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Terri192Too many commercialsToo many commercials for the amount of content. Interesting topics but not worth my time in ads.
ElizabethGreeno22!A Bit FlakyThis had to be one of the most thrilling podcasts I’ve listened to, I really enjoyed how the background music made it suspenseful and the speaker kept you on your toes. The podcast included very interesting and detailed facts that I probably never would have heard of or even known which made me glad I listened to this podcast. In a funny way this podcast made me curious to hear more interesting stories, I’d give this one a go!
Wyatt2424Pod that uses listeners for ad revenue $$$If you’re looking to pay a monthly subscription fee to hear 5 minutes of a wiki (fill in the blank) event synopsis, plus 6-9min of ads, then this is perfect for you. I used to adore this podcast and would constantly recommend it to others, now I can hardly listen to it. The whole show feels like you’re being farmed for ad revenue vs the gem it used to be.
justfan1567Toledo StoryLove the show. Your episode about Holy Toledo was excellent. One correction - Toledo is remains a great place to live.
Bairon VasquezInteresting!Aaron Manhke’s ‘Cabinet of Curiosities’ is a great and entertaining way for new listeners like myself to get the synopsis of historic events. He sparks curiosity for stories I’d of never known existed. He also carries your attention by sprinkling dad jokes here and there, as well as speaking with intrigue and enthusiasm. The only criticism I have is the amount of ads that are run but it’s understandable…we all have to make money somehow. Can’t zonk him for that.
MarthoPoloLove it!Fun & fascinating!
noneoftheabove23WowAfter the disinformation on the Phoenix lights , I guess I’m done you can’t be trusted
Antcann924Love your work💙💙💙💙💙💙
ChelarayAwesomeThank you! Love this podcast.
jrferg172183Thank YouI appreciate and enjoy what you do, love history and you find very interesting and informative historical moments to highlight! Thank you!
Panda Ruler #1MonowiThat is so sad, but I have a story. So, one time I was looking up the smallest town in the USA. It obviously came up with Monowi. But it said the population of 2… 1 hour later… it said one… so… some one just died…
Grizzlymom2Long time fanI first started listening to Aaron Mahnke’s “Lore” back at the beginning of the show, and I was hooked. Since then, I have listened to all of the episodes of that podcast as well as “Grim & Mild.” One of my favorite podcasts, though, is “Cabinet of Curiosities “ - I have thoroughly enjoyed each episode and have learned so much about lots of little bits of topics. I remember when C of C started, thinking that it was a cool thing to have the bite size episodes. Thanks, Aaron, for all of your hard work and great stories!!
Brooke276OMG STOP WITH THE MUSIC!!I had to turn todays episode off because I couldn’t concentrate with the new music added. Some of us listen for knowledge; we don’t need or want annoying spa music
MiniVan MegaFunA creepy bit of history and humorI love how these stories fill my brain with even more useless facts
Cpelewpretty good!I really enjoy the “Cabinet of Curiosities” podcast! The stories are fascinating and well-researched. I appreciate the hosts engaging storytelling style- it really brings the topics to life. It’s a great way to learn something new while being entertained. I just wish the episodes were a bit longer, as I found myself wanting more!
Jaz RichardsonI really enjoyed listening to thisthis was really good. loved how explained everything detail by detail
pabloguitaroLate to the gameI am several years late to this, but it has now become my latest obsession. So far, I've loved every freaking thing that Aaron has produced.
DebhegPerfectAaron your podcast is the perfect way to start the day. Thanks!
jd the 1stReal quick and enjoyableThis podcast was not too bad, I really enjoyed hearing the interesting short stories it has to offer. I liked that they were straight to the point and had just the right amount of information to not leave me hanging. The only thing I disliked was that it did have a couple ads, but other than that, it was great!.
Gera_Gonzalez_77Beginner friendlyIt's a great podcast. I really don't listen to podcasts but this one was an interesting one. It would be awesome if it didn't have ads or the ads were shorter. Besides that the podcast it's alright nothing crazy just good.
Adriel.j.gToo many adsIf I'm being honest, I liked the random small bits of history that the podcast showcases, but I hate the fact that every 3 minutes there’s an ad. I’m really into the short random facts of history, so this podcast got me hooked, and everytime I’m working I would just put this podcast, but I find it really annoying the amount of ads on this podcast. I’m not trying to bash this podcast, but after reading a lot of other reviews I find that this is a big problem/criticism in many other reviews. This podcast could easily be improved by shortening the ads or putting less ads instead of six 30 second ads.
Crysta1l!Great and interestingThe podcast is interesting once it gets to the point. Unfortunately there are a lot of ads before you play it but it shouldn’t take more than two minutes. They do talk about interesting topics and you don’t get bored of them since they are up to only 11 minutes long.
AJBPs memawGreatCurious and educational! I enjoy every episode
LaneySueAhhh my nightly routine zzzzz*****My nightly routine is to listen to your podcasts. Your voice just relaxes me
Does not work. Do not buy.Shameless Money GrabI love Lore, but this show is nothing more than an excuse to provide the smallest possible amount of content while allowing for ads to be run. I just listened to an 11.5 minute show that had 5.5 minutes of ads, intro, more ads, background music, and credits. This left 6 minutes of an actual podcast. That is insulting and shows a lot of disregard for his audience. His content is always good so this is a huge disappointment.
MasterMECPAlways a hitAaron…bud… DemEEter
Wyattt dAll episodesAaron mahnky makes these episodes amazing with his funny dad jokes and rich history of folklore. I also love his other podcast lore. The emu war was a funny episode.
