Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard
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nixfinityOnly gotten worse with JBLShow was hit or miss with Bruce, but only gotten worse with Conrad’s self promotion and JBL’s repetitive stories. Not funny, insightful or interesting.
The Puzzle MadterThe GreatestI have been a fan since 1994 Hearing about all of this old and classic wrestling is refreshing
JasonlewisstevenUnbearableAct like immature children. Great ideas but they are both unbearable
FSP315It’s 2025……why has the audio quality of this podcast been declining at a rapid pace while the cost of quality equipment and editing tools have decreased exponentially?
Ayesh AyeshNostalgic memoriesAs an adult, I get to learn about what went on behind the scenes from my favorite wrestling angles. I used to religiously follow the WWE from the late 80s all the way up to the mid 2000s. Obviously, I grew out of it as an adult, but I do occasionally follow major storylines for entertainment value. Listening to this podcast has been so entertaining and I am really appreciative of the efforts from Conrad and Bruce Pritchard.
Nicknamestupid30Give JBL his own showWhen Bruce comes back PLEASE give JBL his own show to tell stories like he is now. He is an awesome story teller for a podcast like this.
boxofoddities2Don’t understand the negativityThis is one of the best and most consistent wrestling podcasts that exists. 5 stars. The world is a better place because this podcast exists.
AkbayA4lyfeChanged my review from 5 star!!Watching old WWE McMahon era is like watching Benoit matches.. and Bruce defended that culture and that man!! So unsubscribed and byee
nicjohn13When it’s actually on, I’ll take itWas way better pre Bruce returning to the WWE, but still has its moments. Outside of the Tatanka episode with 1000 side tangents. That was awful.
Bob ShowerGotcha podcastVery one sided
HeelDylanApologistA couple of apologists for a sexual predator.
ElRakinSTWTo the dude who used a review form for a wrestling podcast to put his insecure political opinion out there, you need help.
Quality > QuantityTheo RulezBroke Larry David, I mean Bernie Sanders is such a shmuck. A millionaire crying wolf that he’s an everyday man, fooling dumb young kids.
OneraidernationShow usually leaves me annoyedUsed to love the show but it doesn’t feel like they’re trying anymore. 10 people could say something happened one way but Bruce will just insult them, ask if they were there and then say they’re misremembering if they were. He’s the biggest brain in wrestling with all the memories just perfectly written down his little notebooks, apparently.
Dirt_McGirt77GoodLove the show, I love hearing all of the old stuff, but the ads get out of control sometimes and the co-host’s hillbilly accent is brutal sometimes
YUsucksobadBruce is insufferable.I thought slurring drunk or opiate-filled Bruce was hard to tolerate, but I think amphetamine-loaded, animated Bruce might be worse! Never have I heard a person try SO hard and be SO amused by themselves. Good lord he’s hard to take. I can’t do it anymore.
happygeauxsox34Can’t support anymoreAs a former Patreon member I can’t support these people anymore. Sure there’s innocent until proven guilty but to constantly hear the McMahon name be mentioned is just tiring.
ian yanceyThe BearsThe Territory Show was SOOOOO good, and then the bit with the bears had me DEAD!! You guys make my week, being a lifelong wrestling fan, this is THE show!! Thx Bruce and Conrad.
Domo Arigaro 12180Lack of truthBruce is full of fibs.
SillyLooBirdA Must ListenA must listen for any WWF/E fan from the mid 80s to early 2000’s. Some very funny moments and great insight into the behind the scenes of WWF. Even topics that don’t sound interesting are made interesting.
Slim ShivelyTatanka EpisodeI have liked this show overall - it has given me countless hours of entertainment and laughs…but Jesus, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves about this Tatanka episode. Brutal. Just brutal.
Shark1971sharkIt’s OverThis podcast used to be great but with constant ads to force you to buy the ad free show which is still no better. If anyone wants real info and entertainment with wrestling listen to Corny’s two shows. Way better than anything here. Conrad is the worst!!!!
Rick DreibergToo many ads!Lord, there are like 4 minutes of ads for every 6 minutes of show.
wackasackkkkBruce the ComedianBruce should have a show where he just does impersonations of wrestlers and other legends. His impersonation of Jerry Jarrett and Stu Hart have me in tears while im at work, ive been going back and listening to the older podcasts. By far my favorite podcast, keep them coming guys🍻
troglobrodyTatanka episodeI got about half way through this episode and couldn’t listen anymore. Bruce just sounds at times like he is half assing the topic and talks about whatever he wants or rambles about things that are only funny to him. A digression here and there for a few moments is fine, but I’m not giving up my time if Bruce doesn’t care enough to stick to the script and discuss what we came to hear.
Kim fat unMuzzle Conrad please!!!I love this show, it is my favorite show on my podcast app and on YouTube, only thing I don’t care for is how Conrad Thompson is always interrupting Bruce, he literally ask Bruce a question and before he can answer or finish answering him he is already talking over him. Bruce is the show and Bruce is the real star of the show so why would you not let him talk more, keep up the great work Bruce and tell Tater I said du huh he know what you mean.
somteguraLiar’s CornerBruce Prichard cannot tell the truth to save his life. He is a pathological liar.
tfazz51 4Nice showEnjoy
W ky guySomething to WrestleAs a fan of professional wrestling since the 1970’s, I find Something to Wrestle with…… Bruce Prichard the most entertaining podcast I’ve ever heard, period. Bruce and Conrad are entertaining, and I learn something new about my favorite topic each time I listen. The nostalgia is great and presented with humor, from Bruce’s perspective that only he can deliver. No rumors and innuendo here!
