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m4ttytaxosSO GOOD!!!I've listened to this entire series at least 3 times now!!! Please bring it back, it's definitely my favorite podcast and Jamie is such a good narrator!!
GCC UtahNomadLove Love LoveMore I want more….. long over due!!!
Denver0831Covert!Excellent podcast, informative and exciting stories. I’ve gained a greater appreciation for the way armed forces work and rescue around the world.
Georgia Boy US sailormanOutstandingSo informative and recorded for historical value.I can’t get enough of it.
crime_mdAre you ever coming back ???Because we need more Covert !!!!
jffgrdnrCan’t beat thisI listen to a lot of podcasts. Covert has a style that is just sooo easy to engaged with. It is so concise and yet detailed in all the right ways.
Kingaling5We need youPlease bring this back. Easily my favorite podcast
raceno24Ditto the above statementPlease come back.
Jeff KingCOME BACKI miss you.
katherineswExcellent and informativeHearing about the facts surrounding these special ops is fascinating and highly entertaining.
JimmyDluxGreat for any military buffA great show detailing various special forces operations from numerous countries, not just the U.S. But I’m still waiting on more. After two seasons they suddenly disappeared and left us hanging...
BillBlaster1Excellent HistoryGreat yarns about covert operations, rescues of hostages and minor skirmishes. Very well-researched and presented, and historically accurate. Highly recommended.
Delta oh noYou should make some more!!👍🏼You should make some more!!!!👍🏼👍🏼
ufvcbfgbooRuined by Copious AdsThe subject matter of this podcast is very interesting but it is overwhelmed with so many ads I couldn’t continue to listen to it. I really felt like so many subjects were covered in more than one episode because of the extraordinary number and length of the ads.
T REDSHope this comes backThis was a great podcast! I sure hope it returns for another season!!!
GooberfishExcellent Podcast series, however...Exceptionally written, produced and narrated with sufficient detail to draw you in quickly. Often uses actual witnesses, participants or experts to give context to the story. I have learned a lot from these stories. The episode content is 5 star, but I give 3 stars due to excessive commercial interruptions. Expect at least 5 commercials within a 45 minute podcast. Interruptions at least every 7 minutes, sometimes more often. I get it, creating content isn't cheap, but get the interruptions over with or group together so I'm not tempted to move on to something else.
TheRealJayZMIAWho starts a podcast and then just lets it fizzle out into oblivion?
Sophie.castellanCome back!I love this podcast. The way it’s narrated, the interviews and sound effects, the way the info is laid out. I love it! But where did it goooo? :(
OW_ArcticWhen are episodes coming back??When?
Take Back The HouseSFKeep doing more.....I love ‘em
Mikesig7770New Episodes?When will you be back?
G-dressingWhen are you returning?Really great podcast. I keep checking if there are any new episodes.
Juju beerGreat stuffGreat research. Would love to see an episode on IRA-SAS engagements from the troubles
inter.stellerComing back soon?Favorite podcast by far. When is it coming back? I am really looking forward to new episodes!!! Please come back soon!!!!
Mattandsam01Great but...I love this podcast but needs more episodes
P-Dub25When is Covert coming back????Great show, need new episodes!
derqwtyzzzGreat!So far I am digging the podcast!
Bohden whomst is ZestedOh Lord!This is legitimately the best podcast about true crime(I guess) I have ever listened to. I would recommend this to a friend(and I’m going to!!!). 👌🏼
My Baby MamaGenuinely Well DoneThis is such a refreshing change from the true crime rut I can get in. Which I love, but can get old. Listening to the actual people who were there makes it like you’re listening to a well done tv show. It’s honestly worth bingeing.
Mase_CaseExceptionalI like one or two podcasts as much as this one. It provides information in an engaging narrative rhythm. Well done!
cheekyarentyouGreat content and deliveryI skimmed through a ton of reviews because I was surprised the overall rating wasn’t higher. The complaints are ridiculous; “too many commercials “, “too many experts” etc. seriously? If you don’t like commercials then send money. I love perspective and insight from experts, it gives a better understanding of the politics and humanity than listening to non experts speculate. Having the insight straight from the authority on the subject is a quick/easy way to validate their information. The audio is as good as 90% of others, there’s nothing that stands out. I love the speed and cadence of the delivery. I can’t listen to many podcasts because they talk too slowly or sound like they’re reading in a high school class. It’s a great mix of facts as it carries the story through the politics and cultural issues. Anyway. I love it, good job
brightonjohnGood + interesting show BUT...I enjoy it. It’s content is interesting but too many interviews BUT i’m Finished w/ Covert b/c of its multitude of commercials. Enough’s Enough. Keep enjoying it those who have more patience than me
iam4auburntigersGreat PodcastGreat insight on some of the brave and courageous special forces from around the world and their operations/rescues. I highly recommend.
GolfsuzerExcellent and interesting podcastThe narrator is amazing. He narrates this like he knows the story. It doesn’t sound like he is reading it. This is my complaint with so many podcasts that may have great content but if you are reading a script, it is very boring. Additionally these are in-depth stories that seem to have new content and information. I listen to crime podcasts and they repeat the same stories with very little new content. I love this podcast.
war history nutPleasePlease make an episode about world war 2
Alton00Poor recording qualityInterviews are very difficult to hear. Very poor recording quality.
LordDingus4Well done!Well balanced narration with audio transcripts and interviews. Good use of music and just simply outstanding storytelling.
Shi NobiOutstanding Podcast!The music is spot-on and the broadcaster’s voice fits the theme perfectly! I wish the seasons were longer, why is this not a year-round broadcast?! -BP
mts0171Great podcastExcellent content
Gary JauriqueGreat podcastOnly thing bad about this is that It’s over
iamkarzCaptivating storytellingSuperb documentary and highly entertaining! Must listen.
DudiwhfiekwhdhfhGreat show great storiesAlmost perfect, the audio in some sections isn’t great, but I can still understand what everyone is saying so it’s not that bad.
BrittPonsettThank youPodcast recommendation : At my age I have known and know many of the heroic members of the military, including my parents. The Podcast “ Covert “ takes you behind enemy lines, to walk you through some of the most intense Special Operations planning and execution. Host Jamie Renell with the solid clear voice of a Drill Sergeant walks you through operations such as, and including the take out of Osama Bin-laden. Joined by experts in the field, you are given a taste of the operation from the safety of your seat. This is one of many operations explored. Whether you are current or ex-military or you just know someone in the service, you can’t help but enjoy this Podcast. And to all our heroes - Thank You
PJ SullivanGreat concept, average executionNeed to stick to the story more and have less of the “experts” telling us that the military members would be very prepared and have guns and ammo...uhhh ya think? Less filler from experts, more actual info from the story.
JacktrumanhighwayGuest are hard to understandI really love the podcast, but, as a radio professional, I can’t understand why you guys wouldn’t mic up your guests correctly. They all sound like they are in a huge bathroom, 25 feet from the mic. I understand the difficulties of remote recording, but you got the hard part covered already. You got sound, but How much more effort is it to spend 5 minutes on mic technique/placement for a 1000x’s Better sounding podcast?
TalmageGT4Great content but two many adsI love the very action packed content then 3 times a episode I hear "Hey folks" which precedes to a 2 minute long ad. These are only 30 minute episode we don’t need this many advertisements.
Skully1120CovertI stumbled upon this podcast. Have listened to every episode twice. Absolutely love it!!!!
sanddip4321CovertExcellent content. Audio for reader is excellent but others sound like they are speaking inside a bucket. Difficult to understand at times.sound engineer could maybe help
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