BlondeNurseBarbieOne of my most favorite podcasts!As always, another wonderful contribution to your collection of podcasts. I put on the ones that I haven’t played as of yet and listen to them all day!
Joc 76775467episode 590A bit naive. Don't believe all the government tells you about vaccines.
JkfssgvjllhvbCommercial CityI used to love this show and Lore, but the amount of annoying commercials has made me not want to listen anymore. Half the recording is commercials.
Bunny raptorI love it!It’s a great podcast and me and my mom listen to it all the time. It’s my favorite podcast ever but I sometimes go nuts when adds come. It would but great if the adds were shorter. Other than that the podcast is perfect and it’s amazing! 👍
aituzzipFast, fun, factsPerfect for random trivia in an engaging narrative.
Rainbow girl 😱😱Five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️So cool it looks and sounds so good best podcast ever
Duckie_suPa WizarD DuckLove it!!I love this podcast!! It’s so interesting to listen to. I cant remember which episode it was, but it was about this dog named Jim who saved his owner and another family from dying in their sleep from a gas leak. And at the end, when Jim died saving people yet again I actually choked up. I loved that story, Aaron, and it reminded me of my first dog who we had to put down. I don’t love the fact that there are a crazy amount of ads. 😭😭At least make it 1 Aaron Read ad instead of 5 loud, 25 sec ads. They are SO OBNOXIOUS!! I saw this suggestion on another persons rating, and I looked into it and it would be really cool if you did do Mike the Durable. I have been looking at other reviews, and I do agree that sometimes the ads do paint a picture of women being a lesser gender, and their skill being inadequate for many things. This I find disappointing and cruel, as women and men were created by God, and I believe he intended for men and women to be equals. If its and ad of Aaron reading off a card, or a company ad, its still disappointing.
EffenSebEpisode 07/18/2022 (apologies if my date is wrong)I love this channel, but, what I don’t love is the insanely misogynistic intones in your newest ad/commercial release of which I have listened to many times before making my comment. It reads as, “The woman can’t budget because they have the weaker gender, but here’s an app to help them!” Do you really view women as mathematically inept or are you reading cards to get the bonus from companies that extort that? Either way, it’s a disappointment.
Laura /L.A.PPerfect for me!I LOVE ALL of the episodes! The BEST! I listen to this ALL the time! I would listen to this in the car almost EVERY DAY(besides listening to Taylor Swift) I could never say everything I like about this podcast! (The length is perfect!👌) but I do wish there weren’t any adds but that’s okay. How do you find all the back round knowledge for these episodes?
stewhudFavoriteMy kids and I have binged all of these episodes. They ask for it over a movie in the car!!
K WinkShort and SweetThese stories are short and interesting. There are NOTHING like Aaron's other podcast "Lore". They tend to be more lighthearted and are about odd things from history instead of ghosts and monsters, although there are a few episodes. that touch on the supernatural.
4qigongCan’t wait for the next one!I have listened to the whole series twice and find it just the right length to get my mind to relax and refocus. Love the short length, sometimes it’s just enough to fit in my busy schedule.
Cala17The new ads are a big bummerI have to agree with the others that are saying the new ads are obnoxious. On Piece of Mind the ad kicked in before the story was even over. I’ve listened for a long time and enjoy it so much, but the new ads are taking away from the special nature of this show.
MaacoDaleGreat showAlways interesting and engaging. Keep up the good work!
greycatdotGreat bite sized historyFeels like I’m walking through a museum and another guest says “hey, you wanna hear about this thing?” Yeah I do!
BerovebearI LOVE THIS PODCAST!!!!!This podcast is amazing ,so keep it up with the great episodes and keep making the podcasts…also I love the puns so keep it up with them, ignore the bad comments.Keep up the episodes & podcasts!
TristaH1309Awesome stories for short attentionsCould you do a story on Mike the Durable (poison victim that eluded his killers for a while)?
Dorothy1918Favorite podcast unfollowedThis has been my favorite podcast for years and what got me into podcasts to begin with. I’ve always fallen asleep to the stories as they’re engaging enough to stop my mind from wandering but calming as well. The ads beginning the episodes now are loud and jarring as well as the ones throughout the episodes. I can longer relax to it and it’s sadly become unenjoyable. I don’t ever write reviews but am saddened by this change and hoping my reflection as well as the others I’ve read may change something. I understand the ads help to pay to keep the podcast going but maybe there is another way to incorporate the sponsors. I hope this podcast can return to what it used to be so I can enjoy it again ♥️
rucklehouseAdsI used to like the content but the ads got to be too much. I’d almost be ok with it if Aaron was still reading them but the show is a least 1/3 loud ads instead of 1 Aaron-read one like the old days
Ameltn46Too much Woke opinionsUse to love your content till you started putting little woke comments and digs through out your podcast and making fun of white people. You know racism is racism regardless of color, last time I checked Aaron you’re white. I understand that history is fully of people doing bad things but what good does it do to keep fanning the fire of division.
Tailgunner12great podcastsThis is a awesome podcast, and I recommend it to anyone I can
RStairsGood content, too many adsThis podcast is interesting and I used to love listening to it (been a subscriber for years), but these ads are too much. I can’t believe you can cram so many heinous ads into one 10 minute episode. They’re so loud they blast my ears to pieces every time they cut in, I can’t pick up my phone fast enough to skip them before the blood starts running down my cheeks. Not to mention they’re for the absolute worst companies. I’d take an ad for square space or hello fresh read by the host any day over these insane truck commercials. Grim and mild must really be hurting for money to have to make us endure this relentless advertising.
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