AndyTx699Love the podcastI have spent many hours listening and enjoying this podcast. It’s a must listen too. 5 stars
Bobcast Goldthwait⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️The ad placement seems to have leveled off, making for a better product. I thought Conrad was going heel for a while. This pod (among others) is Perfect for lapsed wrestling fans who can’t get enough of old school stories about “the good ole days” of wrestling.
HawkisLove itGrown up watching wrestling it is great to go back
JeffK74!Something to Wrestle WithBruce is surprisingly funny, but also has amazing knowledge of the pro wrestling business. Conrad is similarly likable, and his research is exhaustive on every topic covered. If you’re a long time WWE or pro wrestling fan, I don’t see how you could not enjoy this show!
Hair of the Dog! 2Why have Bruce?Bruce says “I don’t know” to most of Conrad’s questions or comments! He literally adds nothing to the commentary. His attitude is like he doesn’t even want to be there? I won’t be listening anymore!
NastyJamesYears of EntertainmentI heard Bruce Prichard on Stone Cold’s podcast all the way back in either late 2016 or early 2017, it’s been too long to remember. He plugged his new-ish podcast, and considering I was working nights as a housekeeper, I needed more content, so I gave it a try. Something to Wrestle quickly became my favorite podcast, and something I looked forward to each and every week. The wealth of stories Bruce had, as well as his *usually* good natured spats with Conrad, were can’t miss listening. Soon it was my go to for road trips, doing the dishes, etc. I’ve learned so many things about my favorite wrestlers, and learned so much about the business from this podcast. As much as Bruce wants to share, anyway! So why not 5 stars? Before I say anything negative, BLESS Conrad and Bruce both for continuing to put out this show as often as reasonably possible. When you consider that Conrad is now the undisputed “Podfather” and Bruce is working for one of the most successful companies (not just wrestling company) in the world, it’s really remarkable that this show has continued. The magic is waning, unfortunately. Conrad sounds rushed, or disinterested, quite a bit. Bruce has always had some “cranky” streaks, but his energy has understandably changed over the past few years as well. Go listen to a recent show, and then the Radicalz or Brian Pillman episode to see what I mean. In fact, DO go listen to those episodes. Listen to them all. It was my favorite podcast, and it’s still a fine one. Bruce, Conrad, if either of you read this: Thank you. You two were unknowingly there as I went from a housekeeper to a Sterile Processing Lead. You were the soundtrack to many road trips. You’ve given me so many laughs and even a few tears! You guys rock, don’t let that magic slip.
Rich S in NYGreat tag teamBruce and conrad flair
dude7842689So many great stories from the golden era of wrestling.This podcast answers all the questions for fans of the golden era of wrestling in the 1980s and 90s. It’s by far the best podcast that Conrad Thompson does.
SpoonabilityBrother love ran the show 😲Hated that boring character when I was 13. Quit watching big time wrestling after WM V because ya didn't get chics in high school if ya did. Truely enjoy listening to Bruce lay it down and sick of "roll tide" (at episode 64).
DevanteJ24Not A RibBoth compliment each other very well, I love the nostalgic stories & behind-the-scene perspective Bruce provides. Looking forward to more great episodes.
sitw444lifeStill has charmThis is still the best chemistry in Connies Arsenal, yes the ads, yes the missing weeks, yes the megasodes, I know I know but when they’re on they are still on. It’ll never be what it used to be but to me it’s still better than a majority of adfreeshows other pods. I say the top 3 right now is Foley is Pod, STW, and My World.
DarrenJ78Something to wrestleEven without Bruce still very very enjoyable
NinasaccPerfect Companion PieceSomething to Wrestle With is like the perfect companion piece to the WWE network. I step away from each episode wanting to revisit the matches and moments discussed in this insightful podcast. Even topics I was less familiar with have interested me. ******Update 11/2021 The ads are out of control with content at a level that no longer warrants it. I appreciate the effort in keeping the show consistent — However I wonder if less episodes with more dedicated time could be a solution? Unfortunately it is just no longer a 5-star listen for me after being a must-listen for so long. :-(
wwechamps say noTimes have changedUse to be a five star show. Great conversations about wrestling and stories. Now Bruce is afraid to say anything, defends a man who abused power to sleep with woman, and almost never does a show. Add in half the show is ads for another guy who raped a woman on a plane.
brianjetsGreatAwesome stories of wrestling past
MCQNSomething to Advertise with occasional 5 min segues of Wrestling.Content is great, unfortunately there are so many commercials, you’ll be listening to an ad read for most of your listening experience. I don’t blame them for trying to make money, but they crossed into a parody of an infomercial. They clearly stopped caring about the listeners. I will go out of my way to not support any advertisers of this show due to the egregious breaks.
MCRUE78Not worth it at allIn the beginning it was great. They said the show wouldn’t change when Bruce went back to wwe . But they watered it down so much it’s too soaked to be any good again. That’s what happens when your Vince’s “Yes man”. Wonder what’s going to happen to Bruce and Kevin Dunn since HHH and Stephanie are in charge now . Everyone knows that HHH and Stephanie don’t like Bruce and Kevin Dunn at all . Something To wrestle is complete garbage now . 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Bryce GoddardTellingNot trying to be “that guy” but come on Conrad, its pretty telling that this podcast had a perfect five stars in June when I followed after years of success and a month after he goes back to WWE you’re at 4.6, I’m fine with the ads but enough with the megasodes. If he’s done just be forth coming about it.
DrewtheduckLove this showBruce’s availability hit or miss on recent episodes but 300 + episodes from the past are highly entertaining. My favorite podcast.
Adam85858585Use to be greatMonths go by until they have new show use to be great now just mega shows
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