God Encounters Today Podcast


God Encounters are for everyone and God Encounters are for Today! James W. Goll, your host, has walked through countless moves of God in his 40+ years of ministry. In this podcast, James shares encounters from his walk with God, unpacks the word and answers some of today's hard questions.

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  • visconti2
    3 Silent open visions
    About 15 years ago now I went out to Vancouver to a supernatural conference, Patricia King‘s church when she was out there at that time and James Goll who would be speaking… I’m from Philadelphia and I felt the Lord told me to fly out there and that he would bless me… I went by myself… I had a great time at the conference… The last day of the conference, I was in the front row. I was bent over as if you’re tying your shoes… I could not sit back up right… Next thing, I know, James stop speaking and said “all right”, “all right “ he came over and grabbed my hand to took me out of my seat… audience was laughing because I was still bent over walking… I cannot stand up… James Goll tried to take me up the steps to the stage… But I cannot get up .. so from there, he put his hand on me and said “apostolic “ and I went down. I’m sharing this because the next day I had three open visions never had them in my life… Never had one again since… They were silent each of them… The first two were about America and they were not good… They were actually scary…( I remember asking in my heart am I going to be there?) But there was no answer.. But I won’t get into it here… but the third one was kind of nice… It was peaceful, I was a observer in each of the silent visions… So the third… Was a Stonehouse… With a Hi father, I’m gonna try one more time fireplace and queen Anne chair… That was red… With a red ottoman … And red tassels on the ottoman. somebody threw a newspaper, and as it landed on the ground, a beautiful red Irish setter came bouncing in very happy to retrieve the newspaper… And when that happened, all of a sudden the fireplace just went on in front of me… It was very peaceful, and that was the end of that open vision… To this day, I’m still trying to figure out what it meant… God bless bless
  • Rachel Renee Tucker
    Deep, Powerful, Consistent
    Not only is every episode rooted in the word of God, the man himself (and his late wife) have helped pioneer the prophetic movement so that the body of Christ can be equipped in moving forward in the ways of God.
  • Kafkasdrag
    Some people
    An old dude who’s stuck in the dark ages and refuses to come out.
  • turningaside
    Turning Aside
    Turning aside to allow God to realign us for the New Ear is a pleasurable and painful process, but I eagerly await the outpouring of the holy ghost (spirit) globally with salvation to all who are unctioned at this time. You spoke of addiction and I wanted to draw attention to that word ehichv is referenced once in the bible in an old KJV version in. 1 Corinthians 16:15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,) This household was addicted passionately to the WORD and ministred to those who were reformed, transformed and reset at that time. there is HOPE to those in addiction and they will arise and bear witness to the glory of GOD’s goodnes.
  • selsie
    Great teaching on Dream
    I am so thankful to God for leading to find this great man of God podcast . He has a wonderful gifting when it comes to dreams and also great teachings/ways to hear God voice. I have the pleasure of reading several of his books and I get new revelations each time I listen to his podcast. God bless you.
  • Michael44NC
    Great Podcast
    You won’t find a more seasoned teacher than James Goll. He gives us timely truths in very manageable half hour (or so) bites. Well produced and well worth a listen.
  • Shutter crazy
    Great Teaching
    I love these podcasts they have a deep level of teaching that are definitely not taught a lot today ! Thank you 🔥🕊🙏 I have been here since beginning . I just heard season 2 with Monday and you sang . The Lord releases such peace over me when I hear you sing 🎶 Blessings
  • Zionsmomma
    Joshua silverberg episode
    This one helped me so much. All great material! Thanks!!!
  • Kuakwnakakla
    Teenage Testimony
    Mr. Goll, I have another question. Do you have any testimonies from your walk with God when you were a teenager or being prepared to enter into college? Thank you! -Bella
  • TanyaLovesTheProphetic
    Dream Interpretation!
    As I’m listening to Knowing Gods Secrets the Lord reminded me of a dream I had a few years back with James Goll and Bill Johnson. I feel like God was giving me the interpretation as I listened to this podcast. It was about God cleansing me, teaching me, and personally inviting me to His sons wedding! The meaning now feels so obvious but I’ve been thinking on this dream for years ! Thank you Prophet James - Tanya
  • prismrandle
    I listen to this podcast on my drive into work. It gives me fuel for my day and reminds me that my hope is in God and He has equipped me for the battle. Thank you!!
  • TLopezOfficial
    Sweet Instruction.
    DEEP instruction from a sweet spirit. Love it.
  • JRC1992
    James Goll doesn't hold back!
    James Goll isn't afraid to speak what he believes God is showing him or has taught him. He has so many supernatural stories, prophetic insights, and spiritual teaching points. If you want to grow in the charismatic gifts, listen to this podcast!
  • Iron Caliber
    Love this! Hearing God stories is so wonderful! James does an amazing job!
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