluetooth headset or something other than using the speakerphone feature. The sound quality between Jeff and Neil is terrible. I crank up the volume straining to hear Jeff and then Neil blasts me away when he talks. This is ruining the show.
betscgeeAMAZINGYears of experience, total knowledge of the game past and present, wit and warmth-it doesn’t get much better for an NFL fan-
Curly11223344Bad changeThe have changed one of the hosts. Charles Dagnall is the new guy and not a good fit. Old fashioned blowhard with very little to offer. Hope for change again soon.
RONALD JOHNSONAmazingGreat Podcast. Best NY Jets info.
Johnny HandsThe British accents are novel, but these guys know their stuffYes, I do get a kick out of hearing the British accents discussing NFL, but they're entertaining in their own right and they know a lot about the details of every team. And they're professional "presenters" (to use a Briitish term, i'm American :-). Sounds like they've been following NFL for decades.
Thebin1Never loads?When the 2011 playoffs started i enjoyed this podcast. Then it stopped loading. Always fails before i can listen now, have tried for a month now. Is this blocked in US?
jason-cnzGreat PodcastA different take on all things NFL
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