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PaigeeeeeeeeeeyKeith is the undisputed GOATBest political commentator in history. No one analyzes the political landscape like Keith. Good job to Ros as well. Great podcast !
LuzdsasfCrap podcastWhat a piece of crap these people are
DE-frazzledMissing KeithMSNBC has not been the same! Their bad! No one touches Keith! Miss you!
pds6Who is Rude?Ross Atkins tells the world how Olbermann is rude and then the Ross' are abusive towards Olbermann.
garryffffFantasticBeing a big podcast listener I crave both entertainment and originality...Bouyaa!!!Have always liked KO but his and Ros' relationship brings us (and Sarah,the kids and...the dogs!) Into an honest,witty and often tender kinship.Urbane,intelligent and crazily different.Even the BBC should be excited!
octavio oLove itOk I love it this is great keith I hope they can work it out for a second season
CaltexicanRos and Sarah are the sweetestKeith and Ros have a kind of Type A / Type B personality dynamic that is reminiscent of me and my mom. Sarah’s contribution really rounds everything out and offers another dimension. She and Ros are like two peas in a pod, quite a good match. All-in-all it’s a very dynamic and bright program. I listened to the whole series in one sitting..quite engaging.
NNBrooklynLove itThe contrast between Keith's rather large personality and Ros's subtle wit results in a very funny friendship. Ros's wife is the icing on the cake!
DontHurtSpideyDef needs a season 2My ONLY complaint is how short this is. I need more olbermann quips, more dog anecdotes, more British pillow talk. Really, how hard is this?
mycalmazzottiOne of a kindIn a sea of formulaic podcasts, TKO is an island of uniqueness. This fresh series is exactly what podcast are for. Hard to explain. Just listen.
Trg loverHorribleWhat a waste of time so bad
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